"I have been getting your paper for quite some time and believe it
is one of the best in the brotherhood. It is standing firmly for
the truth of the Scriptures at a time when this seems to be a
rarity. Many others specialize just on the love of God and fail to
heed His warnings to be faithful; it is not all grace, obedience is
also required. Thank God for STOP" ...Alfred H.
Chetham, San Lorenzo, CA. "Been receiving your paper for a
long time. Thanks for the love you have for the church. Often
wonder where the faithful would be without people like you. Hope
this finds all well with you and East Corinth. May God bless your
work" ...T.W. Meredith, Coldwater, MS. "Please
discontinue sending us the paper Seek The Old Paths. We
are moving to another state. Thank you for a paper that stands firm
in the truth of God's Word" ...Paul Doughty, Columbus, OH.
"Please remove my name from your mailing list for the paper
Seek The Old Paths" ...Braxtel Neely, Richland, MS.
"We enjoy getting S.T.O.P. May God continue to
richly bless each and everyone of you. Keep standing for the truth"
...Anonymous, Crossville, TN. "We sure appreciate
Seek The Old Paths for the information regarding the wolves
that spring up among us. May God richly bless you all as you
continue in the "Old Paths" ...William Smart, St. Clair, MI.
"I enjoyed reading an issue of Seek The Old Paths
and found much in common with the contents. Would you please add me
to your mailing list? Thanks for your consideration and publication
efforts" ...Ralph D. Williams, Lewisville, TX. "Please
use this to further God's work where ever it is needed most. Keep
up your good work" ...Anonymous, Agra, OK. "Jimmy
Pettigrew, who receives your paper, gave me a copy of Seek The
Old Paths to read. I was impressed with your publication, and
enjoyed it very much. I would like to be added to your mailing
list. I look forward to the coming issues" ...Milton Austin,
Gainesville, TX. "We appreciate very much the effort put
forth by those involved in this endeavor to preach and teach the
truth. Enclosed is a contribution in the amount of $25"
...Post Oak church of Christ, Rockwood, TN. "I ran across
your address on the World Wide Web. It looks as though we share a
determination to spread the Old Jerusalem Gospel. I would like to
receive a subscription to your publication" ...J. D. Sweeten,
Comanche, TX. "Just read the Seek The Old Paths
volume 7 No. 1, Jan, 1996. You teach the truth. Please add me to
your mailing list. I love reading articles by those who earnestly
contend for truth. Keep up the good work" ...Iola Tatum,
Ridgely, TN. "I have read one of your papers, I would like to
be put on your mailing list" ...Rock Hatfield, Delbarton, WV.
"I have been reading this paper which was given to me by a
friend. I really appreciate your efforts in standing for the truth
and your fight against liberalism. The Lord's church is being
destroyed from within and its a sad situation. Enclosed is a check
to help with postage. Thank you" ...Mae Hancock, Decaturville,
TN. "Please add me to your monthly publication Seek The
Old Paths. God bless. Keep up the good articles"
...Leamon Fowler, Poplar Bluff, MO. "We enjoy
your paper very much. We are happy to know that there are still
faithful Christians that will boldly stand up for the truth. Please
put us on your mailing list. We would appreciate it if you could
send us some back issues. Enclosed is a check for $$. Thank you"
...Cecil and Emogene Copley, Elyria, OH. "Please send me
a copy of Seek The Old Paths. Thank you very much. Will be
praying for your church" ...Ronnie Britton, Pulaski, TN.
"Please use the enclosed check to help on expenses. Keep up the
good work. We appreciate your effort and stand for the truth"
...Church of Christ, Leakesville, MS. "I picked up Seek
The Old Paths and was impressed. Please add these two names to
your mailing list. Enclosed is a contribution for your work"
...Nancy R. Jones, Greenville, SC. "Please send me a
subscription to your publication. I am enclosing a donation to help
pay for postage" ...Mark Tremarche, N. Las Vegas, NV.
"Enclosed is a small check to help defray the cost of mailing
S.T.O.P. I appreciate your publication greatly. I look forward
to receiving it each month" ...M.J. Reaves, Gideon, MO.
"Bless you in your stand for the truth. I enjoy reading
S.T.O.P. each month. Keep up the good work" ...Linda
Sydnor, McKenzie, TN. "Please accept enclosed money for
publication of excellent and scriptural Seek The Old Paths,
et al" ...Harold Blevins, Falls City, NE. "We are
very appreciative of the work that East Corinth does with the
publication of Seek The Old Paths. It pleases us that you
supply copies for us to provide to our congregation. The articles
are timely and needed throughout our brotherhood. Because of this,
we wish to take part in the publication. Please find enclosed
check" ...West Jefferson church of Christ, West Jefferson, NC.
"Just a note to tell you haw much we enjoy S.T.O.P.
We are indebted to our dear friend, Bennie Vickers, for sending in
our name. Please use the enclosed contribution to help with
expenses. We look forward to reading each month's paper" ...Lu
Ann Thompson, South Charleston, WV. "Your fine magazine is an
oasis in a barren desert. The church is in a wasteland of ignorance
and apostasy at this time. Magazines like S.T.O.P. are
like a refreshing drink in a weary land. Keep up the wonderful
work, and may your tribe increase" ...Bruce.Curd, Marion, NC.
"I am sending a donation to help cover expenses. I am glad to
see a troop that will stand up for the Lord. Keep up the good work"
...Doyle Castleberry, Cherryfield, ME. "Will you please
put us on your mailing list? You have a really good paper"
...Weldon Brown, Oxford, MS. "I received a copy of the
publication, Seek The Old Paths, when vacationing in
Tennessee at the church of Christ we visited. The reading was
spiritually uplifting to my family. I shared it with my parents who
also have asked to be put on your mailing list. The Christians in
Western New York will benefit from the sound doctrine of God's
message being shared through your publication. Please add our names
to your mailing for S.T.O.P. Thank you to the editors
Garland Robinson and Jimmy Bates for sharing the gospel through
this publication. We look forward to receiving our next issue"
...Denice Granatiero, Sterling, NY. "Please remove the
enclosed mailing label from your data base and mailing list. Thank
you so much" ...C.S. Campbell, Jr., DuBois, PA. "Keep up
the good work. Thank you for such a good paper" ...Sherry
Shoun, Elizabethton, TN. "We really enjoy every issue of
S.T.O.P. Keep up the great work! Please add my father's name
to your mailing list" ...Bonnie Sikes, Symsonia, KY.
Return to Table of Contents
9:30 | The Origin of Marriage and the Home -- A Divine Institution . . . . . . . . . . Windell Fikes | .
10:30 | God's Purpose of Marriage and the Home. . . . . . . . . . Garland Robinson | .
7:00 | |
8:00 | God's Word on Divorce and Remarriage. . . . . . . . Terry Joe Kee | .
9:00 | After the Honeymoon (Dealing with Troubled Marriages). . . . . . . . . . Jim Blankenship | .
10:00 | The Home Under Attack, #1: TV, abortion, immodesty, homosexuality, drugs . . . . . . . . . . Mark Lindley | .
11:00 | Definitions: fornication, adultery, separation, divorce, put away, effeminate, natural affection, abusers of themselves with mankind, love, forgiveness. . . . . . Virgil Hale | .
1:30 | Why marriages fail, Things which cause Problems in a marriage, Why one becomes unfaithful . . . . . . . . Wayne Cox | .
2:30 | Questions: Does Paul contradict Jesus, Can the guilty party remarry, Can one forgive their spouse of fornication and still put them away, etc. What does it mean to marry "only in the Lord," What does it mean to be "bound to a wife" and "loosed from a wife?" . . . . . . . Chuck Northrop | .
7:00 | The Responsibility of Children to Parents . . . . . . . Nat Evans | .
8:00 | The Responsibility of Parents to Children . . . . . . Ed Casteel | .
9:00 | | .
10:00 | Facing Tragedies and Adversities in the Home . . . . . . Joe Nichols | .
11:00 | | .
1:30 | |
2:30 | Questions: Can one live in adultery, Do Christ's words apply today and to all men, Does God call for the separation of those in adultery, Does baptism wash away adultery, What does it mean to abide in the same calling wherein you were called? . . . . . Ken Burleson | .
7:00 | The Home Under Attack, #2: atheism, evolution, humanism, secular education, denominationalism, etc. . . . . . . Gilbert Gough | .
8:00 | How to Keep your Children Faithful . . . . . . . James Boyd | .
9:00 | Following Christ's Example in the Home . . . . . . G. W. Childs | .
10:00 | Your Occupation Affects the Home . . . . . . Bryan Hodge | .
11:00 | How to Strengthen the Home, What the Home needs now . . . . . . Richard Guill | .
1:30 | |
2:30 | Questions: What about same sex marriages, What if one is a eunuch, May wives and daughters lead prayer at home, What affect do government programs have on the home, What about "mental adultery?" . . . . . . Toney Smith | .
7:00 | The Role of Wife and Mother in the Home . . . . . Ted Thrasher | .
8:00 | The Role of Husband and Father in the Home . . . . . . Guy Hester | .
9:00 | Authority in the Home . . . . . . Alan Adams | .
10:00 | |
11:00 | The Joy of the Christian Home (no place like home) . . . . . . Jimmie Hill | .
1:30 | Discipline in the Home (all family members) . . . . . . . . Walter Pigg | .
2:30 | Questions: Who can get married, Is desertion a cause for divorce and remarriage, What is "due benevolence," Was Jesus narrow-minded? . . . . . . Jimmy Bates | .
7:00 | The Home as God Would Have It . . . . . . Bill Crossno | .
8:00 | Our Heavenly Home . . . . . . Charles Blair |
Seek The Old Paths $5 (includes postage) Make check payable to Old Paths Publishing 304 Ripley St. Corinth, MS 38834 The 1996 Volume is still available The 1995 Volume has been sold out |
        1997 -- The Church At Colosse, $5         1996 -- The Seven Churches of Asia, $5         1995 -- The Church at Corinth, $4         1994 -- Immorality, $3.50 (sold out)         1990 -- New Testament Questions, $3.00         1989 -- Old Testament Questions, $2.00         Preparing For The Eldership, $2.00         The Race That Is Set Before Us, $8.00 -- 1996 Garfield Heights Lectureship Book                 2-3 books, $2.25 For each additional book, add 50 cents. All books are sold by Old Paths Publishing, not the church. Send order to: Old Paths Publishing 304 Ripley St. Corinth, MS 38834 |
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