December, 2006, Vol. 17, No. 12
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The Mold of Doctrine Wayne Coats
Compromise with Error Garland Robinson
The New Testament and Masonry Glendon Cantrell
Speaking the Truth in Love is not Arrogant Douglas Hoff
The Best and Worst Comes Out Freddie Clayton
November, 2006, Vol. 17, No. 11
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What is the "Instrumental Church of Christ? Robin Haley
Ephesians 2:8-10 Garland Robinson
Forbid Him Not Cade Somers
Save us from Arrogant Preachers! Rusty Stark
Does the Bible Teach that God Calls Men? Roger Campbell
Lessons Learned from Nehemiah Marvin Weir
October, 2006, Vol. 17, No. 10
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Why I Left the Instrumental Church of Christ Larry Harrington
Denying Baptism in the Lords Plan of Salvation Garland Robinson
The Demands Go with the Bible Marvin Weir
Zeal and Knowledge Douglas Hoff
Is God an Indian Giver? Roger Scully
Dont Believe Everything You Hear! Roger Campbell
Septermber, 2006, Vol. 17, No. 9
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Repentance A Condition for Salvation Jimmy Bates
Water Baptiam and Works Garland Robinson
Go Tell him his Fault Between You and Him Alone Jimmie Hill
August, 2006, Vol. 17, No. 8
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God's Plan for Religious Unity Jimmy Bates
Questions on Baptism and Salvation #1 Garland Robinson
In Season and Out of Season Tom Wacaster
What Relationship do Colleges have to the Church? Jerry Brewer
Singing Spiritual Songs Roger Campbell
Let's Not Attack the Devil Wayne Coats
July, 2006, Vol. 17, No. 7
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Just Who or What is an Anti? Rusty Stark
Baptism and Salvation #3 Garland Robinson
Repentance John Cotham
Questions about Jesus and His Deity Roger Campbell
College Presidents Then and Now Jerry Brewer
June, 2006, Vol. 17, No. 6
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Pope John Paul Qualified for Sainthood? Tom Wacaster
Baptism and Salvation #2 Garland Robinson
Campbellite Stuff? James Boyd
ACU and Homosexual Rights Group Garland Robinson
Unity with Error? Ron Boatwright
May, 2006, Vol. 17, No. 5
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Are There Christians in Denominations? Roger Campbell
Baptism and Salvation #1 Garland Robinson
Trouble in Paradise Marlin Kilpatrick
Majoring in Minors Bob Spurlin
Some Thoughts on Romans 8:28 Wayne Coats
Respect the Bible in Answering Questions Franklin Camp
April, 2006, Vol. 17, No. 4
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Does the END Justify the MEANS? Wayne Coats
Blessings of a Righteous Life Garland Robinson
The Church of Christ and Other Denominations Roger Campbell
Elders, Men of Spiritual Character Bill Jackson
Questions About Elders and Deacons
The Eldership, The Qualifications H. Leo Boles
March, 2006, Vol. 17, No. 3
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Predicted Departure from the Faith Roger Campbell
Trees of Righteousness Garland Robinson
Think on These Things Brad Green
Judas Stood with Them Marlin Kilpatrick
Gods Rule Book Marvin Weir
No Right Way John Cotham
February, 2006, Vol. 17, No. 2
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Can We Know? Bob Spurlin
God's People Need Not Fear Marvin L. Weir
Is it Okay to Use the Thought of Hell...? Roger Campbell
Christ, Church & Salvation Roger Scully
The Church and the World John Cotham
January, 2006, Vol. 17, No. 1
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Confronting Islam: Examining the Qur'an Wayne Jackson
Matters of Faith and Opinion James W. Boyd
Church Bulletins Roger Campbell
By Grace Are Ye Saved Aaron M. M. Purvis
I Believe in Positive Preaching Steven Cline