        The following appeared in the
Seibles Road Church of Christ bulletin, dated...
O. B. Porterfield
        It can no longer be said that these
men are drifting from the Truth. They have hit it head on and have
gone a long way to believing and teaching error.
        The following information documents
statements made by some who are and have been invited to be
speakers at the infamous Jubilee in Nashville.
USED ALL AROUND THE COUNTRY. Some of these have been invited to
congregations in our city and to our area (Montgomery, Alabama).
Parents, youth ministers, elders, deacons and preachers continue to
send and encourage young AND OLD people to hear the blasphemy these
represent and preach.
        Please keep this information, warn
others and encourage them to avoid these false teachers.
        "And I really want you to get
used to being with a lot of Christians, because in spite of what
some of my brothers think, I think there's going to be a ton of
folks that God's going to give grace and mercy to... I don't
think...a small crowd...."
        Comment on John 17:20-21: "The text
says believers -- those who say `Yes, Jesus is the Christ,' `Yes,
He is divine,' `Yes, He is Lord'...Jesus asked that we should throw
the calf rope around all of those who just believe in Him and pray
and work for the unity of all believers...True commitment to Jesus
will cause me to be out there rubbing shoulders with all
believers...and causes me to work towards oneness with every
believer in Jesus."
Jeff Walling, speech at Tulsa Soul-Winning
Workshop on Unity; Jeff is scheduled to speak at Jubilee in 1994.
        He spoke of being from "the
non-instrumental group of our fellowship...I don't go around the
country preaching against instrumental music...."
Jeff Walling, speech at Ozark Christian
College (a Christian Church school) at Joplin, MO, 1987.
        "We do not contribute one whit to
our salvation."
Rubel Shelly, Love Lines
(Woodmont Hills bulletin, 10/31/90.
        "Under grace, you can only be
justified by faith. Our salvation arises entirely and only from
grace...not by one act of duty, not by one deed of obedience, not
by one righteous thing we do. It is entirely of grace through
        "A girl requesting baptism said, she
didn't believe she could save herself by what she was doing. I
said, `No, you can't.' The understanding of baptism that is
biblical (baptism is an act of faith) is Paul's in Romans 6."
Rubel Shelly, "A Christian Antinomy" at the
1991 Jubilee, "Room at the Cross."
        "Jesus says, look, if you
understand a court of law, just to get a divorce is to be guilty of
adultery. Remember, adultery is not a sexual word. Fornication is
the sexual word. The word adultery means covenant breaking.
Adultery means disloyalty to pledges and covenants. So Jesus says
don't get involved in divorce because divorce itself is adultery.
Forget remarriage. Remarriage is not what makes it adultery. It's
divorce that's covenant breaking."
        "Obeying laws doesn't put a person
into the kingdom of God."
        "I'm not sure there is any sense in
which the law of Moses is abrogated."
Rubel Shelly, sermon at Woodmont Hills Church
of Christ on the Sermon on the Mount, 2/7/88.
        "I reject pattern theology...
I am not looking for a pattern; I am looking for a person... Acts
and the epistles have been core documents in our restoration
project. I think this is a mistake... we do not need to start in
Acts and the epistles. If we start in Acts and the epistles, we
are copying a copy... We are not trying to reproduce the first
century church... eccentricity, a foolish thing to do... the church
has never existed... true church -- an arrogant claim... the one
thing that will cut us off from God is to make that kind of
arrogant claim."
Rubel Shelly, Missouri Street, West Memphis,
AR, April 20-21, 1990.
        "...We have so distorted this idea
of headship and submission that we have created a pathological
marriage model. We have equated and we have preached the idea of
headship means power and control. I'm in charge, I'm primary, I'm
the most important one in this family... Headship in New Testament
times had nothing to do with power and control... I don't know if
this will blow your mind or not but the more conservative the
churches are the more incest you have in families."
Gayle Napier, David Lipscomb University
Lectureship: Family of Families, panel discussion, 6/14/91.
        "...Let's not limit the kingdom of
God to the size of our brotherhood... this is what I heard... the
only people that could go to heaven were in churches of Christ...
I'm going to suggest to you not only is that not Biblical, but it
is in fact a violation of the very restoration plea to which we are
heirs...when I accept someone who has believed and repented and
been born again of water and the Spirit that does not necessarily
mean I endorse everything he says or does. And let me say this
clearly, I have brothers and sisters in Christ who may be in
churches where I couldn't worship... But if grace will cover moral
error, why are we so afraid to let it cover doctrinal error?..."
Rick Atchley, sermon entitled "Don't Bother
Your Brother" preached at Richland Hills Church of Christ, Ft.
Worth, TX on 10/14/90. Rick is scheduled to speak at Jubilee in
        "Max Lucado, Pulpit Minister,
Oak Hills Church of Christ... will speak at St. John Neumann church
(this is a Roman Catholic group), 7:00 p.m. Monday, Dec. 4th,
`Getting to Know Jesus Personally'." -- San Antonio Express-News,
Sat., Dec. 2, 1989. "Trinity Church Family Center... will feature
guest speaker Max Lucado at 7:30 pm April 6..." Tulsa World.
"CHRIST IN EASTER A Family Celebration of Holy Week by Charles
Colson, Billy Graham, Max Lucado, Joni Eareckson Tado" book is a
NavPress publication.
        "The Bible is a love letter as
opposed to a blueprint... for me, for years, Christianity was a
moral code. It is now becoming a love affair. For years there
were rules and regulations, now it's a relationship." Tulsa World,
Max Lucado, scheduled to speak at Jubilee in
        "Churches of Christ are
desperately in need of more boundary... we need to burst some
conventional, convenient wineskin... Since Wineskin's purpose is to
contribute to church renewal in Churches of Christ, we must begin
with this basic Christian conviction: ultimately, renewal comes
from the Spirit of God...renewal is coming; we cannot constrain
Mike Cope, co-editor of Wineskins,
June 1992, p.3.
        "...We want to provide a
well-aimed forum for church renewal among Churches of Christ. And
true church renewal means... a fresh awareness of the power of the
Holy Spirit."
Mike Cope, Wineskins, May 1992,
        "We are thrilled to announce
the addition of Marvin Phillips... as adjunct professor in our
Masters Program." President Young, Kentucky Christian College (a
Christian Church school), April 1986. "I don't take the Firm
Foundation and the Gospel Advocate... I read Zig Zigler. Schuller
is great. Peale is a personal friend..." When discussing the
matter of not having Christian Church preachers on the Tulsa
Workshop: "We'd have people who would not come to the Workshop any
more if I had an instrumentalist on it."
Marvin Phillips, taped class sessions,
Kentucky Christian College
        "I really hesitate to do this
on tape. Turn the tape off. I have preached and believed, I
believe deeply that the New Testament teaches that salvation is a
free gift of God, period. You are saved by grace alone... Now,
Mother Teresa hasn't been baptized by immersion for the forgiveness
of sins... But if you ask me what happens to the person who loves
their God, and loves Jesus Christ, and hasn't seen it that way...
when a person follows the will of God as far as they understand it,
God accepts that person... The church that says if you only go to
church of Christ stuff... that church is going to be down to
nothing in the 1990's. Whether you like it or not that's the
Randy Mayeux, sermon "The Church of the 90's
Will Celebrate Genuine Diversity" delivered at Lubbock Civic
Center, Oct 16-19, 1990, Jubilee speaker 1991.
        "I don't know about you but
I hope Billy Graham gets some response when he preaches behind the
Iron Curtain. I really do... And I will tell you personally, you
feel free to disagree, I pray that God will bless the preaching of
Billy Graham behind the Iron Curtain. I pray that unashamedly..."
Refers to Billy Graham as "a believer in Christ who doesn't quite
understand baptism the way we do."
Randy Mayeux, Lubbock sermon, 10/90.
        541 Seibles Rd.
        Montgomery, AL 36116
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