This Issue...
John West
When was the church of Christ established? By whom was it
established? What creed does the church of Christ use? These are
all questions that arise from time to time concerning the church of
Many think the church of Christ is just another
denomination, but what does the Bible teach concerning the church?
The church of Christ is found in the Bible (Rom. 16:16) and one can
know that it IS the New Testament church because:
1. The Church Of Christ Has The Right Founder.
In Matthew 16:18, Jesus said, ...I will build my church,
and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Jesus promised to build his church. At that time, it had not yet
been built, but he said, I WILL BUILD my
church. Christ said this would take place while some of
those in the first century were still living. In Mark 9:1, he said,
Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that
stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the
kingdom of God come with power. Christ is the only one
who has the RIGHT to start a church (i.e., be the
founder). He has that right because he laid down His life for the
church. He purchased the church with His own blood. In Acts 20:28,
speaking to the elders of the church at Ephesus, Paul said,
Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock over
the which the holy Ghost bath made you overseers, to feed the
church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood
(emphasis mine, JW).
As the founder, Christ is the HEAD of the church.
Ephesians 1:22-23 records, And hath put all things under
his feet, and gave him to be the head
over all things to the church, which is his body, the
fullness of him that filleth all in all. Colossians 1:18
also affirms that Christ is the head of the body and the body is
the church. Ephesians 4:4 plainly says there is only ONE body.
There are as many bodies as there are Gods. There are as many
bodies as there are Christs (Lords). The Bible says there is only
one, and that Christ is the head of the one body (cf. Eph. 4:4-6).
2. The Church Of Christ Was Established At The Right
Time. The great prophets of the Old Testament prophesied the
establishment of the kingdom. In Isaiah 2:2, Isaiah writes,
And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain
of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the
mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations
shall flow unto it. Isaiah said that the
mountain of the Lord's house shall be established
in the last days. This is a reference to the government
of the Lord or the church. The last days has reference to the
Christian age. Joel also records about the coming of the kingdom in
Joel 2:28-32. This was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost after the
ascension of Christ (Acts 2). In Acts 2:16, Peter said,
But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel.
He wanted the people to know that the events taking place on
the day of Pentecost were the very events about which Joel
prophesied. The church (kingdom) was established in the first
century on the first Day of Pentecost after the resurrection of
Jesus from the dead.
3. The Church Of Christ Was Founded At The Scriptural
Place. Isaiah wrote in Isaiah 2:3, And many people
shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the
Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his
ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth
the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. He
said the word of the Lord would go forth from
Jerusalem. In giving the great
commission, Jesus said in Luke 24:47, And that
repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name
among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. In verse 49
Jesus said, ...but tarry ye in the city of Jerusa- lem,
until ye be endued with power from on high. In Acts 1:8,
Jesus said, But ye shall receive power, after that the
Holy Spirit is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me
both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the
uttermost part of the earth. The apostles were told that
the church would have its beginning in Jerusalem (Acts 2:1-4). That
took place on the day of Pentecost following the ascension of
Christ back into heaven.
4. The Church Of Christ Wears The Right Name. We
must always do that which exalts Christ. To wear a name that does
not exalt the name of Christ is to disgrace the name of Christ.
When we wear a human name, it undermines the authority of Christ.
We wear the name church of Christ because it is found in
the Bible. In Romans 16:16 we read, ...the churches of
Christ salute you. Paul mentions a multiplicity of
congregations that were saluting the brethren at Rome. The phrase
in Romans 16 has reference to the churches belonging to Christ. IF
WEAR EXALT THE NAME OF CHRIST? If you are wearing a human name, you
are dishonoring Christ.
As members of the body of Christ, we are given a name to
wear. The name we wear is the name Christian. There are
three places in the Bible where the word Christian is
used (Acts 11:26; 26:28; 1 Peter 4:16). If we are not called by a
Bible name, then we are not obeying God.
5. The Church Of Christ Is Right In Organization.
The church of Christ does not have an earthly headquarters where a
group of men govern what we do or what we believe. The organization
as set forth in the New Testament is: elders, deacons, preachers
and members.
First Timothy 3:1-8 and Titus 1:5-11 lists the
qualifications for those who are elders or
bishops. This word is from the Greek word episkopos
meaning overseer (Moulton's Analytical Greek Lexicon, p.160).
Paul used this same word in Acts 20:28 when he told the elders of
the church at Ephesus that they were overseers, to feed
the church of God.
In 1 Timothy 3:8-13, Paul records the qualifications of
the deacons. A deacon by definition means to serve or be
a servant.
Next in organization there are preachers or evangelists.
In 2 Timothy 4:5, Paul told Timothy to do the work of an
evangelist. In Ephesians 4:11 Paul wrote, And
he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists;
and some, pastors and teachers. Notice the separation
between evangelists and pastors. A preacher is
NOT the pastor, he is the evangelist. The word pastor
means overseer. This has reference to the elders, not the
Members are next in this list of the
organization. In 1 Corinthians 12:27 we read, Now ye are
the body of Christ, and members in particular. Romans
12:4,5 records, For as we have many members in one body,
and all members have not the same office: So we, being many, are
one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.
6. The Church Of Christ Is Not A Denomination.
Many today believe the church of Christ is a mere denomination
among hundreds of others. The word denomination means
division, and division has been condemned in the Bible.
In 1 Corinthians 1:10 Paul wrote, Now I beseech you,
brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak
the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that
ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same
judgment. Paul said that we must speak the same thing,
but that is not true among the denominations. He also said,
that there be NO divisions among you. In John 17,
Jesus prayed for unity. Unity cannot be joined with division. This
unity must be had among believers through truth.
The church of Christ makes the plea to speak where
the Bible speaks and be silent where the Bible is silent (1
Peter 4:11). We must call Bible things by Bible names and do
Bible things in Bible ways.
The church of Christ believes in restoring First Century
Christianity and going back to the New Testament for the answers.
Our guide is the inspired Word of God and not the creeds of men (2
Tim. 3:16,17; 1 Peter 1:3).
(Some of the main points were taken from Leroy Brownlow's
book, Why I Am A Member Of The Church Of Christ)
2485 Spring Valley Rd.
Tuscumbia, AL 35674
Table of Contents
Garland M. Robinson
The church of Christ is not a man-made denomination as are
the scores of churches listed in the telephone book. It
is undenominational non-denominational. Unlike denominations
of men, the church of Christ (the Lord's church) dates back to
Pentecost 33 A.D. when Peter and the other apostles preached the
first Gospel sermon. About 3,000 repented and were baptized that
day for the remission of sins and were added
by the Lord to his body the church (Acts 2:38,41,47). Men and women
have become members of the church the same way since that day.
The church of Christ is the CALLED OUT. Its
members have been delivered from the power of darkness (the sin and
lust of the world), and translated into the kingdom (church) of
God's dear Son (Col. 1:13). It is a holy calling (2 Tim. 1:9). We,
therefore, are to walk worthy of it (Eph. 4:1) so that we might
stand approved of God (2 Peter 1:10). The calling is not as
denominations teach, a miraculous, spiritual calling or urging. God
calls all men through the preaching of the Gospel (2 Thess. 2:14).
When men hear, believe, repent, confess Christ, and are
baptized, they become members of God's eternal kingdom,
the church (Acts 2:38,41,47).
The church of Christ is the BODY OF CHRIST. God
...hath put all things under his (Jesus) feet,
and gave him to be the head over all things to the church,
which is his body... (Eph. 1:22-23; Col. 1:18). The
Lord only has one body (Eph. 4:4) and it is not made up
of all the denominations. There are many members yet but
one body (1 Cor. 12:20). The many members are individual
people, not denominations. Only those in the one body will be saved
for Jesus is the saviour of the body (Eph.
5:23). It is by water baptism that one enters the body.
For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body
(1 Cor. 12:13).
The church of Christ is the HOUSE OF GOD,
which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground
of the truth (1 Tim. 3:15). Now therefore ye
are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the
saints, and of the household of God (Eph.
2:19). We are sons of God (Phil. 2:15).
Are you in the body of Christ, the house of
God? Have you been called out of the world to live a new life
in Christ? Obey the Gospel that you may be God's own possession (1
Peter 2:9).
The church of Christ was not built on John the Baptist,
Peter, Paul or any other man. Now this I say, that
every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of
Cephas; and I of Christ. Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for
you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul (1 Cor.
The church of Christ was built by Jesus Christ.
Jesus said to his apostles, ...upon this rock I will
build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail
against it (Matt. 16:18).
The church of Christ was built on Jesus Christ as the
only foundation. For other foundation can no man lay
than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 3:11).
This is the stone which was set at nought of you
builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there
salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven
given among men, whereby we must be saved (Acts 4:1-12).
The church of Christ was purchased by the blood of
Christ. Paul told the elders of the church at Ephesus,
Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock,
over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the
church of God, which he hath purchased with his own
blood (Acts 20:28). What a shame and tragedy that men
today belittle the church for which the Lord Jesus died. Claims are
made, give me Jesus but not the church! Friend, you
cannot separate the two. You can't have Jesus without the church.
Neither can you have the church without Jesus. Jesus died in order
to purchase the church and bring it into existence. The book of
Acts is filled with the disciples of the Lord establishing churches
in every city (Acts 15:36; 16:5).
The church of Christ is composed of the saved who are
added to it by the Lord who saves them. The command on
Pentecost was to repent and be baptized...for the
remission of sins (Acts 2:38). Then they that
gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were
added unto them about three thousand souls
(Acts 2:41). ...And the Lord added to the church
daily... (Acts 2:47). There is no adding
without repentance and baptism!
The Lord will save only his church (Eph. 5:23). Are you
a member of the CHURCH OF CHRIST?
Table of Contents
Steve A. Miller
As Paul wrote to the Galatians, he addressed whether they
were under the old Law of Moses or under the new Law of Christ.
Paul found that some had perverted the Gospel. I marvel
that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace
of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another: but there be
some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ
(Gal. 1:6-7). The apostle reasoned with them, O
Foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey
the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set
forth, crucified among you? This only would I learn of you,
Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing
of faith (Gal. 3:1-2)?
Paul continues by telling them that we are redeemed under
the law of Christ, by the Gospel. The Galatians were being told
that it was necessary to practice the Law of Moses to be a
Christian. Even so we, when we were children, were in
bondage under the elements of the world: But when the fullness of
the time was come. God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made
under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we
might receive the adoption of sons (Gal. 4:3-5). Their
problem is stated in this same chapter. But now, after
that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye
again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again
to be in bondage (4:8)?
In verse 16 of chapter 4, Paul writes, Am I
therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
The Galatians viewed Paul as an enemy for telling them the
truth about their present situation. Paul did not declare his
opinions or the words of men, he declared the Gospel of Christ.
But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was
preached of me is not after man. For I neither received it of man,
neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ
(Gal. 1:11-12). They once were thankful and appreciative of
the work and preaching of the apostle Paul, but now they were at
odds with the man who revealed to them the revelation of Christ.
        The attitude of the Galatians can still be found today.
When the truth of God's Word is preached, there will always be some
who will count you as an enemy for telling the truth.
Gospel preachers have the responsibility to preach
the word (2 Tim. 4:2) and to teach the truth without apology.
But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine.
These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let
no man despise thee (Titus 2:1,15). Put them
in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey
magistrates, to be ready to every good work (Titus 3:1).
When preachers, as earthen vessels, proclaim the divine
message from heaven, and are counted as enemies, remember Paul's
question, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell
you the truth?
1101 Beaumont Centre Lane #23202
Lexington, Kentucky 40513
Table of Contents
The God we serve is an august, spiritual being both deserving
and desirous of our deepest respect. Though described in Scripture
as a friend to man (Isa. 41:8; James 2:23), he is not some sort of
good buddy to joke with or about. Our God is still on the
throne (Psalm 45:6), his ways remain higher than our ways (Isa.
55:9), and his authoritative Word still promises to judge us in the
Last Day (Rev. 20:12).
No measure of self-appointed, flippant familiarity with
the God of heaven detracts one bit or whit from his inherent
majesty. Our God is eminently worthy of our reverence, thus we must
serve him acceptably with reverence and godly fear
(Heb. 12:28). Truly, reverence is the very first
element of religion [Charles Simmons].
Moreover, our periods of public worship should express
this spirit of reverence. God is greatly to be feared in
the assembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all {them
that are} about him (Psa. 89:7). Worship performed
in spirit and in truth (John 4:24) suggests a
demeanor of awe and reverence.
We agree that our worship services should be permeated
with expressions of joy and thanksgiving they should not come
to resemble a congregational visit to the dentist; but neither
should the reverent worship of our heavenly Father be confused for
a carnival or a rock concert. Whether our worship is that offered
during a Sunday morning service, that which involves a lectureship
assembly, or that which is engaged in by a zealous throng of young
people attending a youth rally regardless where, when or by
whom the worship is performed it must be characterized by
reverence and decorum. Let all things be done decently
and in order (1 Cor. 14:40).
The worship assembly is not the proper setting for
screaming, whistling, clapping, and stomping the feet in response
to a speaker's message. We do not gather to pay homage to men, but
to worship God. We do not come together as to a football game or a
stage-band concert; we come to worship God. We do not assemble with
the intent of being entertained or sensually excited; we come to
worship God. Any assembly of saints with the intent of worshipping
and praising the God of heaven should reject that which emphasizes
the carnal emotions and minimizes the spiritual man. An outsider
should be able to attend one of our Sunday assemblies, or one of
our many youth gatherings, and see a marked difference between the
worship of God and the Johnny Carson show.
In the realm of worship, zeal without
knowledge paves a dangerous road toward pagan,
flesh-oriented, and riotous assemblies. Most of our denominational
neighbors have long gone this route, with services geared more
toward entertaining man than worshipping God. May we learn to
temper our joy in Christ with a Christlike reverence for things
holy. And may we teach our children so.
Dalton Key
Table of Contents
A recent decision by the Supreme Court of the state of
Massachusetts allows what has been called gay marriage.
Like all promoters of error, these people attempt to redefine words
to accommodate whatever they want. Seeing the low level of morality
in this nation it would not surprise me that such travesty of truth
becomes the norm throughout the nation.
Why the title of this article? It is because the term
dog is used at least twice in the Bible to refer to
homosexuals. Deut. 23:17,18, There shall be no whore of
the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel. Thou
shalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, into
the house of the Lord thy God for any vow: for even both these are
abomination unto the Lord thy God.
Strong's Concordance defines the word dog as a
euphemism, a male prostitute. That presents a homosexual regardless
of whatever else it says. Clyde Woods commented in his commentary
on Deuteronomy that the term is pejorative for the male
prostitute, as the marginal rendering 'sodomite' in the RSV
Revelation 22:15, For without are dogs, and
sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and
whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. The word translated
dogs is called by Thayer a metaphor in various but always
reproachful senses, a man of impure mind, probably understand
sodomites. That should be clear enough.
But who is a sodomite? The dictionary defines a sodomite
as one who practices sodomy, the homosexual proclivities of the men
of Sodom; copulation with a member of the same sex or an animal.
There is more to the definition that reminds us of the immoralities
of the recent President Clinton which some so-called
Christians supported anyway.
The truth is that the Bible uses the term dog
to refer to a sodomite. In the state of Massachusetts, the home of
so many moral giants in recent years, one homosexual can
marry another homosexual if they choose. So why is it
wrong to say that you can marry your dog in
Massachusetts? Carried to its logical conclusion, and
seeing the degenerate attitude toward morality in many places of
America, one will soon be able to marry his literal dog
as well as a so-called gay person.
God bless America? Why should He?
James W. Boyd
Table of Contents
Marvin L. Weir
Many never give a moment's thought to choosing the
philosophical theory of subjectivism over the
objective teaching of God's Word. People continue to make
religious decisions based solely upon their feelings. Far too many
subscribe to the theory that if it feels right
it must be right! Folks have been led to believe in the fatal
doctrine that all knowledge is subjective and relative.
People who believe in a thus saith the Lord and emphasize
the Word of God are ridiculed. Those who believe in
heart-felt religion are praised and exalted.
This attitude manifested itself during the time of the
Judges. In those days there was no king in Israel: every
man did that which was right in his own eyes (Judges
21:25). If a person felt that he was doing right, he
considered himself to be right. Surely one who is thinking
rationally and reasonably can see the folly of such a conclusion.
The Bible reveals a vital principle in stating, God is a
Spirit: and they that worship him must worship in spirit and in
truth (John 4:24). The Holy Scriptures must guide a
person's attitude as well as his action. It is not enough for one
to just feel that he is right!
The havoc that subjectivism has wrought in the
religious realm will indeed boggle one's mind. Let us observe some
areas that prove subjectivism is alive and well today:
- Attend the church of your choice. I
feel that one church is as good as another and that there are
Christians in all churches.
Answer: Christ promised to build only one church (Matt.
16:18; cf. Eph. 4:4) and He has promised to save only His body
(Eph. 5:23). The church is His body of which He
is head (Eph. 1:22-23). This means that man-made
denominations with man-made names cannot be the church
of the Lord! The Savior speaks of the blind leading the blind and
then warns, Every plant which my heavenly Father planted
not, shall be rooted up (Matt. 15:13).
- Give me Christ and not the church. I
feel one is saved by God's grace and not some church.
Answer: Christ and His church are inseparable. Salvation
is located in Christ (2 Tim. 2:10). People are
saved because of God's grace (Eph. 2:8-9), but His grace is
extended only to those who are obedient to His will (Heb. 5:8-9).
It is mere mockery to claim to love the Christ while detesting or
renouncing the church He died for.
I would not trade this feeling for
a stack of Bibles. It does not matter to God how much you know as
long as you love Him.
Answer: One can feel he is right, but be wrong
(cf. Jer. 10:23; Prov. 14:12). God's Word is to be our guide (Psa.
119:105). Jesus said, If ye love me, keep my
commandments (John 14:15). It is impossible to love God
and yet refuse to be guided by His truth. The words of Jesus again
declare, Not every one that saith unto me Lord, Lord,
shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will
of my Father who is in heaven (Matt. 7:21). Hosea knew
that his people were destroyed for lack of knowledge
(4:6). The Scriptures, not one's feelings, will make him
wise unto salvation (2 Tim. 3:15).
I feel that worship has to be
spontaneous and exciting. Unless I am emotionally challenged,
worship is boring.
Answer: Worship is not meant to be an entertainment
experience. Emotions run high and low, and
they come and they go. All would do well to imitate the Bereans who
searched the Scriptures for truth not their emotions (Acts
I just know God loves me, and I don't
feel that He will condemn anyone to an eternal hell.
Answer: God does indeed love man, and He sent His Son to
die on Calvary's cross so that man might have the opportunity to be
redeemed (Eph. 1:7). The loving Father would have all men
to be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth (1
Tim. 2:4). But truth is what God's Word says and not what
man feels! Christ states that the majority are traveling the broad
road to destruction (Matt. 7:13-14). He will say to these people,
Depart from me, ye cursed, into the eternal fire which is
prepared for the devil and his angels (Matt. 25:41).
People should fear the one who can destroy both soul and
body in hell (Matt. 10:28).
Naaman thought (felt) his leprosy could be cured his
way instead of God's way (2 Kings 5:9-14). He was
wrong, and so are all people today who are content to be guided by
their feelings.
Christ warns, And if the blind guide the blind,
both shall fall into a pit (Matt. 15:14). In the pit,
one's feelings will be no source of comfort!
Beware of subjectivism and cleave to the everlasting Word
of God (1 Peter 1:24-25).
5810 Liberty Grove Rd.
Rowlett, TX 75089
Table of Contents
Victor M. Eskew
A child lives only two days after birth. SIDS has taken her
precious little life. Mom and Dad are angry with God. A couple has
been planning for retirement. One month before the husband's last
day on the job, he is diagnosed with cancer. He is given only three
months to live. The couple is angry with God. By the age of ten, a
little boy has been in four foster homes. He never knew his father.
His mother abandoned him at the age of five. He, too, is angry with
God. A fifty-eight year old man has worked diligently to build a
business. A poor economy and a corrupt business partner force him
into bankruptcy. He is angry with God.
God has been the target of much anger. Humans rationalize
that since God is almighty, He can stop all the evil in the world.
They also think that since God is love, He should pour out His
benevolence so that no one suffers pain and anguish. Since this
does not always happen, men and women and children blame God for
the heartaches they suffer. They ask: Why didn't God do
something? The more they think about their situation, the more
their anger toward God burns within them.
Some of us have been in these situations. Others have
witnessed the anger that others have had toward God. The question
that often comes is: How do I deal with this anger? or,
How can I help another who tells me about the anger he has
toward God? We hope that some of the thoughts in this article
will help.
First, we must remember that human beings are beings
of choice. ...Choose you this day whom ye will
serve... (Josh. 24:15). If we did not have the ability to
choose, we would only be puppets in the hand of God. Our service to
Him would not be voluntary. It would not be done out of love. The
fact that we are free moral agents is important from two
standpoints. One, sometimes we make choices that bring us harm. God
has nothing to do with that. Two, sometimes other individuals make
choices that harm us. Again, God has nothing to do with such
things. In these cases, it is wrong to blame God. We need to direct
our anger toward those who are responsible for our hardship or
Second, we must remember that God is not the only
force that exists in this world. Satan is the prince of this
world (John 12:31). He walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom
he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). His presence, although evil, is here.
His presents the side that is in opposition to God. Sadly, his
presence can bring harm to human beings. He lures and deceives
humanity. Those who yield to him take a hard road (Prov. 13:15).
Why men never want to be angry with the devil has always been a
Third, God never promised an easy road, free from
tribulation in this world. In fact, He promised difficulties.
In John 16:33 we read: These things I have spoken unto
you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have
tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
If we have had adequate warning about the difficulty of our
sojourn here, why do we get angry about it? Nothing has been hidden
from us. God has not lied to us. A general once rode with his
troops to the battle line. He warned them of the bloodshed and
death they would experience. The battle was as predicted. The
soldiers who survived never said an angry word to their commander.
Instead, they thanked him for the forewarning. It eased the pain of
their suffering and loss. Why can't we be as thankful to our
Commander? He has lovingly cautioned us about the hardships of
Fourth, we sometimes fail to remember that not all
suffering is harmful to us. In fact, it can be a means of
strengthening our character and bringing forth fruit unto God. Let
us remind you that we are not saying suffering is pleasant. We are
only asserting that it can be beneficial. This was a lesson the
Hebrew writer sought to get across to his readers. Apparently, they
were experiencing difficulties. Some were beginning to waver. Thus,
the inspired penman writes: Now no chastening for the
present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward
it yeildeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which
are exercised thereby (Heb. 12:11). James also set forth
this same lesson in James 1:2-4. It was such a vital point that he
exhorted his readers to rejoice in their temptations. My
brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But
let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be complete and
entire, wanting nothing.
Fifth, those who are angry with God need to remember
that God sometimes tests our faith. The devil says that the
only reason we serve God is because He is always good to us. God
knows better. He knows that many men serve Him for nothing. They
serve God because He is God and for no other reason. Job was such
a man. In Job 1:9, Satan asked God: Doth Job fear God for
naught? God then put His servant to the test. He was
afflicted physically, economically, emotionally, socially, and
spiritually. Job, however, held up under the test. Even when his
wife tried to get him to curse God, he would not. Here's how he
answered her chiding: ...Thou speakest as one of the
foolish women speaketh. What? Shall we receive good at the hand of
the Lord, and shall we not receive evil? In all this did not Job
sin with his lips (Job 2:10).
Anger is a God-given emotion. Expressed at the right time,
in the right way, and toward the right person, it can serve a
purpose. God, however, should never be the recipient of our anger.
Even if He seems to act against us, He is not. God loves us and
cherishes us as His children. He knows this world in which we live
is only a temporary existence. He is more concerned about our
living with Him in the world to come (2 Cor. 4:16:4).
We want to look at one other point. There are many people
who use their anger toward God as an excuse. Serving God is
demanding. It involves sacrifice. If one is angry, he doesn't have
to serve. He can always say: I'm too mad to serve God right
now. What is interesting is that many of these individuals
were not faithful before the plight for which they are angry with
God. Their anger is used in an attempt to justify their continued
unfaithfulness. Those who use anger in this manner are not people
of integrity. Sadly, they will stand before God lost, trying to
blame their Saviour for their lost condition. Think about that one.
It is sobering indeed.
9664 Highway 49B North
Brookland, AR 72417
Table of Contents
I was watching Fox News the other day when a correspondent
was interviewing two Muslims; one a newsman himself, and the other
a Muslim cleric. The Fox correspondent was trying to get these two
men to speak out against the abuses of Osama bin Laden. The two
Islamic men were trying their best to dodge the issue.
They would say, Well, Osama has a great following in the
Muslim world, but we want you to understand, sir, that Islam is a
peaceful religion. We are opposed to violence. The Fox
correspondent tried again to get them to repudiate Osama, but they
would not come out and say he is wrong and personally responsible
for much of the terrorism that is going on today. They would not
come out and say, Osama is wrong and is not a faithful
Finally, the Fox correspondent, in great frustration,
asked, Why doesn't some cleric or some Muslim leader just say
clearly for all to hear, 'Osama bin Laden is an apostate and is
going to hell?' Neither of the two Mohammedans would say this.
In fact, they seemed rather shocked at the statement.
As I watched this exchange on TV I was reminded of similar
exchanges I have had with some of my very brethren in the Lord's
church. I have preached that those who will not obey the gospel are
hell bound. I have not said this with any glee, nor have I been
mean-spirited about this sad affair. However, I have had members of
the church come to me and say things like, Now Jim, you must
not say a person is going to hell. That's judging, and you are not
their judge! Let's leave that up to God. One even said, I
would never, ever tell a person that they are going to hell, for I
do not have that right.
Strange, isn't it? It is certainly strange how
politically correct we attempt to be even in the churches
of Christ these days. I heard a story some time ago about a young,
college man coming to a country church to preach. He stood in the
pulpit and exclaimed that he would never tell another human that
they were going to hell. At that, an older brother stood up in the
back of the little building and said loudly, Young man, point
them out to me and I'll tell them!
The fact is, brothers and sisters, there are many who are
indeed hell bound, and if you and I do not tell them, they may
never know it. Are we satisfied with allowing them to go to hell
with a smile on their face? Are we, in the name of tact
allowing precious souls to go to a place prepared for the devil and
his angels?
Many will go down the broad way into destruction (Matt.
7:13-14). Who are these? They are the ones who are not obedient to
the Lord; who will not walk in His light. Non-believers, and those
who will not submit to the Lord will be lost (Mark 16:15-16; 2
Thess. 1:7-10; Rev. 22:14). The lost ones are they whose names are
not written in the book of life (Rev. 20:11-15).
It is sin that separates one from God (Isa. 59:1-2; Rom.
6:23). If one dies in his sins, he will be eternally lost (John
8:24; James 5:19-20). The Muslim religion does not recognize Jesus
as the Christ (Messiah). They say he was a prophet, but not nearly
as important as their Mohammed. Therefore, all who hold
to this false view are in their sins and therefore
separated from God (John 8:24; Isaiah 59:1-2). They may think they
are right, but are, in fact, very, very wrong (Prov. 14:12). Is
Osama bin Laden going to hell? Yes indeed! That is, unless he
repents of his false religion and accepts Jesus as the One He says
He is; the King of kings and the Lord of lords!
In fact, all who will not accept Jesus as King of kings
and Lord of lords, and who will not then submit to Him in humble
and meek obedience are lost! What about YOU? Do you want to go to
this place of eternal punishment, eternal destruction, eternal
judgment; this place prepared for the devil and his angels (Matt.
10:28; 25:41,46)? Surely you do not want to go there. Believe
therefore, and repent of your sins. Submit yourself to the meek and
lowly Jesus as the Lord and Saviour in baptism for the remission of
sins (John 8:24; Luke 13:3; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38). Be ye
reconciled to God (2 Cor. 5:18-21).
James E. Farley
PO Box 285
Crum, West Virginia 25669
Table of Contents
We appreciate your paper so very much and pray you will
continue the good work ...Virgil Horsley, Sheridan, WY.
I enjoy reading STOP. I am sending you a small
contribution for the good work of the paper. Please keep up the
good work. You are much appreciated. Hope this will help
...Richard Messer, Sr., Muncie, IN. Keep up the good
work. We appreciate receiving Seek The Old Paths
...Elizabeth Blanton, Oakman, AL. We look forward to
receiving Seek the Old Paths. We know we are reading the
TRUTH. Thank you so very much. May God spread His word and be
believe ...Name Withheld. Thank you so much for
sending us your paper. We really do enjoy reading it. You truly are
doing a great work for the Lord, and you will be rewarded one
day ...Mrs. Reuben Abel, Humboldt, TN. Please
accept my contribution to help with the costs associated with
mailing the publication. God bless you as you defend the faith
...Keith Neese, Mobile, AL. May God continue to bless
you in your work in His kingdom. His church must remain strong in
His doctrine ...Floyd Roe, Cushing, OK. Thank
you for putting us on your mailing list. We enjoy reading Seek
the Old Paths. Please keep us on your mailing list
...Harmony Church of Christ, Saratoga, AR. Here is a
small contribution for your work, like the sound articles that you
print. May God's blessings be with you all ...Thresa Weir,
Sulphur Springs, TX. We hope this helps in continuing
with STOP. (We'd hate to see it stop). May God continue to bless
you as you continue to fight against all the changes in the
church ...Don & Joyce Tiffany, Durham, NC. We
appreciate your work very much ...Tom & Marilyn Cope,
Sierra Vista, AZ. Thank you so much. This is a good work
and is much needed. It is so dreadfully needed in these days. I do
so desperately want my friends and family and the church everywhere
not to be led astray by false teachers. Thank you for this
paper ...Name Withheld. If one cannot find the
instruments in worship in the Bible which God has authorized then
the inescapable conclusion is that instruments are authorized by
man not God. This is precisely the case. The question is a simple
one: Will our worship be determined by what we want or what God has
said? We firmly believe our worship must be authorized by the God
we worship. I enjoy reading your publication and I appreciate so
much you sending it to me. Leave me on your 2004 mailing list
...Reba Miller, Plumerville, AR. One of our brothers
recently loaned me a copy of Seek the Old Paths. I would
greatly appreciate you adding our congregation to your mailing
list. We are a small congregation of about 35 members. I would like
to request about 20 copies to hand out to our group. Keep up the
excellent work you are doing in the name of our Lord and
Savior ...Phyllis Kelley, Jasper, AR. It is our
prayer that this small gift will help you to continue your work. We
need your shining light in our Christian world. Please don't stop
opening our eyes!!! Let us know your needs, and we will step
forward. We share the magazine with many discouraged Christians. We
need you ...Scott & LeeBeth Degraeve, Daphne, AL.
We enjoy receiving the publication and feel that it is one of
the best in the brotherhood ...Eddie & Barbara Breeden,
New Johnsonville, TN. I enjoy the paper very much. Hope
you can continue sending it out. God bless and help you
...Name Withheld. May our Lord Jesus Christ Everlasting
blessing be with you all. I thank God for guiding you, leading you
your way of life to know the truth, preach and teach us to know or
seek for the old path to have rest for our souls. Please I have
read your magazine entitled Seek the Old Paths on
Questions about The Christian Church Denomination (2) and
am very pleased with its contents. I therefore appealing to you if
I could be sent regularly. May God bless you in all your
endeavors ...Peter Mensah, Ghana, W. Africa. In
the name of our Almighty God and His Son Jesus Christ, our Lord and
Savior, Greetings! A sister in the church who is working in the
U.S., came home last summer for a short vacation here in the
Philippines to attend her son's wedding, handed me a Seek the
Old Paths, issue Jan. 2003, Vol. 14, No. 1 and issue March
2003, Vol. 14, No. 3. I thank her and expressed my appreciation for
giving me such a wonderful magazine. At home, I spent a time
reading the magazine, all the articles in both issues and I find it
very interesting to read because all the positions presented in the
articles are backed up with scriptures of which I most admire and
I like it very much because that is how I expect when one is
presenting an issue especially a theological or doctrinal issues,
that is. To me no matter how good and brilliant a presentation is
I can hardly be convinced or never, unless it is scripturally
based. I must say then that the magazine is edifying hence
commendable. And to my joy of reading I clamour for more, this is
the reason why I wrote you for a copy or more. I happened to have
read the Christian Chronicle but it did not create me
interest for there a lot of things that I disagree and sometimes no
scriptures to support the premise unlike yours. I love it!
...Dominador V. Manuel, Philippines. Your paper is
absolutely one of the best ever. May God's blessings ever be on you
all ...Name Withheld. Here is a small donation
to help keep the paper coming. I really enjoy it so much. And it
helps people all over the world. I like it because it tells the
truth and keeps us informed of the error in the church. Thank you
so much ...Name Withheld. We appreciate what you
are doing with Seek the Old Paths and desire to see the
publication continue. We have decided to begin supporting your work
at $100 per month. We would also like to receive a bundle of 10
copies for our congregation. We look forward to an association in
proclaiming the gospel and defending the word of God. May God bless
you in your efforts ...Charles Coats, Church of Christ,
Webberville, MI. Thank you for sending us your
publication of Seek the Old Paths. We like what we read
and it helps make our faith stronger ...Glenn & Deanna
Little, Franklin, TN. I just finished reading one of your
publications that was passed on to me by one of my sisters in
Christ and I enjoyed it very much. It's not often you can find a
paper that teaches the truth from God's word as you are doing. I
want to say thank you very much. Keep up the good work and God will
bless his own ...Latrell Dilbeck, Blue Ridge, GA.
I want to thank you for the WHOLE truth. I say a prayer of
thanks each time I receive STOP. I ordered one book of lessons and
have given the rest for someone else to receive STOP and be as
thankful as I am when I open my mail box and there for me is
Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths...and
walk therein (Jer. 6:16). I could not have received a better
thing than the whole truth. Prayer of thanks ...Darlene
Kirk, Taylor, MI.
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Lectureship this year

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