The Lord's church has undergone a change over the past generation in far too many places regarding the necessity of sound doctrine. Members of the church of Christ used to be called "Bible-totin' Bible-quotin' Christians." Elders used to demand the truth be preached no matter who wanted to hear it. Thousands were rescued from the kingdom of Satan and were translated into the kingdom of God's dear Son (Col. 1:13-14).Sound doctrine is essential to our salvation and we must demand it and defend it at all costs. What we need are more brethren who are not afraid of controversy and who see the need for standing in the gap and being heard for truth. We need more brethren who will demand sound doctrine.
"Really, before one studies much on false doctrine one needs to be in agreement with himself regarding controversy. As long as there is good and evil, truth and error, ministers of the gospel and wolves in sheep's clothing, there will be conflict, controversy and opposition. God blames the conflict on the devil and his false teachers and false doctrine. Jesus, Paul and the early church spent much time in necessary disputes. Since it promoted truth, it was and is a necessary form of evangelism, sharing the same purpose as preaching, i.e., eternal life. It is a form of soul winning and salvation. As much as we may find controversy distasteful and may love peace, we all must do our share in the battle. So love peace and unity, but love truth more."                P.O. Box 383
"You and the brethren at East Corinth are doing a great
job combating error. Seek The Old Paths
has to be one of the best in the brotherhood. I can't
wait to get my copy each month and don't put it down until I read
every word. I only wish I could attend the lectureship but my
health will not allow me to travel. I know all the speakers. You
make good choices. Keep up the good work. God bless you and the
elders" ...Daryl Busby, Sullivan, MO. "We just wanted to
drop you a line to thank you and the elders for such a good
lectureship. We enjoyed the spiritual food and also the hospitality
of the good food that was served each day and thank the ladies for
doing such a good job. We thank God for good men like you, so keep
up the good work" ...Virgil & Ima Lee Cretsinger, Shady
Valley, TN. "I am an avid reader of Seek The Old
Paths and support whole heartedly anyone who supports the
gospel. Please pass my appreciation of this paper on to all who are
involved in publishing and circulating it. You will never know
until eternity how much good you are doing" ...George Sellers,
Duluth, GA. "I really look forward to Seek The Old
Paths each month. God bless you and the elders at East
Corinth church and keep up the good work" ...Michael Estey,
Tuscumbia, AL. "Thank you and all of the elders for your
stand for the Truth of God's Holy Word. God bless all of you." The
apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 3:4 that, "Whereby, when ye
read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery (gospel)
of Christ." Therefore, when Paul says the following,
those who love the truth "that they might be saved" (2
Thess. 2:10) should have no difficulty in understanding. Paul makes
it clear that for one to be "strong in the Lord," for
one to "be able to withstand the wilves of the devil"
and for one to "obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus"
(2 Tim. 2:10) that one must "put on the whole armour of
God" (Eph. 6:10-11; 1 Thess. 5:8). One cannot leave off
"the breastplate of the hope of salvation." One cannot
discard "the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
To not have one's "loins girt about with the truth of
the Gospel and to not have the shield of faith" is to fall
short of what God demands (Eph. 6:13-17). The text states,
"the whole armour of God" and anything less just won't do.
Each of these apply directly to Jesus Christ (John 14:6; Rom.
1:16-17; 1 Cor. 4:15; Rev. 14:12; 2 Tim. 2:10). Jesus said, "I
am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father
but by me" (John 14:6). When one puts on Christ, that one has
"put on the whole armour of God." "For as many of you as have
been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ" (Gal. 3:27)"
...James Fisher, Morgan City, LA. "During the past few
months I have missed receiving Seek The Old Paths.
I would very much appreciate being put back on the
mailing list for this fine publication" ...Bruce Ligon, Plain
Dealing, LA. "Just read a copy of the Feb. issue and enjoyed
it very much so please add me to your list" ...Lewis Cantril,
Salida, CO.
"Please take me off your mailing list. I shudder to think of what
Postal workers think if they read any of this as it comes through.
Such harm to our witness of Christ in our lives" ...Doug
Jantz, Winona, Missouri. [NOTE: Do you know of a better, more
ecconomical way to inform brethren of error and those teaching it?
It is a command that we do so (Rom. 16:17). The world needs to be
taught the Truth, even that there are and will be false teachers
who teach things they ought not (Titus 1:11). Though we do not wish
to display "dirty laundry" before the world, the world also needs
to know that we are not afraid to acknowledge error, wherever it
exists, even in the church; and, that we are willing to oppose it
with the Truth of the Gospel even among ourselves. Oh, by the way,
I don't read anything in the New Testament about being a "witness"
of Christ. I wasn't there (in the first century) and neither was
anyone else living today. Witnessing is a denominational concept
that is void of Bible authority -- gmr]. "Your web site is
excellent" ...Virgil Poe, Katy, TX. "I just viewed your
page and what the churches of Christ are trying to do by Christ's
authority (Col. 3:17). The page looks good" ...Bill Sexton,
Van Buren, AR. "It is great to have previous issues of
Seek The Old Paths available on the internet! In
researching a scripture, I found a previous article to be very
helpful! Thanks" ...Bruce Lewis, Huntsville, AL. "The
lead article "The Refutation of the Irrefutable Constituent Element
Argument" by Tom L. Bright (Aug/97) is one of the best written
articles I have read. I would like to congratulate him on his
professionalism in writing and his defense of the Truth. Mr. Bright
did not engage in any name calling and presented all of his
arguments very logically. Please continue to have articles of this
high caliber" ...Glen Norman. "I read and respect you
for the stand that is made for the church and most of all for
Christ" ...Charles C. Ainsworth, Looxahoma, MS.
"Appreicate your stand for the old paths" ...James Gammon, Sr.
"HELP! The article "People Change, Times Change..." in the
Sep/97 Seek the Old Paths is exactly what my congregation needs to
hear. I mean the whole congregation!! Please tell me what it would
take on my part to be able to send you a directory of my church
brothers and sisters who desperately need to hear this information.
We have just had to flee ourselves, but we love them all so much
and would love to see them mend their ways before it is also too
late. I was attending the Summervile Church of Christ and my family
had to leave for reasons so similar to the ones in Jerry Pence's
article it's frightening. I will gladly pay whatever costs are
involved in getting each family a copy of this article and even on
your mailing list" [NOTE: we
are happy to supply free back issues to those who need them. Just
send us your mailing list and we will add them -- gmr].
Seek The Old Paths $5 (includes postage) Make check payable to Old Paths Publishing 304 Ripley St. Corinth, MS 38834 Only 200 available! The 1996 Volume is still available The 1995 Volume has been sold out |
        1997 -- The Church At Colosse, $5         1996 -- The Seven Churches of Asia, $5         1995 -- The Church at Corinth, $4         1994 -- Immorality, $3.50         1990 -- New Testament Questions, $3.00         1989 -- Old Testament Questions, $2.00         Preparing For The Eldership, $2.00         The Race That Is Set Before Us, $8.00 -- 1996 Garfield Heights Lectureship Book         2-3 books, $2.25 For each additional book, add 50 cents. All books are sold by Old Paths Publishing, not the church. Send order to: Old Paths Publishing 304 Ripley St. Corinth, MS 38834 |
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