Bible Will I Find: Forbidden Changes Of "The Change Agents"? By: Gary Colley
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Jesus said, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (Jn.8:32). When one knows the Truth, the forbidden changes of the “Change Agents” and their condemning errors becomes evident. Mature Christians are able to see the departures from the Word of God (II Jn.1:9-11). But the younger, immature, novices, or beginning students of the Word, are often deceived by what Paul called the “slight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive” (Eph.4:14). Those who call themselves “Change Agents” are today leading young folks away from the faith, and “the hope of the Gospel” (Col.1:23). The anchor for the soul, the moorings of Truth, are being ignored by these to the extent that they are even establishing their own “Community Churches,” though foreign to the churches of Christ revealed in the New Testament. These “grievous wolves” (Acts 20:28-32; Matt.7:15) seek to “draw away disciples after them” and away from the Lord and His church in which salvation is found (Acts 4:12; Eph.1:3; 5:23). What are some of the changes on their agenda? 1. They abandon the plea for unity based in the New Testament (Jn.17:20-21; I Cor.1:10). 2. They change the plan of worship revealed in the New Testament (Jn.4:24), for “a celebration” with clapping, lifting of hands, swaying, and other such actions to appeal to the emotions instead of the Bible heart. 3. They extend fellowship to denominations without seeking to correct the errors (Eph.5:11). 4. They advocate unscriptural concepts of the “direct” operation of the Holy Spirit, separate from and in addition to the Word of God (II Tim.3:16-17). 5. They press for following the “New Hermeneutics” or new interpretation of the Bible in order to follow their own pernicious ways. 6. They teach that the lost are saved by grace alone, and that men are not to obey the Lord in the Heavenly works given for those “created in Christ Jesus unto good works” (Mk.16:15-16; Eph.2:8-10). 7. These approve and accept those living in adultery, who are divorced and remarried for reasons other than “fornication” or “death” (Matt.19:8-9; Rom.7:1-4). 8. They accept those into their fellowship who have not been baptized “for the remission” of past sins (Acts 2:38-41). 9. They advocate performances in worship, in preaching, “singing teams,” and dramatic plays instead of pleasing God in preaching, congregational singing, etc. (I Cor.1:18, 21; Eph.5:18-19). 10. They ignore the teaching of the Bible by using women instead of men in acts of leadership in the church (I Tim.2:8-15). We warn those who belong to or follow the change movement, that these changes will not please God (Rev.22:18-19; Rom.1:18).-Gary Colley