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Bible Will I Find: Some Preachers Cannot Be Trusted? By: Gary Colley
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It does not make any preacher happy when other preachers do not “preach up to the teaching of the Bible.” Paul said there were those in his day who preached in such a way that they were “supposing to add affliction to my bonds” (Phil.1:16). Though we know there are some in every class and culture that do not act correctly, thereby throwing a shadow on all others of that profession, it is still a deep concern. This is especially true when a preacher’s dishonesty and deception is so flagrant as to disregard the safety of the souls of men (Matt.16:26). And some folks seem not to be “noble” enough to concern themselves with checking the teaching of a preacher with what the Bible says, to see if what they are hearing is true (Acts 17:11). We have recently heard on our local radio, a preacher who quoted in a Sunday morning pulpit only the first part of Matthew 28:19-20, saying the Bible says “Go teach all nations,” but who refused, because of his false creed, to read the rest of the passage, “baptizing them into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of he Holy Spirit.” He only wanted to teach lost souls to “pray the sinner’s prayer,” which cannot be found anywhere in the Bible! This is inexcusable conduct, for anyone to so hate the Lord’s teaching on baptism that he hypocritically pretends to be approved of God in his preaching (II Tim.2:15). James writes in the Bible, that these false teachers shall “receive the greater condemnation” (Jas.3:1). Jesus warned us about these types of preachers in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt.7:15). Paul warned against those who think themselves above that which is written (I Cor.4:6). Paul also charged Timothy not to be one who seeks to please men, and tickle the ears of the disobedient for gain (II Tim.4:1-5). Of himself Paul said, “For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ” (Gal.1:10). The apostle John warned, “Beloved, believe not every spirit (teacher GC), but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world” (I Jn.4:1). The only safe course for any preacher, especially in view of eternity, is to preach the “whole counsel of God” on every subject. This type of preaching may not please all of the people, but it will please God, and those of good and honest heart, and make a preacher “pure from the blood of all men” (Acts 20:26-27). We must speak only as the oracles of God, and preach the very Word of God, instead of human tradition and ritualism (I Thess.2:13; I Pet.4:11). If people gullibly follow these false preachers, their worship will be vain, and their souls will be lost (Matt.15:9; Rev.22:14). –Gary Colley