This Issue...
Marvin L. Weir
God's wonderful grace will only saved those who have hearts pricked
by the Gospel and will turn from their sins.
The absence of boldness in those who profess to be children
of God has caused the Lord's church much misery. Boldness is a
characteristic sorely needed by those overseeing the Lord's church
and those who are preaching and teaching God's Word. Without
boldness, the apostles would have never accomplished the task
assigned to them. They were charged to not speak or teach in the
name of Jesus (Acts 4:18). Peter and John did not have to think the
matter over or consult with their families. The quick answer of
these two men of God was bold and decisive. “But Peter and
John answered and said unto them, Whether it is right in the sight
of God to hearken unto you rather than unto God, judge ye: for we
cannot but speak the things which we saw and heard” (Acts
4:19-20). One can only weep as he contemplates the answer that many
preachers and elders today would give if told not to speak or teach
in the name of Jesus.
The apostle Paul fervently prayed that he might open his
mouth “to make known with boldness the mystery of the
gospel” and that even though a prisoner he might speak
boldly as he ought to speak (Eph. 6:19-20). Doubt and confusion is
not the message that is revealed in Holy Writ (Heb. 11:6; 1 Cor.
14:33). The straightforward message of the apostle Paul declares,
“Wherefore be ye not foolish, but understand what the will
of the Lord is” (Eph. 5:17).
First, one must speak confidently and boldly regarding
the Creator of this universe. Genesis 1:1 states both truth
and fact will be accepted by one who truly believes. Herbert
Spencer introduced five facts of science in the 1800s that are
found in the first verse of God's Word. “In the beginning
[time] God [force] created [action] the
heavens [space] and the earth [matter]”
(Gen. 1:1). We do not need preachers and teachers today who have
only a vague idea of what God meant in His revelation. Instead of
creating doubt and uncertainty in the minds of folks, God's
glorious truth needs to be stressed and His unchangeable
characteristics emphasized (cf. John 17:17; Rom. 3:4; Mal. 3:6).
Second, one must boldly proclaim the Gospel plan of
salvation. The Savior promised to build His church
(Matt. 16:18) and He did so purchasing it with His own
blood (Acts 20:28). Thus, Christ has all authority (Matt.
28:18) and the right to set forth the terms of salvation (Matt.
28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16; Luke 24:46-47). The one and only Gospel
must be preached in its purity (Gal. 1:6-9) for it is the only
power unto salvation (Rom. 1:16). A believer of what Christ has
said will repent of his sins (Luke 13:3), make the good
confession (Rom. 10:9-10), and be immersed
for the remission of his sins (Acts 2:38; 22:16). The Lord adds
those who genuinely obey the Gospel to His church (Acts
The Lord and not man has the right to locate salvation,
and He stipulates that it is located in Him (2 Tim. 2:10). We must
then boldly affirm that salvation is to be found only in
Christ Jesus, and one is only in Christ if he has obeyed
the Gospel plan of salvation.
Third, one must speak boldly about the Lord's church.
Instead of apologizing for the church of Christ (Rom. 16:16),
Christians need to stress that it is the only church that
has the right to exist. The phrase “church of Christ” shows
ownership and is not used as a proper name or as a man-made
Those who truly believe God's Word will boldly declare the
differences between the Lord's church and the man-made
churches that have no God-given right to exist. One will not be
embarrassed that there is only one church authorized by
God (Eph. 4:4). Christ wanted it to be understood that He was the
head of His church that is said to be His body (Eph. 1:22-23). He
promises to save only His body (Eph. 5:23), the church! It then
behooves people of the age of accountability to make sure they are
members of the Lord's church. Will those who defend man-made
denominations wearing names honoring some man or woman be willing
to inscribe on their building that “this is not a church of
Christ?” Can one not see there is indeed something in a name?
Fourth, a Bible believer will boldly state that God's
grace will not save one in his sins. Some folks who are living
in sin and refuse to repent will say, “I'm just going to
continue to live like I'm living and take my chances.” Others
say, “I'll just keep on doing the best I can under the
circumstances and if God wants to send me to Hell He will just have
to do so.”
Friends, God will keep His Word! It is not His fault that
people refuse to repent and continue to cling to that which is
sinful! It is, however, repent or perish (Luke 13:3). God's
wonderful grace will only saved those who have hearts pricked by
the Gospel and will turn from their sins. The grace of God is not
to be abused (Rom. 6:1).
May we boldly stand firm for the cause of Christ!
5810 Liberty Grove Rd.
Rowlett, TX 75030
Table of Contents
Guest Editorial...
Steven E. Yeatts
I was reading the comics the other day and got a chuckle from
one that depicted Moses descending from the mountain holding the
tablets of stone. At the base of the mountain a multitude of people
were gathered and one fellow had his hand raised and the caption
read, “Could you make copies? We'd like to begin a loophole
search.” Certainly there is nothing risible about the actual
events that transpired as per Exodus 32 (and following) regarding
the people's impatience, disobedience, and refusal to love the Lord
their God first and foremost.
However, the caption as per the cartoon does bring to mind
the attitude of many today in the religious world, and sadly is
inclusive of some brethren in the Lord's church. They are not
satisfied with the fact that the Word of God is settled in heaven
(Psalm 119:89). They grow restless with the fact that grace and law
do not exist mutually exclusive of one another (Gen. 6:8,22; Rom.
8:2; Eph. 2:8-9; 1 John 5:3, et al). They scoff at the reliability
of solid hermeneutics which they have “traded up” for the
new hermeneutic, and are not unlike the Athenian philosophers whose
perpetual desire was to hear “some new thing” (Acts 17:21).
They prefer to hold to manmade redaction as the source of God's
Word, as opposed to the God-breathed inspiration of the Scriptures
(2 Sam. 23:2; 2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter 1:3).
Truly, far too many spend their time engaged in a
“loophole” search when searching the Scriptures (no matter
how superficial the search) intending to justify their rejection of
the pattern of the New Testament and our amenability to it. Others
will search for loopholes on subjects that are adversely affecting
their own lives; such as marriage, divorce, and remarriage,
alcohol, drug, or tobacco addictions, unfaithfulness regarding the
assembling of the saints, and a host of other issues that
contradict the faithful life of a Christian (Matt. 19:1-12; 1 Cor.
6:19-20; Col. 3:1-7).
We live in a society that revels in pluralism
(you make the choice that is best for you and no one can mandate
whether such a choice is right or wrong) and relativism
(there is no such thing as absolute truth on any subject, most of
all religious matters). In recent years it has become evident that
for some political entities, laws are merely suggestions and that
the law in the eyes of some is not absolute. For example, if the
law says 30 days, that may be a good general guideline, but it
could just as easily mean 29 or 39, or you fill in the blank. There
is always a disturbing nexus between what happens in society and
the quasi-agnosticism of some in the church. The Law of Christ is
not law at all to those whose loophole search has convinced them
that the New Testament is a defunct love letter that may have many
good suggestions for us, but no substantive and essential pattern
for our worship today. Of course any mention of a pattern for
doctrine and worship (Acts 2:42; Rom. 6:17) will not go undetected
by the “elitist enlightened” who long for the day when
their “traditional” brethren bask in the glorious glow of
the contemporary.
The loophole search will lead some to believe that secular
institutions (a.k.a. Christian Colleges) are somehow tantamount to,
or in some cases, paramount to the church for which Jesus died.
This self-deceiving loophole search will cause otherwise lucid
brethren to blindly defend an alma mater over the Alpha and Omega,
even when the alma mater has made clear capitulations to untruths
that warrant an objective review and public censure.
The loophole search conducted by those who refuse to
consistently accept the authority of the Word of God will continue
until Jesus returns and the Heavenly Father does some weeding in
His spiritual garden (Matt. 15:13). There was no loophole in Moses'
day. The Lord God said to Moses as the people played around the
golden calf, “Go, get thee down; for thy people, which thou
broughtest out of the land of Egypt, have corrupted themselves”
(Exodus 32:7). Loopholes are a temporary means of escape in this
life, but with the Lord, there shall be no eternal escape for
circumventing The Way because one preferred his own (1 Thess. 5:3;
Heb. 2:3).
2644 Lascassas Pike
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
Table of Contents
Walter W. Pigg
Some time ago an individual made a most interesting comment
concerning her religion when I introduced myself to her as a
preacher of the church of Christ. Her comment was that she was,
“A Christian first, then, a Methodist.” To hear someone say
that he or she is a member of the Methodist Church is quite common,
especially in the South where I grew up. But for one to make such
a clear distinction between being a Christian and being a Methodist
was most unusual to me.
Reasoning from the above, one can rightly conclude that
being a Christian and being “a Methodist” are two entirely
different things. It would follow, then, that one can be “a
Christian” and not be “a Methodist” or, one could be
“a Methodist” and not be “a Christian.”
Interestingly enough, that is exactly what the Bible teaches! It is
our intention to show that to be the case in the following remarks.
We begin by considering this important matter:
What It Means To Be A Christian
Acts 11:26 informs us that “the disciples were
called Christians first at Antioch.” The term Christian
is also found in Acts 26:28 and I Pet. 4:16. The term means an
adherent or follower of Christ. It carries a meaning of honor and
respect when correctly applied to Christ's true followers. To
better understand the meaning of the term Christian we need to look
at how people became Christians in the first century.
Acts 2 records the beginning of the church, which Christ
said He would build (Matt. 16:18). The Book of Acts, from chapter
2 onward, records the conversion of people as the church grew, even
in the face of stiff opposition from the forces of evil. These
converts to Christ would be called Christians, just as they are
today, like those at Antioch.
When studying the conversions recorded in Acts, a
distinct pattern of how people became Christians is noted. It will
be observed that in every single case the convert first heard God's
word. It was from the hearing of God's word that faith came, as
Paul points out in Rom. 10:17 when he said, “faith cometh by
hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” God's word called
upon people to repent. Christ said it is repent or perish (Luke
13:3), and Paul said that God, “now commendeth all men
everywhere to repent” (Acts 17:30). Paul also speaks of
confession when he said, “with the mouth confession is made
unto salvation” (Rom. 10:10). The Ethiopian was asked by Philip
to confess his faith in Christ before he was baptized (Acts 8:37).
In every conversion, baptism of the individual took place. In Acts
2:38, the inquiring listeners were told to “Repent, and be
baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the
remission of sins...” In the Great Commission, as
recorded in Mark 16:15-16, salvation was promised to those who
believed the gospel and were baptized.
It should be noted that the converts were buried with him
by baptism (Rom. 6:3-4). That is, they were immersed in water. They
were also people who were capable of belief or faith (Acts 8:12).
This ruled out infants and small children. When people today follow
this same pattern that we have noted above, they, too, become
Christians. At that point the Lord adds them to the church (Acts
2:47), of which Christ is the head and savior (Eph. 5:23). The
Bible reveals no other way by which people became Christians. Now,
that we have seen what it means to become a Christian, let us
What It Means To Be A Methodist
As we have noted already, when people follow the Bible
pattern they become Christians. That is what God wants and what
Christ died on Calvary to make possible. But being “a
Methodist” is something entirely different. The Bible knows
nothing of people becoming Methodists, and history knows of none
before the 1700s. The Bible does say, however, that people would
“teach(ing) for doctrines the commandments of men”
(Matt. 15:9). Our Lord goes on to say that “Every
plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted
up” (Matt. 15:13). In the great “Sermon on the
mount,” Christ says, “Not every one that saith unto
me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that
doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven” (Matt.
7:21). This tells us that there will be religious people who will
not be acceptable to the Lord.
To be a Methodist is to be a member of the Methodist
Church, which had its beginning in 1739 A.D. as a result of the
teaching of John Wesley. One can be a Methodist and never be a
Christian. To be a Christian one must follow God's instructions; to
be a Methodist one need only follow the teachings of men. In fact,
one cannot be a true Christian and a Methodist at the same time! It
is a fact, however, that some Christians have departed from the
faith and became Methodist, but not with God's approval. Such
people will not find salvation in the Methodist Church. It can be
found only in the bloodbought institution, the church or body of
Christ (Eph. 5:23; Col. 1:18).
To see further how that being a Methodist is entirely
different from being a Christian, note the following:
1. The Methodist Church was established 17 centuries this
side of the establishment of the church which Christ built (Matt.
2. Methodists generally sprinkle water on individuals
instead of “burying” (immersing) them in water. This act is
called baptism.
3. Methodists sprinkle (call it baptism) infants and
small children who are incapable of believing in Christ and the
Gospel, which is God's power to save people (Rom. 1:16).
4. The Methodist church is governed by their Discipline,
which contains various manmade doctrines. One example is that of
the “faith only” doctrine, found in Article IX. It states,
þWherefore, that we are justified by faith only, is a most
wholesome doctrine, and very full of comfort.” This is a direct
contradiction of what James says on the subject: “Ye see
then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith
only” (James 2:24). Another manmade doctrine is that of
original sin. Also, the form of government of the Methodist Church
is completely foreign to the New Testament.
Indeed, people ought to be Christians! And, this should be
first and last. This is the only way God can be pleased and
salvation enjoyed. There never has been nor will there ever be a
Godgiven reason for being a Methodist. A faithful Christian is all
anyone will ever need to be, and what an exalted privilege that is!
Why would anyone ever opt for a manmade religion rather than the
blood-purchased one?
1131 Hickory Grove Rd
Almo, KY 42020-9332
Table of Contents
Jerry C. Brewer
Many people today would describe the church as a large
organization characterized by two distinct classes — the
“Youth” and everybody else — with its mission to
provide “food, fun and fellowship” for the first class at
the sole expense of the latter. But Paul said there are no class
distinctions in the church. We are all one in Christ Jesus (Gal.
When I was a boy, we had a “young people's class”
on Sunday evening at 5p.m. before our worship at 6p.m. This was a
simple Bible class in which we learned the Bible and it was
attended by junior high and high school students. Through the
years, I witnessed an evolutionary process by which this simple
Bible class arrangement became a separate entity with a life of its
own. In those days, the Methodists had their MYF (Methodist Youth
Fellowship) and the Baptists had their Training Union for Youth.
With longing eyes, many of our brethren viewed the fun and games
these denominational organizations provided and saw their
tremendous drawing power. Consequently, many churches began
structuring their “young people's class” toward a separate
entity known as a “Youth Group.” By doing this, they drove
a wedge into the body of Christ that separated young people from
the rest of the church and — as they say — “the rest is
One result of all this copy-cat class distinction in the
church is the proliferation of “Family & Youth Ministers”
who take degrees in that discipline from so-called Christian
colleges and now populate the church in many places with absolutely
no scriptural right to exist. And, like the frogs in boiling water,
many good people in the church have become so inured to having it
this way that they see nothing wrong with this division.
The “Youth Group” industry is big business today.
It sells T-Shirts, “Contemporary Christian” music, concert
tickets, camping trips, outings to Six Flags amusement parks, and
other gadgets and activities for big money. It continues to be fed
by people like Oklahoma Christian's Dudley Chauncey who runs
“Winterfest” and by colleges which hand out their
“Youth and Family Ministry” degrees. Step back and take an
objective look at this structural arrangement in the light of the
New Testament and you won't recognize anything from any inspired
Moreover, the phrase, “our Young People” as it
relates to the church is not found within the Sacred Scriptures.
The church has no young people. Parents have young people. The
elders are not charged with providing social activities for my
children. I'm charged with that responsibility which also includes
bringing them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Eph.
6:4). We do a tremendous disservice to youth by giving them special
status in the church. In so doing, we make them think the church is
a social service center instead of the blood-bought company of all
the redeemed, and we denigrate the church for which Jesus suffered
and died. According to many of the bulletins I read each month, one
would think that Christ died to purchase a playground for people
between the ages of 6 and 18 and that older members' sole
responsibility is to shovel them the money to fund all their
“activities.” Thus, in their imagination, the mission of
the church is to provide “food, fun and fellowship” for the
youth, at the expense of the older folks.
The Childress, Texas church even has a periodical
collection for “Youth” activities that is taken at the door
following regular worship. To paraphrase J. D. Tant, many members
of the church today — young and old — wouldn't know whether
Jesus Christ died for the church at Calvary or was drowned on a log
ride at Six Flags.
The only scriptural youth director I ever knew was Clyde
Brewer and he provided recreational funds for my brothers and me
when we could pry them out of him.
308 South Oklahoma
Elk City, Oklahoma 73644
Table of Contents
News Brief...
Here is an update concerning the Anti-Conversion Law
Proposed in Tamil Nadu, India we reported last month.
Brethren, please know that the “anti-conversion”
law in no way inhibits or thwarts God's children in Tamil Nadu,
India. The law is not aimed at genuine conversions but at
perversions. The specific events that precipitated the Chief
Minister to enact this new law was allegedly the promises of
Islamic clerics of material benefits for the converts. The News
Reports point the cause to Muslim conversions of the untouchables
which promise higher social status and monetary gain. Accounts of
entire villages converting to the Islamic faith are not unheard of.
Though all religions are included in this law, genuine conversions
are still acceptable by the Indian government.
The “Chief Minister Jayalalithaa said the legislation
was not directed against any particular religion or minorities.
There was no provision under the IPC to prevent conversions and
therefore the government felt the need for a legislation to curb
forceful conversions through 'force and allurement'.”
“Describing the
protests against the law as 'knee-jerk reactions', she said the
ordinance sought to protect the weaker sections from exploitation.
She promised the law would not encroach upon the freedom of the
minority communities.” “The ordinance is not directed
against any particular religion, least of all any minority
religion. It is directed against the use of fraudulent means,
allurement and force in enticing individuals into changing their
religious denomination against their will,” she said.
On October 23rd, the BJP president, M Venkaiah Naidu, made
the same promise on a national level. The previous promise he made
three years ago failed — that the “BJP would enact
anti-conversion law in all the states ruled by the party and would
create people's opinion for the law in the states ruled by other
parties.” These are proposals, not laws, and the opposition to
such laws is no less today than it was three years ago.
On October 31st, “despite strong opposition, the
controversial Prohibition of Forcible Conversion of Religion Bill
was today passed by the Tamil Nadu Assembly with the AIADMK and the
BJP outvoting the combined opposition of the DMK, the Congress, the
Pattali Makkal Katchi and the Left parties.”
The present law in Tamil Nadu does not ban legitimate
conversions. If the full text from the chief minister was accepted
(it is not clear whether this next part was included in the law
passed by the legislature) it simply requires that the one
converting and the one being converted present themselves before
the district administration (police official or higher) to inform
them before the conversion. Failure to do so can result in a one
year jail sentence. It is an inconvenience, but no hindrance to the
spread of the Gospel. Let's pray diligently that our Lord will keep
the door open in India. Now is the time for us to spread the word!
Let's join hands and work diligently while the doors are open.
Dennis Johnson (803-798-4823)
(After Dec 15th, 35 Lock Street,
Kottur, Chennai, TN India 600 085)
Table of Contents
Charles Box
Those who were early members of the church were characterized
by steadfastness. “And they continued steadfastly in the
apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in
prayers” (Acts 2:42). Steadfast means firm or immovable.
To be steadfast means “to continue all the time; to persevere;
to be devoted to.” Paul challenged the brethren at Corinth by
saying, “my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable,
always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor
is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Cor. 15:58).
There may be many great needs in the church but none is
greater than the need for steadfastness. Paul wrote to the
Colossians and said, “though I am absent in the flesh, yet I am
with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good order and the
steadfastness of your faith in Christ” (Col. 2:5). Peter gave
the following warning to brethren concerning the danger of falling
from their steadfastness. “You therefore, beloved, since you
know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own
steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked” (2
Peter 3:17). Let us observe the importance of steadfastness:
Strong churches have steadfast members. Jesus
said, “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its
flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but
to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light
of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do
they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand,
and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so
shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify
your Father in heaven” (Matt. 5:13-16). The influence of the
church can only be as strong as the members are steadfast. From
Acts 2:42 we observe that the early Christians were steadfast.
“They continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and
fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” This
caused others to look favorably upon God's people. “Praising
God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the
church daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:47). The
challenge for every Christian is — Be Steadfast.
Strong Christians are steadfast members.
Christians who fail to be steadfast fail to be what God intended
them to be. The member who is faithful a while and then unfaithful;
can be counted on for a while and then cannot be counted on; is
dependable for a while and then undependable, is a poor example of
Christianity. Instead of being steadfast, the Bible calls this man
unstable. “He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his
ways” (James 1:8). Strong Christians are steadfast in their
service to God. “Moreover it is required in stewards that one
be found faithful” (1 Cor. 4:2). The challenge for every
Christian is — Be Steadfast.
Strong Christians understand the principle of being
steadfast members. They realize they are made partakers of
Christ only by being “steadfast unto the end.” “For we
have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our
confidence steadfast to the end” (Heb. 3:14). Christians must
be firm in their faith; set and settled in their convictions about
Jesus the Christ. They must be planted, fixed, strong, anchored and
faithful in their relationship with the Master. Those who are
steadfast have “hope” as an anchor for the soul (Heb.
6:19). The challenge for every Christian is — Be Steadfast.
Strong members recognize those things which produce
steadfastness. Christians must recognize the contribution made
to steadfastness as we learn the truth. “And you shall know the
truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32).
Christians must learn, know, perceive and understand God's will. No
one will be steadfast for long who does not have an ever deepening
knowledge of God's word. Peter said, “grow in the grace and
knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory
both now and forever. Amen” (2 Peter 3:18).
Attending “all” the services of the church is
another contributing factor in our steadfastness. In order to seek
God and His kingdom first, we must be faithful at every service of
the church. “But seek first the kingdom of God and His
righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you”
(Matt. 6:33). To seek God first means that we think about, meditate
on, crave, require and demand that the kingdom be first in our
lives. God and His kingdom must be first in rank or time or place
in our heart and life. Those who willfully forsake any assembly of
the church are not putting God first. “Not forsaking the
assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but
exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day
approaching” (Heb. 10:25). Why don't we have as many for Sunday
morning Bible classes, Sunday night or Wednesday night as we have
for Sunday morning worship?
Associating with strong Christians helps develop personal
steadfastness. Those with whom we associate pull us in their
direction. “Do not be deceived: Evil company corrupts good
habits” (1 Cor. 15:33). Basement people pull others down,
balcony people pull others up. You can be strengthened by good men
or corrupted by evil men. “He who walks with wise men will be
wise, But the companion of fools will be destroyed” (Prov.
Find those things which contribute to steadfastness to the
Lord and grow in them. The challenge for every Christian is —
Be Steadfast.
Strong faith produces steadfast Christians.
Christians must be steadfast, firm, and fixed in the faith of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. “For I delivered to you first of all
that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according
to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again
the third day according to the Scriptures” (1 Cor. 15:3-4).
Circumstances and situations of life must never shake our faith in
the glorious Gospel of Christ. Our steadfastness stands on Jesus'
resurrection. Because He lives, we can live also. Let us be
unshaken in our hope of being raised incorruptible and immortal.
Our steadfastness must lead us to abound in the work of the Lord.
The challenge for every Christian is — Be Steadfast.
Being a Christian is a serious responsibility.
Christianity involves your salvation. Your Christianity may effect
hundreds of others.
To become a Christian, you must hear the Gospel
(Rom. 10:17), you must believe in Jesus (Mark 16:16),
repent of every sin (Acts 2:38), confess Christ (Rom.
10:9-10) and be baptized to be saved (1 Peter 3:21). After
baptism, the challenge for every Christian is — Be
P.O. Box 551
Greenville, AL 36037
Table of Contents
Douglas Hoff
Though the book of Ezekiel is often neglected because it has
some admittedly difficult sections, one who ignores this inspired
book does so to his own loss. The thirty third chapter has some
remarkable lessons that are as applicable to the church today as
they were for the Jews in Babylon almost 2,600 years ago.
The first lesson comes from Ezekiel 33:6 (NKJV) which
says, “But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does
not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword
comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his
iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman's hand.”
This verse was given to remind the watchman that he had a
responsibility to warn people of impending danger. In context, the
watchman was a prophet. If he failed to give the warning, the
people would be conquered by an invading army. However, the
watchman would be held accountable for his failure to 'blow the
trumpet.' The Jews had heard many warnings from watchmen like
Jeremiah and Ezekiel that their nation would fall because of their
sin. They did not repent and so God used Nebuchadnezzar to destroy
Jerusalem, the temple and take many captive into a distant land.
Here is how this verse applies to us today. What happens
if we know there are people living in sin all around us and yet we
fail to warn them of the coming judgment? Will they escape? No.
Will we be held accountable for our failure to speak? Yes. Our
hands will be bloody. Paul could say that he was innocent of the
blood of all men since he had declared unto them the whole counsel
of God (Acts 20:25-27). Why will sinners not be spared? They will
suffer the punishment due for their iniquity. That is God's
justice. They had an opportunity to escape but did not avail
themselves of it. Paul proved that “they” (all accountable
souls) are without excuse (Rom. 1:20). Notice, Ezekiel's statement
clearly says the people will die in their sins even if the watchman
failed to warn them of the coming judgment (Ezek. 33:8). This also
shows what will happen to the hypothetical natives on some remote
island who never heard the Gospel. Will God excuse them and let
them slide into heaven because they never heard the Gospel? No.
They too are without excuse. They will be damned to hell, and
justly so, because of their unforgiven sins. If they had wanted to
escape punishment, they could have sought the Lord and found him.
This is what Jesus promised long ago (Matt. 7:7,8; cf. Isa.
A second lesson comes from Ezekiel 33:30-32 (NKJV) which
states, “As for you, son of man, the children of your
people are talking about you beside the walls and in the doors of
the houses; and they speak to one another, everyone saying to his
brother, 'Please come and hear what the word is that comes from the
LORD.' So they come to you as people do, they sit before you as My
people, and they hear your words, but they do not do them; for with
their mouth they show much love, but their hearts pursue their own
gain. Indeed you are to them as a very lovely song of one who has
a pleasant voice and can play well on an instrument; for they hear
your words, but they do not do them.” At times, Ezekiel
must have gotten frustrated because the people feigned an interest
in his preaching. While they complimented him on his 'good sermon,'
they would go away and live as they had always lived. The word of
God did not penetrate their hard hearts. While most preachers like
to be complimented on their 'good lesson,' it would please them
even more to see people's lives changed by the powerful word of God
that was proclaimed (Heb. 4:12)!
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Effingham, IL 62401
Table of Contents
Roger D. Campbell
The New Testament often speaks about water baptism. John the
Baptizer taught about it (Matt. 3:1-11), Jesus taught about it
(Mark 16:16), the apostles taught about it (Acts 2:38), and first
century evangelists like Philip taught about it (Acts 8:35-39).
Baptism is, indeed, an important topic.
What about baptizing babies? Is it a scriptural practice?
In order for it to be a scriptural practice, it must be authorized
by the teaching of Jesus the Christ. He charges all men to observe
the things that He commands (Matt. 28:20). As it is written in
Colossians 3:17, all that we do is to be done in Christ's name,
that is, by His authority. If one were to read the New Testament
from beginning to end, from Matthew 1:1 to Revelation 22:21, he
would find neither a Bible command to baptize babies nor a
statement mentioning the baptizing of such little ones. He would
never find in the New Testament an example of baby baptism, nor
would he read anything that implies that such a practice is
authorized. Thus, the practice of baptizing infants is unauthorized
by the Lord. Such a practice owes its origin to men, not God (Matt.
21:25). Here is strike number one against baby baptism: it is
unauthorized by the New Testament.
Furthermore, babies are not proper candidates for water
baptism. That is strike number two against the baptizing of
infants. Biblically speaking, one that is a proper candidate for
water baptism is one that believes in Jesus and the Gospel (Mark
16:16; Acts 8:37). Infants are unable to possess such faith, thus
they cannot be baptized scripturally.
Biblically speaking, one that is a proper candidate for
baptism is also one that is a sinner. Simon Peter, acting as Jesus'
spokesman, told the Jews assembled on the Day of Pentecost to
repent and be baptized (Acts 2:38). The message of Acts 2:38 shows
that repentance must proceed baptism, and at the same time it also
shows the purpose of baptism: “for the remission of sins.”
In order for babies to be classified as “sinners,”
and thus in need of repentance and baptism to wash away sins (Acts
22:16), then it must be true that they have in some way violated
God's law. This is so because the Bible defines sin as
“lawlessness” or “transgression of the law” (1 John
3:4). Only those that have broken God's law are “sinners.”
Pee-wee children may be “guilty” of a lot of things, but
breaking or transgressing the law of God is not one of them!
Therefore, babies are not sinners, and because they are not
sinners, they are not proper candidates for baptism. “Why
doesn't the church of Christ baptize babies?” That is a good
and fair question. One thought that comes to mind is this: Why
should it?
What scriptural reason is there that should cause the
Lord's church to baptize infants? The answer is, “There is
none!” Through the ages many religious people have practiced
and attempted to justify baby baptism. Friends, baby baptism is
unscriptural. Such a practice is unauthorized by the Bible, and
infants themselves are not proper candidates to receive water
baptism. That is just the way it is. If we are going to stick with
what the Bible says and allow it to guide us, always speaking as
the oracles of God (1 Peter 4:11), then we will leave off the
practice of baptizing babies. Not only will we not practice it
ourselves, we will also do our best to help others to see what baby
baptism really is: an invention of men that is both unnecessary and
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“How refreshing it was to read the October issue of STOP! As a
Christian husband, father and military man, one of my greatest
concerns is finding a sound and faithful congregation wherever
Uncle Sam sends me. I consider STOP a vital tool for my
family and we always look forward to each issue. The article on
“The Lord's Supper And A Common Meal” was very encouraging.
I salute Brother Jack Simons' scalding and scriptural response.
While I am not surprised at the liberal antics many congregations
are falling prey to these days, I am shocked that the elders at
Skyway Hills would sign their names to such a weak and ridiculous
defense of their practice. A young soldier I have been studying
with for several months — and who is NOT a Christian — read
both articles and just a few days later told me; “that Simons
man is right.” If a non-Christian can see it that clearly, I
shudder to ask how any Christian could accept such error. Please
keep defending the faith. For God and Country, I remain; ...SGT
Timothy Hall, U.S. Army, Fort Bragg, NC. “This is a gift
for Seek the Old Paths. Please use the money any way it
is needed. I appreciate the paper very much. I hope that it
continues to thrive for many years. May God bless your efforts in
the kingdom for many years to come. Tell everyone at the church
there hello. We pray for their continued stand for the truth. The
church there is doing so much for the cause of Christ”
...Victor M. Eskew, Brookland, AR. “I have very much
enjoyed receiving your publication for the last 5 years. I enjoy it
and use it in teaching and preaching” ...Bill Trees, Sioux
Falls, SD. “Thanks for your good work!” ...Donald
Ginn, Anniston, AL. “I want to thank you for sending
Seek the Old Paths to the Piedmont congregation. We
appreciate seeing articles by Bob Spurlin. It's good to see someone
doing what he can in spite of adverse circumstances” ...B.
Dean Beard, Piedmont, AL. “Thank you especially for the
fine editorial “Misleading Use of Scripture?” in the
September issue of Seek the Old Paths. How sad that the
blind refuse to see, but at least we must keep trying to help folks
out of the eternally condemning sin of addition in worship and
otherwise” ...Gary Colley, McMinnville, TN. “Thank
you for the information you sent me concerning “Church of
Christ disaster Relief Inc.” Also thank you for sending
Seek the Old Paths” ...Tony Demonbreun, Haleyville,
AL. “Thank you very much for the STOP magazine
which I regularly receive. I learned many things by reading each
issue. Thank you very much. God bless” ...Serafin M.
Calixto, Philippines. “Thank you so much for STOP.
We believe it to be one of the best publications in our
brotherhood. It is heart breaking to see liberalism and praise
worship taking over so many churches in Nashville, TN. It creeps in
slowly and before you realize it there is a take over like Madison
Church of Christ had. This was so sad. Thanks again”
...Herb & Nancy Marlin, Nashville, TN. “I heard that you
have a wonderful paper that you put out once a month with good
sound articles. I would like to receive it, and if there is a cost
I will pay” ...Curtis Watson, Clio, MI. [Note: there
is no charge for the paper. It is supported by generous brethren
from around the world, gmr]. “Greetings to you in the precious
name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I hope this letter finds
you and yours in good spiritual health and prosperity. I am a
preacher in Nigeria at Baeita church of Christ and I would like to
receive Seek the Old Paths publication. A friend sends
me one and I enjoy it so much. It helps and encourages me and
others to keep spreading the truth. Our Lord will continue to bless
all your efforts to serve Him; As God will provide for you to
donate to us. Our fervent prayer is that God will grant you and the
ministry the strength to work for Christ” ...E. O.
Agbeyemi, Nigeria, West Africa. “I would like to receive
your Seek the Old Paths in the mail. It is a very good
paper. It brings back information that I knew at one time but had
forgotten. You can't find many people today who tells it like it
is. It's very uplifting to me. Very good articles in it”
...Name Withheld. “You folks do great work! May our good
God bless you in every possible way” ...Al Sowins, Wallowa,
OR. “I appreciate the work that is being done by the East
Corinth congregation. I have used Seek the Old Paths to
supplement my private Bible study as well as sharing the
publication with others. I am enclosing a donation to be credited
to the Bookletmaker Fund” ...Mary Lawrence, Fayetteville,
GA. “My son receives Seek the Old Paths. I read
it and firmly believe you are standing for the truth. I pray you
will continue to spread the Gospel through this means”
...Helen Guthery, Broken Bow, OK. “Thanks for sending
Seek the Old Paths to the addresses I sent you. You are doing
a good work. We look forward to receiving your publication”
...Phyllis & Floyd Roe, Cushing, OK. “I'd like to thank
you for adding me to the STOP mailing list as per our
email conversation. Keep up the good work! You are helping more
people than you will ever know. Enclosed is a check. Please use
this in whatever manner you see fit to help in the production and
distribution of STOP. Thank you once again for adding me
to the list. May God bless your efforts and all those who work with
you there at East Corinth” ...Jake Taft, Cordova, AL.
Hello, I'm making sure we are still on your mailing list to receive
Seek The Old Paths. My husband does his lessons from
them. Thank you. We really enjoy them please keep them coming”
...Ludington, MI. “Thank you for your good work in
your publication. There seems to be some increase in interest here.
If possible, would you please increase the amount of STOP
that is sent to us? We will be sending a check soon to help
defray the cost. Thank you again for your good work and may God
bless you” ...Robert Ward, Page, AZ. “Thank you
very much and thank you all for working so hard to spread the
truth” ...Billie Sue Duty, London, KY. “I have
been reading these for two years and enjoy them”
...Lafayette, LA. “I am 46 years old, a gospel preacher
working in Sto. Tomas Church of Christ, Sto. Tomas, Davao del
Norte, helping the local preacher here named Lito Solon. As a
gospel preacher I give myself to reading books and other reading
materials. Lito Solon introduced to me your paper. He showed to me
the copies he has and I appreciated the paper so much because of
its topics and issues tackled. It reminded us to walk in the old
paths and never follow the modern paths invented by man. I would
like to receive “Seek The Old Paths.” It is
great. I like it so much. You're doing a great work. Thank you”
...Tito Peralta, Philippines. “Thanks for standing up
for the truth, keep up the good work” ...Jennifer Semple,
Keithville, LA. “Keep up the good work” ...Scott
Klaft, South Carolina. “I greet you in the wonderful name
of our risen Lord Jesus Christ. I write to be included on your
mailing list of Seek the Old Paths. It is quite
educative” ...Godfrey M. Simulubwa, Mkushi.

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