This Issue...
Bob Spurlin
Opening up my computer this morning, December 2, 2001,
America on Line (AOL) featured the main story: Minister
healing church's wounds; conflict over worship style causes
confrontation. The Religious Editor of the Nashville
paper, Ray Waddle, authored the article. Religious editor or not,
the thrust of the article was to show sympathy toward those who
were in non-traditional churches. Consequently, the writer of the
article suggests the resolution of this matter is the conflict
in worship style. According to him, the tension between those
wanting to hold the line (or giving strict adherence to
the New Testament pattern, 2 Tim. 1:13), could be avoided by
merging the traditional with the contemporary. God's plan
of worship is not an optional matter and must not give in to the
popular and modern expression of the day. Those of our contemporary
age invariably wish to introduce that which is new and modern thus
giving way to the change agents.
The Madison church of Christ, Madison, Tennessee, has
been known throughout the brotherhood as the largest congregation
among churches of Christ with 5,000 members. During the last
several months, hundreds of families have fled the Madison church
due to their departure from the teachings of the Holy Scripture
(Gal. 1:8-9; 2 John 9; Eph. 5:11).
The Madison church has been going through serious
changes for years and by letting their guard down have fallen
victim to the so-called contemporary expressions. Some of
the modern practices include hands raised in the air during
singing, prayer, and the Lord's supper. Those in the Madison
church were persuaded that lifting up holy hands to God
and waving their arms was acceptable. This was to be a spontaneous
act as the Holy Spirit moved them. Paul writes, And take
the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the
word of God (Eph. 6:17). Beloved, it is the Holy Spirit
that mandates the worship through the New Testament and not by some
spontaneous emotion of the moment (2 Peter 1:3; 2 Tim. 3:16-17).
A former minister on staff at Madison during the
1980s, Dr. C. Bruce White (a family counselor having a
major in psychology and is announced as a veteran minister with
skills in reconciliation) has been hired to heal their wounds. He
has been the director of Tennessee Children's Home in Spring Hill,
TN, recently and prior to that was discharged from the Beltline
church of Christ in Decatur, AL. Brother White was given ample
opportunity to repudiate his teachings at the Beltline congregation
in Decatur for affirming evangelistic authority over the elders.
This preacher-psychologist should reacquaint himself
with the words of Paul, Obey them (elders or
shepherds) that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves:
for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that
they may do it with joy, and not with grief, for that is
unprofitable for you (Heb. 13:17). Has brother White
totally abandoned the simplicity of the New Testament as it
declares, And when they had ordained (appointed)
them elders in every church (Acts 14:23). While
Titus was on the isle of Crete, Paul charged the young evangelist,
thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting,
and ordain (appoint) elders in every city, as I had
appointed thee (Titus 1:5). The casual Bible student
knows with certainty that God has vested His authority in the
eldership and to question such power would make one wonder why
brother White would allow himself to be hired by the Madison
Brother White has said, They're ready to bury the
hatchet, referring to the division within the Madison church,
that's what led him to say OK to the elders' invitation
to assume his new duties. Does this mean that it is OK
when two entirely different groups meet on the Lord's day at
different times and practicing different things? Unity in
diversity seems to be alive and well with total acceptance
with this psychologist.
The Nashville paper quoted brother White as saying,
God called us to war, not a civil war. Using his
metaphor, it seems that engagement in civil war refers to
warring among ourselves and that such should not be permitted. It
is true that we are to fight the good fight of the
faith (1 Tim. 6:12). Further, Paul penned,
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth
itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity
every thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5).
Paul did not stick his head in the sand when the multiplicity of
problems emerged at Corinth. Paul hit the bulls eye with the words,
Now I beseech you brethren, by the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no
divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in
the same mind and in the same judgment (1 Cor.1:10).
There is a time to fight as Jude declared, ye should
earnestly contend for the faith, which was once delivered unto the
saints (Jude 3). White further stated, we're all
wearing the same uniform, which seems to mean that all
sectarians are of the same stripe and the Madison church is
following in their footsteps.
According to the Nashville newspaper there is a
simmering down and stabilized coexistence with a tradition-style
Sunday service at 8:00 AM; and there is a more contemporary-style
worship at 10:00 AM for those dissatisfied with the prescribed plan
laid out in the New Testament (2 Tim. 1:13; Acts 17:11). Charles
Link, one of the Madison elders, stated we believe he (Bruce
White) will get us going. Can one conceive of such a statement
coming from one serving as an elder in the Lord's church?
Apparently this elder is willing to abdicate his position and
relinquish it to the preacher. Please, pray tell where does one
have the authority to do such a thing? Bruce White nor any other
preacher will get us going until the eldership assumes
its responsibility to the congregation. Each eldership must fall at
the feet of almighty God, humbling themselves in handling aright
the word of truth and see that His commands are executed to the
last jot and tittle (2 Tim. 2:15; Matt. 5:18).
The raising of hands and other emotional outbursts
springs from sectarian bodies and far too many congregations are
trying to be like the nations about us. Ancient Israel
had difficulty learning the lesson of rejecting the nations about
them. Moses writes the words of the Lord, drive out the
nations from among thee... Seven nations greater and mightier than
thou (Deut. 4:38; 7:1). God made it a practice of
purging the unbelieving nations before Israel, but in time gave
them the task of removing their enemies making it essential that
God's people were required to show their faith in the Creator.
Conversely, Israel would know that it was God who gave them their
possession (Joshua 6:1-5). However, in time, they grew weary of
following God's directions and wanted to be like the heathens about
them and cried out to give us a king like the nations
about us (Deut. 17:1; 1 Sam. 8:19-20).
The principle of Israel maintaining a clear and
separate distance from the unbelieving nations was not commanded
inadvertently, but was done to prevent the domination of those
nations that would invariably rub off on God's people. Moses by
inspiration writes, Thou shalt not follow a multitude to
do evil (Exodus 32:2). The very same thing is happening
today in the 21st century. The church of the Lord over the last
quarter-century has been slowly and deliberately incorporating the
practices of denominationalism into the pristine body of Christ
(Eph. 5:27). The idea that the Madison elders would allow
tradition-style worship at 8 AM and contemporary-style worship at
10 AM to satisfy another group is the epitome of renunciation and
desertion of God's will. The old country expression, he is a
fence straddler, seems to be apropos on this occasion as the
Madison church attempts to have their cake and eat it to.
Jesus said, He that is not with me is against me and he
that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad (Matt.
12:30). As the nation of Israel became corrupt through the
practices of intermingling with foreign nations, so it is today
when elders have such weakness and lack of conviction to stand-up
against the encroachment of error. Paul writes, now I
beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences
contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them
(Rom. 16:17). The clarity of Paul's words cannot be missed or
Madison's apostasy typifies what is taking place
throughout the brotherhood from coast-to-coast and sea to shining
sea. Almighty God knows the heart of this writer and nothing would
please me more than to see the Madison church and all others repent
of such digression. God's divine blueprint for worship and all
other identifying marks of the New Testament church must not be
altered or changed to suit one's fancy. Digressive churches, of
which Madison is one, must either repent or the
candlestick will be removed (Rev. 2:5; 2 Tim. 3:16-17).
I certainly do not criticize brother White due to what
he brings to the table, that is to say a psychology background.
However, beloved, psychology, sociology and any other practice that
is an innovation of man will only bring the church of the Lord to
the brink of the abyss. Before the apostle Paul became converted to
Christ he was recognized as Saul of Tarsus, a Jew, born
in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, yet brought up in this city at the
feet of Gamaliel (Acts 22:3). Paul's education was
second to none in the religion of Judaism, circumcised
the eight day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an
Hebrew of the Hebrews, as touching the law, a Pharisee
(Phil. 3:5). All of his degrees and capacity of learning was
without a peer, yet Paul did not use such, but relied on the
message of the cross. The apostle writes, I am not
ashamed of the gospel: for it is the power of God unto salvation;
to everyone that believeth, to the Jew first, and also to the
Greek (Rom. 1:16; 1 Cor. 1:18, 21-23). Paul did not
bring his wisdom of the world to correct the ills of those at Rome,
Athens, or elsewhere. He brought the power of the Gospel and it was
only through this medium that the spiritual ills, which plague us,
could be resolved.
2101 Glenwood Dr.
Hartselle, AL 35640
EDITOR'S NOTE: Brother Spurlin has a new book in
its second printing called Dail 911: Essentials to Living
Life in the 21st Century. It was written after the
events of September 11 and provides excellent reading and
reflection upon one's soul. It is $10 plus $1.50 s/h. The proceeds
of this book help offset brother Spurlin's medical expenses. He
suffers from MS and has been bedridden for over seven years. He is
no stranger to tragedy and adversity. You would do well to get a
copy and read it. You can find more information about it and his
other book (Tackling Life's Troubles) at
Table of Contents
In the January issue, we printed an article by brother
Steven E. Yeatts reviewing a document entitled, Maury Hills
Church of Christ -- A Dynamic Vision for Maury County by Larry
Rogers. Below is a correction we need to make regarding inaccurate
information in the first paragraph of brother Yeatts' article. We
never intend to print any information that is inaccurate and we are
always happy to retract and correct any mistakes. As always, we
have no vendetta, intent or axe to grind with any
personality. Long-time readers of Seek The Old Paths
know this is the case. We desire to deal with issues and doctrines
that affect the Lord's church and lead to apostasy. We will examine
and dissect every teaching or practice that leads away from the
Lord Jesus and his salvation. However, since no doctrine can be
presented, advanced or practiced without someone promoting or
teaching it, the Scriptures demand that we identify who they are.
This is clearly set forth in Romans 16:17-18, Ephesians 5:11 and
Matthew 23. Other pertinent Scriptures are listed on the back of
every issue: Jude 3, II Timothy 4:2, Titus 1:13, Titus 2:1 and II
Peter 1:12. We could not be balanced if we ignored these
passages. It's not a pleasant task. I'd rather do something else.
But I did not write the Holy Bible, God did. He did not ask me what
I'd rather do. He is the loving, all knowing and wise God and He is
the one who saw fit to demand His faithful servants to
reprove, rebuke, exhort (II Tim. 4:2), rebuke before
all (I Tim. 5:20) and reprove them (Eph. 5:11) that
advance and foster the unfruitful works of darkness. I wish, I
pray, that those who have named the name of Christ would LOVE the
TRUTH more than friends and family (Matt. 10:37; Zech. 8:19), would
embrace the WHOLE COUNSEL OF GOD more than popularity or prestige
(Acts 20:20,27) and would seek to PLEASE GOD instead of men (Gal.
1:10). -- Editor
The corrected information is as follows:
The information that I received regarding the
circumstances regarding Larry Rogers departure from the Highland
Church of Christ was erroneous. As per Larry Rogers' own words in
a letter to me, he was absolutely fired from Highland
Church of Christ. Additionally in his letter to me,
Larry Rogers states that the Maury Hills church did not
begin until several weeks later [following his departure
from Highland]. I take full responsibility for these two errors in
that I did not seek additional and more reliable sources to
supplement the original information that I received and reported in
the opening paragraph of last month's article. I have contacted
Larry Rogers to apologize for my misapprehension and the subsequent
recording of it in a public manner. Let me assert, however, that I
offer no rescission in regard to the content of my categorical
review of the literature that originated with Larry Rogers,
entitled, Maury Hills Church of Christ -- A Dynamic
Vision for Maury County. I also offer my apology to
brother Garland Robinson for my failure to verify more
substantively the terms of Larry Rogers' departure from Highland
Church of Christ. I will take extraordinary precautions in the
future to insure that such a misconstruction is not a part of
future writings by this author.
--- Steven E. Yeatts
Table of Contents
Thirty-five years ago, churches of Christ were listed as
the fastest growing religious body in America. New congregations
were being planted almost daily. Today, churches of Christ are not
growing fast enough to keep up with the increase in population.
Congregations in many areas are declining, and some have closed
their doors.
Thirty-five years ago, members of churches of Christ
were known for their strong, uncompromising stand on the Bible.
Preachers were men of the Book who quoted book, chapter, and
verse for everything they taught. Today in many pulpits,
sermons on the fundamentals of the faith such as The One
Church, The Plan of Salvation, The Two
Covenants, Why Instrumental Music in Worship Is
Wrong, etc. are seldom, if ever, heard. There is widespread
tolerance and even acceptance of denominationalism. Some believe
the Lord's church is a denomination among the denominations.
The elders of the church of Christ in Duluth, Georgia
are concerned about what is happening to the church. Under their
oversight, material has been prepared to alert our brotherhood to
the danger it faces. A twenty-five page booklet, videotape and
audio cassette are available to answer the question What is
happening to the church?
The material is free. It is the aim of the Duluth
elders to provide this to churches and interested Christians
everywhere. If you would like a copy of the audio or video tape, or
several of the booklets to distribute, please write to
Duluth Church of Christ
3239 Highway 120
Duluth, GA 30096
Phone: 770-476-2159
------------------------------------------The following article is a review of the above material
written by brother Don Blackwell.
I received in the mail a packet entitled, What is
happening to the Church? It is being sent out FREE OF CHARGE
by the Duluth Church of Christ in Duluth, Georgia to congregations
all over the brotherhood. The packet contains a booklet written by
Rod Rutherford, and two tapes (one audio and one video) presented
by Jim Dearman. The purpose of the packet is to help answer the
question, What is happening to the Church? The question
is answered in a concise, well documented format that is well
fortified with scripture and has the character of a Christian
I have set out to review this work for the sake of
encouraging brethren to order the material and use it in defense of
the Body of Christ. The booklet states as its goal, It is our
aim to examine several of the areas that are under attack from
change agents within the church today. It proceeds to lists
five areas, which are here listed as the headings which follow.
After a kind and heartfelt introduction discussing the
biblical command to oppose false teachers, the booklet begins to
discuss the first area attacked by change agents, the
Godhead. It points out that God is attacked in the area of
creation. Evolution is the way of many change agents. Christ is
being attacked by the denial of the virgin birth. The Holy Spirit
is being held up as some mystical influence working directly on men
still today. Documentation for all these is provided.
The booklet then documents a second area under attack,
and that is the Bible. Change agents refer to it as a dead
Book. They deny that it is a book of law and undermine its
authority. Their cry is for a new hermeneutic. An
excellent excerpt from Dave Miller's book, Piloting the
Strait shows the fallacy of the New Hermeneutic and concludes
this section of the booklet.
A significant portion of the Duluth church's material
relates to attacks that are being made on the church. Change agents
argue that the church has not been restored. They deny, and seek to
undermine, the authority of elders. They seek to remove
restrictions relating to the role of women in the church. Those who
want to change the church of Christ focus a great deal of their
efforts on worship. The booklet cites and discusses specific areas
such as choirs and solos, the idea that all of life is worship, the
practice of dedicating babies, the use of drama, handclapping in
worship, and the push for contemporary services. All of
these issues are discussed and capably answered from the
A fourth area discussed is the Change Agent attack on the
Plan of Salvation. Those who teach hearing, believing, repenting,
confessing and baptism as the steps of the plan of salvation are
ridiculed. Among change seekers, grace alone is the way of the day.
In addition to this Baptist doctrine, they teach that one does not
have to understand that baptism is for the remission of sins. Some
have even gone as far as teaching the Billy Graham sinner's
prayer. Max Lacado's doing this is documented and quoted in
the booklet.
The booklet concludes with a discussion of Marriage. It
points to the many errors being taught today among the Lord's
people. It points out that Goebel Music listed twenty-five
different erroneous ideas on marriage and divorce being taught by
This packet is an excellent tool which can serve
several functions. It will aid faithful brethren in opening the
eyes of those who are being fooled by Change Agents. Secondly, it
provides a simple and concise outline to many of the areas being
attacked. Thirdly, these areas of attack are dealt with and
answered in the appropriate way -- book, chapter, and verse.
Fourthly, this booklet is well documented and will provide any
defender of the faith with concise documentation for some of the
error that is being taught today. The material can be ordered FREE
OF CHARGE from Church of Christ, 3239 Highway 120, Duluth, GA,
Don Blackwell
P.O. Box 1484
Statesville, NC, 28677
Table of Contents
Kevin Rhodes
In the book of Judges we find many accounts concerning
the wickedness of the children of Israel following their entrance
into the Promised Land. In many instances a large number of people
refused to serve Jehovah, but instead chose to serve the gods of
the Canaanites with whom they had become acquainted. Their
practices grew more and more evil as time went by, but no tribe
exceeded the wickedness of the tribe of Benjamin. Unfortunately,
the other tribes had not taken the responsibility upon themselves
to cleanse the nation and purge out those who were wicked.
In Judges 19, the writer records a situation to
describe just how bad matters had deteriorated and what drastic
measures it took to make the children of Israel realize what was
happening. A Levite man allowed his concubine to be raped and
murdered by those of the tribe of Benjamin in order to save his own
life. After this, the man considered how to remedy this great evil.
He looked for something that would motivate the spiritually
slothful children of Israel to take action. And when he
was come into his house, he took a knife, and laid on his
concubine, and divided her, together with her bones, into twelve
pieces, and sent her into all the coasts of Israel
(Judges 19:29). This Levite found that extreme action was necessary
to awaken the other tribes to the evil which was being perpetrated.
He let each of the tribes know, in the most direct way possible,
the abundance of wickedness that then dwelled among the Israelites.
The children of Israel were not a true nation at this time because
of the manner in which they had been separated after the conquering
of the land, but this action brought them together as a people
(Judges 20:11).
The question we should now consider is this: What is
it going to take for the churches of Christ to recognize the
wickedness which presently abounds in many congregations today?
What motivation is needed for each and every Christian to stand up
and contend for the faith? Do not allow yourselves to be fooled,
brethren. The false doctrines which are being taught in many
pulpits of the Lord's church today are just as grievous and wicked
as the rape and murder of the Levite's concubine, if not more so.
Must an act which is as outrageous and terrible as this one be
committed before members of Christ's church will act to stop the
parasitic doctrines which have already infiltrated the minds of
many Christians? Must we receive evidence of murder through the
mail before we do something about the sin and wickedness that some
Christians proudly parade not only before the congregation but also
before the world? Indeed, we should all be ready to fight the good
fight of faith (2 Tim. 4:6-8), even unto death (Rev. 2:10) without
fearing the outcome. If God be for us, who can be against
us (Rom. 8:31)?
Brethren, in the Christian life, there are no bench
warmers. You are either with God or against Him (Matt. 6:24). Whose
side are you on? Must there be ten thousand more crimes of false
teaching or sin before we are willing to take action? Brethren,
what is it going to take?
Table of Contents
James E. Farley
That which may truly be called The Lord's
Prayer is found in John 17. In this beautiful prayer, our Lord
prayed for Himself and for His apostles. He prayed for all who
would believe on Him through the words of the apostles (John
17:20-21) -- i.e., all who read, understand, and believe the New
Testament (compare John 14:26; John 16:13-14; Eph. 3:3-5). He
prayed for you and for me. Specifically, He prayed that all who
believe would be ONE. The reason for this oneness is so the world
may believe that Jesus is who He says He is! Therefore, we can know
that denominational division is certainly that with contributes to
infidelity and atheism!
How is this unity in Christ to be attained? Can we all
understand the Bible alike? The fact is, if we understand the Bible
at all we will all understand it alike. The fact that some do not
understand it alike is proof only that some misunderstand it! The
Word says, Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of
our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that
there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined
together in the same mind and in the same judgment. For it hath
been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the
house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you. Now this I
say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul, and I of Apollos;
and I of Cephas; and I of Christ. Is Christ divided? Was Paul
crucified for you? Or were ye baptized in the name of Paul
(1 Cor. 1:10-13)?
The church at Corinth was a divided church. This is
contrary to the Lord's prayer in John 17:20-21. Some had sectarian
spirits -- wanting to follow after men rather than the Lord. Paul's
inspired, rhetorical questions make strong arguments against such
an attitude. Christ is not divided, so why are you dividing? Paul
was not crucified for you, so why are you following Paul? You were
not baptized in Paul's name or by Paul's authority, so stop
following Paul. The apostle later admonishes these same brethren to
follow him, but ONLY as he followed Christ (1 Cor. 11:1). He did
not want them to be Paulites or Paulinians. He
wanted them to be Christians!
Paul is very strong in his language to this divided
and drifting church. He said they should all speak the same thing,
have the same mind and the same judgment and the end result would
be no divisions among you. Simple, isn't it?
All we have to do in order to attain and maintain the unity that
Jesus the Christ prayed for is to think and speak the same thing.
Can we do this? Well, heaven says we can, so if a man comes along
and says we can not, he is wrong! God says we can and must
speak the same thing.
What is it that we are to speak in order to attain to
and in order to maintain the unity that our Lord prayed for? Peter
wrote, If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of
God...that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ,
to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen
(1 Peter 4:11).
Now it becomes clearer, doesn't it? That which we are
to speak the same in order to attain to and in order to maintain
unity is the oracles of God -- the Holy Bible! If you
speak like the Bible speaks and I speak like the Bible speaks, we
will be speaking the same thing, and, according to the inspired
apostle Paul, we will be ONE. There will be no divisions among
us. (By the way, how many divisions is no
divisions?) But, if you continue to speak as the oracles of
God, and I begin to teach from a man-made creed, or manual, or
catechism, or discipline book, or confession of faith, or just my
think so, I will be the one causing the division for I
will have then departed from the faith, and if I do this,
I am no longer abiding in the doctrine of Christ (1 Tim.
4:1-3: 2 John 9-11), but I am abiding in some man's writings and
doctrine. Peter says that if we speak as the oracles of
God (1 Peter 4:11), it is God who gets the glory. What if we
speak as the oracles of Luther or Calvin or Wesley or Spurgeon, who
gets the glory then?
This principle is stated clearly again at 1 John
1:5-2:6. Take a minute now and read those 12 verses. The
light is the Way of God. It is what the Lord referred to
as the strait gate and the narrow way (Matt.
7:13-15). This Way is indeed a lighted way, for it is by the Word
of God that we are directed to it, and onto it. The Psalmist wrote,
Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I
hate every false way. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and alight
unto my path (Psalm 119:104-105).
We are to walk in the light as He is in the
light. This simply means we are to abide in the doctrine
of Christ (2 John 9-11). It means we are to continue in His Word so
we can be disciples indeed; so that we can be made free by the
Truth (John 8:31-32). It means we are to walk in Truth; to walk
after His commandments (2 John 4,6; 3 John 3,4). In fact, the only
way we can know that we know Him is to keep His commandments (1
John 2:3-6; Compare Heb. 5:8-9). The way we show the Lord we love
Him is to do what He says for us to do (John 14:15; 15:14; 1 John
First John 1:5-7 teaches that if we walk in the
light we have fellowship one with another. That is, we
have fellowship with God and with Jesus, and with all who have
fellowship with God and with Jesus. But, what if you continue
walking in the light (according to God's Word) and I stop walking
after the Truth after His commandments? If I stop walking in the
light, my fellowship with God is severed -- I no longer have
God (2 John 9; Compare Isaiah 59:1-2). And, since my
fellowship with God is severed, my fellowship with all who are in
fellowship with God is severed as well. There can be no unity where
there is no agreement in the Truth (Amos 3:3).
The sincere plea of churches of Christ is for unity based
upon what the Bible teaches. We love God. We love Jesus the Christ.
We love the church of Christ. We love the Bible, that
light which guides us. And, we love YOU! We want YOU to
come to a knowledge of the Truth so you can be saved (1 Tim. 2:4;
Compare again John 8:31-32). The Lord is not willing that you
should perish, but that you should come to repentance (2 Peter
3:9). Please let us know how we may be of service to you in these
most important matters of the soul. Contact us to know more about
the salvation of your soul. We are here to serve you in these
eternal matters!
759 Ratliff Creek Road
Pikeville, KY 41501
Table of Contents
Steven E. Yeatts
One of the things Christians are to be careful of is the usage
of our language. We are exhorted to let your speech be
always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye
ought to answer every man (Col. 4:6). With that profound
encouragement in mind, let us consider the way in which we
sometimes hear people refer to those who are members of the body of
Christ. I have had my brothers and sisters in Christ at times start
a conversation about someone they know by saying, He (or she)
is 'church of Christ,' or perhaps even more unnerving is to hear
one who claims Christianity refer to another in the body of Christ
as a 'church of Christer.' Sometimes we all are guilty of using
terminology that is at best questionable and at worst very poor
judgment for the saved of God. In the case of referring to one's
self or others as church of Christ, I believe it is a
flagrant statement of misunderstanding and that those who use such
terminology should choose their words more sensibly.
To say that someone is church of Christ is as
denominational in its application as saying someone is a Baptist,
Methodist, Presbyterian, Catholic, or filling in the denominational
blank. Such language is unscriptural as it pertains to the
righteous -- those who are bought with the precious blood of
Christ. If we claim to be a people who will call Bible things
by Bible names, then let us do just that. Nowhere in the New
Testament do we find individuals who were church of
Christ. The church of Christ is the collective body of
believers and indicates a plurality of people. As individuals, we
are Christians who are members of the church of Christ.
There are many scriptural designations given to define the
distinction of New Testament Christianity. After the conversion of
the Gentile Cornelius and his household, the Bible records that
the disciples were called Christians first in
Antioch (Acts 11:26). Actually before the term
Christian was used, Ananias referred to members of the
church as saints (Acts 9:13). The word saint means one
who is blameless, pure, consecrated, and holy. There are
additional terms used in the New Testament describing individual
Christians: saved, righteous, holy, kings, priests, fellowlabourer,
fellowsoldier, yokefellow, obedient children, elect, members, and
faithful (this would apply if individuals were indeed faithful)
(Rev. 21:24; 1 Peter 3:12; 4:18; 1:16; Rev. 1:6; 1 Peter 2:5;
Philemon 1-2; Phil. 4:3; 1 Peter 1:2; Rom. 12:5; 1 Cor. 12:12; Eph.
1:1; Col. 1:2). Nowhere in the New Testament can an individual
Christian be found referring to himself or other members of the
body of Christ as church of Christ. In fact, when Paul
referred to Phoebe (a sister in Christ), he wrote that she
is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea
(Rom. 16:1). Paul referred to an individual as a part of the
collective body, not as the collective body! The body is one and
has many members (individuals) according to 1 Corinthians 12:12.
Now let us review some of the designations for the
collective body of Christ. The church of the New Testament in a
universal sense is the body of Christ (Eph. 1:22-23). The Apostle
Paul sent greetings to his Roman brethren by stating, The
churches of Christ salute you (Rom. 16:16). Paul was
issuing a congregational salutation that obviously entailed the
greetings of more than one person. The church for which Jesus died
is also referred to as the church of God (Acts
20:28; 1 Cor. 1:2; 2 Cor. 2:1). The collective body of believers is
known as the church of the firstborn (Heb.
12:23). The church of Christ is referred to scripturally as the
Israel of God (Gal. 6:16). We also understand
that the collective body of Christ is sometimes referred to in the
New Testament based upon the region or city in which it was
located. For example, when Paul wrote to the Galatians, he began
his letter by stating, unto the churches of Galatia
(Gal. 1:2). When writing to the Thessalonians, Paul penned at
the start of both letters, unto the church of the
Thessalonians (1 Thess. 1:2; 2 Thess. 1:1).
I trust that our awareness about our terminology has been
heightened and that we will strive to avoid lapsing into
denominational indicators when we refer to the glorious, blood-
bought institution that is the church of Christ (Eph. 1:22-23;
5:23-25). The next time somebody says that someone is church
of Christ, please take the time to lovingly correct him or
her. And, if you hear yourself saying it, please catch yourself and
reconsider your terminology. We sometimes have need to discipline
ourselves (and our tongue) so that we change bad habits to good
ones (James 3:5). Solomon wrote, The heart of the wise
teacheth his mouth, and addeth learning to his lips
(Prov. 16:23). Certainly we want to better train our mouths to
speak properly in a spiritual sense. In fact, If any man
speak, let him speak as the oracles of God (1 Peter
4:11). Certainly in keeping with the power of that verse we would
not want to be so careless as to utter that which is scripturally
indefensible in regard to how we refer to individual members of the
body of Christ.
A person who is a Baptist is one who claims allegiance to
a Baptist Church, but a Christian claims allegiance to the church
of Christ -- the only church authorized and taught in the New
Testament. An individual person cannot be church of
Christ. Believing in the oneness of the church and having
obeyed the true New Testament plan of salvation does not make one
church of Christ, it makes him a Christian whom the Lord
has added to His church (Acts 2:47).
1909 Sterling St.
Murfreesboro, TN 37127
Table of Contents
17th Annual Lectureship
Seek The Old Paths
July 28 - Aug. 1, 2002
God's Divine Authority
(Leadership in the church, home, government)
Please note change of address for my mother-in-law. She
continues to enjoy reading the publication from your
congregation ...Danny Lawson, Warren, MI. I
enjoy the articles. They separate truth from error that goes
throughout our brotherhood ...Paul Williams, Ridgeland,
MS. I hope you and your family are doing well. STOP
is still a BIG help to me. Keep up the good work
...Mike Ray, Fairhope, AL. I came across your March, 2001
issue of Seek the Old Paths and was favorably impressed
with its content. I especially enjoyed the article on
Doctrine. Will you please add me to your mailing list?
Please continue to contend for the faith. May God
continue to bless your efforts ...Doug Parnell, Richlands,
VA. I want to say thank you to the elders, brethren and
everyone involved with the Seek the Old Paths. It makes
my soul hum! Thank you ...Tony Grant, Jr., Lyman, ME.
Thank you for your work to teach the truth of God's Word!
...Jim Parsley, Columbus, NE. I have been reading
copies of Seek the Old Paths and am agreeing with its
words. I would like to receive it each time it is published and
would also like to have copies sent to our church
...Timothy Rawlins, Hopkinsville, KY. Still enjoying
S.T.O.P. Thank you and praise be to God for you for teaching
the true Gospel. God bless all of you ...M/M Rube H.
Wilson, Binger, OK. Please continue to send me
S.T.O.P. May God bless you ...Daniel Ott, Buchanan,
MI. It is a sad commentary indeed for the Lord's body for
a book such as Bro. Chesser's The Spirit of Liberalism to
have to be written. I have recently dis-associated myself from a
congregation such as the one portrayed in the lead article of the
December issue of STOP. I know first hand how repugnant
it is to see leaders and preachers (so called) of the Lord's body
treat the church and God's word with utter contempt and disdain. It
is gratifying to know that men such as Bro. Chesser and STOP
are willing to openly condemn liberalism. It appears to me
that not only the tenets should be condemned but also the
individuals in whose evil minds these anti-Christian doctrines
originate should be openly identified and marked and avoided (Rom.
16:17). I speak of such men as Shelly, Lucado, Walling, Atchley, As long as they are not publicly challenged they will
continue in their pernicious activities. I am happy to be able to
send the enclosed check to help you continue the great work you
doing ...H.H. Rhode, River Oaks, TX. Thanks for
all of the good works you are doing ...Park St. church of
Christ, Metropolis, IL. Thank you so much for
S.T.O.P! In this age of pervasive liberalism you are a beacon
to all who love the truth. It was amazing and very sad to see so
many requests in the last issue to cancel their mailings. To see
that several were for entire churches was even more disturbing. It
seems that people don't realize that our creator is not only loving
and merciful, but also demanding and jealous. May God continue to
bless you and the work you're doing to inform and teach the
brotherhood ...Nampa, ID. Until about six months
ago, a former preacher here got a copy of Seek the Old Paths
each month and let me read it. I got a lot of good from your
paper. With all of the modern ideas wreaking havoc in many churches
today, Seek the Old Paths should be read more and more.
I want to start receiving a copy each month. I realize you would
send it free of charge, but printing and mailing papers is costly
nowadays, so I am enclosing a check to help with your cost. Keep up
the good work! Thanks for your trouble! ...Everett E.
Wittig, Sr., Bisbee, AZ. We appreciate your work and stand
for the truth ...M/M Don Noblin, Cardwell, MO. I
really appreciate your time and effort on STOP, it is a
very much needed paper. Liberalism is taking over so many
congregations. I can remember when I was a teenager you couldn't
count the number of faithful congregations on both hands in the
Kansas City area. Now you can do it on one. Keep up the good
work ...Pleasant Hill, MO. I was introduced to
your publication by my brother in law. I enjoyed the articles very
much and would like to be included in your mailings. Thanks
...Grady Atkinson, Jr., Centerville, TN. I enjoyed
the articles in Seek The Old Paths in Jan. 2002. My home
town is Centerville, TN. Thanks for the great article by bro. Dan
Goddard. He hit the nail on the head ...Earl Claud, Dover,
TN. Thanks brother Robinson for Seek The Old
Paths. Is the Winterfest and the CYC
(Challenge Youth Conference) the same thing? Thanks again for the
sound views and comments I always look forward to reading
...Danny. [NOTE: I'm not aware of the CYC, but if it has any
connection to Winterfest or would endorse Winterfest, it is no
good. After looking at their web site and seeing the list of
sponsors, I see no good there either. Many of the colleges are
listed and the church at Linary in Crossville is a very liberal
congregation --gmr]. I was admiring your newsletter a brother
in Christ is receiving. I am a member of the churches of Christ for
some 20 years now. I would like to receive a hard copy version of
Seek The Old Paths also because of the excellent
articles ...David Lee Burris, Groves, TX.
Enclosed is a check for Seek the Old Paths in
memory of my good wife Donna. I appreciate so much your good work
and the elders which you serve under. So many congregations have
left the faith in Middle Tenn. We must continue standing firmly for
the Truth and opposing error. I pass out S.T.O.P. on
Wed. evening and discuss it in my adult class. This helps to inform
them on matters of great importance. Keep the faith
...Paul Curless, Bradyville, TN. I've seen a couple
issues of STOP lately and was wondering if I
might secure a subscription of my own? I appreciate the fine
articles and the unwavering stand for the truth. The good Lord
knows we need more dedicated and steadfast publications like this
one circulating the brotherhood! I met you a year or so ago when
you attended worship at the Blvd. congregation here in Las Vegas,
NV. I'm thankful for your work in His kingdom and bid you, your
family and all the faithful in Corinth, Godspeed. Brotherly
...Michael Price, Las Vegas, NV. I'm writing to
notify you of my new address. I really like Seek the Old
Paths, it's full of excellent information. It's the kind of
booklet everyone needs to subscribe to. Thanks ...Bryan
Pickle, Gatesville, TX.

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Old Paths Publishing
304 Ripley St.
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