9:00 |
After the Honeymoon (Dealing with Troubled
Marriages). . . . . . . . . .
Jim Blankenship
| .
10:00 |
The Home Under Attack, #1: TV, abortion,
immodesty, homosexuality, drugs
. . . . . . . . . . Mark Lindley
| .
11:00 |
Definitions: fornication,
adultery, separation, divorce, put away, effeminate, natural
affection, abusers of themselves with mankind, love, forgiveness.
. . . . .
Virgil Hale
| .
1:30 |
Why marriages fail, Things which cause Problems
in a marriage, Why one becomes unfaithful . . . . . . . .
Wayne Cox
| .
2:30 |
Questions: Does Paul
contradict Jesus, Can the guilty party remarry, Can one forgive
their spouse of fornication and still put them away, etc. What does
it mean to marry "only in the Lord," What does it mean to be "bound
to a wife" and "loosed from a wife?"
. . . . . . . Chuck Northrop
| .
7:00 |
The Responsibility of Children to Parents . . .
. . . . Nat Evans
| .
8:00 |
The Responsibility of Parents to Children . . .
. . . Ed Casteel
9:00 |
A Successful Marriage takes
two, a Partnership, Ingredients of a Successful Marriage . . . . .
Ferrell Hester
| .
10:00 |
Facing Tragedies and Adversities in the Home . .
. . . . Joe Nichols
| .
11:00 |
Unique Situations: elderly
parents and grandparents, in-laws, step-parents, step-children,
foster children . . . . . . John Grubb
| .
1:30 |
The Home and Congregation
Each Other . . . . . . . Lenard Hogan
| .
2:30 |
Questions: Can one live in adultery, Do Christ's
words apply today and to all men, Does God call for the separation
of those in adultery, Does baptism wash away adultery, What does it
mean to abide in the same calling wherein you were called? . . . .
. Ken Burleson
| .
7:00 |
The Home Under Attack, #2: atheism, evolution,
humanism, secular education, denominationalism, etc. . . . . . .
Gilbert Gough
| .
8:00 |
How to Keep your Children Faithful . . . . . . .
James Boyd
9:00 |
Following Christ's Example in the Home . . . . .
. G. W. Childs
| .
10:00 |
Your Occupation Affects the Home . . . . . .
Bryan Hodge
| .
11:00 |
How to Strengthen the Home, What the Home needs
now . . . . . . Richard Guill
| .
1:30 |
The Home Likely Determines
the Destiny of the
Children . . . . . . . Robin Haley
| .
2:30 |
Questions: What about same sex marriages, What if
one is a eunuch, May wives and daughters lead prayer at home, What
affect do government programs have on the home, What about "mental
adultery?" . . . . . . Toney Smith
| .
7:00 |
The Role of Wife and Mother in the Home . . . .
. Ted Thrasher
| .
8:00 |
The Role of Husband and Father in the Home . . .
. . . Guy Hester
9:00 |
Authority in the Home . . . . . . Alan Adams
| .
10:00 |
When the Children Leave
Home (the empty nest) . . . . . Charles Leonard
| .
11:00 |
The Joy of the Christian Home (no place like
home) . . . . . . Jimmie Hill
| .
1:30 |
Discipline in the Home (all family members) . .
. . . . . . Walter Pigg
| .
2:30 |
Questions: Who can get married, Is desertion a
cause for divorce and remarriage, What is "due benevolence," Was
Jesus narrow-minded? . . . . . . Jimmy Bates
| .
7:00 |
The Home as God Would Have It . . . . . .
Bill Crossno
| .
8:00 |
Our Heavenly Home . . . . . . Charles Blair