This Issue...
Frank Chesser
The brazen, unauthorized liberties of the
grace of liberalism include audible prayers
of women in the presence of men; the efforts
of a choir, soloist, or praise team to draw
attention to itself and fostering
entertainment; an expensive playground called
a "Family Life Center;" and childish
activities such as clapping, hand raising,
and swaying that intrude upon the solemnity
of spirit and truth worship.
Grace is Gods unmerited favor divinely bestowed upon
sinful humanity. Life apart from grace is fantasy, not reality.
Grace is not a lifeless attribute of deity. It is active,
perpetually manifesting itself to man in countless ways. The
wardrobe of grace is variegated and is as vast as eternity. James
pointed to God as the source of all good things (James 1:17). A
portrait encompassing every good thing on earth is a portrait of
grace. Incessantly, God exhibits His grace toward man by giving him
rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts
with food and gladness (Acts 14:17).
Man owes his very existence to Gods grace. Even in
the paradisiacal world of Eden, man was a recipient of the grace of
God. Did man deserve to be created? Even in a world of perfection
and innocence, can the creation deserve even a solitary gift from
the hand of the Creator? Prior to sin, could the first human pair
look toward Heaven and stamp even the smallest blessing as merit?
God forbid!
God is not in debt to man. God does not owe man anything.
The very nature of grace stamps man as an eternal debtor. If man
could live a million years, he could never perform enough good
deeds to place God in his debt. In spite of all the notable works
that he might accomplish, the term unprofitable is
irrevocably attached to every mans name (Luke 17:10). Whatever
God does for man is based on grace, not merit.
The moment Genesis 3:6 became a reality, grace took on
new meaning -- Genesis 3:6 is the introduction to sin. When sin
became a reality, the cross became a necessity. At the first
appearance of sin, God headed toward Calvary. Sin rendered man
spiritually impotent. Severed from the work of Christ on
Golgothas height, man is as helpless as a straw in the wind.
Every step he takes is a backward step. He is lost today, lost
tomorrow, and lost forever.
If man is ever to be saved, it will be by the grace of
God. Being justified freely by his grace through the
redemption that is in Christ Jesus (Rom. 3:24). It is
the grace of God that bringeth salvation
(Titus 2:11). Salvation by human effort and merit is unthinkable.
Apart from grace, the presence of just one sin in a mans life
forever seals his doom. In the salvation process, man must look to
God and His grace, not to himself.
However, mans reception of Gods gifts is not
the work of grace alone. Man must cooperate with God in order to
benefit from the rich provisions of grace. This principle embraces
both physical and spiritual matters. Physical sustenance is a gift
of grace; yet, a tremendous amount of human effort must be exerted
by the farmer in order to receive this gift. The consumer must then
match the farmers effort with sufficient work to accumulate
the funds necessary to purchase the food grown and harvested by the
Relative to spiritual matters, grace is the basis of
mans acceptability with God. However, grace does not
exclude the obedience of faith (Rom. 16:26). God cannot
manifest grace by saving those who refuse or neglect to submit to
His will. Jesus clearly identified the saved as those who
do the will of my Father which is in heaven (Matt.
7:21). Jesus is the author of eternal salvation, but only for those
that obey him (Heb. 5:9). Purification from
sin by grace through blood is the result of obeying the
truth (1 Peter 1:22). Therefore, salvation is
by grace through faith (Eph. 2:8) and that faith is
the obedience of faith (Rom. 16:26) that
works by love (Gal. 5:6).
The majesty, greatness, and grandeur of God transcends
human expression. The very term God punctures the mind
with rivets of inexpressible awe. The mind reels and staggers under
the load of this single thought. One might as well attempt to
squeeze the universe into a thimble as to endeavor to compress God
into the mind of man. The vastness and complexity of the universe
defies human understanding. If every man were a Solomon and had a
trillion lifetimes to devote entirely to research and study, he
could not commence to unlock the secrets or solve the mysteries of
the universe. However, with a simple God said,
everything external to Himself came into existence (Gen. 1).
God is absolute holiness. God is so holy that He
cannot look on iniquity (Hab. 1:13). Thus, when
Israel sinned at the feet of Aarons golden calf, Moses had to
position the tabernacle afar off from the camp
(Exodus 33:7). Because of Judahs grievous sin, God is pictured
as vacating the temple, leaving Jerusalem, and ascending to the top
of the mountain to oversee the citys destruction (Ezek.
11:22-23). Gods holiness will not allow Him to dwell where sin
What is worship? Worship is an expression of grace. It
is grace as it works in mans behalf. It is grace as it reaches
out to man and allows him the unspeakable privilege of coming into
the sublime presence of the holy God. Worship is man in mental
prostration at the footstool of grace, clothed in reverential awe
and wonder, expressing love and gratitude in divinely ordained
acts. In view of the vile, odious, grotesque insanity of sin, it is
a powerful testimony to the amazing grace of God that His holy name
should even be allowed to move across the sinful lips of humanity,
much less for permission to be granted for man to come into His
august presence for worship and fellowship.
Grace teaches. Grace instructs man regarding things to
do and things not to do (Titus 2:11-12). Grace teaches man to enter
Gods presence with biblical instruction, prayers,
congregational singing, Sunday contributions, and participation in
the Lords supper (1 Cor. 11-16). Consequently, grace has
provided a pattern whereby man might approach God with
authorized acts of devotion. Following the pattern is mans
responding to grace in the obedience of faith. It is mans
walking by faith in appreciation of Gods grace. It is
mans honoring Gods choices of grace. It is mans
expressing love for God by obeying the commands of grace. It is man
with a teachable spirit, a willing recipient of the instructions of
grace. It is mans listening and yielding to the marvelous
grace of God. Respect for the pattern is respect for the grace
that provided the pattern.
Liberalism preaches a grace that it does not understand
and to which it will not listen. Grace furnishes a pattern for
entrance into Gods presence, but liberalism denies even the
concept of a pattern. Grace teaches, but liberalism will not learn.
Grace tugs at mans heart, imploring him to move in harmony
with its melody, but liberalism is too busy marching to the beat of
its own drum. If liberalism were teachable it would cease to exist.
Grace entreats sinful man to wash in the fountain of
blood and then come with trembling awe and reverential fear into
the majestic presence of the God of all holiness with authorized
offerings of spirit-and-truth worship. Reverence for grace, the
instruction of grace, the demands of grace is Abel with the
authorized sacrifice (Heb. 11:4); Abraham at the altar of faith
(Heb. 11:17), Davids finally following the due order
(1 Chron. 15:13), and the remnant of Israel trembling at
Gods Word (Isa. 66:2).
The spirit of liberalism is Cains receiving the
grace of God in vain (2 Cor. 6:2) at the altar of
self-will (Gen. 4:5), Nadab and Abihus nullifying grace with
strange fire (Lev. 10:1-2), Jereboams
sinning against grace with a perverted pattern of worship
devised of his own heart (1 Kings 12:33), and the
Pharisees spurning grace with humanly contrived vain
worship (Matt. 15:9).
The brazen, unauthorized liberties of the grace of
liberalism include audible prayers of women in the presence of men;
the efforts of a choir, soloist, or praise team to draw attention
to itself and fostering entertainment; an expensive playground
called a Family Life Center; and childish activities such
as clapping, hand raising, and swaying that intrude upon the
solemnity of spirit and truth worship.
The grace of liberalism is mans standing in the
august presence of the omnipotent God, pointing to a mechanized
piece of strange music and pompously affirming, Its no
big deal. The shameless grace of liberalism is mans
promoting what God hates (Mal. 2:16) by attempting to nullify one
of His most effective laws of prevention (Matt. 19:9). The arrogant
grace of liberalism is mans holding forth the church for which
Jesus died before an assembly of sectarians as an object of
ridicule and derision. The end of the grace of liberalism is the
destruction of exclusive New Testament Christianity in a given
community and full fellowship with the Billy Grahams of the world.
The grace of liberalism is alien to the grace of the
Used by permission. Publishing Designs, Inc.
P.O. Box 3241, Huntsville, AL 35810. Ph. (256) 533-4301, This article is chapter 5 in the book The
Spirit of Liberalism by Frank Chesser. You would do well to
purchase a copy of this book and devour its contents. We published
another of the chapters in December 2001.
Table of Contents
Guest Editorial...
Bob Spurlin
This disabled preacher of seven plus years followed thirty
years of local work in four different states, while engaged in
evangelistic work in eight different states. The following
experience has offered great insights in the role that politics
plays in far too many congregations. This preacher was once
approached by a church member following a distinctive message from
the Gospel by stating, You believe everything is black and
white, dont you, and if you really want to stay here, you
better tone it down! One who preaches the Gospel of Christ has
no doubt heard such words of compromise, which underscores the
politics that is all too frequent in the local church. The message
of the New Testament is clear, unmistakable, and cannot be
misinterpreted when taken in its given context.
More and more in these days of digression we are seeing
a very blatant attempt to play the politics game as the
regular norm, when churches and elders are pressured to go
easy and tread lightly on various points of
doctrine. Far too many in the leadership have caved-in to those
that have influence instead of standing on the side of God and His
Word (Acts 5:29). Courageous leaders will not play the politics
game, but like Joshua of old said, as for me and my house
we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15).
1. Politics may be seen when invitations are extended
to speakers for lectureships. It has been my honor to speak on
several different lectureship programs, and each occasion was
seized as an opportunity to impart the knowledge of Gods Word
to a receptive audience. On one occasion, I was invited to speak on
the Great Commission -- a worthy topic indeed. Yet, it
was widely known that error was being taught in this particular
church on divorce and remarriage. Following a conversation with the
brother extending the invitation my reply was I shall be
delighted to speak on the subject given me, however, I will set
forth my position clearly on what I perceive as error being taught,
before taking up the subject assigned. The result was a rescinding
of the invitation.
All too often, preachers are oblivious to matters of
error and will accept invitations when they know the school/church
or other participants on the program have embraced error. Brethren
will ignore a speakers stance on a given issue because it
might lead to financial contributions or will be the politically
correct thing to do. Politics among far too many schools is
practiced with rapt rapidity, and the Truth of God is laid aside
with no thought of the spiritual repercussions that will surely
come. I have seen time and again the truth of Gods Word
twisted and perverted by those who have spewed their spiritual
poison -- poison that corrupts and deceitfully eradicates the
Lords church (Matt. 16:18). Many of these men have been marked
and identified as false teachers by faithful brethren, and for one
reason or the other have been invited by one church after the other
with no remorse to these wreckers of truth. Fellowship with God is
broken when those clear and distinct boundary lines are violated.
John writes, Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in
the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the
doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the son
(2 John 9). With clarity, we see Gods line of demarcation is
the doctrine of Christ, and to embrace those who reject this
teaching by using them in Gospel meetings and lectureships are the
equivalent of being as defiant to Gods will as they are.
Please explain to me why our Christian colleges and schools of
preaching would extend an invitation to a speaker(s) to appear on
their lecture program knowing full well they have embraced error or
have blatantly taught that which is in violation to Gods Word.
Time and again we see such practices, as discussed, and other
faithful preachers that appear on the same program say nothing, and
continue to allow their name(s) to be used never uttering a
disparaging word. This practice is known as the politics game and
should cease with all haste.
2. Politics is practiced when elders refuse to
execute their duty per the mandate of holy Scripture. Elders
of each respective church are authorized to watch (Heb.
13:17), feed (I Peter 5:2), rule over (Heb.
13:7), withdraw from the disorderly (2 Thess. 3:6), and
convince the gainsayers (Titus 1:9). These solemn duties
are clear, obvious, and undeniable to the causal Bible student.
Yet, for some strange reason those in the leadership have
difficulty in executing the clarity of these divine sanctions from
Holy Writ. Elders, instead of carrying out their duty, play the
politics game by being derelict and repudiate the very
responsibility that has been enjoined upon them. Far too many in
the eldership are pragmatic in their obligations to almighty God.
Elders must not practice a cafeteria-style religion, picking and
choosing what they like and omitting that which is uncomfortable
and will bring certain criticism. All one has to do is to examine
the Faith Hall of Fame (Heb. 11) to see the huge price
that was paid by those great heroes to be called faithful. These
faithful men and women did not wave their finger in the air to see
which way the wind was blowing. They were determined, steadfast,
and rock-solid when it came to the compliance of Gods Will.
Great examples are preserved for us today, especially to
those who would lead Gods people in a land that has perpetual
joy and happiness. However, time and again those who serve in the
leadership of the church are playing politics and seeing which
course would be the road of least resistance. An eldership like the
shepherds in ancient Palestine are to be constant and vigilant over
their flock and have a built-in radar system which will tell them
trouble lays ahead. Elders today should learn the lesson of this
great metaphor (Luke 15:1-6) and be as concerned about the
decisions they make as was the Great Shepherd in seeing that all
lost sheep are brought back to the fold. Politics should never be
a consideration with those in position of leadership.
3. Politics is practiced when preachers abandon their
duty and take the road of compromise. Far too many Gospel
preachers have failed to remember the fundamental charge that has
been thrust upon them. Paul charges, Preach the word; be
instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all
long suffering and doctrine (2 Tim. 4:2). It has been
said that life and death lies in the tongue of the preacher, and
such being the case, it is little wonder Paul wrote, woe
is unto me, if I preach not the gospel (1 Cor. 9:16).
All too often we have seen preachers play the politics game by
selling out, and will surrender their convictions to preserve their
job and fringe benefits. One preacher said in my presence, I
cannot preach on that subject, half the membership would
leave. Still other preachers will ignore and hide their head
in the sand when error and false teaching rears its ugly head.
Gospel preachers of today fail to realize the gravity of
discharging such a responsibility (Rom. 1:16).
A wonderful Gospel preacher of a generation ago used to
say; preaching on baptism from Sunday to Sunday could very
well cause a preacher to be lost. He will not be lost for preaching
on baptism per se; but will be lost because he failed to preach
what was needed. Imagine going to the doctors office and
getting a prescription that is vague or useless -- that would
neither help nor hurt you, how sad! Even worse is preachers failing
to preach the word and leaving the church anemic, not
being fed properly and in time will die of spiritual malnutrition
(1 Peter 2:1-2; Acts 20:32). Jeremiah, the weeping prophet, spoke
of Gods Word as a burning fire shut up in my bones,
and I was unable to contain it (Jer. 20:9). The great
prophet of old was incapable of holding back the message of God.
Oh, how desperately today we need a legion of Jeremiahs that will
not hedge, fudge, or hold back that which is needed (Acts 20:20).
Politics has no place in the pulpit, or anywhere else in
the kingdom of God!
2101 Glenwood Drive
Hartselle, AL 35640
E-mail: PrechTeach@Aol.Com
Table of Contents
Marvin L. Weir
Much is said in our society today about unity. The plea from
most denominational churches is for all religious groups to unite.
But Gods Holy Word reveals that union is not always according
to His will! An unequal yoke with
unbelievers and fellowship with those involved with
iniquity and darkness
does not make for unity that pleases the Lord (2 Cor. 6:14). The
warning sounded forth to the Ephesian Christians is as needed today
as it was then. Paul said, And have no fellowship with
the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather even reprove them
(Eph. 5:11). Those who love the Lord and His Word will speak
against religious error instead of aligning themselves with it.
Micaiah was a bold and noble man who was not willing to
compromise the Word of God. From this great prophet we learn that
unity and peace at any price is never pleasing to Jehovah.
Micaiah had the reputation of being a spokesman for
God. Ahab told Jehoshaphat that there is yet one man
by whom we may inquire of Jehovah, Micaiah the son of Imlah: but I
hate him; for he doth not prophesy good concerning me, but
evil... (1 Kings 22:8). Ahab was a wicked king who was
opposed to the cause of truth. Micaiah was a lover of Gods
truth and was not about to allow himself to be united in any way
with the wicked Ahab.
A Christian today who loves God and His truth will not
form any union with error. One who loves God will always honor and
accept a thus saith the Lord while refusing and rejecting
a thus saith some man.
Micaiah was tempted to speak pleasing words to the
king but would not. The messenger sent to Micaiah said,
Behold now, the words of the prophets declare good unto the
king with one mouth: let thy word, I pray thee, be like the word of
one of them, and speak thou good (1 Kings 22:13). Does
not this plea sound familiar? Today the cry is, Everyone else
is for it and going along with it; why wont you? Just
because most everyone else is willing to unite with man-made
religious creeds and reject the purity of the Gospel does not make
it right!
The temptation was to please man rather than God. The
apostle Paul proclaimed, For am I now seeking the favor
of men, or of God? or am I striving to please men? if I were still
pleasing men, I should not be a servant of Christ (Gal.
1:10). False prophets will always speak smooth things to those do
desire to hear smooth things spoken to them, and they will always
have a large following. The man who stands with God, however, must
be prepared to stand alone.
Micaiah was faithful to God. When asked to
declare good to the wicked king Micaiah said, As Jehovah
liveth, what Jehovah saith unto me, that will I speak (1
Kings 22:14). A faithful child of God will never fail to declare
unto people the whole counsel of God (Acts
20:27). The apostle Paul shrank not from declaring
unto the people anything that was
profitable (Acts 20:20). One who respects and honors God
and loves his fellowman will never hold back or compromise
Gods glorious truth. To hold back truth for fear of offending
someone is never in ones spiritual best interest! It
is always a deceitful handling of Gods Word when the
searchlight of truth is turned away from error.
Micaiah was hated (v.8). The wicked king hated
Gods prophet because he would not prophesy good concerning
him. If Ahab had been a lover of God and a lover of truth he would
not have hated Micaiah. Micaiah refused to unite with Ahab and the
king hated him. Christ and His apostles were hated for the same
reason. It is as Jesus said, For every one that doeth
evil hateth the light, and cometh not to the light, lest his works
should be reproved (John 3:20).
Unity as defined by the Bible is the only unity that
matters! The apostle Paul taught that the brethren were to be
giving diligence to keep the unity of the Spirit in the
bond of peace (Eph. 4:3). The unity of the Spirit is the
unity that is to be kept. Does one for a moment believe that the
Father, Son and Holy Spirit taught different and opposing doctrines
and yet were united in some sort of way? Absolutely not! The
Saviors prayer was that they may all be one; even as
thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one
in us: that the world may believe that thou didst send me
(John 17:20-21). The apostle Pauls plea was
that ye all speak the same thing and that there be no
divisions among you; but that ye be perfected together in the same
mind and in the same judgment (1 Cor. 1:10).
There is only one Gospel (Gal. 1:6-8) and it is
that Gospel that is the power of God unto salvation
(Rom. 1:16). The person who refuses to know God and obeys
not the gospel of our Lord Jesus will suffer
eternal destruction from the face of the Lord and from
the glory of his might (2 Thess. 1:8-9).
Will you choose to obey God or man?
5810 Liberty Grove Rd.
Rowlett, TX 75030
Table of Contents
In the News...
The Alameda Church of Christ in Norman, Oklahoma
needs to take down its sign. Having long ago departed from the old
paths, it continues to bring shame upon the Lords body.
Heres the latest:
NORMAN -- Three area churches are teaming up to
bring a night of interactive worship to area children and their
The Kids Praise Rally with Charlie B is set for
Saturday evening at the First Baptist Churchs Common Ground
building, 324 W Main. The event is sponsored by First Baptist,
Alameda Church of Christ and Northeast Baptist Church, all of
...The concert will feature interactive sing-alongs
of praise and worship songs led by Charlie B, also known as Charlie
Bancroft. He and his band will lead the children in songs and teach
them hand motions to go along with the music.
...John Grant, Alameda Church of Christ discipling
minister, said that when First Baptist invited the church to help
sponsor the event, church leaders decided it was something they
wanted to do.
Im really excited first that the children
of Norman get this opportunity to hear a really neat performance
that will be fun and encouraging, Grant said. Secondly,
Im really excited because this is the first time weve had
the opportunity to work together with First Baptist on an event
like this.
Grant said that earlier this year, Alameda Church
of Christ representatives invited members of First Baptist to
attend a recent seminar by Kathryn Henley, a Christian
childrens author and songwriter. When the Kids Praise Rally
was planned, Grant said First Baptist officials asked Alameda
Church of Christ to be involved.
Grant said the concert has been announced during
church services, and several families are planning to take their
children. (Lisa Wood, staff writer, Churches Sponsor
Kids Rally, The Norman Transcript, Thursday, March 7,
2002, p. 6).
Apostasy is a way of life at Alameda and has been for
many years. Area churches around Norman ought to be standing
against this ecumenical garbage that compromises the church for
which Jesus died. If they dont, then they need to join the
Baptists like Alameda. After all, they share Common
Ground with them.
By the way, this was Bill Banowskys Church
when he was president of the University of Oklahoma.
Jerry Brewer
Table of Contents
The elders of the church of Christ in Duluth, Georgia are
concerned about what is happening to the church. Under their
oversight, material has been prepared to alert our brotherhood to
the danger it faces. A twenty-five page booklet, video tape and
audio tape are available to answer the question "What is
happening to the church?" The material is free. It is the aim of
the Duluth elders to provide this to churches and interested
Christians everywhere. If you would like a copy of the audio or
video tape, or several of the booklets to distribute, please
write or call:
Duluth Church of Christ
3239 Highway 120
Duluth, GA 30096
Phone: (770) 476-2159
Alan Caudle
That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith;
that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to
comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and
depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth
knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of
God (Eph. 3:17-19).
Each of us has a soul or inward man which is to grow and
develop into maturity -- into manhood and womanhood. The fact of
the reality of the soul is mentioned numerous times in the Bible.
In speaking to his disciples, Jesus taught to fear them
not which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but
rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in
hell (Matt. 10:28). The Son of God also stressed the
value of the soul and compared its worth to the physical things of
this world. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain
the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in
exchange for his soul (Matt. 16:26)? Furthermore, by
inspiration the apostle Peter, concerning the importance of
mans soul growing into maturity, exclaimed that we should
as newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye
may grow thereby and exalted Christians to
grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2:2; 2 Peter 3:18).
As we consider Gods teaching in regard to the soul,
we might find it good to ask ourselves, What Size is our
inward man? Are we growing spiritually as we ought, or are we
still mere babes in Christ (1 Cor. 3:1; 14:20)? It would be well
for each of us to consider and discern the progress of our inner
growth. It is something that can be measured, not as a box might be
measured with a ruler or tape. We cannot see the soul, except in
the mirror of Gods word. But we can determine the size of the
inner man by the measure of its manifestations.
The size of the soul may be measured by determining
the height of its ambitions. Big souls are always ambitious
souls of high ideals and worthy goals. We must never be found
guilty of becoming the one talent man of Matthew 25.
Because he felt he could not do big things in the sight of the
Lord, he did nothing. Christians should continually strive onward
with their eyes focused upward. Go ye therefore and teach
all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things
whatsoever I have commanded you. Go ye into all the
world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth
and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be
damned (Matt. 28:19,20; Mark 16:15,16). Christ came to
do big things and gave us a big program.
The size of the soul may be measured by the depth of
its convictions. Hebrews 11:1 speaks of a conviction of
things not seen (ASV). This has always been a characteristic
of Gods great people, with his honor roll of faithful
followers forever recorded for our learning. Daniel was another
example of our Fathers expectations, proving himself to be a
man of deep convictions and faithful to the will of Jehovah.
But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile
himself with the portion of the kings meat, nor with the wine
which he drank (Dan. 1:8). Big souls have convictions
concerning right and wrong, truth and error, and matters of duty.
The soul may be measured by the length of its love.
Consider the measurement of God recorded in John 3:16.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have
everlasting life. God so loved the world. So
is an adverb of degree ... it tells us how much God loved the
world. He went so far as to give his only begotten Son. And when we
read this soul-stirring statement, it should bring to our minds a
much-needed question: How does our love measure up in regards to
God, the church, and the lost? First John 4:19 should be emblazoned
within our hearts and thoughts.
The size of the soul may also be determined by the
weight of its influence. Matthew 5:14-16 relays a command to
be carried out by every Christian. Ye are the light of
the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do
men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a
candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good
works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. How
much light do we radiate? One of the Lords parables brings
forth a closely related reminder. The kingdom of heaven
is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures
of meal, till the whole was leavened (Matt. 13:33). Are
we leavening for others through our actions and our words? What is
the weight of our influence for those around us? May we each ask
ourselves the soul-searching question: How big is my inward
400 Valencia Dr., #1223
Maumelle, AR 72113
Table of Contents
Kevin Rhodes
After the problem of rebellion and the complaints of the
people against Moses and Aaron, the LORD told Moses to have each
tribe provide a rod with the name of the tribe on it (the tribe of
Levi was to have Aaron s name on it). The LORD then promised
that it shall come to pass, that the mans rod, whom
I shall choose, shall blossom: and I will make to cease from me the
murmurings of the children of Israel, whereby they murmur against
you (Num. 17:5). As we well know, it was Aarons rod
that budded. Moses presented the rods to the people so they could
examine them and observe Gods judgment (Num. 17:8-9). Then
the LORD said unto Moses, Bring Aarons rod again
before the testimony, to be kept for a token against the rebels;
and thou shalt quite take away their murmurings from me, that they
die not (Num. 17:10).
There is a simple way to solve problems in the church
today -- find out what God wants and abide by it. God did not,
however, initiate this particular event in order to stop a
rebellion or an occasion of complaining. Korahs rebellion and
the complaining of the people had already been judged. Aarons
rod served as testimony for the people who remained, and for future
generations, not to question Gods will and Gods judgment.
        Today, elders and preachers in many locations face
hostility from those who seek the introduction of
entertainment-oriented worship, women in leadership
roles, doctrinal compromise, and denominational practices. When God
caused Aarons rod to bud, he revealed His will for those
people and all who followed afterward under the Old Law. When Jesus
came, He revealed Gods will for those people and all of us who
have followed (John 12:48). All the people had to do in the years
that followed was look to Aarons rod to know Gods will in
regard to the priesthood. All we must do today is look to Gods
Word and we will know Gods will about everything.
Table of Contents
2002 Lectureship Schedule
Robert and I are members of the church of Christ -- more than
50 years. We are 83-84, seniors living in a Senior Citizen
Christian Village. We are unable to read as much as we
would like to. We have services here in the Village and a church in
Delaware city. Bless you in your reach out program
...Frances Carlton, Delaware, OH. I was given a copy of
Seek the Old Paths and I would like to receive this
paper also. Thanks ...Laverne Todd, Beeville, TX.
I would like to be added to your mailing list
...Michael Bellah, Choctaw, OK. Thank you for sending me
Seek the Old Paths in the past. Id like to continue
receiving it at my new address. Thank you ...Kevin Maxey,
Rogers, AR. Thank you very much. We really enjoy
receiving your paper. Its very sound! ...Justin Toye.
I have recently read two issues of Seek The Old Paths.
I want to be on your mailing list. I believe this is a paper
that is very worth any Christians time and support. I worship
at Ripley, Tennessee. I appreciate the work that is being done at
Corinth. May God bless your work ...Steve Carmack, Ripley,
TN. Thank you very much! ...Justin Toye.
Please remove my name from your mailing list. I am no longer
interested in receiving your publication. Thank you!
...Ronda Poe, Flint, MI. This past Saturday listed in the
Nashville Tennessean under the listing of Church of
Christ directory was an interesting site. It was about the
concerned members at the Madison Church of Christ. The web site is:
. About 72 pages where the concerned
members were questioning the elders about what they think was being
practiced there that was unscriptural. Your articles are
educational and Biblical. Thanks again, for your effort in
preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I serve as an elder
...Nashville, TN. You are doing a fine work and we are
praying for you. Every Blessing ...Jim Hogan, England.
We picked up a copy of Seek the Old Paths at
a church we visited. We enjoyed the articles, and we would like to
be on your mailing list for future publications. Keep up the good
work, and thank you so much! ...Gerald Kail, Sublette, KS.
We have recently experienced a split in our church family
here in Davis (a small town of about 3,000) and I have been
searching for some answers. To be truthful, I had no idea that the
trends in our brotherhood toward embracing
denominationalism were so rampant. I would appreciate reading
your publication as it appears to address these issues. Thank
you ...Denise White, Davis, OK. Please remove me
from your S.T.O.P. bulletin mailing list. Thank you
...Jim Selbe, Henderson, TN. A friend of mine at
church gave me a copy of the January Seek The Old Paths.
I would very much like to be added to your mailing list. I am also
glad that I found your website . Surely much
good has and will be accomplished through your efforts. Thank
you ...Rickey Godwin, Boaz, AL. I would like to
receive STOP. Thank you so much and God bless
...Todd Ramsey, Searcy, AR. Please add me to
STOPs mailing list ...Jamie Vansandt,
Henderson, TN. Thanks for a great site and publication (I
got my first issue yesterday) ...Michael Bellah.
Thank you very much for your dedication and the presentation
of sound doctrine during this time when it seems that there is
error being proclaimed on every street corner in the name of
progress. May God bless you richly that your work may
continue as you glorify the God and Father of us all
...Dewie Grimsley, Jackson, GA. I have read the February
2002 issue of Seek The Old Paths that came to me through
a friend and I appreciate its contents. Wish there were more
brethren who would stand up for the right. The congregation where
we formerly worshipped has been turned into a big entertainment
circus by the change artists. After losing our fight and being
asked to leave...around 100 Christians have left for other places.
I would very much like to be placed on your mailing list. Thanks so
very much ...Lamar Roberson, Palestine, TX. I
have heard about Seek the Old Paths and read a few of
the internet issues. I would like to be added to STOPs
mailing list ...Tim Davis, Searcy, AR.
Have just viewed the tapes for the 2001 lectureship, and
enjoyed them very much. Is it possible to get the lectureship book
for 2001? It is also impossible to remember all the information.
Thank you so much ...Zella Bluthardt, Troy, OH.
(Note: the book is &6.50 postage paid). Please add me to your
mailing list. I have read several of your articles and enjoy your
website. May God continue to bless you in this good work
...Brenda Minchew, Macon, GA. Thank you for the good work
that you are doing ...Janice Horne. I appreciate
your stand for the old paths. Your approach is doctrinal and sound.
Thank you ...David McFerrin, Cookeville, TN. I
would very much appreciate your sending me the monthly publication
of Seek the Old Paths. I have just recently found out
about it and have enjoyed what I have seen very much
...Robert Batchelder, Houston, TX. I have been given a
copy of Seek the Old Paths and enjoyed it very much.
Please add my name to your mailing list ...Henry Muirhead,
Searcy, AR. I thoroughly enjoy your publication,
brothers, and very much want to continue receiving it. (Why any
true Christian wouldnt, is beyond me.) May God continue to
bless you as you strive to do His Mighty work ...Kenny
Young, Jr., Angola, LA. Please extend my subscription to
STOP ...Corrine Young, Columbia, MO.
Keep up the good work. We appreciate the paper very much
...Buford & Elizabeth Blanton, Oakman, AL. I was
given a few issues of STOP and read them all. I
appreciate your love for truth in these articles. I would like to
be on your mailing list. I serve as an elder and am aware of the
liberal effort to change and pollute the church. Thanks again for
your efforts to maintain purity in the Bride of Christ
...Howard L. Goodin, Gaylord, MI. Please add my name to
your mailing list. Its a pleasure to know some people still
love the truth and are willing to take a stand for it
...B. J. Pippin, Augusta, GA. We appreciate so much the
work you all are doing for the cause of Christ. We continue here as
steadfast as we know how. Keep up the good work ...KS.
We really enjoy the good lessons in STOP
...Darrell Cunningham, Obion, TN. May you continue
printing the good articles for many years ...MS.
Thank you for sending STOP. We appreciate your love
of the truth! ...Church of Christ, Rockford, IL.
Please remove me from your mailing list. Thank you
...John J. Miller, Macomb, IL. Could you please change my
address. Dont want to miss any issues. Thanks!
...Bryan Pickle, Palestine, TX.

2001 Bound Volume can be ordered from:
Old Paths Publishing
304 Ripley St.
Corinth, MS 38834
$5 postage paid
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