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Bible Will I Find: How To See Good Days In Life? By: Gary Colley
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Some think their life is so dull and discouraging that there is to be no happiness for them. If as some proclaim, “there is no God” (Psa.14:1), this might be the case. There would not be right and wrong, good and evil, love and hope, and therefore nothing but despair, if there is no God! But there is the true and living God, who created man and woman (Gen.1:26-27), created the beauties of earth for their happiness (Gen.1:1), and who supplies all of the earth’s daily needs (Matt.5:45). Yet because man does not realize and accept his personal responsibility to work with his hands, rebels against the Will of God, and does not labor to make the world a better place, some miss the good days that could be theirs (II Thess.3:10). Peter writes, “For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: Let him eschew (refuse GC) evil, and do good; let him seek peace and ensue (pursue GC) it. For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil” (I Pet.3:10-12). The precious gift of life is from God, and is to be used to the fullest of our ability to serve our Creator as we live for His Son Jesus the Christ. When we abide in His church or body and seek it first, we know all needed things will be added to our lives (Eph.1:22-23; 4:4; Matt.6:33). We should awake each day with the question on our minds, “What good thing can I do today to serve God as a Christian, and help others?” (Acts 20:35). This does not mean there will be no difficulties, disappointments, or disagreements, but it does mean as we walk by faith that there will be nothing we cannot handle (Phil.4:13). If we have not already done so, let us learn to appreciate and reverence God (Ecc.12:13). Let us apply God’s Word to our lives each day, as we study His Word to show ourselves approved in His sight (II Tim.2:15). No only will good days be the result of such living, but the hope of Heaven will also be in our view (Heb.11:1). When we are conforming our lives by acting in harmony with God’s Word, we will not allow the world to pour us into its mold, but we will be “transformed by the renewing of our minds” (Rom.12:1-2). Let us not trust our own thoughts and ways, but rather seek for God’s thoughts and His Way, which are far higher than our own (Isa.55:8-9). Let us “refrain our tongue from evil, and our lips that they speak no guile” (I Pet.3:10). This kind of life will make our home a place of honor. We will lead our family and friends in the right way (Eph.6:4). Let us attend the worship services of the Lord’s church, with our family, every time the doors are open! By following God’s wise counsel, we will have a life filled with happiness and joy!
--Gary Colley