This Issue...
Kent Bailey
The battle for the cause of God's truth and the souls of
humanity rages on! A case in point is noted in Al Maxey's article,
Restoring The First Century Church, recently posted on
the Grace Centered Magazine website.
Mr. Maxey writes about being reared in what he terms as
the Church of Christ Church. He further asserts that he
was raised up on this notion that we must `restore' the first
century to present day America. Maxey also stated that
following a personal quest to confirm his beliefs he soon
discovered that his cherished convictions came more from his
forefathers in the faith than from his Faithful Father! He then
decries the very concept of restoration.
In response to such heresy we observe that Maxey's
concept of the church is both fatally flawed and denominational to
the core. The New Testament church is neither a denomination, nor
is it a composition of denominations. In the Scriptures we note
that the church of Christ is either the aggregate of all those who
have obeyed the Gospel of Christ (Matt. 16:18; Acts 2:38-47; Eph.
5:23) or a local group of Christians working collectively as a
local functioning unit (Acts 14:23; Rom. 16:16; 1 Cor. 1:1-3).
Maxey's straw man of a Church of Christ church is alien
to the New Testament and demonstrates just how far his liberal
thinking has led him from the truth. Our Lord has only one true
church (Matt. 16:18; Acts 2:47; Eph. 1:22-23; 4:4). It stands
opposed to the very essence of denominationalism (1 Cor. 1:10). To
deny the need to restore the pattern of the New Testament in the
lives of individuals and bring them into this one spiritual body of
Christ flies in the face of all faithful children of God. We did
not deduce such truth from our forefathers in the faith,
but rather from the plenary verbally inspired Word of our
Faithful Father.
In his article, Maxey admitted that it is noble to desire
to return to the Bible for our authority in matters of faith and
practice; however, he stated that he does oppose the idea that
Christianity must be forever frozen in the form of first century
customs and methodologies. He affirms the importance of guiding
principles but opposes the concept of a New Testament pattern.
When one examines the New Testament it becomes obvious
that such does constitute a pattern for all accountable individuals
to follow. The term pattern (tupos) is
properly defined as meaning: standard, form, figure and
example. The scriptural use of this particular term carries
with it the moral idea (Phil. 3:17; 1 Tim. 4:12; Titus 2:7). The
term tupos also carries with it the idea of
conformity to which a thing is made (Acts 7:44; Heb.
8:5). Tupos is also used in a doctrinal sense regarding
specific teaching (Rom. 6:17-18; 2 Tim. 1:13). To deny the
pattern concept, as done by Al Maxey and all other
liberals, in reality is a denial of the authoritative nature of the
Scriptures themselves.
Maxey wants to know where God has declared that unless
we give, love, sing, or pray just exactly like those in Troas,
Corinth, or Ephesus, that we will go straight to hell. His problem
is based upon just how the Bible teaches or authorizes.
While it is certainly true that all accounts of New
Testament action do not constitute examples and/or patterns to
follow, some indeed do. Such is not difficult to ascertain the
pattern concept. When the background information of a given account
of action demonstrates a spiritual significance of a universal
application in the New Testament of Christ, such an account of a
particular action constitutes an example that must be followed.
Maxey's real problem is that he limits divine truth to that of
explicit statements. However, let us remember that there are no
explicit statements in the Bible that state that only explicit
statements are binding. There are no direct commands that limit us
to regard only direct commands as binding. There are no explicit
statements that indicate that patterns are not bound. Furthermore,
there are no instructions explicitly directed to anyone personally
living today. Explicit statements are binding, but so are examples
and implications!
Because of the authoritative nature of the New Testament
pattern, we thus know that Bible teaching regarding the
contribution, the Lord's supper, and singing (including examples of
such) apply to us today. Maxey likes to speculate if the Lord's
supper and contribution was limited to the first day of the week.
Based upon the totality of New Testament teaching including that of
examples, yes indeed (Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:1-2).
Maxey asserts that true churches of Christ are so removed
from the practices of first century Christians that none of them
would recognize much of anything we do today. He complains about
Sunday only observance of the Lord's supper and that
binding such Patternistic nonsense is nothing short of
being ludicrous. He wants to restore love, evangelism, a
spirit of honest inquiry, and benevolence; however there is no way
that even these may be properly restored without a divine pattern.
Maxey thus affirms a logical contradiction and proves his own
position to be false. The Gospel according to Maxey calls for a
pattern for love, evangelism, a spirit of honest inquiry, and
benevolence. However, he basically rejects a pattern for all other
In consideration of Maxey's article about restoring the
first century church, it is obvious that he rejects the very
concept of the New Testament church in addition to the limits the
Scriptures have placed upon its worship and work. May we all
plainly see crucial issues that are involved in the on-going war
with the change agents of our day and may we do our best in
assisting others to see such insidious error and the eternal
condemnation that it will bring.
124 Executive Meadows Dr.
Lenoir City, TN 37771
Table of Contents
Guest Editorial...
Gary Colley
The following reasons, concerning why churches of Christ do
not use mechanical instruments of music in worship to God, were
given recently in our Denominational Doctrines class. It has been
requested that they be in our bulletin for the help of all.
It can be stated without fear of successful contradiction
that there is no command, approved example, or
necessary inference in the New Testament (which is the way to
establish Truth), for churches of Christ ever, with authority, to
use instrumental music in worship. We are not desiring just to be
different, nor are we financially unable to have mechanical
instruments, nor is our reason for not using this in worship simply
that we do not like musical instruments. The basic Scriptural
reason for not placing an instrument in the Lord's church is simply
that we have no authority from Heaven.
In the nine Scriptures which mention the kind of music
to be used in New Testament worship there is no mention of any kind
of music except singing (Matt. 26:30; Acts 16:25; Rom. 15:9; 1 Cor.
14:15; 1 Cor. 14:26; Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16; Heb. 2:12: James 5:13).
Hence we do not presumptuously place mechanical
instruments in worship because:
1. Jesus never taught it (Acts 1:1).
2. The Disciples of Christ never practiced nor taught it
(Matt. 28:18-20).
3. Peter and the other apostles who had the keys of the
kingdom did not authorize it (Matt. 16:19; 18:18).
4. The Holy Spirit never instructed it (John. 16:13).
5. One cannot speak as the oracles of God and teach its use
in worship (1 Peter 4:11).
6. Instrumental music is not in truth (John 4:24;
7. It does not pertain to life in Christ and godliness (2
Peter 1:3).
8. It is not a good work in God's eyes (2 Tim.
9. To preach its use is to teach another Gospel (Gal.
10. By admission of most, such teaching is an effort to
please the ears of men (Gal. 1:10).
11. It did not come by the revelation of Jesus Christ (Gal.
12. It is no part of the counsel of God (Acts. 20:27).
13. It is not according to sound words (2 Tim. 1:13).
14. It is not in the better covenant (Heb. 8:6).
15. It is not of faith (Rom. 10:17; 2 Cor. 5:7). Where there
is no testimony, there can be no faith!
16. It is not a blood-sealed practice (Heb. 10:28-29).
17. Instrumental music in worship is a doctrine of men (Matt.
18. It is an addition to the worship prescribed in the Word
of God (Rev. 22:18).
19. It is offering strange fire in worship unto God
(Lev. 10:1; 1 Tim. 3:14-15).
20. To use such is not to abide in the doctrine of Christ (2
John 9-11).
21. It is will worship (Col. 2:20-23).
22. It is a substitute for the God-given system of religion
(Acts 2:42).
23. It cannot be done in the name of the Lord (Col. 3:16-17).
24. Preaching the use of it is not preaching the word
faithfully (2 Tim. 4:2). It should not be contended for by the
faithful (Jude 3).
25. One cannot walk in the light and support its use in
worship (1 John 1:7).
26. The practice of such departs from the simplicity that is
in Christ (2 Cor. 11:3).
27. Introduction of it causes division (John 17:20-21; 1
Kings 18:18).
28. Its addition constitutes the sin of presumption (Deut.
18:20; Psa. 19:13).
Table of Contents
Mike Hogan
Many today are bent on redefining absolute truth and morality.
The word pragmatism is not used in our every day language,
although its meaning has been adopted in our thought process and
culture. Pragmatism is a method of philosophy developed to
determine the validity of truth by its outcome, What works for
you is truth.
Three men historically are attributed as champions in the
development of this philosophy, Charles Sanders Pierce (1839-1914),
William James, and the well-known John Dewey (1859-1952). Mr.
Pierce is considered the founder of pragmatism, holding that
an intrinsic connection exists between meaning and action, and
that meaning of an idea is to be found in its conceivable sensible
effects, truth is defined by the outcome of action. Working as
an astronomer at the Harvard Observatory, Charles met William
James. Mr. Williams took this thought and further refined it to
include matters of religion. William James revealed his thoughts
about religion in works such as, The Will to Believe and
in the still famous, Varieties of Religious Experience.
These works were devoted to an attempt at understanding belief as
the result of psychological or natural causes. Although deep down
Mr. James might have been sympathetic to religion, his own position
was one of doubt and skepticism. These writings were an
instrumental part of psychology's general undermining of religious
A third champion of this atheistic cause was a
man by the name of John Dewey (1859-1952). Mr. Dewey teamed up with
William James in a book entitled Pragmatism (1907). They
argued, truth depends on corresponding reality, and therefore
is truth if it is successfully employed in human action in pursuit
of human goals and interests. In other words, if it feels
good, and you desire it, you can have it, employing whatever means
necessary. It is easy to see a direct link between Macro Evolution
and Pragmatism. Human thought and philosophy, aside from divine
inspiration (God's word, 2 Tim. 3:16-17), cannot answer the
questions: What is the origin of life, and where are we
going? When Charles Darwin came out with his book The
Origin of Species (1859), fuel was added to this philosophical
fire storm. Mr. Darwin's theory of natural selection had a great
impact on the direction and approach of the naturalistic theory of
knowledge. Darwin's theory renounced supernatural explanations, and
adopted human philosophy as the only rule. Mr. Dewey concluded
using all the new and available science of his day,
Interaction of organic and environment, and knowledge acted
upon each other to produce the outcome. This he called,
Is it any wonder, when the Humanist Manifesto One
of 1933 was being drafted, we find Mr. Dewey's name as one of
the signatories?
Time and circumstance was not the only link to these
three men. Next came the birth of secular humanism adopted as the
rule in the collegiate societies of higher learning -- main stream
science, human thought (philosophy) contemplating the meaning of
life and the need for religion and moral ethics. The Humanist
Manifesto One, was their answer to these questions. Rather
than following divine authority, they chose to follow men of
renowned higher learning.
Humanism is self defined and varies from source to
source. Is it any wonder you find disclaimers at the bottom of many
web sites in case their statements of belief differ with their site
or group? If truth is relative to a group or groups of
people defining truth and what is morally right, in my eyes, it is
a paradox (a statement contrary to common belief). Who are they to
define truth? If they do not agree with another group, how can they
define what is morally right? Where does it end?
The inspired pin of David defined this matter very
clearly in Psalm 14:1: ...The fool hath said in his heart,
There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works,
there is none that doeth good.... In fact, this is the very
design of Humanism.
We can quote the American Humanist Association
with saying: Humanism is a progressive life stance, free of
supernaturalism, which affirms our ability and responsibility to
lead meaningful ethical lives that add to the greater good of
humanity. They will define for you and me what is
ethical and meaningful rather than the God of
life and truth (John 1:17; 17:17).
The Bristol Humanist Group affirms, Humanism is an
approach to life based on reason and our common humanity,
recognizing that moral values are properly founded on human nature
and experience alone. These are bold and self-centered remarks
of mere men. Remember God created man, not the other way around
(Gen 1:1; 2:7). How can the humanist recognize moral values when
human experience shows man has the propensity to follow after lust
and the god of self (Rom. 1:18-32)?
1. The Bible starts with God as the creator and man as the
created (Gen. 1:1,26,27; 2:7). It was God who set the boundaries of
right and wrong, the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of
every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in
the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die (Gen.
Adam and Eve were forced to make a choice, serve their
lust and it's desire or serve God and keep his commands (1 John
3:4). The outcome of their choice can be seen every time you pass
a graveyard, abortion clinic, drug rehabilitation center, or a
church of Christ building. Man suffers from the consequences of
sin, not the guilt of Adam (Rom. 6:23). They were expelled from the
garden and physical death had become a reality. A need for an
atoning sacrifice for their sin was the result (Gen. 3:1-24; Heb.
2. Cain and Able offered sacrifices to God, but Cain's
sacrifice was not pleasing to God. It is understood, By faith
Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain
(Heb. 11:4). This being the case, we know faith comes by hearing
the word of God (Rom. 10:17). Therefore, Abel obeyed God's will and
Cain substituted God-approved items of worship with what he wanted
(Gen. 4:1-8). Did pragmatism pay off in this case?
3. David tried to force the outcome of his choosing. The
vehicle used (pragmatism) was premeditated murder (2 Sam. 11-12).
David's flirting with adultery and a murderous coverup proved to be
disastrous. God was able to see all David did, costing him a great
deal more than adultery and lust could have offered, Now
therefore the sword shall never depart from thine house; because
thou hast despised me, and hast taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite
to be thy wife (2 Sam. 12:10). Pragmatism does not pay, it
The philosophy of today is, if it works for you then do it.
If it will cause people to come, it must be the truth and therefore
right -- pragmatism at work! Remember, what draws them keeps them.
When compromise, tolerance to sin, no leadership, and entertainment
are the drawing power for people, truth will have no place in their
hearts (John 6:44-45).
Examples of this atheistic philosophy can be seen in
attitudes toward truth, morality and purity in the Lord's body.
1. Rather than search in God's word for the truth on any
given matter, many put it to a vote. Has the church become a
democracy or has she adopted the denominational doctrine of voting?
Is it the case that Truth is literally hanging in the balance of a
vote? Does not the Word continue to guide, lead, and direct God's
people (Acts 17:11; 2 Tim. 3:15-17; Heb. 4:12)? Pragmatism says,
what works for you is the rule, not what God has said.
2. Abortion is an abomination to God, and yet some murder
their children, why? They didn't plan for this pregnancy, the child
was a mistake. This mistake would get in the way of their future
plans or goals. This is nothing more but the sacrifice of one's
soul to the god of this world for greed and lust. Shame on them
(Matt. 16:26)!
3. Sexual relationships outside marriage have become
commonplace today. The world supports this ungodly practice, but
God still calls it sin (1 John 3:4). Rather than preach against it,
some have chosen to ignore the issue. Why? Too many are involved in
it, and it would rock the boat. This approach will exact a great
price. Fornication is still fornication, and therefore a work of
the flesh. Paul wrote, they which do such things will not
inherit the kingdom of God (Gal. 5:19-21).
4. Some have decided not to preach the one church, but
instead to preach Christ only. I have no idea how this can be
achieved. To preach Christ, one must preach His church (Matt.
16:18; Acts 8:12; 20:28; Eph. 1:22-23; 2:14-16; 5:23,25). Christ is
the saviour of the body and the church is the place of the
redeemed; therefore, it is part of the Gospel message. If the
Gospel message is the power of God to save man, how much power
would there be in a message without the church of Christ in it?
Their watered-down messages would produce watered down members,
drawn by something other than the Gospel. Paul said he was not
ashamed of the Gospel. Are we ashamed (Rom. 1:16)? Pragmatism will
have devastating effects on the church!
5. Cheerleading is an issue troubling many of our young
people today. Parents are closing their eyes, and elders are
looking the other way. Why? To keep peace and unity, but at what
cost? -- truth, for lies, holiness for worldliness, everlasting
life for damnation. How can anyone omit modesty and godliness for
the gain of popularity? I will never understand why brethren
support undressing our precious young girls and parading them in
front of lusting men and women! Why call ye me, Lord, Lord,
and do not the things which I say (Luke 6:46; Eph. 6:4)?
6. Worship is under attack. Some think, If we could
just make it more exciting or dramatic we would draw people that
way. If worship is not good enough for others as God designed
it, what about other things, such as, Doctrine, Heaven and Hell,
Social drinking, etc. Where would it all end? What a price to pay
for numbers. Jesus said, we must worship in spirit and in
truth (John 4:24). Can the church afford the cost of
pragmatism? It is a price too costly (Matt. 10:28; Heb. 12:28-29).
Many are far removed from biblical authority for the sake of
numbers. Acceptability and tolerance to the religious world is
their rule. The Bible still declares matters of morality and
religion. Life everlasting is by the authority of Christ, not men
(Matt. 28:18; Col. 3:17). The word of God will approve our actions
and choices in this life, not man (Jer. 10:23; Acts 10:34-35; 2
Tim. 2:15; 3:16-17).
We are reminded to be on guard at all times (1 Peter
5:8). This article is an attempt to warn us that Satan, the father
of all lies (John 8:44), is still around seeking to devour us. If
Adam and Eve were tempted in the beginning, so shall we be tempted
today. Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and
vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the
world, and not after Christ (Col. 2:8).
As pragmatism seeks to devour the church, I would like
to commend the faithful defenders of absolute truth. There are many
who will not bow a knee to Satan, because they are strong and
willing to defend the Lord's church (Jude 3). Their labors will not
be in vain, God sees their works, and their works will follow them
(1 Cor. 15:58; 2 Cor. 5:9-10; Rev. 14:13). It is important to
remember, many are doing things right, such as Seek the
Old Paths, and many others. As we fight the fight of
faith, may we never forget faithful workers: Elders, Preachers,
Men, Women, Parents and Grandparents in Christ, whose names
are in the book of life (Phil. 4:3; Rev. 2:10).
The vain philosophies of the world can claim all they
wish, but life and hope and all spiritual blessings are in Christ,
and no where else (Rom. 8:1; Eph. 1:3).
Thus, all people must appeal to the authority of the
Scriptures, regardless of the subject. Man has no right to redefine
God's will, but to obey and follow (Matt. 7:21-23).
Remember, philosophy and pragmatism place science,
nature, animals, monkeys, Darwinism, feelings, lust, man, and Satan
in the driver's seat, NOT GOD! David said, Thy word have I hid
in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee (Psalm
12020 Peavine Road
Pocahontas, TN 38061
Table of Contents
Wayne Jackson
Many denominationalists have long argued that
for the remission of sins in Acts 2:38 can
mean because of (i.e. -- be baptized
because your sins have been remitted). But
the same term is found in Matthew 26:28 --
clearly indicating the meaning of the term.
Carroll Osburn, a Bible professor at Abilene Christian
University, wrote a book titled, The Peaceable Kingdom.
This volume is saturated with error from beginning to end.
One of the points argued is the notion that it is
inconsequential as to whether one believes that baptism is
'for' or 'because of' the remission of sins (p.90). The
allusion, of course, is to Acts 2:38, where the inspired Peter
instructed his auditors to repent and be immersed for [unto --
ASV] the remission of their sins.
For years, denominationalists have tried to minimize and
alter the purpose of baptism. Is immersion essential for obtaining
pardon from sin? Or is baptism a mere outward sign of a
salvation already received -- at the point of faith
Osburn suggests it really doesn't matter. In this
assertion he has surrendered every inch of ground gained in those
noble encounters for truth.
The phrase for the remission of sins translates
the Greek eis aphesin ton hamartion. The preposition
eis points to a goal that is as yet unreached. Never, in
any reputable translation, is this expression rendered because
of the remission of sins. Compare, for instance,
the use of the phrase in Matthew 26:28. In that text, Jesus
declared: For this is my blood of the covenant which is poured
out for [eis] the remission of sins.
Now here is an appropriate question: Does it matter
whether or not one believes that the Lord shed his blood to
obtain remission of sins, or if he died because of
pardon already effected? Is what one believes regarding the
efficacious nature of Christ's death important?
How can one possibly hold the view point that
opposite constructions are equally valid? Such is a wholly
illogical position. How can one conscientiously ignore
inspired grammatical forms that were designed to convey
precise religious ideas?
Unfortunately, this is the extreme to which some appear
to be driven in their irresponsible attempts to extend Christian
fellowship across the borders of modern denominationalism.
Underline the phrase for the remission of sins
in Acts 2:38, and in your margin make this notation: See Matthew
26:28 -- same purpose phrase.
The Christian Courier on the web
Table of Contents
Marvin L. Weir
In His infinite wisdom, God has declared that
whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our
learning, that through patience and through comfort of the
scriptures we might have hope (Rom. 15:4). The Old Testament
Scriptures reveal in a remarkable way the utter folly of trusting
in man instead of God. One must choose to follow either God's plan
or man's plan.
Long ago Isaiah was instructed to remind God's people of
the foolishness of forsaking God. The Holy Scriptures thus say,
Now go, write it before them on a tablet, and inscribe it in
a book, that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever. For
it is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not
hear the law of Jehovah; that say to the seers, See not; and to the
prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth
things, prophesy deceits (Isa. 30:8-10).
Judah was under the false impression that a foreign
alliance would be just the help she needed in a battle against
Assyria. Judah was so confident in her own wisdom that she rejected
God's leadership and His Word to make an alliance with the nation
of Egypt. It proved to be a disastrous decision as man's thinking
proved to be far inferior to God's thinking.
Judah was willing to forget God and His plan and trust
other nations for military strength. God revealed His disdain of
Judah's decision in saying, Woe to them that go down to Egypt
for help, and rely on horses, and trust in chariots because they
are many, and in horsemen because they are very strong, but they
look not unto the Holy One of Israel, neither seek Jehovah"(Isa.
We live in a nation today that for the most part has
chosen to ignore God and His Word. Folks today are more than
willing to trust in human wisdom and military strength to solve any
problems that arise. In the minds of most, Jehovah God is not
needed and in far too many instances He is not wanted. A nation
becomes ripe for the taking when they look not unto the Holy
One Of Israel, neither seek Jehovah (Isa. 31:1).
The remedy then and the remedy today are one and the same
-- a profound respect for and an allegiance to the Word of God!
Moses charged his people long ago, saying, Ye shall not add
unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish from
it, that ye may keep the commandments of Jehovah your God which I
command you (Deut. 4:2). The same charge is echoed for the
Christian dispensation in Revelation 22:18-19. The wise man warned,
Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be
found a liar (Prov. 30:6).
The all-sufficiency of the Word of God has been made
abundantly clear in Holy Writ. Paul reminds Timothy that the Holy
Scriptures are given so that the man of God may be complete,
furnished completely unto every good word (2 Tim. 3:17). Peter
states the same truth by saying, seeing that his divine power
hath granted unto us all things that pertain unto life and
godliness (2 Peter 1:3).
An alliance with denominationalism is not needed to
worship, serve and honor God! Christ built His church (Matt. 16:18;
Acts 2) and another one is not needed. He is the head of His church
which is His body (Eph. 1:22-23). There is only one body (Eph. 4:4)
and to make an alliance with a man-made body is to trust in that
which cannot save (cf. Eph. 5:23).
An alliance fashioned from the wisdom of man will lead
to destruction! The one and only Gospel (Gal. 1:6-9) has the power
to save a soul from sin (Rom. 1:16). First, man-made creeds add to
the Word of God, thus, we don't need them. Second, man's creeds are
powerless to save one's soul.
An alliance with and dependence upon gimmicks and
entertainment will not save one's soul! As the apostle Paul said,
For seeing that in the wisdom of God the world through its
wisdom knew not God, it was God's good pleasure through the
foolishness of the preaching to save them that believe (1 Cor.
1:21). Preach the Word (2 Tim. 4:2).
Wrong alliances will cost you your soul. Avoid the smooth
talk. Place your trust and confidence in the Word of God. Obey the
Gospel. Live the Christian life.
5810 Liberty Grove Rd.
Rowlett, TX 75089
Table of Contents
For many years I have had to say no to an
organization which widely is accepted and expected in many
communities where I have preached. I have never considered this as
a tool to help in the work. But, have learned through the years it
is a hindrance to the Lord's work. The organization of which I am
speaking is called the ministerial alliance. This is alliance or a
collection of denominations, which supposedly are working for the
common good of Christendom. They talk of unity, which in reality is
unity in diversity, which is not unity at all. The members pull
together for certain religious activities. These include Easter
with all its activities, Christmas and all its activities, etc. I
have even observed the conducting of Gospel Meetings (if you could
call it such) together, schools for Bible teaching among other
activities. What happens is each teaches their peculiar doctrines
and expects the other to agree there too. In my travels, I have
observed the exchange of pulpits among the members of the
ministerial Alliance, which is a strange situation considering
their differences.
This has become a rather interesting situation especially
with the fact that compromise of doctrine becomes a fruit of these
activities. I have noticed they refuse to preach baptism for
remission of sins, the weekly observance of the Lord's supper,
singing without instrumental music and on and on the list could go.
There are many total differences in spite of the toleration of some
doctrines, which we ought not tolerate.
Some rather strange situations begin to appear among
those who are party to this alliance. This compromise has come to
such a point that there is a melting of doctrines into one, which
can not be found in the Bible anywhere, but it is agreeable to men.
Because of this spirit of tolerance, plain clear doctrines are
rejected because somebody objects to it. Many in this alliance are
just going along to get along.
No faithful Gospel Preacher could be a party to such an
alliance. As faithful preachers we have always been taught to never
compromise the truth. According to John 17:17; 2 Timothy 3:16-17,
Jude 3 and 2 Peter 1:3, we have all the truth once and for
all given to the saints. Any organization, doctrine or
individual not found in this truth is unscriptural and not
authorized. Because there is no authorization, faithful Gospel
preachers reject the ministerial alliance. Faithful preachers must
not and can not join with the ministerial alliance or accept
membership there in.
When we preach sound doctrine as faithful Gospel
preachers, we reject and renounce their compromises and brand of
unity which is not found in the Bible. It is evident that the
preachers of the first century church did not try to get into an
alliance with the Jews. They rather went about to convert the Jews
to Christ. From their example, it is evident we must walk after
this example today. Instead of joining the Ministerial Alliance, we
must convert the members to the truth and the unity found in the
I have been invited. I have been pressured to join the
ministerial alliance several times. To join would be a rejecting of
the distinctive New Testament church, and the divine given
Doctrine. To compromise will cost my soul, which is too high a
price to pray for unity.
--Lyndal Lee Werner
Table of Contents
I haven't received my paper, Seek the Old Paths, in, I
believe, two months. Please put me back on your list. I really
enjoy reading a paper that really stands up for the truth. I like
all the articles you write ...Ruth S. McGee, McMinnville,
TN. I want to thank you for STOP. What a blessing to one
to be informed about the errors in our brotherhood, what a shame.
May God continue his blessings upon you and the good work you are
doing ...Georgia Dashner, Verona, MO. Thank you
so much for publishing STOP. It has been a source of information
and enlightenment both for my wife and myself. In these days of
rampant liberalism it is nice to know there is another beacon of
truth out there for us. I am enclosing a list of names that I would
like you to add to your mailing list. The list contains the names
of several family members, the small congregation we now attend and
the elders of the congregation we recently left, and several well
grounded friends. The elders that I refer to really need STOP but
if they will accept it into their hearts I do not know. Please keep
up the good work as we continue to pray for you
withheld. Counting your publication as an asset to the
work here, I humbly request that you add these men to your mailing
list. I must confess that we need much teaching here, more I fear
than I can do alone in the years ahead, we need godly influence
from all possible sources, and I naturally thought of your
paper ...A. J. Zenthoefer, Elizabethton, TN. Our
elders would like our deacons to receive STOP. Please sign up the
following people to start receiving STOP as soon as possible
...Benton Harbor church of Christ, Benton Harbor, MI.
I pray you will continue to uphold God's Word before the
digressive element in the church. Who knows, perhaps some of them
will repent and return to their first love. Let us pray to that
end. Thank you and may God bless! ...Jack Lawyer, Conway,
AR. Please take me off this mailing list. Thank you
...Judy Akins, Memphis, TN. Please send your monthly
publication. A friend sent us a copy and we enjoyed it. Keep up the
good work. We are members of the Beltline church in Decatur. Thank
you ...Hugh Lauderdale, Decatur, AL. I attend
West End Church of Christ in Nashville and would appreciate being
added to your mailing list for Seek the Old Paths. I have heard so
many good things about it. Thank you ...Dorothy Ketchum,
Nashville, TN. Brethren, we thank you for sending us Seek
the Old Paths. It really has some good articles. We enjoy them very
much and look forward to them. 3 John 2 ...signed by 50
members of the Tiptonville church of Christ, Tiptonville, TN.
We want you to know that you are an encouragement to us to
keep the faith. The work you are doing is MUCH APPRECIATED
...Tom & Marilyn Cope, Sierra Vista, AZ. Kindly note our
new address as we would love to continue to receive your excellent
paper ...Lee Beth DeGraeve, Daphne, AL. I am
moving. Would you please send my Seek the Old Paths paper to this
address? I enjoy reading it. Thank you ...Mae Smith,
Casselberry, FL. We recently obtained a copy of the
November 2001 publication. We were very impressed with the
timeliness and accuracy of the articles. We were wondering if there
is any way to get 10 copies at a time sent to the address of the
church. We are sending a check to help offset the expense of the
postage and hope you are able to do this for us. Thanking you in
advance for sending the publication ...Carroll Priddy, for
the members that meet in Falfurrias, TX. [EDITOR'S NOTE: We
mail to congregations and individuals in multiples of 10. You may
have as many as you like.] Keep 'em comin.' I'll plaster
southern Arizona with 'em. God's blessings ...Martin
Bedford, Tucson, AZ. We enjoy Seek the Old Paths very
much. It seems there is more digression in the congregations of the
church every day and it is so insipid that it is not detected until
too late. One congregation that I know of does not give the plan of
salvation anymore. I'm afraid that many elders will have the Lord
deal harshly with them for their inaction on correcting these
problems when judgment day comes. Keep up the good work
...Carl Thomsen, Texarkana, TX. We appreciate your stand
on the truth. We are glad to help in a small way. We pray that,
always, people in the Lord's church, will always contend for the
truth ...Donald White, Purcell, OK. One of the
members of the local congregation recently loaned me a recent issue
of Seek the Old Paths. I would much appreciate being added to your
mailing list. (I have been a minister for over 46 years, and have
served the Main Street Church of Christ for the last 12 years)
...Bobby Stewart, Troy, TN. Would you please put us
on your mailing list? Thank you ...Pat McMahan, Carlsbad,
NM. We respectfully request that you send to the
congregation here at Allenhurst, GA., twenty-five copies of your
publication Seek the Old Paths on a regular basis. Enclosed is a
check to assist in publishing and mailing this outstanding
publication. Thank you in advance for your kindness. May God
continue to bless you in your good work ...Church of
Christ, Allenhurst, GA. I want to thank you for sending
us Seek the Old Paths ...Samuel J. Roney, Thonotosassa,
FL. Parkview Drive Church of Christ is in the process of
opening a Christian Library which will benefit both the church
family and the community. Our church family, as well as the
community, will greatly benefit from the information provided by
your publication, Seek the Old Paths. Therefore, we would like to
be placed on your mailing list to receive your publication monthly.
We thank you in advance for sharing your knowledge with us as we
continue the uplifting of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
...Parkview Drive Church of Christ, Monroe, LA. A
friend of mine gave me this paper. I enjoyed it very much. Can you
please send me the booklet? Thank you ...John J. Elkins,
Indianapolis, IN. I truly appreciate receiving Seek the
Old Paths very much and am very pleased to observe the
publication's firm stand on the issues facing the church today. It
is very informative, as well as beneficial to my studies
...Cade Somers, Pensacola, FL. Thanks very much for your
past generosity. I have saved your publications, and the Lord
willing I am going to bind them. Thanks again for all you do, and
may God bless you and all your loved ones richly, and in every good
way, always ...Robert R. Page, Coshocton, OH. As
a concerned Christian I do appreciate your stand for the truth and
exposing error. I am afraid it is on a rampage ...Mary
Winstead, Crestview, FL. A friend introduced me to some
old articles of your STOP literature. I really like what I've read
so far. In fact, I would love it if you would put me on your
mailing list. Thanks for standing up for truth ...Donnie
Henderson, Tucson, AZ.
2002 Lectureship Schedule
Divine Authority

The 2001 Bound Volume can be ordered
Old Paths Publishing
304 Ripley St.
Corinth, MS 38834
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