This Issue...
The Moral Decline of the United States
Rusty Stark
Proverbs 14:34,
Righteousness exalteth a nation:
but sin is a reproach to any people.
When I go into the woods, I use a compass. It helps me
when I dont know which way to go when I have no inner sense
of which direction to go to get back to the road, when I can see
neither sun nor stars, when every tree looks the same, or when
darkness falls and I cant even see the trees. My compass
points the right way. I have learned to trust my compass. My
compass knows direction better than I know direction.
Unfortunately, our country the USA, America the
Beautiful has voluntarily given up its moral compass. It has
exchanged the truth and guidance of Gods Word for feelings,
fads and fancies.
It is important in an article about problems with our
nation to acknowledge that this nation is a truly great one. Every
Christian ought to have feelings of gratitude for the freedoms this
country affords us. Freedom of religion, freedom to worship as we
believe God wants us to, is not a minor thing. Ours is a truly
great country that has recognized this freedom as the right of all
men before God. And it has upheld and defended this freedom, for
our good.
Furthermore, this country defends my freedom to preach
the Gospel boldly, without fear, without loss of property, without
torture, without being killed for speaking out. I would like to
think that I would preach the Gospel boldly even if our country
tried to repress this right of mine, but I know that it is easier
to preach the Truth because I live in this great country. As a
preacher, allowed to devote my time and effort to spread the
Gospel, I must be careful what I say in criticism of the country
that protects me in this effort. Many preachers have died at the
hands of lesser countries who wanted to suppress the Gospel.
Many in this great nation have mistaken freedom for
license. Instead of being grateful to the God who our founders
recognized, many in our country have tried to throw off the bonds
and responsibilities that faith in God brings with it. Instead of
seeing freedom as a responsibility, many have tried to use it as an
excuse to do whatever feels good. This type of lawlessness is not
true freedom, and it brings reproach on any people.
This country has lost the only true moral compass.
Instead of looking to and following the Truth of the Bible, it has
looked to philosophers, educators, scientists, and psychiatrists to
determine what is right and what is wrong in our new, modern world.
The Bible comes from the mind of God. It always points the
right direction. Morality flows from the nature of God. It is a
reflection of his character and purity. There is nothing we can
substitute that will guide us into right and away from wrong like
the Bible can.
Morality cannot be found in the mind or heart of man.
It is not a subjective matter. It is not subject to what I feel or
think at any given moment, and it is not subject to the thinking of
the masses. Morality cannot be decided by popular vote. Many years
ago the prophet wrote: O LORD, I know that the way of man
is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his
steps (Jer. 10:23). Solomon wrote: There is a
way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the
ways of death (Prov. 14:12).
Is the United States more morally deprived than other
nations? Maybe not. Those who have traveled to other countries
realize that, in a comparative way, the U.S. may be better off
morally than many other nations.
Many countries display their pornography on magazine
and postcard racks and broadcast it more openly than do we. Those
who have done mission work in Russia know the extremely high
divorce rate and the casual attitude toward abortion. Some
Scandinavian countries have led the way in things like
euthanasia, sex-change operations, etc. Many countries have openly
nude beaches and other depraved practices.
Whether or not we are a morally deprived nation cannot be
determined by comparison with other countries. Other countries are
not the standard. Gods word is. Comparing ourselves among
ourselves is not wise (2 Cor. 10:12). Do we really get any pleasure
or sense of well-being from claiming to be the least smelly skunk
in the woods or by pointing out that the other snakes are more
poisonous than we are?
Regardless of how we compare with other countries, two
things are clear: 1) Our moral standards have declined from where
they used to be. 2) We do not come close to acknowledging or
upholding Gods moral standards.
We once saw HOMOSEXUALITY as the shame and
perversion it was. This was Gods standard (Rom. 1:26-27; 1
Cor. 6:9-10), and it was our standard also. Now our political and
social climate encourages people to openly choose and live a
homosexual lifestyle. We adopt children into homes with two
daddies or two mommies. We allow our school
systems to teach this an as alternative lifestyle. And, we condemn
those who are old fashioned enough to speak up against this
ABORTION was once outlawed. Now it is
available virtually on demand, even for minors. Our attitude toward
the sanctity of life has now changed to where people are clearly
advocating further strides in killing, like active euthanasia.
Peter Singer in his book Practical Ethics argues,
If we can put aside these emotionally moving but strictly
irrelevant aspects of the killing of a baby, we can see that the
grounds for not killing persons do not apply to newborn
infants (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979, p.124).
He goes on to say, ...killing a defective infant is not
morally equivalent to killing a person. Very often it is not wrong
at all (p.138). Not only do these chilling words represent a
decline from where we once were morally, they are clearly against
Gods standards (Gen. 9:6; Prov. 6:16-19). Cecil Hook (one who
claims to be a brother in Christ) in his book Free In Christ
argues for euthanasia, comparing it to putting down his
familys fox terrier (New Braunfells, TX, p.33).
PORNOGRAPHY is a threat to the fabric of our
society. The standard of God is plain; pornography is sin (Matt.
5:28). As a nation, we used to have laws against it that we
actually enforced. Today we are faced with some truly terrible
statistics (from, current as of 2003):
- Revenue from pornography in the USA (app. $12 billion)
exceeds the combined revenue of ABC, CBS, and NBC (app.
$6.2 billion).
- Child Pornography generates $3 billion annually.
- There are 4.2 million pornographic websites on the world
wide web. Thats about 12% of total websites.
- There are 68 million search engine requests for
pornographic material every day. Thats about 25% of
total search engine requests.
- There are 116 thousand internet requests for child
pornography every day.
(Some of these stats represent worldwide figures and are not
limited to the USA. However, the U.S. is actively involved
in this worldwide degradation.)
DIVORCE was once viewed as shameful. Every
divorce has sin in it either the sin of the fornicator who
caused a just divorce, or the sin of people who divorce but have no
scriptural cause (Matt. 19:9). Not everyone who has been through a
divorce should be ashamed, but every divorce has shame in it.
Todays view of marriage is simply a trial and error approach.
Marriage vows are not seen as vows but as vague hopes. Commitment
to spouse and to marital faithfulness is a lost concept. This
represents a decline.
Our CHOICES IN ENTERTAINMENT represent an area
of rapid and alarming decline. The funniest and most used
phrase on television seems to be Oh My God! used to
express surprise, dismay, fear, and even lust. How can we make any
pretense to revere the God we blaspheme? Standards of speech have
declined from where we once were, and especially in movies and
television they are far from Gods standards (Eph. 4:29;
5:3-4). Even cartoons made for children have curse words. One movie
had as its basis the idea that God gave his power to a man (Jim
Carey) who was then Bruce Almighty. Some will condemn me
for criticizing a movie I did not watch, but I dont need to
eat rotten fish to know it is bad. On the advertisements for this
movie the main character used the power of God to blow up a
ladys dress so he could see her. How much more blasphemous can
we get? And, even some Christians could not see anything wrong with
such blasphemy. How easy it is to become desensitized!
And what shall I say more? Time would fail me to tell
of the decline in modest dress, the crude, antisocial,
sensualized, and violent lyrics of modern music, the casual
attitude toward sex before marriage, the increase in gambling and
related crimes and on, and on, and....
It is not only Hollywood that has led us down the steep
path of moral degradation. Political leaders Senators,
Representatives, Presidents, and Governors and many religious
leaders and educators have publicly lied, been caught in illicit
romances and perversions, and have defended themselves or their
colleagues by saying that such things have nothing to do with being
fit for positions of leadership. The only way we can accept that
premise is if we simply close our eyes to the very real danger that
a whole nation of children including our own will follow
these leaders into sin, and into hell.
Since righteousness exalts a nation, can we say that we
should be exalted for our righteous behavior? Since sin is a
reproach to any people, should we not, as a nation, hang our heads
in shame? Indeed, shame is foreign to hearts that are seared; we
have forgotten how to blush, even when we should (Jer. 6:15).
The United States of America has changed to a point
that it is unrecognizable. It is not the country our founders
dreamed of. It is not characterized by the slogan on our money
In God We Trust. Instead, it is characterized by its attempt to
leave God, the mention of his name, and the demands of his
morality, behind.
1495 E Empire Ave.
Benton Harbor, MI 49022
Table of Contents
ABORTION, Americas Holocaust
Garland M. Robinson
In 1857, the Dred Scott decision said that black people
(slaves) were not persons and could therefore be used as
their owners chose which included abusing and even killing them.
The 14th Amendment overturned this decision in 1868.
January 22, 1973, was one of the blackest days in the
225+ year history of the United States. On this day [called Black
Monday], the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the killing of an unborn
baby is an act protected by the Constitution of the United States.
In this landmark decision the Court decided that the unborn child
is not a person in any meaningful sense, and therefore,
is not protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. Any woman who wants
to terminate her pregnancy and thereby take the life of her
offspring may do so, in some cases right on through the ninth month
of pregnancy!
Since that fateful day in 1973, over 44.6 million
babies/infants have been aborted/killed in America alone! In
the year 2,000, there were more children slaughtered by the
ruthless and brutal act of abortion than Americans who died in the
Revolutionary War, the war of 1812, the Spanish-American War, the
Civil War, World Wars I and II, the Korean, Vietnam and Gulf Wars
combined. Can you believe it? In that same year there were 306
children killed by abortion for every 1,000 who were born alive!
Pharaohs extermination of the infant Hebrews was but a ripple
on the ocean of time. Herods massacre of the babes of
Bethlehem would not equal one modern abortion clinics daily
quota. Hitlers slaughter of nearly six million Jews in the 30s
and 40s was but a drop in the bucket. I certainly do not wish to
minimize any of these historic atrocities, but at the same time, I
wish to magnify what our country and many of its elected and
appointed officials are doing in comparison.
Theres an outrageous inconsistency in our land
when campaigns have been raised to save the spotted owl, the snail
darter and animals and birds of all kinds (even while they are yet
unborn or not yet hatched) while the human species are being
systematically exterminated! What about the baby humans? Who will
champion their cause? Who will rise up and protect them? If
its not God-fearing people across this land, then who will?
To those who believe the unborn child is nothing more than
a lifeless piece of flesh, consider the following medical facts of
the unborn.
1) At 2 1/2 weeks, the heart begins to beat with the
childs own blood supply, often a different type than the
2) At 3 weeks, eyes, spinal cord, nervous system, lungs and
intestines are present.
3) At 6 weeks, brain activity can be recorded on an
electroencephalogram. Mouth and lips are present. Fingernails
appear. Movement can be detected.
4) At 7 weeks, there are fingers, knees, ankles and toes.
5) At 8 weeks, the child can grab an instrument placed in
his/her palm. An electrocardiogram can be done on the heart. The
child can begin to hear.
6) At 11 weeks, all organs are present and functioning.
7) At 18 weeks, the child is active, energetic, flexing
muscles, punching and kicking.
8) At 20 weeks, the baby can recognize the mothers
All these facts prove that life begins at conception. The
infant, though yet unborn, can feel pain and experience horror.
The methods of killing little babies are many. Here are
but a few.
Suction aspiration. This is perhaps the most
common procedure performed in the first trimester. It involves a
powerful suction tube and sharp cutting edge which dissects the
baby and suctions the body parts, blood and fluid out into a
collection bottle. A similar procedure is called the D&C
or Dilation and Curettage. It involves a loop shaped steel
knife where the babys body is cut to pieces and the inside of
the womb is scraped to clean it from all the different parts.
RU 486 is a drug used when the baby is from
five to nine weeks old. It basically starves the developing child
which induces its early death. Once this has occurred, another drug
is introduced which causes the mothers body to expel the dead
baby. In 5 to 10 cases out of 100, surgery is necessary to remove
the dead infant. There are many serious well documented
side-affects of this method to the mother including prolonged and
severe bleeding (up to 44 days), nausea, vomiting, pain and even
Saline amniocentesis is a method where, after
the 16th week, a needle is inserted into the womb injecting a
solution of concentrated salt. The baby breathes in, swallows the
salt and is poisoned. It causes severe burning and deterioration of
the skin. Thirty three to thirty five hours later, the child is
delivered dead with a burned shriveled body.
Partial birth abortion. This is another of the
many horrifying methods that is so much in the news today. This
procedure is performed in later months where the doctor actually
pulls the baby out feet first while still alive. The entire body of
the baby is exposed outside the womb with the exception of the head
which is deliberately kept inside. Scissors are then shoved into
the back of the babys skull and its brains are sucked out
through a tube. The childs head can now be delivered and its
entire body thrown in the trash. If this sounds gruesome to you,
then wont you try to do something about it?
These methods, and many others, are all in a days
work for multitudes of doctors, nurses and clinics all across
America and around the world. From an economic standpoint, its
big business. It fuels the economy. It provides jobs. But on the
moral and spiritual platform, its sick, sin sick, morally
despicable and eternally damning to the soul!
From cover to cover the Bible teaches that human
life is a sacred gift from God our creator. Acts 17:25 says God
giveth to all life, and breath, and all things. Even
the Declaration of Independence declares: We hold these
truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that
they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
Many passages teach that life in the womb is an
innocent human being.
Jeremiah 1:5. Before I formed thee
in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth
out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained
thee a prophet unto the nations. How could God have
known Jeremiah before he was born if the unborn is not a living
human being? It doesnt sound like Jeremiah was just a blob of
fetal tissue does it? He was a real person!
Psalm 51:5. Behold I was shapen in
iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.
David was still David even prior to his birth. Does that sound like
he was a lifeless piece of flesh in his mothers womb? Not from
this passage!
Romans 1:31 speaks of those without natural
affection. The Greek defines this as the love of
kindred. It speaks of those who lack the affectionate regard
toward their children. Without a doubt, a mother that can
deliberately kill the innocent child in her womb is lacking that
natural motherly affection that God places within mankind and is a
natural response that even animals have toward their young.
Proverbs 6:17. God hates those who shed innocent
blood. The unborn are certainly innocent and helpless. How can
men be so brutal and cruel to execute the unborn even ones
own children?
Luke 1:40-41. Mary entered into the house of
Zacharias, and saluted Elisabeth. And it came to pass, that, when
Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her
womb. Though yet unborn, was John a living human
being or merely a growth in Elisabeths womb? Just
what was it that leaped in her womb? What if Elisabeth
had decided she wanted a career rather than a baby and had opted
for an abortion?
The word babe is defined as: an unborn
child, embryo, fetus; a newborn child, an infant, a babe. It
is used of those who are still in the womb (Luke 1:41; Matt. 1:18)
as well as infants (Luke 2:12) and children (2 Tim. 3:15). The
Bible makes no distinction between an unborn baby, an infant,
toddler or even a small child.
Matthew 1:18 says Mary was found with child.
She was not found with tissue or a growth. But
what if she had wanted an abortion? We should be thankful God did
not choose to send his only begotten Son in our
generation, he might have been aborted long before the scribes and
Pharisees could crucify him!
The Bible condemns murder, the killing of innocent
human life from cover to cover (1 Tim. 1:9; 1 John 3:15; Rev.
22:15). Abortion is murder. What else could it be called?
PRO CHOICE those are the words of men and
women all across the country who so passionately believe that every
woman ought to have the constitutional right to kill her children
whenever and however she decides. Pro choice is pro death. Though
many argue its the womans right to do with her own body
as she chooses, everyone must be reminded that the baby she carries
is not her body. It belongs to another human being! If a woman has
the constitutional right to destroy an unwanted child in her womb,
why doesnt she have the right to destroy an unwanted six-month
old or three year old outside her womb? Where is the infants
moral and constitutional right? There is no more moral wrong in
killing a baby outside the womb than there is in killing a baby
while still in the womb.
How tragic and lamentable is the fact that lawmakers
(in office and those hoping to be in office) and appointed
officials and judges stand in line to promote and advance the cause
of killing the unborn. Multitudes are gathering to support a
mothers right to kill her unborn children. Judges are
appointed who will uphold the same.
Where have the moral senses of those in our nation and
around the world gone? Where is the public outcry for the innocent?
Do they care more for the promise of jobs than they do the lives of
the innocent? Do they care more for their own pleasure and
satisfaction than they do their own offspring?
May God help us respect and reverence life, for we are
made in His image (Gen. 1:26). May he give us the courage to help
those little infants who cannot defend and help themselves. They
too have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!
As Christians and American citizens, let us do
everything within our power to change the murderous mandate of our
high court. As long as we continue to place in positions of
authority those who have no respect for human life, how can we
expect the situation to get any better? Christians are the
salt of the earth and the light of the
world (Matt. 5:13-16). Our job is to permeate and
influence society for righteousness sake. Work and pray that
godless morals may be reversed in our great land today.
While God hates it, many love it! While God condemns
it, many promote it. While God denounces it, many defend it.
Gods eternal book, the Word by which we will all one day be
judged, so clearly says, Woe unto them that call evil
good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for
darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter
(Isa. 5:20)!
Where do YOU stand? What will you DO? What will you
promote, advance and contend for? We will all have to give an
account for what weve done one day (Rom. 14:12; 2 Cor. 5:10).
Table of Contents
George W. Bush |
John Kerry |
Partial Birth Abortion |
Promoted and signed the Partial-Birth
Abortion Ban Act into law. |
Voted against the Partial-Birth Abortion
Ban Act every chance he got six times. |
The partial-birth abortion procedure used from the
fifth month on involves pulling a living baby feet-first out of the
womb, except for the head, puncturing the skull and suctioning out the
brain. The great majority of partial-birth abortions are performed on
healthy babies of healthy mothers. |
Abortion on Demand |
Opposes the 1973 Supreme Court decision
that legalized abortion on demand and he supports legal protection for
unborn children. |
Supports the 1973 Supreme Court decision
that legalized abortion on demand even as a method of birth control. |
Government Funding of
Abortion |
Opposes using tax dollars to pay for
abortion. During his first week in office, President Bush reinstated the
Mexico City Policy, which cut off tax funds to groups that promote
abortion overseas. |
Supports using tax dollars to pay for
abortion. Kerry said that his first executive order would be to
"reverse the Mexico City Policy," and thereby give tax funds to
groups that promote abortion overseas. |
Record on Life |
Has repeadedly supported legislation
which would protect unborn children and people with disabilities.
Signed "Laci and Conner's Law," which
recognizes as victims unborn children who are killed or injured in violent
federal crimes.
Supported legislation to prevent minor daughters
from being taken across state lines for secret abortions in order to avoid
parental notice laws. |
During his 20 years in the Senate, voted
79 times to support abortion.
Voted against "Laci and Conner's
Law," which recognizes as victims unborn children who are killed or
injured in violent federal crimes.
Voted against notifying a parent before performing
an abortion on a minor daughter. |
Supreme Court
Appointments |
Stated that he will appoint Supreme Court
justices who share his conservative philosophy and who will strictly
interpret the Constitution according to its text. (The text of the
Constitution contains no right to abortion.) |
Has stated that if elected president he
would appoint only Supreme Court justices who support the 1973 Supreme
Court decision that legalized abortion on demand. He declared, "...I
will support only pro-choice judges to the Supreme Court. Some may call
this a litmus test..." |
~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ |
Cheney |
Edwards |
Has taken a strong pro-life position.
During his 10 years in Congress, he compiled a 100% pro-life voting
record. He opposes partial-birth abortion and he voted against tax funding
of abortion. |
In his six years in the Senate, has
compiled a 0% pro-life voting record. He voted to keep partial-birth
abortions legal and he supports tax funding of abortion. |
---------------------------------------------------- |
NATIONAL RIGHT TO LIFE, 512 10th St. NW, Washington, DC
2004. |
Please copy and distribute freely |
Table of Contents
James W. Boyd
Christians acknowledge, accept and agree with what God
teaches on any subject. If you love God you will obey His will.
First John 5:3, For this is the love of God, that we keep
his commandments. Philippians 2:5 teaches us to have the
mind of Christ in all things. If we are honest, whether we agree
with God or not, we will acknowledge what He says. Most of the
world rejects so much of Gods will. Many will even refuse to
agree that God has taught on certain themes, therefore, they will
ignore, deny and defy His will. Preferring to accommodate sin,
rather than avoid sin or seek forgiveness of sin, many try to prove
that sin is not sinful.
The information that our subject suggests is so clear
that we need not belabor it in order to learn the correct
conclusion. Even though it is a hot topic in society,
which is evidence of mans rebellion against God, there is no
doubt what God has taught on homosexuality.
God created male and female. The marriage was composed of
a man and a woman. He created Adam and Eve, not Ellen and Ann, or
Phil and Will. From the beginning we know what is the intention and
plan of God.
From Genesis thirteen, can there be any doubt about
Gods anger toward this sin? After the separation of Abraham
from Lot, Lot chose to pitch his tent toward Sodom. This was before
the Lord decided to destroy the place. When the Lord proposed the
destruction, Abraham bargained and negotiated with the Lord to
preserve the city for Lots sake. Beginning with fifty, Abraham
finally asked if he could find ten righteous men in the city, would
God spare it. God said He would. But evidently there were not even
that many righteous men in Sodom.
Lot was warned by angels what was coming. The angels
were set upon by a homosexual mob, and the angels smote the mob
with blindness. Would you like to have lived in that neighborhood?
The sin of sodomy (sexual relations between men) gets
its name from this wicked and abominable city. GOD DESTROYED THOSE
PEOPLE. Homosexuality is one form of fornication. Can there be any
question in the mind of any honest person of Gods displeasure
toward those who commit such things?
We can only appeal to the honest. Leviticus 18:22,
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is
abomination. Deuteronomy 23:17, There shall be
no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of
Israel. Judges 19:22, in that period of Israels
history when every man did that which was right in his own eyes,
Now as they were making their hearts merry, behold, the
men of the city, certain sons of Belial, beset the household round
about, and beat at the door, and spake to the master of the house,
the old man, saying, Bring forth the man that came into thine
house, that we may know him. Again, how would like to
have lived there?
While not politically correct and not fitting
according to some thinking and moral levels, even among
government and social leaders, can there be any doubt as to the
mind of Deity regarding this sinful conduct?
Be opened minded enough to open the Bible and read Romans
1:20-25. See what those of whom this chapter speaks actually did.
See how they acted. Notice what they thought. Do not omit observing
what happened to them. They refused to have God, hated God, and
were damned in judgment. We are not making sinful judgments when we
condemn homosexuality. It is not self-righteousness that proclaims
homosexuality to be abominable. One who sets his judgments above
what God has declared to be sinful is so far out of line that we
wonder if there is any hope left for him anywhere. Certainly not as
he is. Only those who accept what God has taught can be right.
Some contend homosexuals cannot help being homosexual and
that this circumstance is natural with them. They claim it results
from their genes and they are not responsible. Keep in mind, God
condemned it. Are we to say that God is wrong in condemning this
act? Does not God know what sin is? Is God or nature to blame?
Indeed not! Nor is there valid evidence to suggest it is a natural
thing. People learn to be homosexuals just like they learn to be
alcoholics. Homosexuality is not a disease like cancer or
pneumonia. Everything is called a disease today and nobody is
really accountable for their misbehavior. But this sinful behavior
is not just another physical disease.
Let us grant for a moment that being a homosexual is
beyond ones ability to help. This is a circumstance we
forcefully deny. God still prohibits the practice. One may feel
inclined to be a whoremonger, but God still condemns the
whoremonger. There is no excuse the modern experts can
raise to justify what God has said is sinful. If only men did not
think they were smarter than God we would not have so many so
Those guilty of this sexual perversion were not
born that way. This problem is acquired and there are
many contributing factors. It can be corrected also.
Whenever sin is condemned, those who are permissive like
to accuse others of lacking in compassion. Jesus condemned sin. Did
He lack compassion? The condemnation of that which is destructive
to a person is an act of love and concern. Look at the havoc this
abomination has already wrought against society in our time. How
often are those who are suffering from Aids and other sexually
transmitted diseases asked, Was it worth it? Do you recommend
it to others in view of its consequences?
The term gay is such a misnomer. If there are
any people on earth who are not gay, as in happy, it is the
homosexual and lesbian. They compose a sinful group of people and
it is so sad for them and others.
Can the homosexual or lesbian be saved? They cannot while
remaining in their sin. But they, like every other sinner, can be
saved and their sin forgiven if they conform to the will of the
Savior. There is no sin too hideous that God cannot forgive
provided His terms are met. But one cannot continue in sin (Rom.
6:1,2) and expect to be saved. A thief cannot continue stealing,
and an adulterer must forsake his adultery, just like the liar must
stop lying. The sexual pervert must leave that sin.
Many have done this very thing, which is additional
evidence that being a homosexual is not something one cannot
overcome. There were some in Corinth that stopped this sort of
thing (1 Cor. 6:11). Notice what they WERE, but did not remain that
The way of forgiveness for the homosexual is the same
as for other sinners. He must believe that Jesus is the Christ the
Son of God, repent of his sins, confess his faith in Christ,
and be baptized into Christ for the remission of his sins.
It is then that the blood of Christ cleanses his soul. He is
made as white as snow; a new creature. Then he is to live life as
a faithful Christian.
It really does not matter what anybody else says once God
has spoken. While many try to excuse this sin and lessen the
ugliness of it, it does not matter what they say. They may say it
is just a different lifestyle. It is that, all right. But IT IS
WRONG. Churches may even accept homosexuals as they are without
change in behavior, but IT IS WRONG. Psychologists may try to
excuse it and place the blame somewhere else, but IT IS WRONG.
Politicians may clamor for their votes and lower the moral levels
of the nation for their own gain, but IT IS WRONG. Entertainers may
do it and athletes may come out of the closet, but IT IS
WRONG. Scientists may explain it away, but IT IS WRONG. Feminists
may condone it and masses and mobs may display their corruption and
defiance of things moral and decent in rallies and parades, but IT
IS WRONG. There may be advocates of this evil in the halls of
government, but IT IS WRONG. Laws may be passed or repealed that
would allow it, but IT IS WRONG.
There is no way to make evil into righteousness. Evil
must be ceased and forgiven. The will of the Lord is without
question. Even though many do not accept His will regarding
That being true, there is no doubt where we must stand
regarding it regardless of who may be condemned because of it. The
Lords people love what God loves and hates what God hates. He
hates every false way. Read your Bible and you will see that
Gods will about this is clear, concise and will never change.
We must be sure we stand with God even if our nation becomes a
continent of cities like Sodom.
2720 S Chancery St.
McMinnville, TN 37110
Table of Contents
Chuck Northrop
Righteousness exalteth a nation but sin is a
reproach to any people (Prov. 14:34).
Hold on to your hats, we are in for a ride! Admittedly I
am amazed at the present rate of ungodliness that exists in the
government. It should be alarming to any honest moral individual as
to what is happening in the United States government at the present
time. There is no doubt that it has been working up to this. For
the past few decades the influence of a few have destroyed the
morality of many. The few the liberal media is ravaging the
nation. The fact is, more are being influenced by the sex scenes of
the movie picture industry than by a thus saith the
Lord. Sadly, those who claim to be Christians spend more
time in front of the television set than in the book of books.
Oftentimes, those who spend so much time being entertained by the
liberal media are the very ones that are crying out and asking,
What is happening to our nations morals? The
following are a few suggestions as to what is happening to the
moral fiber of our nation.
So often, parents are embarrassed to speak to their children
about moral values especially when it comes to the sexual area.
They are leaving it up to others, usually the school system.
Parents, lets honestly evaluate what is happening in our
schools today! It is alarming!
There is no doubt that some teachers are moral people and
care about morality. However, consider who instructs many of our
teachers to be teachers. Often their moral basis is not what the
Bible says but what they were instructed at a state university
which, to say the least, is a perversion of Gods moral code.
We heard a man on the radio from a state university speaking about
sex education. He said he had a sixteen year old and a twenty-two
year old. He continued by saying that the only real alternative to
what is being done in sex education is to teach abstinence. He went
on to say that parents have been trying to do that for the past six
thousand years and it hasnt worked yet. Therefore, we must
continue as we are.
What is wrong with what he said? This is a very popular
liberal approach. First of all, the logic isnt logical.
Lets apply the same logic to other areas of living, especially
in the realm of morality. There are some people who are going to
steal no matter what they are taught. With the same logic, we ought
not enact laws against stealing because it hasnt worked yet.
There are some people who are going to murder no matter what they
are taught. With the same logic, we ought not enact laws against
murder because it hasnt worked yet. Second, who says it
hasnt worked? Just because everyone has not subjected
themselves to moral teaching doesnt mean it hasnt worked.
Instruction does influence some as does the law. I am confident
that without instruction and without the law, more would be guilty
of immorality.
We cannot overlook those teachers who are moral or have
at least some morality. However, often they feel their hands are
tied behind their backs. To teach moral principles is often equated
with teaching religion. I personally commend teachers who have the
moral fiber and integrity to teach moral principles.
By Gods design, it is the parents responsibility
to teach moral and religious principles, not the school system.
Concerning the laws of God, Moses instructed, And thou
shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of
them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the
way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up
(Deut. 6:7). Solomon taught by inspiration, Train up a
child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not
depart from it (Prov. 22:6). God taught through Paul in
Ephesians 6:4, And, ye fathers, provoke not your children
to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the
It is amazing how much our world has become entertainment
oriented. So much of the time, education is no longer built upon
hard work, but upon having fun. The entertainment industry is a
billion dollar industry. It seems that all some folks want to do is
to be entertained.
This has obviously crept into the church. Sermons have
turned from a thus saith the Lord to musing
stories with moral lessons. But Gods instructions to those who
teach and preach are still the same. Man says, tell me stories
to entertain me. But God says, Preach the word; be
instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all
longsuffering and doctrine (2 Tim. 4:2). Man says,
I want a church where I can feel good. But the Bible
teaches that the comforter, the Holy Spirit, will reprove
the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment
(John 16:8). The Holy Spirit does this through the proclamation of
His Word. When entertainment becomes the priority, doctrine must
take a back seat.
Entertainment has become so important in some peoples
lives that they are willing to sacrifice certain moral principles
for it. The moral person who will go to the movie house knowing the
movie is full of smut is a case in point. This person gives up his
moral principles, for a time, to be entertained by the immoral
minority the liberal media industry.
Most of us remember the words of the apostle Paul when by
inspiration he taught, For the love of money is the root
of all evil. Probably fewer remember the remainder of
this verse which states, which while some coveted after,
they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with
many sorrows (1 Tim. 6:10). Not because of money, but
because of covetousness, some have erred from the faith and are
grief stricken. Earlier in the passage the apostle exhorted
Christians to be content with the necessities of life
food and raiment (1 Tim. 6:8). Further, our Lord
warned about covetousness. Luke 12:15 records, Take heed,
and beware of covetousness: for a mans life consisteth not in
the abundance of the things which he possesseth.
The corruption of the moral values of our nation are
clearly evidence by covetousness. It is apparent that more
people base their vote on financial issues than moral issues.
Issues such as gay rights and abortion are swept under
the carpet for the hope of prosperity. The lottery and gambling are
flourishing while the Christian work ethic is being ignored.
Everyone wants the easy bucks and some are willing to do almost
anything to gain them.
Life is approached by many with the philosophy the
man with the most toys in the end wins. This philosophy
results in moral corruption in our homes, in our neighborhoods, in
our cities, in our states and in our nation. Further, it results in
moral corruption within the church. Necessities and luxuries are
confused. I would dare say that more hours of worship and Bible
study are forsaken because of luxuries than because of necessities.
Gods admonition in Hebrews 10:24-25 is still applicable!
And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to
good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as
the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the
more, as ye see the day approaching.
A person willing to give up moral values for entertainment
or money (or any other reason) lacks integrity. Integrity is the
firm adherence to a code of moral values. The Bible is the code of
ethics or moral values for the Christian. The moral values could be
anything ranging from sexual oriented values to lying and cheating.
A person who has integrity is one who is honest all the time
whether or not he is caught or can be caught. A person who has
integrity is one who has the proper respect for the other sex and
treats the other sex properly all the time and in every place. A
person who has integrity is one who upholds moral values no matter
what monetary value may be gained by dismissing moral values.
A change is in order for our nation! The change begins
with individuals. It begins with you and it begins with me.
4625 Thompson St.
Conway, AR 72034
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