All those whom God has predestinated unto life, and those only, He is pleased, in His appointed and accepted time, effectually to call, by His Word and Spirit, out of that state of death, in which they are by nature, to grace and salvation by Jesus Christ; enlightening their minds spiritually and savingly, to understand the things of God; taking away their heart of stone, and giving them a heart of flesh; renewing their wills, and by His almighty power determining them to Jesus Christ, yet so as they come most freely, being made willing by His grace. "This effectual call is of God's free and special grace alone, not from any thing at all foreseen in man, who is altogether passive therein, until, being quickened and renewed by the Holy Spirit, he is thereby enabled to answer this call, and to embrace the grace offered and conveyed by it. (The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination, Loraine Boettner, p.162)
Although the general outward call of the gospel can be, and often is, rejected, the special inward call of the Spirit never fails to result in the conversion of those to whom it is made. This special call is not made to all sinners but is issued to the elect only! The Spirit is in no way dependent upon their help or cooperation for success in His work of bringing them to Christ. It is for this reason that Calvinists speak of the Spirit's call and of God's grace in saving sinners as being "efficacious," "invincible," or "irresistible," for the grace which the Holy Spirit extends to the elect cannot be thwarted or refused, it never fails to bring them to true faith in Christ. (p.49)
"Keep up the good work. So many today compromise so much we have
lost sight of the command to contend for the faith. I still believe
we are commanded to contend for the faith as to be baptized. The
truth is just not being taught as it once was" ...Bob Wagner,
Tallahassee, FL. "With so many churches falling by the
Liberal wayside, we thank you for your stand for Truth"
...Dwight & Lois Duncan, Holden, MO. "Seek The Old
Paths is much needed in the brotherhood" ...Frank &
Grace Carriger, Skidmore, TX. "Remove our name from your
mailing list" ...John Sledge, Lexington, AL. "We, my
wife and I, really appreciate the work you're doing, especially
since the Liberals are trying to take over the church. We really
enjoy "Seek The Old Paths." Keep up the "Good
Work!" ...Malcolm & Margaret Halford, Norfolk, VA. "I
appreciate so much the fact that your publication is 'truth
according to the scriptures.' The church very much needs this kind
of reminder that we must obey God as He commands. Thank you so
much!" ...Nashville, TN. "Take me off your mailing list!
Thank you!" ...Gary Atkins, Shamrock, TX. "I would like
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check to help cover the cost for our news letter. Thanks again. I
look forward to many issues to come" ...Lesha Lott, Richton,
MS. "I would like a subscription to Seek The Old
Paths. I got the address off the internet. Thanks for any
help you may offer" ...Danny Fyffe, Richardson, TX.
"Thank you so much for your stand in Christ and His Kingdom. You
are in our prayers each day. Keep on keeping on. Love in Christ"
...Mack Bennett, Bluff City, TN. "We appreciate and
rejoice that you are putting out such a fine paper. It will do the
good work if people will only READ, PONDER AND EXECUTE"
...Ector Watson, Cleveland, OK. "I enjoy
Seek The Old Paths. I am receiving this
publication currently. Enclosed is a check to help out with
expenses. Keep up the good work!" ...James L. Shaver, Flint,
MI. "I would very much like to receive Seek The Old
Paths" ...V. Glenn McCoy, Yorba Linda, CA. "I
would appreciate your paper, Seek The Old Paths"
...Gene Pegg, McMinnville, TN. "Even here in northern
Ohio the change agents are making their presence known. It has
been brought to my attention that your paper, Seek The Old
Paths, has much valuable information about those
pernicious doctrines that are making inroads into the Lord's Body.
I would like to be put on your mailing list. Thank you and God
bless your work" ...James Hiser, Lorain, OH. "I really
appreciate getting your fine paper! Your work is truly touching
many hearts and lives for good. May God bless you as you teach the
Truth in Love!" ...Bob Dodson, Hemet, CA. "Could you
please add my name to your mailing list to your paper Seek
The Old Paths. I appreciate good material that is sound
and true to the Bible. Thank you for your work to defend the truth"
...Samuel L. Troute, Washington Court House, OH. "Our
name was placed on your mailing list without our knowledge. We
appreciate what has been sent, but also ask that you please remove
us" ...M. Scott Farley, Marion, OH. "Would you please
add our name to your mailing list. Enjoy Seek The Old
Paths so very much. Keep up the good work printing the
Truth. God Bless your efforts" ...Ralph and
Martha Seckel, Bucyrus, OH. "I enjoy your fine paper
Seek The Old Paths. Your articles are timely and much
needed" ...Marlin Kilpatrick, Lawrenceburg, TN. "I'm
enclosing a contribution for distributing the paper. It's such a
wonderful, scriptural publication it's hard to imagine people not
wanting to receive it. Of course we know there are many who don't
choose to hear and obey the truth" ...Nampa, ID. "I
would like to be put on your mailing list to receive Seek
The Old Paths. A friend gave me some copies and I really
enjoyed reading them. Thank you very much" ...Virginia Sisco,
Bolivar, TN. "I enjoy reading Seek The Old Paths
and a good friend of mine wants to be put on the list.
Keep up the good work with your ministry. Please keep sending the
magazine to me" ...Toni Arnold, Union City, TN. "Hello
to whom this letter may concern, and how are you? I'm a member of
the Lord's church and a subscriber of Seek The Old Paths.
I am writing this letter of appreciation for the stand
that you are taking for the Lord and His church. We, the members of
the church of Christ, here on the Price Daniel prison unit are very
grateful for your publications. Of course there are some members
here as well as probably in the free-world who will raise their
noses to such truth. But there are still some bulwarks of the faith
who love the truth rather than the praises of men. I have two guys
here who asked me to send in their names to be on your mailing
list. I would appreciate it if you could please add them to your
mailing list. This would be a great gift to them. I encourage you
to continue in your thirst for truth and to never be moved away
from the hope that lies within you. Your labor is not in vain. We
do have a new chaplain here who is a member of the church of Christ
who is pretty liberal. He is trying to start a mixed fellowship
here with the church of Christ and the Protestants. He says that
the church of Christ here is too narrow and too far to the right.
When asked the question of how broad does he want us to be. He
isn't dogmatic in saying that he just wants us to embrace those in
the denominational world who are not walking according to truth and
accept them as our brothers in Christ. This is a good reason for
your publication being spread throughout the Lord's church here. To
warn against such change agents as him. Thanks again for your stand
in the gospel Truth. May God bless you. Love in Christ"
...Snyder, TX. "I have just read one of your papers
Seek The Old Paths. Enjoyed it very much. If you are
still sending it out please place my name on your mailing list"
...Doyle Castleberry, Brasstown, NC. "I have been
reading Seek The Old Paths. I would like to be
put on the mailing list" ...Virginia Wright, Elyria, OH.
"I would like to receive your Seek The Old Paths
publication. Thank you" ...David Carriger, Osage City, KS.
"Please put us on your mailing list for Seek The Old
Paths" ...Tom and Rhonda Taylor, Elizabethtown, KY.
"I received your mailout Seek The Old Paths
for some time and I really enjoyed reading it. I want to
take this opportunity to thank you for standing firm on the word of
God. In this day and time we must always be ready to fight with
Satan within some of our own congregations. Continue the good work"
...Neel Bennett, Decaur, AL. "Please put my name on your
mailing list. Thank you" ...W. A. Herring, Lake Park, GA.
"I appreciate very much the work that you do with the
publication and the lectureship" ...Mark Lance, Cordova, TN.
Return to Table of Contents
9:30 | The Origin of Marriage and the Home -- A Divine Institution . . . . . . . . . . Windell Fikes | .
10:30 | God's Purpose of Marriage and the Home. . . . . . . . . . Garland Robinson | .
7:00 | |
8:00 | God's Word on Divorce and Remarriage. . . . . . . . Terry Joe Kee | .
9:00 | After the Honeymoon (Dealing with Troubled Marriages). . . . . . . . . . Jim Blankenship | .
10:00 | The Home Under Attack, #1: TV, abortion, immodesty, homosexuality, drugs . . . . . . . . . . Mark Lindley | .
11:00 | Definitions: fornication, adultery, separation, divorce, put away, effeminate, natural affection, abusers of themselves with mankind, love, forgiveness. . . . . . Virgil Hale | .
1:30 | Why marriages fail, Things which cause Problems in a marriage, Why one becomes unfaithful . . . . . . . . Wayne Cox | .
2:30 | Questions: Does Paul contradict Jesus, Can the guilty party remarry, Can one forgive their spouse of fornication and still put them away, etc. What does it mean to marry "only in the Lord," What does it mean to be "bound to a wife" and "loosed from a wife?" . . . . . . . Chuck Northrop | .
7:00 | The Responsibility of Children to Parents . . . . . . . Nat Evans | .
8:00 | The Responsibility of Parents to Children . . . . . . Ed Casteel | .
9:00 | | .
10:00 | Facing Tragedies and Adversities in the Home . . . . . . Joe Nichols | .
11:00 | | .
1:30 | |
2:30 | Questions: Can one live in adultery, Do Christ's words apply today and to all men, Does God call for the separation of those in adultery, Does baptism wash away adultery, What does it mean to abide in the same calling wherein you were called? . . . . . Ken Burleson | .
7:00 | The Home Under Attack, #2: atheism, evolution, humanism, secular education, denominationalism, etc. . . . . . . Gilbert Gough | .
8:00 | How to Keep your Children Faithful . . . . . . . James Boyd | .
9:00 | Following Christ's Example in the Home . . . . . . G. W. Childs | .
10:00 | Your Occupation Affects the Home . . . . . . Bryan Hodge | .
11:00 | How to Strengthen the Home, What the Home needs now . . . . . . Richard Guill | .
1:30 | |
2:30 | Questions: What about same sex marriages, What if one is a eunuch, May wives and daughters lead prayer at home, What affect do government programs have on the home, What about "mental adultery?" . . . . . . Toney Smith | .
7:00 | The Role of Wife and Mother in the Home . . . . . Ted Thrasher | .
8:00 | The Role of Husband and Father in the Home . . . . . . Guy Hester | .
9:00 | Authority in the Home . . . . . . Alan Adams | .
10:00 | |
11:00 | The Joy of the Christian Home (no place like home) . . . . . . Jimmie Hill | .
1:30 | Discipline in the Home (all family members) . . . . . . . . Walter Pigg | .
2:30 | Questions: Who can get married, Is desertion a cause for divorce and remarriage, What is "due benevolence," Was Jesus narrow-minded? . . . . . . Jimmy Bates | .
7:00 | The Home as God Would Have It . . . . . . Bill Crossno | .
8:00 | Our Heavenly Home . . . . . . Charles Blair |
Seek The Old Paths $5 (includes postage) Make check payable to Old Paths Publishing 304 Ripley St. Corinth, MS 38834 Only 200 printed! The 1996 Volume is still available The 1995 Volume has been sold out |
        1997 -- The Church At Colosse, $5         1996 -- The Seven Churches of Asia, $5         1995 -- The Church at Corinth, $4         1994 -- Immorality, $3.50 (sold out)         1990 -- New Testament Questions, $3.00         1989 -- Old Testament Questions, $2.00         Preparing For The Eldership, $2.00         The Race That Is Set Before Us, $8.00 -- 1996 Garfield Heights Lectureship Book                 2-3 books, $2.25 For each additional book, add 50 cents. All books are sold by Old Paths Publishing, not the church. Send order to: Old Paths Publishing 304 Ripley St. Corinth, MS 38834 |
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