This Issue...
Steven Yeatts
The Highland Church of Christ in Columbia, Tennessee,
recently lost their preacher, Larry Rogers. He did not
leave because of failing health, or being fired, or desiring a
secular career. He left to begin a new congregation, the Maury
Hills Church of Christ. This congregation now meets in the
former First Baptist Church Building on West 8th Street in
Columbia, Tennessee. I obtained a copy of the master plan Larry
Rogers has in mind for this new work via a sister in Christ who
lives in the Columbia, Tennessee area. The title reads --
Maury Hills Church of Christ -- A Dynamic Vision for Maury
County. The appropriate heading should have read --
The Blueprints for Apostasy.
The blueprints for the Maury Hills church begin with the
following mission statement -- To rejoice in the unifying
diversity of God's grace, seeking to glorify Him in all
things. The forked-tongued doublespeak, unifying
diversity, is a troubling phrase because the mantra
(formula) of the change agents throughout the years has always been
some sort of self-enlightened statement such as unity in
diversity or something similar. The statement itself, even if
it were harmless, has an agenda behind it that is dangerous and is
damaging to the true unity taught in the New Testament (John
17:20-21; Eph. 4:4-6).
Rogers outlines the Purposes of the Maury
Hills Church as follows: 1) to pray, 2) To exist in diverse unity,
3) To evangelize the lost world, 4) To serve and worship God with
simplicity, 5) To develop a dynamic youth program which is in
touch, 6) To be available for broken families, especially
single Moms, 7) To spread love and joy throughout the community, 8)
To be a spiritual hospital where broken lives are mended,
9) To live and teach the compassion and new beginning of Jesus, 10)
To do a few ministries very well instead of several ministries
poorly. On face value these purposes (goals) may seem to be noble
ones, short of that red flag phrase in purpose number two --
diverse unity, so what is the problem?
Under the heading of Worship, Rogers stresses the
need for less formal structure, seeker-oriented, upbeat
and positive. Also Rogers cites the need to
Incorporate healthy emotion and encourage open sharing.
Additionally, Rogers indicates that worship should
Focus primarily on AM worship, with options for PM
worship/fellowship. Again, the red flags start waving.
Less formal structure, seeker-oriented, upbeat and positive are
vague intentions indeed, but it is certainly clear from what
follows that such intentions are reprehensible when it comes to
Rogers' desire to abandon the purity of the New Testament church
for which our Saviour died.
Under the heading of Youth Program, Rogers
indicates that this will be the most emphasized ministry
for the new church. Again this goal is not without some
level of merit, considering the needs for providing supplemental
spiritual instruction in the church to bolster what children are
receiving in the home, or in fact, to give some children the
spiritual instruction that is totally lacking in the home (Eph.
6:4; 2 Tim. 1:5; 3:15). Rogers additionally mandates that the Maury
Hills youth will attend Winterfest and other impacting
youth functions. That Winterfest and such like affect
our youth is not an understatement. The serious issue is how the
children are affected, and in regard to the doctrine of the New
Testament our children are most adversely affected at events such
as Winterfest. Jeff Walling, a prominent change agent, and previous
Winterfest speaker is one whose acerbic (sarcastic) attacks against
the Lord's church are well documented. Walling was a regular
speaker on the now defunct Jubilee. Walling used the Jubilee forum
as a platform to spew forth his viciously irreverent rhetoric and
denigration of the pattern of worship for the New Testament church.
Winterfest (as exposed in S.T.O.P. in previous articles)
is a hot-bed of apostasy and digression that any spiritually wise
parent would be sure to keep from influencing their children.
The Maury Hills Church of Christ is not following a new
set of blueprints to be sure. This model has been followed before
and the deifying of the more prominent change agents
(i.e. Jeff Walling, John Mark Hicks, Rubel Shelly, et al) is always
a major part of the plan when following the blueprints for
Under the aegis (protection) of Outreach, Rogers proposes
a "30-minute weekly television program (taped at the
Madison Church of Christ studios). It should not be
surprising that the Madison Church would extend the right hand of
fellowship to such an effort, they [the Madison church] of
raising their arms and clapping during songs infamy
as noted in the Summer of 2001 in Nashville's newspaper, The
Tennessean. One wonders if the Maury Hills church will also
follow the example of the Madison church in regard to having
lead singers being placed at microphones, as also
chronicled in the same Tennessean article. Under the
somewhat miscellaneous heading, Other Matters, Rogers
lists some of his heroes when it comes to the
postmodern church of Christ. One of his suggestions is
that the Maury Hills church send a team of men to visit other
churches from which ideas can come (i.e. Twickenham-Huntsville,
Richland Hills-Ft. Worth, and Highland-Memphis). The Twickenham
church rings a bell. They are the pioneers (at least among the
churches of Christ) of the Andy Griffith approach to
worship that the change agent churches have openly embraced and
utilized. Also listed as a goal is a visit with Dr. John
Mark Hicks of Lipscomb who has been involved in church
planting. It is true that Hicks has been involved in
church planting -- he has been very instrumental in planting the
type of church that Rogers is planting -- the change-agent church,
which is really a community church, masquerading as a congregation
of the Lord's people.
Larry Rogers does not really have any new ideas for
his church. It is just a hodgepodge of recycled apostasy
that has already been used in many areas to deceive the hearts of
the simple (Rom. 16:18). His postmodern prescription for
spirituality is nothing more than a dead run towards
denominationalism. His unconscionable audacity in outlining his
apostasy for all to see is just another indicator of the seared
conscience of one who blatantly departs from the faith (1 Tim.
3:1-2). If his blueprints ended there it would be evidence enough
to mark Larry Rogers as a schismatic and dangerous brother, but
there is more.
Under the title The following are reasons that I
am pessimistic about the future for Highland Church of Christ,
Rogers assaults the marriage/divorce position of the
elders at Highland from whence he departed. While not
straightforwardly stating his own position regarding
marriage, divorce and remarriage, the strong implication is that
the words of our Saviour in Matthew chapters 5 and 19 will not be
the standard observed. Creating a loophole around our Saviour's
standard for marriage, divorce, and remarriage is consistently one
of the benchmarks of the change-agent churches.
In point number four under his reasons for pessimism,
Rogers wrote, Some 50% of the membership (probably a
majority) has been brain-washed with legalistic theology for their
entire lives, and convinced that it must be predominate. They are
not going to change their view of salvific judgmentalism. These are
people who are not open to new thoughts or who study for themselves
(although they are great people). They have not been required to
sit through hundreds of hours of graduate work. This does not mean
that they are bad people, but they are just firmly convinced that
their beliefs are right. They are comfortable with biblical
Point number ten from the list of pessimisms is that
It is obvious that most of our people do not want a
contemporary praise service. They feel more comfortable in a
1950s-style service and this is only going to bring more
Rogers goes on to disparage the elders because they
believe that the church of Christ is absolutely 'The Only
Church' to the extent of condemning all others who do not subscribe
to their beliefs, practices (i.e. worship music, marriage/divorce,
Holy Spirit, and church membership are Heaven & Hell issues).
Rogers continues to pontificate, This fundamental,
self-defeating belief is at the root of every single decision. In
their view, there is no room for gray issues or diverse unity.
Although I try to appreciate their sincerity, I believe that taking
the elders' position will bring condemnation from God. For me this
is a matter of serious concern for my soul's salvation. It is
wholly theological!
It is noteworthy that throughout this discourse by one who
decries biblical illiteracy on the part of
some members of the Lord's church, not one shred of Scriptural
authorization is offered to support his accusations, beliefs, and
apostasy. These blueprints for apostasy have the Devil himself as
the architectural designer. The foundation for the Maury Hills
church most assuredly is not built upon the apostles and
prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone
(Eph. 2:20). The foundation for the Maury Hills church is the
ever-shifting sand built upon by headstrong men who hear the
sayings of Christ and refuse to do them (Matt. 7:26). Indeed, as
Jesus said, Every plant which my heavenly Father hath not
planted shall be rooted up (Matt. 15:13). Sadly, though,
before being extirpated by the God of heaven, churches such as the
Maury Hills church will have already led precious souls into the
same ditch that the blind, yet self-proclaimed enlightened leaders
have dug for themselves and their followers.
The diverse unity proposition asserted by
Larry Rogers is the same tired attempt to include everyone
(regardless of their beliefs) under the same religious umbrella. It
is clear that is what Rogers believes based upon his mockery of the
elders for claiming that only members of the church of Christ will
indeed be saved. Rogers' attacks are not accusations against
personalities, but are flagrant denunciations of the doctrine of
the New Testament. Larry Rogers' Dynamic Vision
is nothing more than the Damnable Vice of
The documentation for the Blueprints for
Apostasy by Larry Rogers was not obtained via come clandestine
operation. If one impugns this writer's (Steve Yeatts') integrity
or understanding of what he read, please contact me and I will send
you a copy of these blueprints for your own digestion, or
indigestion, whichever comes first. The church of our Lord is the
glorious blood-bought institution of the saved (Matt. 16:18-19;
Acts 2:47; 20:28; Eph. 5:23-25; Col. 1:13-18). The doctrine of
Christ will unify all who submit themselves in humble obedience to
God's plan, but false teachers who proliferate their
damnable heresies will indeed bring upon
themselves swift destruction (2 Peter 2:1). It is also
true that many shall follow their pernicious ways,
thereby causing the way of truth to be evil spoken
of (2 Peter 2:2). It is because of the eternal
seriousness of such apostasy that we expose premeditated error such
as the blueprints for the Maury Hills Church of Christ. We pray
that souls will search the Scriptures daily to find that the
premise for the church of the change-agents is devoid of Scriptural
authority (Matt. 16:18; Acts 17:11).
Bethlehem church of Christ
2644 Lascassas Pike
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
Table of Contents
I listened to some of the messages delivered at the
lectureship hosted by your group. I am truly amazed at how little
teaching takes place on how to live a life -- be better at
relationship. Is there any life in your faith?
It appears you fail to see that every Word of God
and every teaching of God's Word helps people at what you call
relationship. Knowing the Word and obeying the Word is
about relationship. The Word of God is about how we
relate to God, brethren and even our fellow man. Every sermon
preached from the inspired Word, regardless of its subject, helps
people live so as to be pleasing to God. That includes not only
doing right things but avoiding doing wrong
things. We know God when we obey his
commandments (1 John 2:3).
It is obvious that some things from God's Word are
needed before other things. It depends on the individual and their
condition. That's why we read of some being told to
believe (Acts 16:31), while others were told to
repent and be baptized (Acts 2:38). EVERY WORD of God is
important, not just some parts of it. If we concentrate 99% of our
efforts on those who use drugs and alcohol, have depression or
guilty of crimes, then we lose those who need teaching on other
things. Also, a part of the great commission is to continue to
teach those who have obeyed the Gospel (Matt. 28:20).
Brethren need to know how to live so as to please God.
They need to know how to worship. They need to know how
to grow and develop as a faithful servant of
the Lord. They must progress beyond the first principles
(Heb. 5:12-14). If every soul is not presented with the pure,
unadulterated Gospel of Christ, then we are not being balanced. No
one is to be left out or neglected.
It appears that your biggest problem is that you cannot
endure sound doctrine (2 Tim. 4:3). You want to focus on
what is identified as the social gospel instead of the
Gospel of salvation. Man's social ills and hurts may be
helped and men may feel good about themselves, but their soul is
ignored. The only right way to help social problems is to help the
soul. When people learn the saving Gospel, obey from the heart the
saving Gospel, then and only then are their hurts healed. Many in
Isaiah's day begged the prophets to preach smooth things,
not right things (Isa. 30:10). They wanted to hear
deceits -- how good things were, not how bad things were.
It's so sad that many today have never learned any different.
You mentioned to me that you felt that God may be using
you to help me, could it be the other way around? I'm certainly
willing to learn and do better when I am wrong, I assume you feel
the same way. If you can overcome what YOU want and feel that
OTHERS want, and turn your heart to what the LORD wants, you will
be a giant step ahead. OUR feelings, likes and dislikes, and what
we think God would like, get in our way of really loving the Lord.
We can't love the Lord without honoring/obeying his word (John
14:15; 15:14).
Why do you spend so much time trying to keep the Word
pure? Jesus told us what was MOST important. Loving God by loving
our neighbor sums up the whole law.
You're assuming that 100% of our time is spent in
contending for the faith (Jude 3 -- which we are
certainly commanded to do). When, where, how are you obeying this
command? It doesn't appear to me you are obeying it at all. I like
the way we're obeying it better than the way you are not obeying
it. Also, for your information, Seek the Old Paths is
only a part of our work. We have a weekly church bulletin (devoted
to evangelism), weekly newspaper article, daily radio program, and
two TV programs that air three times a week. In Seek the
Old Paths you see only one area of our work. Why would
you ASSUME that is all we do? While the wall of Jerusalem was being
rebuilt, the saints of God worked with one hand in
building the wall and held a weapon in the other hand to
defend it (Neh. 4:16-18). Have you ever read this passage? We ought
to do as they did (cf. Rom. 15:4).
When was the last time you heard a sermon or
preached a sermon on Nadab and Abihu's strange fire (Lev. 10:1-2),
Noah and the ark of gopher wood (Gen. 6:14) or David and his new
cart (2 Sam. 6:3)? Sentiments like yours love the smooth
things while ignoring the right things. Jesus made
it plain to take care of BOTH the anise and cummin
and the weightier matters of the law
(Matt. 23:23). Neither can be omitted! He also made clear to not
only take care of the beam in your own eye, but to also
take care of the speck in your brother's eye (Matt. 7:5).
Why do you want to do one and not the other? I know it's
unpleasant, distasteful, and hard. I too had much rather avoid it
and pretend it doesn't exist, but, my desire is to please the
Father and do his will, not my will. So, since God said
contend for the faith (Jude 3), reprove,
rebuke, exhort (2 Tim. 4:2), mark them that
cause divisions (Rom. 16:17), expose them
(Eph. 5:11), them that sin, rebuke before all
(1 Tim. 5:20), instructing those that oppose
themselves (2 Tim. 2:25), rebuke them sharply
that they may be sound in the faith (Titus 1:13),
rebuke with all authority (Titus 2:15), deliver
the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27),
preaching Christ warning every man (Col.
1:28), warn the unruly (1 Thess. 5:14),
take heed to thyself and the doctrine (1 Thess.
4:16), who am I to dismiss these things? I will be held accountable
if I disobey the Lord. How many times does the Lord have to tell
you to do something before you do it? How can you ignore these
verses? Teach me how to avoid them or get around them like you do.
This is not an easy job! It's hard enough to call a spade a
spade and tell it like it is in contending for
the faith. And, while a few are willing to be out on the
battle lines doing the Lord's precious work, many weak and
disparaging brethren are harping, crying, complaining, whining,
ridiculing, belittling, mocking, scorning, sneering, humiliating,
and showing disdain and contempt toward them. However, this is
nothing new. The Lord himself received it all. The prophets
understood it. This is the way it has always been. But woe unto
those who do not hold up their hands (cf. Exodus 17:12) and support
the preaching of the Gospel (2 Tim. 4:10,16).
I do feel like I'm contending for the faith
when I oppose someone with harsh attitudes. Was it not religious
people that Jesus found so unGodlike? People that spent
all their time splitting hairs.
How can you judge my attitude. You don't know
my attitude. You can't see my heart, my expression(s), tone of
voice, intent, etc. etc. Your judgment is misplaced. I have never
been harsh, hateful, rude, or ugly with you or anyone else. My
motivation is love, nothing more. I don't know where you think I
have a harsh attitude.
The only thing I see is that you can't stand sound
doctrine. When the Truth is presented, you think the one teaching
it has a bad attitude. Did the Lord have a harsh attitude in
Matthew 23 when he repeatedly called the scribes and Pharisees
hypocrites, and pronounced woe upon them? What was the Lord's
attitude when he called them blind guides and fools
and blind? Did he need to be rebuked for having such an
attitude? Did John have a harsh attitude and need correcting when
he called some that came to his baptism serpents and
vipers? Did Paul have a bad attitude when he called
Elymas a child of the devil (Acts 13:10)? These are
pretty stiff and harsh words. Should they all be rebuked? I've
never used words like Jesus, John and Paul, does that mean my
attitude is better than theirs? Of course not!
Even if I did have a bad and harsh attitude, consider
this... Paul talked about some who preached Christ with wrong
motives and attitudes (Phil. 1:15-18), but he rejoiced that the
truth was preached just the same. It wasn't what they
preached that was wrong, it was why they preached that
was wrong. They preached the truth, but with impure motives. They
preached out of envy, strife, contention. But, what they preached
was accurate, true, the Gospel. Paul was certainly not commending
their motive and attitude, but he did commend the truth they
Is it simply the approach, manner, method, or technique
I use that you don't like? Or, is there something deeper? How many
ways can you tell people what is right and what is wrong? How many
ways can you tell people they are in sin and need to repent? I've
heard it said for years that through the 50s and 60s the Lord's
church was the fastest growing church in America. Isn't it
interesting that during these years so much of the preaching was
hell fire and brimstone type preaching? That debates were
being conducted right and left? That preachers were not afraid to
stand in the pulpit and preach about the distinctiveness of the
church and the condemnation of denominationalism? They preached
that salvation was exclusively in the Lord's church and no where
else? So many are afraid today to preach these things and so many
others don't preach it because they don't believe it! Many even
believe that people in the denominations are saved! How far removed
from the Holy Scriptures! If people in all denominations are saved,
then Jesus has reneged on what he said (Mark 16:16). If people in
all denominations are saved, then they are saved outside the church
Jesus bled and died for (Acts 2:41,47; Eph. 5:23).
Table of Contents
Dustin Fortin
Denominationalists among us avoid the idea that salvation
involves works as they would avoid the bubonic plague. The efforts
to offer salvation minus works stem from a gross misunderstanding
of Ephesians 2:8,9 which states, For by grace are ye
saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of
God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Far too
many have been led away from a correct understanding of these words
by listening to the anti-work rhetoric of men who have left the old
Legion is the number of those who will claim that people need
no works to be saved, yet the very ones opposed to
salvation-related works will staunchly insist that one must believe
in order to be saved. Claiming that works are not necessary for
salvation while insisting that salvation is awarded to those who
simply believe shows not only a lack of understanding of Bible
works but also ignorance of Jesus' clear teaching. Jesus said,
This is the work of God, that ye believe on him who he hath
sent (John 6:29). The phrase (this is the work of
God) has, of course, led many to suggest that causing souls to
believe in Christ is the work which God is supposed to do and not
the work that man is supposed to do. To suggest that belief is
God's work, however, will not do. Jesus spoke the words of John
6:29 to those who wanted to work the works of God (John
6:28). No one is to imagine that Jesus' hearers on this occasion
desired to do the works that God was supposed to do! Jesus' hearers
simply wanted to engage in godly works thereby drawing closer to
the Father, and Jesus said that belief in Him was one such godly
There are also many who teach that works do not save while
insisting that those who will be saved must repent. This, too, is
evidence that the one suggesting such is unfamiliar with the Bible.
Jonah 3:10 undeniably states that repentance is a work:
And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way
[This is repentance!]; and God repented of the evil,
that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it
not. Repentance is a work. Repentance must precede the
salvation of one's soul (Acts 2:38). Therefore, repentance is a
salvation-related work. The one who denies the place of works in
salvation while requiring repentance on the part of the sinner is
unknowingly affirming the need for works in order to be saved.
On his third missionary journey (which likely took place from
A.D. 53-57), Paul visited magnificent centers of trade,
communication, transportation, art and science. The city of Ephesus
possessed all such greatness plus it was the home of the Temple of
Diana. What Ephesus lacked at the time of Paul's visit, however,
was the Gospel. Paul preached the truth of the Gospel in its
simplicity and power. This Gospel changed the life and message of
Apollos of Ephesus, and it changed the lives of other Ephesians as
well. When they [the Ephesians] heard this,
they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus (Acts
The actions of these Ephesians are significant because Paul
would later (around A.D. 62) write a letter to these people and
affirm that by grace are ye saved through faith
(Eph. 2:8). For this statement, however, to be considered
without the knowledge of earlier actions of the Ephesians would be
gross neglect. The earlier actions of the Ephesians (their baptism)
seem a splendid commentary on Ephesians 2:8. God's grace offers
salvation (Titus 2:11), and in that sense we are saved by grace.
Yet, it is a person's faith, properly conjoined with works (James
2:17), that accepts God's gracious offer of salvation. Thus, man is
saved by grace through faith.
Peter, preaching to the household of Cornelius, stated:
Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But
in every nation he that feareth God, and worketh righteousness, is
accepted with him (Acts 10:34, 35). Cornelius was ready
to hear all things God commanded Peter to preach (Acts 10:33).
Peter's God-given message involved the necessity of works in order
to enjoy eternal acceptance by the Father. Peter gives two
requirements to being accepted by God. The first requirement is
reverence (or fear), and the second is working righteousness. The
words of the Psalmist shed much light on Peter's sermon to
Cornelius. Psalm 119:172 states: My tongue shall speak of
thy word: for all thy commandments are righteousness.
There can be no doubt that Peter instructed the eager household of
the first Gentile converts that God accepts those who work His
commandments. Later in the account, Peter commanded them
[the household of Cornelius] to be baptized in the name
of the Lord (Acts 10:48). The conversion of Cornelius is
indeed an example of salvation-related works.
Though many have tried, no one can or will succeed in
denying the connection between salvation and works. The evidence is
too clear and abundant to allow the objective Bible student to come
away with any conclusion other than there are works that must be
done on the part of the sinner who will be saved by God.
6735 Lanes Ferry Rd.
Newbern, TN 38059
Table of Contents
Dan Goddard
An atmosphere resembling at times the political arena at its
rawest, seems to pervade the thinking of many of us today. Some
younger preachers, frustrated to the point of despair of the
political situations they face, often become bitter and angry
toward the church. Not a few of the older ones have
experienced something of the same attitude. A few have concluded
that the church is merely a denomination as a result of
too many sad experiences along this line. Such a conclusion is but
the result of judgment from human experience -- and too limited an
experience at that. On the other hand, if we allow some to have
their way, they will drag the church down to the denominational
One of the fundamental causes of the present situation is
a lack of faith. Faith produces conviction and conviction breeds
courage. Find a lack of courage and you will find a corresponding
lack of faith. For too many years we have concentrated on dragging
people into the baptistery rather than converting them.
Consequently, multitudes (and not a few of these have become what
they call preachers and elders) do not have the
faith, conviction, and the ensuing courage that faithfulness
demands. We have become so obsessed with numbers in the
church we have forgotten that God must add every
individual to the church before that one has his name in the Lamb's
Book of Life.
Our chief purpose in the church often seems to have a
supercharged program (mention program around a group of
brethren and observe the ears perk-up) which will fill
the building without due concern about changing people's lives.
Some of the preaching the crowds get in a packed building
is designed to produce a sensation only on the pleasure nerves and
therefore, the sinner leaves a sinner -- whether wet or dry depends
on how many death-bed tales are spun by the speaker.
That political sentiments prevail is self-evident, 1) when
people are more concerned about how one feels toward a certain
school than about one's faith in God; 2) when people are willing
and ready to join a faction because of personality attraction; 3)
when convenience rules the actions rather than convictions; 4) when
Christians' (elders and preachers not excluded) affirmations depend
on who they are with; 5) when men are more concerned
about the praise of men than about praise toward God; 6) when those
known to be reprobate toward the truth are praised by those
claiming to be faithful but who need a favor from the
reprobate; 7) when choices are made which are known to be
detrimental to the cause of truth but will momentarily gain an
advantage, and 8) when those who are known to speak from both sides
of their mouth are placed in positions of trust and leadership. We
know it is political sentiment -- mixed perhaps with ignorance, but
no less political.
If there was ever a time when men needed courage, it is now.
I claim no exclusive franchise on courage and intelligence -- many
have been the times when I've needed much more of each -- but I
have taken positions and held them until proven wrong without
regard to who stood on the other side. At times, perhaps we should
have spoken sooner; at other times maybe the tongue was too ready,
but in either instance, poor judgment was caused by ignorance, and
not the loss of courage. For all the years I have been a Christian,
I have firmly believed every moral coward will spend eternity in
hell; consequently, we have little respect for such.
Politically-minded cowards nearly always prefer to: 1) work
in the dark; 2) under the cover of false charges; 3) behind subtle
(or otherwise) innuendos; 4) by the use of half-truths; or, 5) in
the midst of a crowd of like-minded and similar-spirited persons
who will help them do their dirty work. These deserve no
respect, but only the severest discipline which might help them
straighten their sorry lives out and get them right with the Lord
whom they piously profess to love and serve but are actually
traitors to Him who gave His life for us all.
Confrontation, not smokescreens, is what we need in the
church. Action, not false moderation, is the cure for the ills of
political atmosphere. A stiffening of the vertebrae would
do some more good than all the books and degrees they can carry.
Let these moral cowards call the rest of us radicals, bigots,
narrow-minded, etc,. Let the political atmosphere die an ignoble
death. Let the politically minded perish if they refuse to repent,
but let them not drag the rest of us to hell with them.
Love, yes; unity, certainly; moderation in the Biblical
sense, most assuredly; respect for brethren, necessarily so;
reverence for truth, above all, and more also; but politics in the
brotherhood never!
29511 Bock St
Garden City, MI 48135
Table of Contents
Darryl Harrison
To say that the world in which we live is divided religiously
is certainly an understatement. Any seeker of religion will have no
problem finding a church or doctrine which suits his own tastes.
Just like the local buffet restaurant, many selections are
available, but all honest persons yearning for the truth must
question this present arrangement. Is it God's will that people be
divided over the most crucial of subjects? The Philippian jailer
asked the question, What must I do to be saved? That
question is still being asked today, but unfortunately Bible
answers are not being given. False doctrines relative to the plan
of salvation abound and the Lord's church must equip itself to
fight these errors tooth and nail.
The apostle Paul wrote in I Corinthians 16:13,
Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit ye like men, be
strong. Every word in this powerful verse rings out with
the concept of war and spiritual conflict. Paul, in essence, was
calling the church at Corinth to arms. The New Testament church
today must also heed this militant call to war. The line of
demarcation has been drawn and the enemy has been identified, but
the fact of the matter is that many pulpits throughout the land
have imposed a self-restricting ban on doctrinal preaching for fear
of offending the masses (2 Tim. 4:1-4). Weak elderships are
retreating instead of preparing the flock for a protracted
confrontation with the wicked adversary of God's people -- none
other than Satan. Peter describes him as a roaring
lion (1 Peter 5:8) of whom Paul said we are
not ignorant of his devices (2 Cor. 2:11). The church
has an obligation before God and man to stand for the truth by
which we shall gain the ultimate victory.
Concerning the doctrine of Christ, that is, the inspired
teaching of the New Testament (Acts 2:42; Titus 1:9), we should
uncompromisingly promote and defend it. The beloved John wrote so
forcefully in 2 John 9, Whosoever transgresseth, and
abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that
abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he has both the Father and the
Son. Keep in mind that John was known as the apostle of
love and wrote much on the subject in his epistles. It is therefore
not unloving or unkind to expose false teaching and those who
propagate it! In fact, it is the most loving thing any faithful
Christian can do for his fellow man. There is a current trend in
the religious world and also in the church to tone down this
blessed doctrine. The preaching which characterized the first
century church was plain, bold and loving. The Gospel which filled
the streets of Jerusalem and caused men to be pricked in
their heart (Acts 2:37) is the same Gospel that will
save men today (Rom. 1:16).
Considering the fact that we have the responsibility to
stand for and defend the Gospel, there is an inevitable conclusion
that will be drawn. When the doctrine of Christ is presented as it
should be, then conflict is to be expected. Darkness hates light
(John 3:20). In the same sense, error does not like to be exposed
by the light of truth. If the church never faces any attack from
the world, particularly the denominational world, then that is a
good sign that we are not standing as firmly as we should. Whatever
happened to the kind of preaching and Christian living that caused
the church to grow in the first century? This was a time when God's
people loved God and man more than their own lives (Acts 20:24).
They unhesitatingly drew the sword of the Spirit and met
in battle the foes of the Gospel of Christ.
The church of the 21st century must return to the divine
pattern of evangelism in order to be pleasing to God. We must be
convinced the only answers that are sufficient in matters of
religious doctrine are Bible answers! Will we not hearken unto the
commands of the captain of our salvation (Heb. 2:10) and faithfully
execute our mission so that souls may be won back from the devil's
grip and that God may be glorified? May each and every member of
the body of Christ heed the personal admonition to
earnestly contend for the faith (Jude 3).
2210 Fifth St.
Bristol, TN 37620
Table of Contents
Full-time experienced preacher wanted for small (25+)
congregation in Louisville, Miss. Providing partial support would
be helpful. Will consider those interested in part-time work.
Please send resume to P.O. Box 427, Louisville, MS 39339; or call
601-677-3878 or 662-773-3581. Dear brethren, we are
looking for a sound Gospel preacher and would appreciate your
assistance in any way. Allenhurst Church of Christ,
Highway 84 West, PO Box 401, Allenhurst, GA. 31301, Ph: (912)
876-9211 Home: (843) 819-1973 ...Karl Jones. I'm
sending this letter to ask you to send some copies of your latest
Lectureship on cassette to family members and friends. In my 22 yrs
in this world, I'm sadly finding more and more churches that are
embracing the 'truths of the world' rather than holding on to the
truths that have been taught from years back that have held firm
since the time of the apostles. However, thanks be to God, there
are churches that still embrace what is right and do not give into
the world. That being said, I am so thankful that you provide these
Lectureships and the tapes for those who are unable to attend them.
These are needed for encouragement in dealing with a church on the
verge of full-blast liberalism. May God continually bless you and
your congregation. Eph. 1:3 ...Rachel Doolittle, Longmont,
CO. Please add me to Old Paths mailing list.
I have enjoyed the past pubs on line. You and your staff stand up
for the truth. May God richly bless you. May you have many years to
teach and preach truth ...Robert Johnson, Miami, FL.
I appreciate all that you, the elders and the saints at East
Corinth do in standing for the truth ...Jason White,
Milliken, CO. Unsubscribe me from your news letter
...Bobby Vinson, Cookeville, TN. The latest issue of
World Christian put out by the World Convention of
Church of Christ/Christian/Disciples of Christ has a listing
of their U.S. Ambassadors. Doug Foster of Abilene Texas is
listed. According to them: 'World Convention Ambassadors are
members and leaders of our churches who are willing to be advocates
for the ministry of World Convention. Being an ambassador is not so
much a further job as it is a dimension to responsibilities those
who become ambassadors already carry. Ambassadors seek to increase
our sense of family and common purpose both globally and across any
lines of family division that exists in their areas.' So, Doug
Foster is taking another step to demonstrate that he is a world
change-agent. He is vowing to make sure that all Christians in
Abilene and Texas (and one would presume the whole U.S.A.) area
fellowship denominations ...Mark McWhorter, Pell City, AL.
Please stop STOP. Someone signed us up without our
knowledge, and we do not wish to receive it. Thank you
...Allen Burris, Mitchell, IN. The Nov. 2001 issue of
S.T.O.P. was overflowing with great articles. Keep up the good
work ...Douglas Hoff, Effingham, IL. Dear
brethren, may the good Lord continue to bless you a wonderful year
that's filled with everything you could hope for and praying for
this new year to come. Happy New Year! Appreciate the good works
you are doing for Seek The Old Paths. In His love,
...Eddy Ee, Singapore. Please remove me from your mailing
list. Thank you ...Scott Carmell, Iowa Park, TX.
I would like to get Seek the Old Paths and other
literature that you have because I love to read it. I read the
October one from Willie Touchton yesterday. Thank you
...Leonard Wroblewskief, Hardwick, GA. I appreciate
getting your paper. Please keep up the good work ...Louise
Welch, Union City, TN. Thanks to everyone at East Corinth
for all your work and for your prayers ...Tyler, TX.
I have really appreciated receiving Seek the Old Paths
over the past year or so, and value your resolute stand for
the truth of the Gospel. Please begin to send me a monthly bundle
of 20 of your good publication, so I can give them out to the
faithful brethren in our congregation here. May God continue to
bless your labors with much fruit ...Maurice Brown,
Rockford, IL. We appreciate the time and money you use to
send the church in Pauls Valley your paper. We ask that you please
remove us from the mailing list at this time ...Church of
Christ in Pauls Valley, Pauls, OK. I enjoy reading it
very much and I'm grateful to the Lord for brothers like you. I
didn't only read every word of it but I passed it on to one of our
elders. May God continue to bless you and the East Corinth
church ...Jerry S. Gooch, Mt. Juliet, TN.
Would you please send me your paper Seek
the Old Paths? My minister gave me a copy to read and I
enjoyed it very much. Thank you ...Lola Beadnell,
Hanoverton, OH. Thanks much for the work you are doing.
Wish all of our church bodies would stay with the Word and not
embrace liberalism ...Roy Bearden, Lamesa, TX.
Please remove my name from your mailing list. I no longer wish
to receive your publication. Thank you ... Nathan Free,
Choudrant, LA. Appreciate very much the sound truths in
STOP. Keep up the good work ...Bobby Erwin,
Weatherford, TX. It is my pleasure once again to have a
part in the publishing of Seek the Old Paths. This
publication not only stands out but truly Stands in the
gap. God's greatest blessing on your efforts
...Martin Bedford, Tucson, AZ. Appreciate your good work
with S.T.O.P. It certainly supplements the teaching in
the classroom and pulpit. We are small here because of the
liberalism in the area. Bless you in His service ...Doug
English, Steens, MS. Please be advised that we are no
longer interested in receiving your bulletin, Seek the Old
Paths. This is your notification to remove us from your
mailing list. Thank you for attending to this for us
...Brookway Church of Christ, Brookhaven, MS. Please add
me to your mailing list for your paper, Seek the Old Paths.
May God continue to bless you all for standing for the
truth ...Ronald Schuessler, Goldsboro, NC. I
want to thank you for your paper Seek the Old Paths. It
teaches God's word good and plain. I am proud to support such good
work ...Clay & Rowena Rawlins, Gracey, KY.
Please extend my subscription for another year. Keep up the
good work! ...James L. Shaver, Flint, MI. Please
discontinue our subscription to Seek the Old Paths.
Thank you ...Jason Duncan, McCook, NE. Thank you
for the good paper ...Donald White, Maysville, OK.
I enjoy your publication, Seek the Old Paths
...Sybil M. Taylor, Bonifay, FL. A brother of mine
here at the church of Christ in Quartz Hill, CA has shared his
S.T.O.P. with me. I love to read the truth and I know my
faith will grow. I sure would like to be put on you mailing list
for this publication ...Dale Durost, Palmdale, CA.

1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002 Bound Volumes
can be ordered from:
Old Paths Publishing
304 Ripley St.
Corinth, MS 38834
$5 each, postage paid
(includes an index)
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