This Issue...
Archie L. Duty
If God gives us directions to follow in the
accomplishment of His will on any matter, we are to
execute that action exactly as He directs without
adding to or subtracting from the action.
As individuals and as the church (body of Christ), we are
daily made aware of the many choices that must be made in choosing
the way we will travel. What will be our guide? How can we know if
the way we are traveling will lead us ultimately to that eternal
home with our loving Father and the redeemed of all the ages?
Jesus himself identified the two ways every one must
choose between and where each of them leads. Enter ye in
at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way,
that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth
unto life, and few there be that find it (Matt.
7:13-14). It would seem to naturally follow that a person would
desire to enter in at the strait and narrow way leading to life
everlasting. If so, the question still remains, what will be our
guide? Our own ingenuity? Are we clever enough to guide our own
footsteps? Before we answer, Yes, I can do that. Let us
note that familiar Scripture spoken by the writer of Proverbs,
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end
thereof are the ways of death (Prov. 14:12).
The narrow way must be walked with much care and
watchfulness because it is constricted by many difficulties and
troubles of life. If we therefore have the tendency to go our own
way, the narrow way may well be missed. Remember Moses, the man
chosen by God to lead His people out of bondage? As long as Moses
followed Gods instructions, all went well, at least until the
day came when Moses substituted his own way in place of the way
commanded by God. They were in Kadesh and there was no water for
the congregation. The children of Israel, even the whole
congregation gathered themselves together against Moses and against
Aaron. Moses and Aaron went unto the door of the tabernacle, and
the glory of the Lord appeared unto them. The Lord spake unto
Moses, saying, Take the rod, and gather thou the assembly
together, thou, and Aaron thy brother, and speak ye unto the rock
before their eyes; and it shall give forth his water, and thou
shalt bring forth to them water out of the rock: so thou shalt give
the congregation and their beasts drink (Numbers
20:7,8). What was the reaction of Moses? And Moses and Aaron
gathered the congregation together before the rock, and he said
unto them, Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch you water
out of this rock? And Moses lifted up his hand, and with
his rod he smote the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly,
and the congregation drank, and their beasts also (Numbers
20:10,11). Moses took credit for bringing forth water instead of
giving honor to God and smote the rock rather than speaking to it
as God had instructed. As a result God rendered this verdict:
And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron, Because ye believed
me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel,
therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which
I have given them (Numbers 20:12).
It is plain to see. There is only one way. It is a
narrow way, to be sure, but it is Gods way. We cannot
substitute our own way. No matter how good and practical our way
may seem to be. When God gives us the way to go, any other way is
Another simple example is the command given to Noah.
Make thee an ark of gopher wood, rooms shalt thou make in
the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch
(Gen. 6:14). What was the reaction of Noah? Noah went the way
commanded by God. Thus did Noah; according to all that
God commanded him, so did he (Gen. 6:22). As a faithful
follower of God, Noah would not use any other wood in the place of
gopher wood. He may have wanted to, but he loved God so much he
would not question His command in any way. It makes you wonder why
anyone would question Gods way in any regard. Surely God who
created the heavens and the earth knows what is best. When He tells
us the way to go, will we be like Moses and assert our own will or
Noah and humbly and lovingly follow God?
Can anyone assume that the wall of Jericho would have
fallen down flat had not Joshua and his men of war followed the
instructions of the Lord exactly (Joshua 6)? Would they be
justified in going around the city once? And instead of doing this
for six days as commanded by the Lord, decide to do it only for
five days? After all, they might have reasoned, We need a day
of rest before we go around seven times on the seventh day. We
can easily resolve the error in such reasoning. The wall fell down
because they followed the way the Lord had ordained without
Many are the accounts given in the word of God
concerning the actions ordained by God. The final requirement was
this: For I testify unto every man that heareth the words
of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these
things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this
book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of
this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of
life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are
written in this book (Rev. 22:18-19).
From these accounts, we can draw this conclusion. If
God gives us directions to follow in the accomplishment of His will
on any matter, we are to execute that action exactly as He directs
without adding to or substracting from the action. In other words,
when God gives us a specific way to accomplish His will, any other
specific way (ordained by man) would be excluded and would cause a
person to leave the narrow pathway described above. This is
sometimes referred to as the Law of Exclusion.
James made it clear that a person cannot walk both
pathways at the same time. He said, A double minded man
is unstable in all his ways (James 1:8). Later in the
same chapter, he identified the only path to follow: But
whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth
therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work,
this man shall be blessed in his deed (James 1:25).
Our hearts are saddened when we see the many departures
from New Testament doctrine taken by some who would try to draw
people away from the narrow way. Just after Jesus spoke concerning
the narrow and broad ways, He made the following pronouncement:
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in
sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves
(Matt. 7:15).
Let me point out some of the more prevailing departures
currently popular among churches referring to themselves as
Churches of Christ. First, there is the matter of the
addition of instrumental music to the worship service.
Nowhere are instruments of music authorized in New Testament
Scripture. All Scriptures referring to making music always refers
to singing: What is it then? I will pray with the spirit,
and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing
with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding
also (I Cor. 14:15). Speaking to yourselves in
psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making
melody in your heart to the Lord (Eph. 5:19).
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom,
teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and
spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the
Lord (Col. 3:16). Saying, I will declare thy
name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing
praise unto thee (Heb. 2:12).
Since God has given the way we are to make
music, any other way (devised by man) would necessarily be
excluded and would be an addition to the word of God and therefore
Another prevailing example of a departure from
Gods way is the matter of the role of women during worship
services. Some congregations, referring to themselves as
Churches of Christ, are allowing women to lead in prayers, wait on
the Lords table, and assume other leading roles. Again, we
turn to the word of God for guidance: Let your women keep
silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to
speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith
the law (I Cor. 14:34). Let the woman learn in
silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor
to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence (I
Tim. 2:11-12). Since God has denied leading roles to women and has
given them to men, women are excluded from participating in these
We could go on with other examples but we should all
be encouraged to examine all our actions in the light of the
inspired word of God. The answers are there for all to read and
apply to our lives so we can enter in at the strait gate and
travel the narrow way, which leadeth unto life.
1345 CR 415
Merkel, TX 79536
Table of Contents
Guest Editorial...
Roger D. Campbell
Do you do any fund raisers with your youth
group? That is the exact question that a young woman recently
asked me over the telephone. She had called the church building in
an effort to promote a product, or products, that her group was
selling. We frequently receive such phone calls, as well as
advertisements in the mail, which indicate that there are lots of
companies or organizations out there that are trying to be
helpful. They want to assist churches in
raising money for their projects. Everything from selling T-shirts,
pizza, and Bibles, is promoted as a way for religious groups to
raise money.
It is an undeniable fact that the work of the Lord
Jesus requires money. Money is needed to pay for Bibles, buy grape
juice for the Lords supper, support the preaching of the
Gospel, and a multitude of other matters. We would be silly to
think that the church can get by just fine without any incoming
funds. God knows that the church needs money in order to carry out
its activities. That is why He included first day of the week
contributions as a part of the worship of His saints (I Cor. 16:2).
Sometimes it is necessary to make a special effort to
raise funds for a special cause. We often call it
fund-raising. For instance, those Christians that go
overseas to teach the Gospel usually have to raise support for
their work. Some members of the church are able to finance their
own evangelistic activities, but this is the exception and not the
rule. The Bible teaches that those who preach the gospel
should live of the gospel (I Cor. 9:14). That simply
means that faithful Gospel preachers are worthy of support. In
1982, in an effort to raise funds for our projected work in Taiwan,
Republic of China, I visited or spoke at 53 congregations in less
than six months. One thing never entered our mind when it came to
raising funds for our work: not once did we consider asking a
congregation to put on a bake sale, car wash, donkey basketball
game, or any other such project in order to raise funds to help
support us.
In the New Testament, we read about the first-century
church raising funds for its work. How did it do so? Once, the
prophets of God predicted that there was going to be a famine. How
did the church in Antioch of Syria respond? Then the
disciples, every man according to his ability, determined to send
relief unto the brethren which dwelt in Judaea (Acts
We also read that Paul later went among the Gentile
churches in order to collect a certain contribution for
the poor among the saints that were in Jerusalem (Rom.
15:26, ASV). How did he raise those funds? Hear the Bibles
answer: Now concerning the collection for the saints, as
I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye. Upon
the first day of the week let every one of you lay be him in store,
as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I
come (I Cor. 16:1-2). The work of the first century
church was funded by contributions from its members. There is no
New Testament example of churches having special fund-raisers like
bake sales, car washes, etc. There is no New Testament command to
do such, there is no implication that such was/may be done, and
there is no direct statement about such fund-raising projects. That
simply means that there is no authority in the Bible for the
Lords church to use such means to raise funds for His work.
I grew up in a denomination. The country group of which
I was a member had different types of annual fund-raisers. The
adult class had an annual chicken supper. The
public was invited to come and eat. Those that ate had to pay for
their meal and the collected funds were used for the activities of
the denomination. It was, indeed, a money-making project. And, our
youth group (called MYF for Methodist Youth
Fellowship") had its annual combination chili supper, bake sale and
auction. All of these means brought in healthy amounts of money.
There was a time when there was a visible distinction
between churches of Christ and denominational bodies. One of the
clear-cut differences was that while denominations often employed
bake sales, car washes, and other types of special activities to
raise funds, the churches of Christ refused to use such
man-imagined methods, pointing out that such activities are without
scriptural authority. Sadly, things are different now. Yes, the
denominations still have their fund-raising sales, etc. What has
changed? Some that identify themselves as churches of Christ are
now following the course of the denominations and have their own
car washes and fund-raising meals to help finance the work of the
When I left the denominational world nearly three
decades ago, I never thought I would see the day when its man-made
teaching and practices would infiltrate the Lords church. To
me, it is a great tragedy that the influence of denominations is
being seen more and more in the church of our Lord. The Lord has a
prescribed way of raising funds for His work. It is via the
free-will contributions that His children are commanded to make on
the first day of the week (I Cor. 16:1-2). That is the Bible way.
Let us stick with it and stay away from all unauthorized
fund-raising activities.
Table of Contents
Steven Haguewood
There are those who would suggest there is no pattern in
Gods word. These men claim the word of God is more like a
collection of Love Letters with some sort of
centrifugal force emanating from one central point. They
say the books of the Bible are given no more weight than a letter
written by a mother to a child at camp. There is some good advice
that the child would do well to follow, but very little if any of
it is meant for correction or absolute adherence. It was only
written to make the child feel good and help him on his way.
It was love that spurred the penning of the Gospel. In
that sense they are Love Letters. But beyond simple good
advice, they have a correcting and hard aspect that lets the
wanderer know exactly where he stands (outside of Christ and his
It is a mistake to believe that only one section of the
Gospel has true meaning. To place one section of Scripture above
another is to diminish the importance of what God communicated to
man. The idea that one part is the absolute center and forms a sort
of centrifugal force from it does not fit the teaching of Gods
word. Gods word is prescriptive in nature, is perfect, and
presents a definite pattern for the life of the Christian.
The cross of Christ is essential in order for
everything else to matter. Without Jesus sacrifice on the
cross, nothing else would have meaning. But since His blood was
shed for us, everything else does have meaning. The reason for its
meaning does not diminish the meaning.
Paul says in I Corinthians 2:2 that he came claiming
to know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified. Paul, the man
who gave the majority of teaching that some claim is the farthest
from the inner-shell of Christianity, says that he
proclaimed to the Corinthians nothing else but Jesus Christ
crucified. His teaching was, in essence, the Gospel of Christ, the
power of God unto salvation (Rom. 1:16). In fact, we learn also
from Paul that ALL scripture is given by inspiration of
God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,
for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be
perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works (II
Tim. 3:16-17). Some say that this is reference only to the Old
Testament, but Peter claims that what Paul wrote was Scripture (II
Peter 3:15-16). Paul plainly states that ALL scripture is inspired
by God and necessary to the equipping of the saints for every good
work. If all Scripture is inspired and Peter calls Pauls
writing Scripture, then it follows that Pauls work is
inspired. If his work is inspired Scripture, then it is essential
for the equipping of the saints unto every good work. To say that
only some of it is essential is to violate the statements made by
Paul and Peter concerning the role and identity of Scripture,
thereby denying their inspiration and nullifying the Bible.
Pauls writings are necessary to the Christian, all of them.
They are the Gospel, Gods power to save the world.
One issue that might be swept under the rug, because
its not central to the cross, is marriage, divorce, and
remarriage. Jesus teaches on the issue, but not in connection
with the cross (Matt. 5 & 19). This would be considered an
outer shell doctrine (with some) with little substantial
force as we leave the gravity of the cross. But the man who is
laboring over his decision, contemplating his future with his wife,
finds no comfort in knowing that he is in an outer shell.
He wants to know what to do. Does he have more than good
advice to guide him?
Jesus teaches that the only reason for divorce is
fornication (Matt. 5:32; 19:9). Paul goes on in I Corinthians 7 to
give more instructions concerning the lives that husbands and wives
must have together. In Ephesians 5 he gives the appropriate roles
for each person in the family in order for the family to please
God. The man has direct guidance from God in how to conduct himself
within his family and when considering attempts to dissolve that
family. He is not free without the breaking of the sanctity of the
union by one party. Then only one is free, the one who did not
commit fornication. To act outside of this teaching is sin. Not
because man says it, but because God said it in his holy word.
The use of instrumental music is dismissed
as not core. But then the example of Nadab and Abihu (Lev. 10:1-2)
goes for nothing.
The example of the Lords supper being
observed on the first day of the week (Acts 20:7) means nothing
since it is not central to the cross.
Baptism has less meaning because it is an
act instituted by the apostles later fater the crucifixion.
These issues, and many more, take less force with
them because they claim they are not a part of
the Gospel. Yet each directly affects our relationship with God.
The teaching of God cannot be pushed aside or changed by anyone and
still be Gods teaching (Gal. 1:6-10).
The fact is, there is a pattern in the New
Testament. The overall theme of the Bible is the salvation of
man through Jesus Christ. There were many things that happened in
the Old Testament that were essential for the completion of
Gods plan. Man needed to fall away, which we did in the Garden
of Eden. Man needed to realize the need for salvation which is the
overall teaching of the prophets. Man needed to realize that he
could not come to that salvation on his own which is the specific
teaching of Isaiah. So God, in the Old Testament, shows that man
cannot make it without help.
While we were yet sinners, God sent His only begotten
son to die for us and save us. God needed to give His word to tell
man how to reach that salvation. That is what the New Testament is,
Gods word telling man how to reach salvation. Each beautiful
word was breathed by God and given through the pen of inspired
writers. It sets a mold into which we must place our
lives. In other words, it gives the pattern for the Christian life.
It is interesting that this discussion has come up in
modern times. It was Clement of Alexandria (153-217) who wrote a
series of books titled Hypotyposes which is derived from
the Greek word hupotuposis which means an example or
pattern. He was able to see the pattern established in the New
Testament by inspired writers just 50 to 100 years before him. In
the early years of Christianity, Clement saw the pattern set forth
in the New Testament.
Those who say there is no pattern or prescriptive
nature to the Scriptures do not deny that one must believe in
Christ in order to inherit eternal life. Yet this is a
contradiction to the assertion that the Bible is not prescriptive
or patternistic. When one claims no prescriptive nature and then
says that one must comply with a single point, that one has
discredited his own belief. When one prescriptive point is taken to
be more important than another, then Pauls statement about
all scripture being inspired has been questioned and
Peters statement that those who distort any Scripture does so
to his own destruction, is denied. Therefore, Christians must be
wary of placing weight on one passage over another. To allow one to
be counted less important is to allow its distortion. To stand by,
consenting to distortion by another, is to participate with that
distortion (II John 10-11) and thereby bring on your own
destruction (Rev. 18:4).
How does one see patterns in the Bible? The Bible makes
this claim for itself. Romans 6:17, But thanks be to God
that though you were slaves of sin you became obedient from the
heart to that form of teaching to which you were committed.
The word form used here is the Greek word
tupos which Vines defines as a representation or
pattern of anything. It as a pattern of teaching.
The form which was delivered to the Romans was a pattern
for them to follow. A prescription for their lives to which they
must comply. Hypotuposis is seen in II Timothy 1:13 when
Timothy is told to Hold fast the form (pattern)
of sound words.
Just as Moses was to follow the pattern
(hupodeigma) when erecting the tabernacle (Heb. 8:5), we must
also follow the pattern in the New Testament church. The pattern is
given to us in Gods holy word for our learning and salvation.
We hold to the pattern of sound doctrine, follow the pattern of
sound words, and build our lives according to the pattern of the
New Testament blueprint. Then we offer an acceptable sacrifice to
God and find answers to all our problems and questions in life. In
true Christianity, nothing is distant from the cross, regardless of
the topic.
735 Highway 72 W
Walnut, MS 38683
Table of Contents
Jim Lewis
It has become the practice to fund, at least in part,
various works of the local congregation by having catfish dinners
and yard sales. These practices are openly advertised in some
church bulletins and participation is encouraged. The feedback we
have received when inquiring about such activity is that several
thousands of dollars are raised at such dinners. We assume the yard
sales are also productive of financial profit. The stated
objectives of providing camp opportunities and mission work
opportunities are noble, so what is the big deal? Why dont all
the churches start raising money for church activities by having
catfish dinners and yard sales?
The obvious answer as to why not all churches have
catfish dinners and yard sale fund-raisers is that such practices
are unscriptural. There is no Bible authority for the Lords
church to go into business to raise money to support the work of
the church. It may be objected that such practices are not a
business. However, one of several definitions of business
is the buying and selling of commodities and services
[Websters New World College Dictionary]. The old adage is
If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, etc., then
its a duck. Colossians 3:17 is just as true and binding
today as it was in the first century A.D. Here the Lord instructs
His church with these words: And whatsoever ye do in word
or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God
and the Father by him. Catfish dinners and yard sales
cannot be done scripturally in the name of the Lord Jesus
because the Lord Jesus has not authorized such practices.
What about bingo? This is a proven way of attracting
crowds and raising money. Car washes have been popular with
denominations. There is absolutely no way the preacher, elder, or
church member can consistently approve, support, or encourage
church of Christ catfish dinners and yard sale fund-raisers, and at
the same time raise any objection to car washes or bingo or other
imaginative endeavors designed for the same purpose. They stand or
fall together.
These are serious matters in that such practices
constitute departures from the faith. They are not matters of
opinion or matters of expediency. It will not do to simply shrug
ones shoulders or laugh it off or just ignore the fact that
catfish dinners and yard sale fund raisers by churches of Christ
have no authority. If they did have Bible authority, then it would
have been presented long ago. Brethren who are engaging in such
fund-raisers need to prayerfully consider if the money raised is
worth leading the local congregation into sinful practices.
3923 Bennett Rd.
Chattnooga, TN 37412
Table of Contents
Cade K. Somers
The Greek word eime is often translated
except, but, or save -- all words of exclusion.
The word is seen in Matthew 12:39 in Jesus reply
to certain of the scribes and Pharisees who were seeking for a sign
of Jesus divine origin. He said to them, ...there shall
no sign be given to it, but (eime) the sign of the
prophet Jonah. In other words, the only sign to which Jesus
pointed them was that of Jonahs plight in the belly of the
fish. He excluded the possibility of any other signs by using the
word eime.
Likewise, at Jesus unwelcome reception to His
homeland of Nazareth He said, A prophet is not without honor,
save (eime) in his own country, and in his own
house (Matt. 13:57). Again, the emphasis placed by Jesus was
upon the one exception to the rule.
With a Strongs concordance and a Greek lexicon
with Strongs numbering, we can look up other passages in which
the Greek word eime is found. Word studies are extremely
valuable to properly understanding the word of God. Exceptions are
important to know so that we might not overstep our boundaries and
add to or take away from the word of God (cf. Deut. 4:2; Rev.
No Christian should disagree with Jesus being the way
to the Father. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the
life: no man cometh unto the Father, but (eime) by
me. The use of eime indicates that no being but
Christ has the ability to lead man to the Father. Such is supported
in the Scriptures. For example, Jesus said I am the door. By
me if any man enter in, he shall be saved... (John 10:9). The
Hebrew writer exhorted, Having therefore, brethren, boldness
to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, By a new and
living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil,
that is to say, his flesh (Heb. 10:19,20). Therefore,
Muhammad is not the way, nor is he one of many ways to the
Father. Neither is Buddha, or even Mary.
Knowing Jesus, and only Jesus, is the way to knowing the Father
(John 14:7).
Many are teaching there are exceptions to the
exceptions to the rules given by the Father and the Son.
Specifically, they teach there are more scriptural reasons for
divorce than explicitly given in the New Testament. The subject of
marriage, divorce and remarriage is addressed several times in the
New Testament, and each instance reinforces the same statement of
Jesus in Matthew 19:9. He said, Whosoever shall put away his
wife, except (eime) it be for fornication, and shall
marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is
put away doth commit adultery. The rule is that whoever
divorces, or puts away, his or her spouse and marries another,
commits adultery (Luke 16:18). The exception to that rule, stated
by Jesus, is in the case wherein ones spouse has been proven
to have committed fornication, thus becoming an adulterer or
adulteress (Matt. 19:9). Many today are teaching if a husband or
wife is unloving, unkind or uninterested, the action of divorce and
remarriage is lawful. In sickness and in health and
till death do us part have become only obligatory vows
when a marriage is pleasant, enjoyable and void of difficult
experiences. To all this Jesus says, What therefore God hath
joined together, let not man put asunder (Mark 10:9).
Modernists ignore Jesus sharp rebuke of the
Samaritan woman in John 4. The omniscient Jesus knew she was
currently with a man who was not her husband, so He requested she
bring her husband (Matt. 4:16,17). He had the woman acknowledge her
predicament without first revealing to her His true identity. He
then used her words to further the conviction of her sins, saying,
...thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is
not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly (vs.18,19). By
Jesus reaction, it is clear her present lifestyle was not
Another woman is often overlooked (John 8). Scribes and
Pharisees approached Jesus with a woman whom they caught in
the very act of adultery (v.4), but their failure to bring
also the man with whom the sin was committed made evident their
intentions. They had no concern with justice; instead, their
purpose was to tempt Jesus (v.6). The Roman government had removed
the Jewish leaders right to put to death such lawbreakers (cf.
Exodus 20:14; Deut. 22:22). If Jesus would have given her the death
sentence, He would have resisted Roman authority -- something from
which these despicable Pharisees would have received pleasure. He
let her go. But, His words to her cannot be disregarded. Go
and sin no more (John 8:11). Immediate punishment or
condemnation was not imminent. However, to face judgment in a
righteous state before God, she was required to repent and get out
of her adulterous relationship.
What about John the Baptists admonishment of Herod
for His adulterous marriage? Either people accept the one exception
for divorce being fornication or they choose to add to or take away
from the word of God. John said of Herods situation, It
is not lawful for thee to have thy brothers wife (Mark
6:18). Herod had married Herodias (his brother Philips wife),
according to the inspired John, unlawfully. This distinctly
clarifies whether there is specific law regarding marriage, divorce
and remarriage. The harbinger of Christ said there is.
What do adultery and the way to the Father
(John 14:6) have to do with one another? Many who teach multiple
scriptural reasons for divorce and remarriage inconsistently
continue to teach there is only one way to God. Adultery
and the Way are relevant subjects, in that, in both
discussions Jesus used the Greek word eime. There is but
one exception to no man cometh unto the Father but by me
(John 14:6). Jesus said He is that one exception, using the words,
but (eime) by me. Equally so, there is but one
exception to whosoever putteth away his wife...and shall marry
another, commiteth adultery. Fornication is that one
Rules of logic indicate that one who teaches there are
multiple scriptural reasons allowing divorce and remarriage, must
necessarily remain lenient elsewhere, saying there are more ways to
the Father than just through Jesus.
Do not place precedence in the words of man. As for me,
I will continue to obey God rather than man (Acts 5:29).
15235 ONeil Rd., Apt. 5B
Gulfport, MS 39503
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Leland L. Reed
While talking to a couple of my cousins at our family
reunion the other day, one of them remarked that Billy Graham had
preached his last sermon after 60 years of campaigning. My reply
was that it was about time he quit preaching since all he preached
was false doctrine. My cousins were taken back with that remark.
But let us consider Billy Grahams teaching compared to what
Gods word teaches.
I have heard Billy Graham preach and was impressed with
his message until he came to the part about what one must do to be
saved. I have never heard him say one must be baptized or heard
from anyone else that he ever preached such.
What does the Bible, Gods Holy word, have to say
about baptism? The words of Jesus himself as recorded in Mark
16:15-16 read: And he said unto them, Go ye into all the
world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth
and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be
damned. That statement is very clear, how can one
misunderstand these simple words? -- HE THAT BELIEVETH AND IS
Where is the alternative to baptism for salvation? In
I Peter 3:21 we read: The like figure whereunto even
baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of
the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the
resurrection of Jesus Christ. Again, where is the
misunderstanding of this verse?
We know that those who are caught up in the works
of the flesh shall not enter heaven. Now the works
of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication,
uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred,
variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings,
murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I
tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they
which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God
(Gal. 5:19). See also Eph. 5:3-8.
How, except baptism, is the alien sinner going to
remove this stain of sin? The Bible answers this question in very
plain terms. Saul (later named Paul), as stated in his own
words, was the chief of sinners (I Tim. 1:15). Let us see what
Ananias told Paul in Acts 22:16: And now why tarriest
thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on
the name of the Lord. How was Paul to be cleansed of his
sins? Look again at Mark 16:15,16; I Peter 3:21,22 and Acts 22:16.
Billy Graham preached only half truths because he never
preached one must be baptized to be saved. In preaching that one
need only pray for Christ to come into his heart is not preaching
Gods unadulterated word. This makes him a false teacher and he
has (over these six decades) led thousands, maybe millions, of
people to their eternal destruction. However, all the blame cannot
be laid at his feet because we each have the responsibility to obey
Christ as He has instructed, not as some mere man has suggested
will save us.
One thing we need to understand, a half truth is still
a lie. If we teach only part of Gods truth, we are teaching a
false doctrine. Paul declares in Acts 20:26: Wherefore I
take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all
men. For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of
God. Billy Graham cannot make that statement in all
honesty because he has not declared the whole counsel of God. He
has not told his followers they must follow all of Gods plan
for salvation. Revelation 22:18-19 tells us we are not to add
to or take away from Gods word. Omitting
baptism from the plan of salvation violates this command.
I contend that it is good that Billy Graham has retired
and is no longer leading ignorant people to destruction. Romans
10:3 says, For they being ignorant of Gods
righteousness, and going about to establish their own
righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness
of God. Does this verse fit Billy Graham? After sixty
years of supposedly preaching Gods word, you would think he
had run across Mark 16:15,16, Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16 and I Peter
3:21,22. What did he do with them? It appears from his preaching
that he ignored them. So we conclude it is good that Billy Graham
has retired.
33510 E. 219th St.
Pleasant Hill, MO 64080
Table of Contents
I really enjoy getting STOP every month. Its really a
good paper. Keep up the good work ...Gladys Scott, Petal,
MS. We love the booklet Seek The Old Paths.
Thanks so much ...Dimple Sills, Dover, TN.
Please continue to send me STOP ...Bisbee, AZ.
I truly appreciate your firm stance for the truth. The STOP
website is one of the finest grounded in a desire for Gods
truth. May God continue to bless your work. In Christian love
...Tracey Lindsey. I currently receive and appreciate
the STOP. Thanks ...Hardie Logan. Thank you for
STOP. God bless! ...Gene Copeland, Oak Hills, CA.
Thank you for your interest in getting the word of God out to
a lost and dying world ...Michael Lovelady. Hope
all is going well. Keep up the good work ...Jimmy Clark,
Grand Prairie, TX. I was introduced to STOP a few years
ago. What a joy it is to read it cover to cover the day it comes!
Not only that, but to reread much of it again later. I hope you
know the truth of God is being revealed to many by your good work.
Please continue the excellent work of God ...Marie
Buckingham, Gray, TN. Thank you so much for sending me
Seek The Old Paths. I have enjoyed reading it. But
please remove me from your mailing list as I am getting to where I
just dont have the time required to read it. I read my Bible
every day and that is about all the reading I do ...Wilma
Thomas, Athens, AL. Denying Truth Will Bring One Into
Perdition. In I Thessalonians 5:20, we read a short, but powerful
statement: despise not propesyings. But what
is meant by this stern admonition? I would say an out and out
denial of the truth of the Bible. For example, read Jesuss
parable of the wedding guest in Matthew 22:1-14. The guests
represent those not clothed in Christs righteousness. They
tried to enter into Gods kingdom on their own merits, rather
than obedience to the Gospel. Like the wedding guests, many try to
be saved by prescribed prayers, one time altar calls, meeting with
a group and memorizing man-made creeds. But the Bible teaches only
one way, and that is repentance of sins, confessing Jesus Christ as
Lord and Savior, putting Him on in baptism, and living a separated
life. Another way to despise prophesyings is living a life away
from salvation. One can do this by compromising morals to gain the
favor of the world. Being raised a Baptist, I have heard salvation
was like getting fire insurance from Hell. Nothing could
be more sacrilegious. Those who hold to this think responding to an
altar call and living any old way will get them into the Kingdom.
After all, its OK to lie, steal, gossip or slander, if it will
get us socially accepted, for we dont want to be thought of as
oddballs. Some old family friends, left church, never reentered and
their thinking has changed from what is used to be. Especially
since the wife started back to college and listened to all those
godless pseudo intellectuals who have been the ruin of family,
education, and even the church. They lead society in their contempt
for godly discipline, resulting in more domestic abuse, violent
crimes, drug abuse, and rude people in service positions -- not to
mention more divorces and overall unjust discrimination. I realize
this may be about as narrow minded as one can get. But as true New
Testament Christians, we must stand for what is right at all
costs ...Leslie Putman, 3102 Mount Holly Rd., ElDorado, AK
71730. Thank you for 25 copies of the June issue
...Bill Hargis, Hebron, IN. Greetings in Jesus, Brother
Garland! Convey a loud AMEN to our Brother Lawrence Williamson for
the much needed teaching -- WITHDRAWAL OF FELLOWSHIP in June/2000.
For too long, the CHURCH OF CHRIST, in both the United States and
Canada have refused to high light the subject of WITHDRAWAL OF
FELLOWSHIP as taught in the New Testament.
Back in the early 㣪,s, this writer worked with an
assembly of believers wherein the elders were concerned with unruly
members. On a given Lords Day, they announced names of members
that had digressed and that fellowship would be withdrawn from
same. Results of this action upon the church spread through the
city in following days. The local citizenry talked about this
action taken by the CHURCH OF CHRIST. These unfaithful members had
hurt feelings; expressed hatred toward the church; proceeded to the
denomination that is called the Christian Church - a religious
group (especially in years gone by) that has a belief similar to
the CHURCH OF CHRIST. Some faithful(?) brethren did not approve of
the elders disfellowshiping the unruly and in some cases went to
the aforementioned denomination or sought another fellowship. The
above story has taken place in other communities and in this
writers mind, these are the reasons why the church does not
follow the New Testament in withdrawal of fellowship. Brethren, we
must save the souls that have rebelled against JESUS. Note well,
Brethren, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone
turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the
error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude
of sins (James 5:19,20 NKJ). One of our songs teaches: Seeking
the lost, yes, kindly entreating, Wanderers on the mountain astray;
Come unto Me, His message repeating, Words of the Master speaking
today. (W. A. Ogden) My Lord and Master pleaded, Love one
another. ...L. Douglas & Thelma LaCourse, Sarnia, Ontario,
Canada. My husband and I moved to Augusta, GA, not realizing
we were moving into a hot-bed of false teaching and weak
congregations. We have been forced to worship at a small
congregation without elders because our only other options are a
large congregation whose elders support Jubilee and our
claim-to-fame false teacher Joe Beam. We are so discouraged with
the situation here we are seeking employment out of this area and
into a community not plagued with such indifference as we have
found here. Our eyes have really been opened by your newsletter and
I want to commend you for all the fine work you, your congregation
and eldership are doing in the name of truth! I have been looking
for information specifically about Winterfest. I am trying to point
a friend in the direction so that they can read articles about
Winterfest to come to the conclusion that there is false teaching
and denominational worship occurring at this function
...Augusta, GA. My husband and I receive your publication
and consider it to be outstanding. We know you and your
congregation are Christians who strive to do exactly what God wants
and who strive to teach exactly what God wants us to do no matter
how it steps on others toes or hurts others feelings. We
think that is remarkable ...Lexington, TN. Thank
you very much for sending me invaluable tracts from the East End
church of Christ. May God continue to bless you for the good work
you are doing ...Alfred Edwin, Zimbabwe, Africa.

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