This Issue...
Dan Goddard
The church of Christ is a unique religious institution.
It is different from all other religious bodies on the face of the
earth. One of the things from which it is different is protestant
denominationalism. In making this declaration, someone immediately
replies, What do you mean, the church of Christ (they would
mean a denomination) is different from protestant
denominationalism? Isnt the church of Christ (again a
denomination in thinking of a querist) a protestant
I know this is the way a good many people view the
church of Christ, even some who are members of it; but such is not
the case. I, for one, have deliberately refused to join any
denomination and have chosen instead to be just a Christian.
Cant one be a Christian without joining a denomination? But if
one becomes and remains a Christian only, is he a member of any
church? And if so, whose? The answer is Christs church,
and Christs church is not a denomination.
When Christ said, Upon this rock I will build
my church (Matt. 16:18), did he have in mind a
denomination or a federation of denominations? And the
churches of Christ about which we read in Romans 16:16,
were they denominations? Were they not simply local congregations
of people who had become Christians only? If one could be just a
Christian, a member of Christs church in the first century
before there were any denominations, why cant one be just a
Christian, a member of Christs church, today, in the
twenty-first century without being a member of any denomination?
But, someone says, I thought a man by the name of
Alexander Campbell was the one who started the church of
Christ. The truth is that Alexander Campbell was almost 1800
years too late to establish the church of Christ. Campbell was born
September 12, 1788. But, as we have already noted, churches of
Christ existed in the first century and the apostle Paul referred
to them in Romans 16:16. Campbell obviously was not the founder of
those churches of Christ. Yet the churches of Christ today are the
same as the churches of Christ we read about in the Bible. The fact
is that Alexander Campbell, along with a number of other men in
various denominations, in the late 1700s and early 1800s, came to
the conclusion that, in religion, we ought to abandon human names
and human creeds, human traditions and human religious bodies, and
return to the New Testament as our only authority in religion.
Campbell himself withdrew from the denomination in which he had
been reared and for which he had begun to preach in order to be
free of all human encumbrances and free to preach the Gospel as it
is in the New Testament. The moving thought behind Campbell and a
host of others was that we ought to speak where the Bible speaks
and remain silent where the Bible is silent. He contended that we
ought to be Christians only (without being affiliated with any
denomination) and thus members of the one spiritual body of Christ,
the church. With such as his guiding principle, Alexander Campbell
did not seek to establish another denomination, a new religious
body, but rather his aim was to go back over the dark dismal past
of departure to the original church of Christ that we read of in
the New Testament.
Perhaps an illustration from everyday life will help
us to better see this particular point. Abner Doubleday is credited
with having invented the game of baseball. Suppose that for the
next one hundred years no one played baseball and the game was
forgotten. Then a hundred years from now someone finds an old
baseball guide book, lays off a playing field, puts two teams of
players on the field, and starts playing baseball again. To
observers at the time it might appear that a new game had been
invented, but those willing to do a little research and go back in
history a few years would realize that such was not the case. They
would know that nothing new had been started, only that something
old and previously known had been restored. Yet, that is precisely
what happened in the religious world in the early 1800s. Men picked
up Gods guide book (the Bible) and started working
toward the restoration of the original church founded by Christ.
These men were not seeking to establish another denomination, but
rather were seeking to restore the very church that one reads of in
the New Testament. It was a movement far more glorious and
significant than even the Reformation Movement of the 1500-1600s.
Today, it is possible for one to hear of Christ (John
6:44-45; Rom. 10:17), believe on him as the Son of God (John 3:16;
8:42; Acts 8:37), repent of all sins (Luke 13:3,5; Acts 17:30),
confess faith in Christ (Acts 8:37; Rom. 10:9-10), and be baptized
in water for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38; Rom. 6:3-6,17-18; I
Peter 3:21), just as people did in the first century (Acts
2,8,16,18,22). Such will make of one today the same thing it made
of one then simply a Christian, a member of Christs
church. All today who do this in a particular geographical location
make up the church of Christ in that location. If they remain true
to New Testament teaching in doctrine, worship, practice, and daily
life, they continue to be even here in the complex
twenty-first century simply a church of Christ, but without
being a denomination of any kind.
Indeed, the church of Christ is NOT a denomination!
29511 Bock St
Garden City, MI 48135
Table of Contents
Garland M. Robinson
The following announcement was made by Jim Galyan in the
Friday, August 26, 2005 edition of The Daily Citizen.
Internationally known speaker and best-selling
Christian author Joe Beam will be the guest speaker
at the Searcy Ministerial Alliance community service this
Sunday, August 28, at 6 p.m. at the Downtown Church of
Christ Family Life Center, 900 N. Main. Beam, who was
recently a guest on Focus on the Family,
Good Morning
America and the Montel Williams
Show, also
will speak Monday morning at Harding Universitys
two chapel services at 9 and 10 a.m. at Benson Auditorium.
You better get here early, David Mathews, a minister of
Downtown church stated.
We are anticipating a great crowd Sunday night. Joe
one of the most inspiring speakers I have heard. His message
will give hope and encouragement to everyone, especially to
those who have struggled with their faith, or their marriage,
or with life in general. The Ministerial Alliance is
supporting this event as a kick off to Celebrate
Christ-centered recovery program now in over 4,000 churches
across the nation. It was started at the Saddleback church in
California where Rick Warren, author of The Purpose
Life, ministers.
Celebrate Recovery is for anyone with hurts, harmful
habits or hang-ups. This would include, but is not limited to,
those who struggle with things such as marriage, the effects
divorce, anger, finances, drug and/or alcohol abuse, eating
disorders, sexual hang-ups (including pornography), shopping
and gambling addictions, and more. Or, as many who are
in Celebrate Recovery say, If you are breathing,
Recovery is for you.
The program has two components. One is the weekly
gathering that will begin Friday night, September 2, at the
Downtown Church Youth Center. Every Friday night this
Recovery event will begin with a meal at 6 p.m. (cost $3),
praise and worship at 7 p.m., small group discussions at 8
and dessert and coffee at 9 p.m. This format has helped
literally thousands of people understand how Christ is the
answer to every problem we face. It is for both men and women,
including teens and college students. The other element of
Celebrate Recovery is Christ-centered 12-step groups that will
meet at various locations and nights throughout Searcy, mostly
at local churches. These groups are based on the teachings and
life of Jesus, especially in the beatitudes found in the
on the Mount. The step groups, as well as the Friday night
gatherings, are strictly non-denominational.
Lee Fouts, one of the local leaders of Celebrate
Recovery, says that those who have experienced Celebrate
Recovery are passionate about helping others. We learn
one is too bad or messed up for God. We all have struggled.
most of us need a safe place where we can take off our masks
and simply be real. Confidentiality and anonymity are two
the basic ingredients that are crucial for the program to
Participants, Fouts said, learn quickly
that they can
trust that what is said in Celebrate Recovery groups stays
there. It is completely safe. And no one tries to fix anybody.
We are there to support and encourage each other. And it
works. The program is also being implemented in many
prisons with astounding success, including the White County
Jail. Mathews says that everyone is invited to the Ministerial
Alliance meeting with Joe Beam on Sunday night, whether
plan to participate in Celebrate Recovery or not. And if
is interested in finding out more about Celebrate Recovery, be
sure to try to be there Sunday.
For more information about Celebrate Recovery, the Sunday
night service with Joe Beam, or the Searcy Ministerial
Alliance, call the Downtown church at 501-268-5383.
From this article, we learn Joe Beam was the guest speaker
of the Searcy Ministerial Alliance community service which was held
at the Downtown Church of Christ Family Life Center in Searcy,
Arkansas. This was part of the Celebrate Recovery
program that operates in over 4,000 denominational churches across
the nation. It began at the Saddleback church (denominational) in
California where Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven
Life, ministers. That tells us a mouth-full doesnt it!
Its not even a part of the one body of Jesus Christ!
Question: how does Joe Beam avoid the many passages
which forbid him being the quest speaker in a denominational
community service? My Bible still reads the same as it used to.
And, yours does too.
Ephesians 5:11 says, And have no
fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather
reprove them. This passage does not tell us to
fellowship error or to even fellowship them a little. It says NO
fellowship. Can we not understand what that means? Denominational
bodies all teach doctrines contrary to the Scriptures false
doctrines on salvation, the church, worship and Christian service.
The command of our Lord is to reprove them, rebuke them, expose
them not join hands with them, aid them, assist them.
Thats not hard to understand.
Second John 9-11 says, Whosoever
transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not
God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the
Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this
doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God
speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil
deeds. These verses tell us we are not in good standing
with the Lord when we fellowship, endorse and condone those who do
not teach the true Gospel of Christ. We are counted guilty along
with them when we help them. They do not have the sanction of God
and neither do we when we encourage them and wish them well.
The reason Joe is able to participate with them is
because theres no real distinction between them. As they are,
he is also. Readers will recall that he has taught and continues to
teach false doctrine on the direct leading of the Holy Spirit. He
is certainly not known among faithful brethren as an upholder of
truth. Instead, he is known as a perverter of truth. His 1996
speeches at the notorious Nashville Jubilee are ample evidence.
Numerous quotes from some of his speeches can be found at
Also, how is it that the Downtown Church could go
along with this? Do they not know what this is? Have they not read
their Bible? Can they not discern between good and evil? Joe is
heralded (by one of their ministers) as a most inspiring speaker
that will give hope and encouragement to everyone. But, hope in
what? Encouragement concerning what? It cant be salvation
because if that were the case, the Scriptures would be honored and
obeyed. Anyone can have a false sense of hope and encouragement.
They think its real and genuine, but its not. In order
for anyone to have hope of eternal life, it must be based in faith
AND obedience to Gods Word. What good does it do to encourage
people and give them hope when it doesnt go beyond this world?
Oh, how many people are facing judgment thinking they
have salvation when in fact they do not? They have been lied to by
false teachers and they have believed those lies. Theres more
to salvation than feeling good and being encouraged! Jesus said,
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not
prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and
in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto
them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity
(Matt. 7:22-23). This scripture is not hard to understand.
We also find Harding University going along
with Joe. They have him to speak at two chapel services. How can
they participate in this? Wheres the administration and
faculty in all of this? Why arent they seeking his repentance
and return to the fold? Parents should be outraged! They send their
precious children off to school and have them exposed to error
without a word of warning! You expect such at a state run school
that is filled with worldly minded people and the like. But surely
we dont expect such at a school operated by brethren do we?
But, none the less, here they are, pitching their hat in the ring.
Beam is held up before the student body as one whom they can trust
to feed them spiritually. No wonder our schools have
been, and are continuing, to lead the church down the path of
digression. And, theres no end in sight. Whos on the
forefront today making a difference? Who?
Another interesting point made in the article was this
statement: no one tries to fix anybody. Then please tell
me and help me understand, why does it exist? This
program is supposed to be for those who struggle with things
such as marriage, the effects of divorce, anger, finances, drug
and/or alcohol abuse, eating disorders, sexual hang-ups (including
pornography), shopping and gambling addictions, and more. They
claim to just support and encourage one another. But, doesnt
the Bible condemn unscriptural divorce, drugs and alcohol, sexual
perversion, pornography and gambling? Sure it does! Do these things
not need fixing? Sure they do.
The job of every faithful Christian is to work
diligently to fix anyone involved in sin. We do this by
teaching what the Bible says about these things and encouraging
people to repent. I dont know about you, but Im not
interested in being a part of something that is designed to help
people emotionally or socially, but not spiritually. What have we
accomplished when we help people feel good about themselves in
their sins? Not one single thing! Our dear Lord came to die for
sinful man, not that man could feel good about himself. Jesus came
that men might have forgiveness of sins. That is only accomplished
when men are made to feel guilty because of their sins.
Friend, are you helping the situation or harming it.
Those like Joe, the Downtown Church and Harding are adding to the
problem of error. Dont be a party to such evil. Obey the
Scriptures that tell us to come out from among such and be separate
(cf. II Cor. 6:17).
ps. Readers also need to know that the Scottish
Rite Masons of Arkansas recently donated $15,000 to Harding
University. It was presented by Dwane Treat, sovereign grand
inspector general and heartily accepted by Dr. Jeanine Peck, who
directs the after-school Reading Program, and Dr. Jim Carr,
executive vice president of the University. They have donated
$135,500 to various Harding endeavors over the past 10 years. Does
Harding support Masonry?
Table of Contents
Steven D. Cline
While reading in Acts 27 of one of the shipwrecks Paul
experienced, I was impressed that Paul had given a warning in
verses 9-10, telling those on the ship that the voyage would be
dangerous and that much damage would be to the cargo. However, the
centurion believed the master and owner of the ship more than the
things which were spoken by Paul. In verse 17, on to the end of the
chapter, we see the ship being tossed to and fro by the howling
wind, reeling and rocking in the briny, dark deep, the mighty waves
smashing against the wooden hull and crashing down upon the
slippery deck, the angry dark clouds dumping a driving, blinding
and stinging torrential downpour upon the sailors as they, drenched
to the bone with rain and salty sea water, scurry in panic over the
deck, trying to lighten the ship or even to escape as peals of
thunder boom overhead. In verse 21 Paul said Sirs, ye
should have harkened unto me. He had told them so, he
had warned them, but they had not listened.
Other times in Pauls life, people either would
not listen, or believed others more than those things which were
spoken by Paul.
In Acts 28 when Paul preached Jesus in the city of
Rome, verse 24 tells us, And some believed the things which
were spoken, and some believed not.
In Acts 13, some Jews stirred up men and women against
Paul and Barnabas, the result being that they were driven from the
area. These men and women believed others more than those things
which were spoken by Paul.
Moreover, Paul was maligned and misrepresented oft
times during his ministry. In II Corinthians (possibly Pauls
most personal, open and heart-felt letter) the great apostle states
how others had accused him of not having proper authority and Paul
had to answer such false allegations as seen in chapters 10-12.
Little has changed down through the corridors of time, for there
are still those who belittle Paul and would rather listen to others
than to him. For example, the Hindu teacher, Mathama Gandhi one
time stated, Paul was not a Jew, he was a Greek, he had an
oratorical mind, a dialectical mind, and he distorted
Jesus."1 First, Gandhi said Paul was not a Jew, but Paul
himself stated that he indeed was in Acts 21:39. Second, Gandhi
said that Paul distorted Jesus, an assertion that no
faithful Christian can accept or tolerate. Then, Hugh J. Schonfield
wrote, In many matter [sic] Paulism was in conflict with
native Christianity."2 Schonfield continues,
Pauline heresy served as the basis for Christian authority and
the legitimate Church was outlawed as heretical."3 In
other words, Pauls teaching, a heresy when compared to
Jesus teaching, is what caused the church to be outlawed.
John Lennon was well-known for his rash, off-the-wall
comments. Lennon, who heavily influenced my (1960s) generation
once remarked, Jesus was all right but his disciples were
thick and ordinary. Its them twisting it that ruins it for
me."4 One would assume that one of these thick and
ordinary disciples twisting it would include Paul.
If so, Lennon was saying the same thing Gandhi and Schonfield said,
only in different words. Another foolish and absurd charge leveled
against Paul is, There is no proof that Paul believed in a
personal Christ; to him Christ was a principal, `dwelling in the
light unapproachable, whom no man hath seen or can see
(Epistle to Timothy)."5 Did not Paul believe in a
personal Christ? I would suspect that Pauls actually seeing
Jesus on the Damascus highway and talking to him literally, not
only on that famous road, but other times as well (Acts 19:9,10;
22:18,21; 23:11; II Cor. 12:9) would lead us to believe that
Pauls relationship to Jesus was indeed personal and not only
in principal or abstract. Again, how many will listen to others
rather than to the things spoken of by Paul?
Then, one Dr. Salah El Dareer, a Moslem, stated in his
debate with brother Hiram O. Hutto, concerning the false teachers
Jesus had warned of, In view of what we know about Paul and
his role in transforming Jesus and his teaching to something
drastically different and unreal but more adoptable to the
prevailing pagan and hellenistic views of the Gentile, I would like
to ask brother Hutto: has it ever occurred to you that Jesus was
referring to Paul and those who subscribe to his views as the ones
to beware of?"6
Paul has even, in spite of his words to the contrary,
been accused of not believing in the deity of Jesus. Back to
Schonfield, He [Paul-SDC] did not actually ascribe deity to
Christ. As a Jew he could not go as far as that."7 How
many will believe Dr. Schonfield more than those things which were
spoken by Paul? For Paul did indeed believe in the deity of Christ
as seen in Colossians 2:9: For in him dwelleth all the
fullness of the Godhead bodily [i.e., in bodily form].
See also Philippians 2:6 which states that Christ, being in the
form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God
words from Pauls own quill.
Not only is Paul as a person misrepresented, his
teachings are shamefully twisted and flagrantly denied. Concerning
baptism, the well-known Southern Baptist evangelist John R. Rice
said, In the Bible, we find it clear that people believed
first and then were baptized. According to this statement from
Gods Word, they were already saved before they were baptized
and any other man who trusts in Christ is saved that second, before
he could possibly get to the baptismal waters. It does not take
baptism to save one."8 Yet Paul, in his own words, told
the multitude of his conversion in which he reiterated what Ananias
had told him: And now why tarriest thou? Arise and be
baptized and wash away thy sins, calling upon the name of the
Lord (Acts 22:16).
Even some Bibles will take Pauls words
and completely change them. As an example, the Living Bible
Paraphrased has Abraham finding favor with God by faith
alone in Romans 4:12.9 I fear good people believe
others more than those things which were spoken by Paul.
I have known unrepentant fornicating adulterers who
go to church. They go to put up appearances and yet cast
Pauls words in Titus 1:16 behind their backs. The verse says,
They profess that they know God; but in works they deny
Him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work
reprobate. In the second Corinthian letter, Paul
realized that there were still some unrepentant fornicators in that
congregation (II Cor. 12:21). So are there some today. Apparently
there are those who deceive Christians with vain words into
thinking that one can fornicate, and going to church
clears them in Gods eyes (Eph. 5:3-6). Furthermore, such souls
who heed others deception rather than Pauls words of holy
inspiration need to read, believe and apply advice like,
Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord
(I Cor. 6:13); Flee fornication (I Cor.
6:18); Neither let us commit fornication (I
Cor. 10:8); But fornication...let it not once be named
among you as becometh saints (Eph. 5:3);
...that ye should abstain from fornication (I
Thess. 4:3). If Paul wrote the Hebrew letter, as many think, he
said in 13:4, ...but whoremongers [pornous, the
Greek work for fornicators] and adulterers God will
judge. In this connection, the apostle states in
Galatians 5:19-21 that fornicators and adulterers will not inherit
the Kingdom of God.
Then there are the perverted people who clamor that
gay is good and picket for gay rights. Many
follow their pernicious ways for they had rather believe others
than the things which were spoken by Paul. To find what Paul says
about such deplorable behavior, please read Romans 1:24-27 and I
Cor. 6:9.
There are those in Catholicism, certain cults, Islam
and Hinduism that believe, teach and preach that salvation is based
on our own goodness and/or meritorious works. Multitudes so accept
this rather than listening to Paul who did not believe that
salvation can be earned. Read his comforting words in Ephesians
2:4-10 and Titus 3:4-6. Concerning grace, the Calvinist says that
one cannot fall from it, and hosts of people had rather listen to
such a doctrine from Hells hallways than to Paul who said in
Galatians 5:4 that indeed one can fall from grace under certain
circumstances. Many denominationalists (and some in the church)
will advise attend the church of your choice, there is one
destination but many paths, thank God for all the different faiths
from which we may choose. Naturally, minions of millions
embrace these utterances more than those things spoken by Paul who
said in Ephesians 4:4,5 that there is but one body (the
body being the church, Eph. 5:23 and Col. 1:18,23) and one
Well, lest the reader wax weary of perusing this
article, I will soon lay down my pen, but not before posing a
question. Are we going to be like the centurion and believe the
master and owner of the ship more than the things which were spoken
by Paul? That is to say, are we going to give heed to the doctrines
and opinions of deluded men and women and ignore what Paul says?
Pauls words are final and decisive for he spoke by divine
inspiration (II Tim. 3:16) and his words are just as authoritative
as the other New Testament writers or even as the words of the
Savior Himself. Friends, if we choose to be like the centurion and
ignore the words of Paul, we are in for a shipwreck as well
a shipwrecked faith (I Tim. 1:19).
Remember, in the coming day of Judgment
...the books were opened: and another book was opened which is
the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things
which were written in the books, according to their works
(Rev. 20:12). The books include the New Testament
writings of Paul. Paul told the rain-soaked sailors during the
stormy tempest, Sirs, ye should have harkened unto me.
Who is to say that Paul will not say the same thing to the
disobedient on the Final Day? May we pay him and the other Bible
writers heed and continue in the doctrine, for by so doing we shall
both save ourselves and those who hear us (I Tim. 4:6).
1 Fischer, Louis, Gandhi, His Life and Message for
the World, Mentor Books, New York, 1954, p.131.
2 Schonfield, Hugh J., Those Incredible
Christians. Bantam Books, New York, 1969, p.98.
3 Ibid.
4 Coleman, Ray, Lennon, McGraw-Hill, New York,
1984, p.312.
5 Graham, Lloyd M., Deceptions and Myths of the
Bible, Bell Publishing Co., New York, 1979, p.409.
6 Hutto, Hiram O. and Dr. Salah El Dareer, The
Hutto-EI Dareer Debate, Hiram O. Hutto, publisher, Athens, Alabama,
1978, p.71.
7 Schonfield, p.98.
8 Rice, John R., Bible Baptism, Sword of the
Lord Publishers, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, 1943, 1971, p.30.
9 Taylor, Kenneth, The Living Bible Paraphrased,
Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois, 1973, p.900.
146 Valley Rd.
Waynesboro, VA 22980
Table of Contents
John Cotham
There always seems to be an effort on the part of some to
try some new innovation not supported by the scriptures. Then, when
confronted by sound brethren, they will try every way to give some
right reason for doing a wrong thing. I recently saw this
cliche on a church sign: There is no right way to do a wrong
thing. How true! No matter how man might try to justify his
innovations, there is no right way to do a wrong thing.
Those who try to justify choruses or solo singers twist
and distort the scripture by trying to say there is NO scriptural
support for congregational singing. Those who try to justify
fellowship with the denominations argue a non-scriptural view of
fellowship. Those who teach there is no law under the New Testament
covenant totally distort the context of New Testament letters like
Galatians. In the end, there is no RIGHT way to justify these WRONG
things. How do we know that all of these are WRONG? because
the scriptures point out the error of each one.
Some few years ago a great effort was made to bus kids
to church. There is certainly nothing wrong with trying to teach
children the necessity to love and serve God. However, many bussing
programs began to inject other innovations that were contrary to
scripture. Many began to bribe children to attend by offering
candy, gifts, and other kinds of incentives. Then, when many found
themselves with so many young children who disturbed the worship
service, they invented something called childrens
church. This took the children out of the worship assembly so
the adults could enjoy their worship. Sound brethren soon
showed how erroneous it was to divide the worship assembly of
Gods people. Many of the churches gave up childrens
church because it was proven they were in error. Finally, most
of the bussing programs failed for several reasons: prohibitive
costs, most children had to be bribed to attend, but most of all
because it involved tremendous work on the part of brethren, and
they just were not willing to continue the hard work. With the fall
of the bussing programs came the end of childrens
church at least for a while.
Now, a few years later, we are beginning to see a
program similar to childrens church once again in
some congregations. Some now dismiss the younger children from the
worship assembly so that they might attend a class (or classes)
while the adults and older children remain for the worship service.
When confronted about the innovation, the argument is that these
classes are altogether different from childrens
church. They say this is the right way to dismiss
young children from the worship assembly. But, it does not matter
that the approach is different it is still wrong. Just as
sound brethren argued against childrens church years
ago, the same scriptures forbid any kind of divided worship
Notice what the Bible says about the worship assembly:
The scripture speaks of ALL the people being together,
And Ezra the scribe stood upon a pulpit of wood, which they
had made for the purpose; ... And Ezra opened the book in the sight
of ALL the people; (for he was above all the people;) and
when he opened it, ALL the people stood up: ... And
ALL the people answered, Amen, Amen, with lifting up their
hands: and they bowed their heads, and worshipped the LORD with
their faces to the ground (Nehemiah 8:4-6). Paul also
shows how ALL the people were together for New Testament worship
services, When ye come together therefore
into ONE place (I Cor. 11:20); and If
therefore the WHOLE church be come together into ONE
place... (I Cor. 14:23). Paul speaks of the
WHOLE church coming together in ONE place.
Paul was NOT speaking of all just being in the same building,
but all assembled together at the same time. The Hebrew writer said
we are not to forsake the assembling of
Gods people together (Heb. 10:25). Neither should some adults
be forced to forsake the worship assembly just to be glorified
baby sitters. And, that is what is happening!
Any dividing of the assembly is a man made innovation.
It is wrong! It is wrong whether sending children to a
childrens church or to some similar kind of class.
No matter what the program, dividing the assembly is wrong, and
cannot be made right. Not only are the children divided from the
assembly; but the adult teachers who are caring for them are
divided from (absent from) the assembly while others worship.
It is argued that the purpose for dividing the assembly
is to give mom a break. Since when can mom take a break
from teaching her child(ren) some of the greatest lessons they need
to learn? These small children need to learn just how important
worshipping God should be in their lives. They need to learn how to
show the proper awe and respect for God (and fellow worshippers)
while in the worship assembly. Young children need to be learning
just what the worship assembly is about. They need to be taught to
be quiet. It is disturbing to let a child cry or talk continually
in the worship assembly. These are the problems some have tried to
overcome with divided assemblies. All these things can be
taught to children from the time they begin to crawl. If they can
be taught to behave in a class, then they can be taught to behave
in the worship assembly. If they have to be removed from the
assembly, let it be to dust off their bottoms until they learn the
proper behavior during worship.
All in all, the truth is: There is no right way to do
a wrong thing.
120 Stegal Rd.
Shady Valley, TN 37688
Table of Contents
Douglas Hoff
Have you ever wondered why the words of Jesus are printed
in red in many, but not all, Bibles? According to information found
in my King James Version, the idea originated with Louis Klopsch in
1899.1 Klopsch was the owner-editor of the Christian
Herald magazine and was writing an editorial when his eyes fell
upon Luke 22:20 which reads, [B] This cup is the new testament
in my blood, which is shed for you. Klopsch reasoned
that red words would suitably represent the words spoken by our
Lord Jesus Christ. His preacher encouraged him to prepare such a
Bible, and in November, 1901, the Christian Herald advertised red
letter Bibles for sale.
The preacher, T. DeWitt Talmadge, said of this new
edition that it could do no harm, and it most certainly could
do much good. In preparation for this new Bible, scholars from
America and Europe were asked to submit passages which they
regarded as spoken by Christ while on earth. Later editions have
all words spoken by Christ in red (e.g., Rev 22:16).
The short article in my Bible entitled History Of The
Red Letter begins by stating: The words in red in many Bibles
are neither more or less important than the words in black. Jesus
said to the seventy: He that heareth you heareth me (Luke
This point is exactly right. The words spoken by Peter
or Paul are just as much the word of God as those spoken by Jesus
(II Tim. 3:16,17). The apostles were guided into all truth by the
Holy Spirit (John 16:13,14). Through inspiration, the apostles
spoke the words of Jesus when he was no longer on the earth.
It would be great if more people would acknowledge this
simple fact today. However, there are some who consider only the
words in red to be the words of Jesus. To them, the words of Paul
are uninspired commentary on the words of Christ or perhaps the
testimony of the early church. Having had red letter Bibles for
over 100 years now, the statement that It could do no
harm... has been proven false.
What is even worse today is the rejection of the words
of Christ by so-called scholars. In 1985, a panel of liberal
theologians started having a series of meetings (called The Jesus
Seminar) to determine the historicity of the New Testament. What is
their conclusion? They charge that 82 percent of the teaching
attributed to Christ in the four gospel accounts is not
The participants in these meetings vote on the words
of Christ and then assign it a color representing the degree of
confidence one may put in it. For example, if the saying is
undoubtedly genuine it is given the color red (wonder where they
came up with that idea?). If it is probably genuine the color pink
is used. Gray represents those words which Jesus probably did not
utter, but the ideas are close to his. Black is reserved for the
words which are definitely not Jesus.
To these so-called scholars, anything miraculous
(including predictive prophecy) is automatically given the black
ink. Thus, according to them, Jesus certainly could not have
predicted the fall of Jerusalem (Matt. 24:1-34).
Brethren, it is time to get back to a proper view and
respect for the Bible. We need to prove to people why the word of
God is true and that all of it is the word of Christ, not just the
words in red!
1 History of the Red Letter Edition,
in The Holy Bible King James Version, Reference Edition
(Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1972), no page number. The article
appears on the page immediately before the Concordance. Stock
number 575BG, no ISBN.
2 Wayne Jackson The Jesus Seminar,
1, Christian Courier, June, 1994.
1708 Wildwood Rd.
Bloomington, IL 61704
Table of Contents
My mother has been receiving your bulletins, but no longer has
the time to read them. She asked if I could contact you about
removing her from your mailing list so that your efforts might be
better used elsewhere. Thank you for your service ...Velma
Lovell. Im the minister of the Apple Hill church of
Christ. Our congregation is a small church in a poor area of town
and we are doing much to evangelize. If you are able, Id like
to have five extra copies to keep in our foyer for local visitors
to take. Thank you so much for your excellent articles. Only time
will tell of all the good you have accomplished in the Lords
name ...John Mark Wilson, Jonesboro, AR. The
elders where I attend dont wont the membership to hear
the whole truth of the Gospel. But, I want you to know that I and
others want to hear the truth anyway. Please continue to send your
paper. We love the truth. Keep up the good work ...Name
withheld. I have just finished reading the June 2005
issue and can say nothing more important than what I have just read
in STOP. Every article was read and took to heart for each article
was so simple to read and no mistaking the scriptures. This is
exactly what is needed to help ones to see simple Truth made so
powerful. Thank you for being here and I pray for more of the same.
Please keep sending me more STOP ...Darlene Kirk, Mears,
MI. Hope everything is going alright for you. We enjoy
your paper so much. I am sending this check in remembrance of my
father, W. D. Alley. Up until he became almost blind he loved to
read faithful church papers ...Shirley Hutcherson, Oak
Grove, MO. Im writing that I may seek wisdom in a
correspondence course. I dont have money right now but will
some day in the future. We serve a risen savior. Even though I am
a sinner. Im one of the worst. I have repented and do repent
quite often. I love the title of your ministry, Seek The Old
Paths. I have strayed from the old path I was on
when I had Jesus in the free world. Im now in prison. Just the
name of your ministry gave me a light in remembrance of where
Ive been and the paths Ive traveled down with Jesus
...James Little, Nashville, TN. Thank you very
much ...J. D. Beggs, Corsicana, TX. Please
dont send anymore. Thanks for past issues ...Glenn
Johnson, Lebanon, TN. It is a real pleasure to contribute
to the work of Seek The Old Paths. I really enjoy every issue. May
God bless you in this great work for his church. Our prayers go
with you ...Ron & Ruth Shandor, Dealth Valley, CA.
I have greatly enjoyed and appreciated the work you have been
doing in your periodical! I have moved and wish to continue
receiving your publication. Thank you ...Matthew Crowe,
Ragland, AL. Could you please send me STOP. I have a
sister that gets it and enjoys it ...Dee Carr, Snyder, TX.
Thank you for the copy of STOP. Please add my name to
your mailing list if Im not already on it ...Wilson
Rowlett, Rogers, AR. Thank you for holding to the truth.
Your articles are most appreciated. In a day when departure from
the faith is the trend, its good to see brethren like you
telling it like it is. Please keep up your good work
...Jack Lawyer, Conway, AR. You have a great web site. I
use it daily for studying. It is an answered prayer for strength
and wisdom ...Katrina. I listen to the sermons
and singing on my computer almost every day. This is a blessing for
me that you can never understand. Please keep up this good work.
There is no telling how many people you will reach through this
effort. My husband and I have been members of the church since we
were children and this gives us both real hope that the Gospel is
still being preached. My grandfather was a Gospel preacher and a
farmer for many years before his death. I wish he could have seen
this wonderful way to reach people. Thank you again for this good
work ...Ben & Brenda Ratliff. (NOTE: Anyone in the
world can listen to congregational singing and Gospel preaching
24/7 on the internet at Please
remove my name from your mailing list for Seek The Old Paths
...Mark Tabata, WV. We love the booklet Seek The Old
Paths. Thanks so much ...Dimple Sills. Thank you
very much for all you do to keep the Lords church sound
Table of Contents
Through the help of very generous brethren, we have been blessed
to purchase a new printer. The one weve been using has 3
million copies on it. It is currently broken down and awaiting
repair. The cost of the new printer was $9,351. We have already
received $5,000 toward its purchase. Since so many have requested
that we let them know when we need something like this, were
taking this opportunity to do so. If you would like to contribute
any part of the remaining $4,351, then feel free to do so. The work
of Seek The Old Paths is supported by free-will contributions and
sent free to all who request it. God bless you as we continue to
teach the whole counsel of God.
We’ve received calls from concerned brethren seeking our
help to learn of sound brethren on the Gulf Coast where they
might send relief. While there are no doubt many, we know of
these we can recommend.
The Chalmette church of Christ in New Orleans suffered
the total loss of their building. At the time of this writing, they
were under about 10-15 feet of water. The preacher there is
Mark Lance who is a native of McMinnville, Tennessee. He, his
wife and two daughters are worshiping with us here at East End
until they’re able to go back and begin to rebuild. They also suffered
the total loss of their house, furnishings, car and Mark’s
entire library. They have flood insurance but the church did not.
The Cordova church of Christ has accepted the responsibility of
receiving and dispensing funds on behalf of the Chalmette
church. Contact information for them is: 7801 Macon Road, Cordova,
TN 38018, Ph. (901) 754-9893 (office) or (901) 751-2117
(Jerry Martin, elder). Also, one of the elders of the Chalmette
church (Chris Kramer) is staying in Cordova until he’s able to
return to New Orleans. His number is (901) 756-0402.
The church of Christ in Saucier, Mississippi, is a little north
of Gulfport, MS, and in the middle of the devastation all along
the coast. The contact for them is their preacher, Cade Somers,
15235 O’Neil Rd., Apt. 5B, Gulfport, MS 39503, Ph. (228) 822-
1576. The church of Christ at Milestone in Pensacola, Florida,
has accepted the responsibility of disaster relief in that area.
Checks can be made to the church of Christ at Milestone and
earmarked “hurricane relief.” They have a separate bank
account set up strictly for disaster relief and it will be used for
that purpose and that purpose only. Their address is: 4015 Stefani
Rd, Cantonment, FL 32533. The church phone # is (850)
470-8878. Ken Burleson is one of the elders there. His phone # is
(850) 968-2207. They have been taking truck loads of supplies
every week to the Gulfport area.
You can see some pictures of relief efforts by
clicking here.

Bound Volumes can be ordered from:
Old Paths Publishing
2007 Francis Ferry Rd. McMinnville, TN 37110
$5 postage paid
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