This Issue...
James W. Boyd
I do not want my descendants to have to pass through centuries of atheistic, modernistic, communistic, humanistic, materialistic barbarism and depravity before the sun rises again. Do you?
Proverbs 14:34, Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. This proverb is the basis of our thoughts.
We love and appreciate the blessing of being an American, living in a land of freedom, a freedom that has been provided, protected, and defended at great cost to many, many people over nearly two centuries. There have been those periods in our history that are very regrettable, such as when the institution of slavery was existent, the abuses in our factories of people of all ages, the forced war for Southern independence, the various scandals, international wars and other tragedies.
We see poverty in various pockets and all manner of social problems among the populace. Yet, all the world looks to this nation as one to be desired. Our national heritage has reflected our moral standards and religious values that have their roots in the Bible. Biblical standards are often incorporated into our laws. We do not have to build walls or string barbed wire to keep our people in this land as others do their land. Our sentries are not to prevent escape, but to protect from without. Many are so eager to come to our nation that they do so illegally. While our land has not always been good, it remains the best so far.
America has been abundantly blessed materially, with freedom, opportunity, and benefitting from the advancements in medicine, technology, food production, etc. Generally speaking, this nation has been compassionate toward those who are not so fortunate. America continues to provide assistance to the underprivileged nations more than any other nation in the world. It is somewhat amazing, in view of that fact, that so many who receive our gifts have hatred for us.
Where is America NOW? Which way are we going? The reason for our greatness has been our moral and spiritual values. Psalm 33:12, Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. We cannot claim to be a Christian nation in the Biblical sense of the Word. But true New Testament faith has had the opportunity to flourish in this land of religious freedom under the protection, rather than the suppression, of civil government. Spiritual strength and respect for the divine has been our mark.
Most nations and empires rot from within before they succumb to the pressures from without. What happens to America matters to me because it is my earthly home, the home of my fore-parents and my descendants. After the fall of the Roman empire there was the era called the Dark Ages. It was years upon years before the enlightenment of the Renaissance broke through. I do not want my descendants to have to pass through two or three centuries of atheistic, modernistic, communistic, humanistic, materialistic barbarism and depravity before the sun rises again. Do you?
It is significant how God made promises and warnings to the kings of Israel like Saul, David, Solomon, even such kings as Jeroboam. In essence, He told them if they would serve Him, they would be blessed. If they defied Him, they would suffer their fall. That principle operated down through the history of nations. America is great because America has been good. When America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.
America has been guilty of setting aside values that provide for social stability: honesty, truthfulness, justice, personal responsibility, work. Rather, it has promoted free food, public doles, permissive manners toward crooks, and has produced occupational cripples.
Consider ancient Israel. These principles worked just as God gave them. Under the judges, kings, whatever period of history one considers, when the nation was not righteous, even though religious, they suffered. When they forsook God and served something else, it led to their captivity and destruction as a nation. Do we have reason to think these principles shall somehow be rendered null and void for our own land?
Edward Gibbon cited several factors that contributed to the fall of the Roman empire in his account called The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. (1) A rapid increase in the divorce rate. (2) Higher and higher taxation. (3) The craze for pleasure, sports, and violence. (4) Huge military preparations for conquests. (5) Decay of religious influence. Should it cause us concern? Yes!
Servants of hell seek Americas fall, because in the freedom of America, truth can still be proclaimed and distributed to the world.
America reels under the vicious impact of the sexual revolution a disregard of Gods moral standards. Such has produced an assault on society, the home, marriage, family, health, and youth that has not seen its equal in our history. There is a disregard for marital vows, morality, chastity, and moral responsibility. Diseases due to immorality run rampant. We hear from the experts of all kinds of proposed solutions, everything except teaching people how and why to be moral. There are unwanted children, many of whom are murdered by abortion. There is a rocketing rise in child abuse. The nation labors under increasing tax burdens to support the illegitimate, diseased, and depraved. People have suffered shame and loss of self respect. There is a very high percentage of babies being born to unwed parents. The rate of illegitimacy has doubled in the past five years. The physical, mental, emotional damage is creating an unstable and maniacal society. Crazies are crawling out of the woodwork and terrorizing society. Crime continues to increase and criminals coddled. Pornography is a big industry. Drugs and alcohol flow like water down the Mississippi. One cannot fathom the depth and seriousness of the self-imposed and destructive elements in our land today.
America reels under the impact of what is called progressive education. Illiteracy is not being overcome. Even those who go to school emerge unable to cope with the bare necessities. Educators have grave concern, and well they should, because they have adopted this foolery of progressive education. Industries suffer and America lags. While many jobs are being lost due to foreign competition, many Jobs are available that cannot be filled because of the lack of qualifications. Some who leave high school cannot fill out a job application. While the experts meddle with attitudes and personal adjustments, students do not even learn facts and figures essential to earning a living. The dominant influence of the humanist, John Dewey, has turned the educational system into a humanistic brain-corrupting project. America continues to fall behind.
Secular humanism is promoted by the state through the educational institutions. Humanists desire to make our society a totally secular one, removing all traces of faith in God, the very factor that has made America great, injecting organic evolution as fact (which is a lie), saying there is no right and wrong, but everyone can do their own thing. With a program called Values Clarification, humanists in education undermine and destroy Biblical values. The media, one of the worst enemies of freedom in America today because of their promotion of the lies of humanism and evolution, are contributing to depravity, especially in the sexual programming and total disregard of things godly and right. We are told that atheism is the fastest growing religion in America. Just why the so-called smart people and the experts cannot see what their fruit is producing for America is difficult to understand.
Most nations and empires rot from within before they succumb to the pressures from without.
We get an indication of the mentality of the nation when we see the quality of entertainment. Real talent is minimized in favor of gyrating, savage stupidity. Weld metal bedposts together with some wagon wheels, and some call it art and sculpture. It is nothing but junk. There has been such a worship of self-expression that it has become nonsense. Splash paint on a canvass and slide over it with your feet and some fool will put it in a gallery. The artist gets his picture on some national magazine. The loudest, most vulgar, depraved looking, dope headed, bellowing degenerates are called musicians and their noise is called music. It is trash. People thrill over the shootings, fast cars, adultery, getting drunk, violence, blood, profanity, and call it entertainment. It is sewage from the minds of degenerates who produce it.
When people rebel against divine law, it is but a small thing to violate human laws. Do you want an explanation for the increase of crime? It is due to the fact that Americans have taught two or three generations that they have come from animals and they are now conducting themselves with often less discipline than animals. Top that with a heavy dose of the influence of lawmakers who wish to remove every vestige of morality and justice, blocking the punishment of the guilty and failing to protect the victim, they make crime profitable. Sick judges, under the guise of civil liberty, have flooded the streets with criminals. Parole boards are dominated by uncaring fools. Even when criminals are jailed, there are not enough jails to keep them. Nor are they really punished. Instead, they are entertained, fed, never made to work, because some nut from the ACLU says that is slavery. There is no respect by authorities for the dignity of the human being. Laws are neither properly legislated nor enforced that deal with such things. Remember, the judges and lawyers probably learned the same garbage they dispense in the same schools alongside the criminals who dropped out.
America has been guilty of setting aside values that provide for social stability: honesty, truthfulness, justice, personal responsibility, work. Rather, it has promoted free food, public doles, permissive manners toward crooks, and produced occupational cripples. The loss of respect for human dignity is never more prevalent than in the murder of millions of unborn human beings every year, and often at the expense of the taxpayer. Thousands are slaughtered on the highways due to alcohol, but nothing of substance is done to curb its growth. It would not be as bad if only the drinkers killed and maimed each other. But innocent people suffer from it. Even Christians often give their support to such promoters of the most destructive drug problem in America alcohol.
Listen to the liberals wail and cry and march and demonstrate when one vicious, brutal, incorrigible murderer is executed. But, where are their cries for those he killed, or for others he would kill, or for hard working decent people who have to pay thousands each year to care for the servants of hell who have murdered and thereby lost their right to live?
The physical, mental, emotional damage is creating an unstable and maniacal society. Crazies are crawling out of the woodwork and terrorizing society. Crime continues to increase and criminals coddled.
We see and hear the liberal clergymen join the ranks of the decadent elements of society and say there is no such thing as sin. Listen to Isaiah 5:20, Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Sensual living destroys self-discipline which destroys freedom. Freedom is not license and cannot be sustained without self-discipline. Without self-discipline there simply cannot be enough laws or enforcers to regulate the nation. We are killing the blessing of freedom by listening to and siding with the liberal and immoral propagandists among us, even religious leaders. What was once an occasional blight and blemish on the scene in America has become the dominant plague. Some may consider this idle talk but in so doing they only show themselves unwilling to consider the evidence. Their unwillingness contributes to paving a smooth way for things to get worse.
We do not wish to overstate the conditions. But anyone who denies there has been a decline in the moral and spiritual values of the people of this land are simply ignorant or dishonest. As a Gospel preacher, we have no major concern with matters that are purely political. But when leaders of our land make decisions based on their horoscopes, turn to the psychics, use the premillennial theory to regulate foreign policy, act as if whatever makes money and gets votes is right, the nation is in trouble. And, WE ARE IN DEEP TROUBLE! People lie to get into office: lie while in office; lie to stay in office. Do I fear Russia? Yes! Do I fear economic disaster for the nation? Yes! Do I fear nuclear war? Yes! But for America, what I fear most is the law of sowing and reaping (Gal. 6:7-8; Hosea 8:7).
Do you realize that even members of the Lords church (being more concerned with their political affiliation than Gods truth) even lend their support to admitted humanists to lead our nation? They constantly berate high officials that suggest respect for God. They vote for the most immoral. When so-called Christian people act like that, what direction do you think the nation is going? Will America be the first nation to repeal the law of sowing and reaping? I do not think so. This disturbs me because of those who follow after in the coming generations. While many propose all manner of efforts to make things better, they stoutly refuse to consider the real problem, which is moral and religious, giving aid and comfort to those who want to root out all moral and religious influence from education, and in all areas of national and personal life.
People thrill over the shootings, fast cars, adultery, getting drunk, violence, blood, profanity, and call it entertainment. It is sewage from the minds of degenerates who produce it.
A few years ago such words as you have been reading fell only from the lips of preachers who cared enough to tell the truth. Some are critical of telling the truth. But now and again we hear some of these things come from others, a few stable educators, some lawyers and judges, even a president now and then (like the one we have now, though many try to deny it, some even hiding in their basement). While the Ten Commandments are still named in many state constitutions, who cares? While our coins hypocritically read In God We Trust, most trust the coin. Religious leaders provide no guidance or solution. They are part of the problem, because they have adopted the modernistic, liberalistic, agnostic approach to most everything the Bible teaches. Let it be proposed that our young be taught the moral heritage of our land and the wail and cry of the ACLU (aka, all crooks love us), and other similar groups of hell shout loud. In America, we either repent or perish, and signs of repentance are scarce.
God said through Samuel to Saul, Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath rejected thee from being king (1 Sam. 15:23). If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14). Daniel Webster wrote, If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering. But if we and our posterity neglect its instructions and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury us and our glory in profound obscurity. Abraham Lincoln said, Let the people know the truth and this country is safe. He did not always provide the truth, however. But, we need to know Gods truth.
The goal of our enemies is to bury us by eliminating our laws that restrict obscenity by calling them censorship. They wish to break down the morality and stability of the home by the media propagating the sexual perversity with which the media is so replete already. They wish to promote homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle. They seek to discredit the Bible, the family, encouraging easy divorce, eliminate all religious expression from schools and state functions. Are they making headway? Yes!
Regardless of how the people of this nation consider themselves, it is becoming more and more apparent that our enemies consider us much like Sodom and Gomorrah ripe for destruction and with justification. They know that morality and religious truth is the only prevention to our fall. That is why they work so hard to remove the barrier. God said He would have saved Sodom if only ten righteous men could be found. If Abraham had found nine, needing one more, and you were the only one left to consider, would the city have been spared?
Servants of hell seek Americas fall, because in the freedom of America, truth can still be proclaimed and distributed to the world. But enemies have taken giant steps in bringing destruction on a nation that seems bent to go the way of the devil rather than listen to the way of God. God has blessed America. Will he continue to do so? We ask, if we persist the way of the recent past, why should He?
The most preservative and patriotic thing a person can do in this nation, or any other, is to be a Christian. Christians are the best citizens because they uphold the only hope, Jesus Christ. Condemning sin and exalting righteousness is the right thing to do. Shall we pay attention to Proverbs 14:34?
(This article was written and published more than 20 years ago:
Vol.16, No. 9 of A Burning Fire www.aburningfire.net)
2720 S Chancery St.
McMinnville, TN 37110
Table of Contents
Garland M. Robinson
The election in November is by far the most significant in our life-time. Our very freedom as a people and nation is at stake. Our freedom to think for ourselves, decide for ourselves and live as we want is at stake. Life in America as weve always enjoyed it is being swept away by the corrupt system of Socialism, Marxism, Communism.
The agenda is to squash freedom. It is touted that we (the general population) are not smart enough to think on our own, to decide for ourselves, pursue a life of peace and happiness. The current system of socialism being promoted is Marxist to the core. They are here to bring chaos and destruction to whip the population into subjection (to them of course). We must think what they tell us to think, promote what they tell us to promote, destroy what they tell us to destroy. And, of course, the new rules they propose do not apply to them. Their system imposes a lock down but they ignore it and go about their business as usual. Its about control! The ONLY one to whom we submit and give complete control to every facet of our life is king Jesus (cf. John 18:37). Hes the one who truly loves us. He is the true one that seeks our best interest.
If you prize freedom, then stand up for it by following the Lords example. Jesus prayed for unity, not division, screaming, yelling, violence, burning (John 17:20-21; 1 Cor. 1:10). Jesus is the prince of peace (Isa. 9:6). The Bible, His eternal word, is the Gospel of peace (Rom. 10:15; Eph. 6:15). His people are citizens of peace, not anarchy (Isa. 2:4; Micah 4:3).
Jesus did not march in the streets instigating insurrection and riots of uncontrollable mobs, wrecking, destroying and burning everything around them. Huge crowds today roam the streets seeking to destroy, calling for anarchy, mayhem, lawlessness, disorder and chaos
even getting paid to do it. Thats not so with Jesus. When the political parties of His day set out to destroy Him, He didnt fight back in a physical way. He didnt lead protests against them. He didnt resort to the same tactics they used. He would have no part of their wicked deeds. His behavior of peace fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 42:1-4. He shall not strive, nor cry; neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets. A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory (Matt. 12:19-20).
Notice the key words of Matthew 12:19-20. Strive Jesus did not engage in strife or wrangling. Cry He would not scream, yell, and shout to incite violence. Voice in the streets You wont find Him as a rabble rouser stirring up trouble, riots, anarchy and cruelty. Bruised reed
He is gentle, kind, helpful. He would not continue to demolish even a damaged reed (staff). Smoking flax
He was so caring and tender that He would not even extinguish a smoldering wick of a candle in its last moments before going out.
The Lords mission was a mission of saving souls redeeming those who wanted to be redeemed (Luke 19:10). His church/kingdom is not a kingdom of this world (John 18:36). It is not a political, military or social empire. This world is temporary. Its a training ground for those who seek to imitate Him in every aspect of His life. If we dont do it, we wont go to heaven.
At the end of this world theres a judgment day (cf. Heb. 9:27). Jesus came in the first century as a Savior (lamb). The next time He comes it will be as a Judge (lion). Notice the last phrase of Matthew 12:20 above till he send forth judgment unto victory. When Jesus comes again, it will be ...with his mighty angels, In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power (2 Thess. 1:7-9, read verses 10-12 also).
Socialism, Marxism, Communism (call it what you will) is incompatible with decency, dignity, morality, justice, uprightness; in other words, everything that is right and true (the Bible). The vast majority of both academia and the media is complicit with tearing down and destroying this nation and the freedoms we hold dear. For the most part, we have the freedom to worship and call upon the Creator. But how long will that last? Their mission is to destroy this country, and supposedly, build it back like they want it to be repressive, controlling, and dominating every facet of our righteous lives. They want to make the populace to serve them while they sit in their ivory towers living off the ignorant. They are making headway by blocking and denying every viewpoint of conservative, righteous and ethical thought and behavior the Bible teaches.
They believe in free speech, as long as they are the ones doing the talking. They seek the suppress, crush and cancel every voice different from theirs. This denies our first amendment right of free speech. For example, earlier this year, without warning or notice, a Representative in the state of Tennessee since 1995, was removed from the ballot by the Democratic Partys executive committee. One of its members stated that this representative wasnt exemplifying the basic Democratic principles. They ruled he is no longer welcome in the Democratic Party. What was his crime that led to being banned from the party? It wasnt misconduct, embezzling or anything akin to it as others have done. It was simply because he opposes the killing of little babies (abortion) and sometimes works across party lines.
Does God care about justice? Absolutely! Abraham was commended for keeping the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment (Gen. 18:19). David likewise executed judgment and justice unto all his people (2 Sam. 8:15). Solomon was made king of Israel to do judgment and justice (1 Kings 10:9). It is said of the Lord, Touching the Almighty...he is excellent in power, and in judgment, and in plenty of justice (Job 37:23). Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face (Psalm 89:14).
Does God care about human life? Most certainly! Life is life. Every human life has a soul. Ones skin color or uniform makes no difference, whether black, white, red, brown, blue or green. Jesus died for ALL mankind
color is irrelevant (Heb. 2:9). Jesus was neither black or white. Abortion mills are running feverishly every day filling dumpsters with baby parts and big money in the pockets of those who take part in making it happen! The death toll since 1973 is more than 61 million innocent babies. Will your vote support and defend their continued slaughter? God hates hands that shed innocent blood (Prov. 6:17). Cursed be he that taketh reward to slay an innocent person (Deut. 27:25).
The media, one of the worst enemies of freedom in America today because of their promotion of the lies of humanism and evolution, are contributing to depravity, especially in the sexual programming and total disregard of things godly and right.
Its later than you think. This country is burning through the acts of anarchists and people across the nation are more interested in seeing Dancing With The Stars than they are in learning and heeding Gods Eternal Word! Evil has existed from the beginning and every generation has its share. The Bible plainly tells us that when men forget God, God will forget them and send them out to their eternal reward of punishment (Psalm 9:17; 50:22; Hosea 4:6).
America as a nation is so quickly removing itself from any sense of moral uprightness and decency. Its been in the works for a long time and when it reaches its fullness, how long will God allow it stand? Weve heard warning after warning about it from faithful Gospel preachers. Yet wickedness and corruption is growing at an alarming rate all across the land. The hearts of people are turned toward themselves and growing worse by the day. Unless the moral climate of this nation is turned around, the whole country will continue to be engulfed in the bitter spiral of decline, farther and farther into the pits of degradation. Yea, its already here!
Evil and wickedness are engulfing the land in a more brazen fashion than weve ever seen in our lifetime. As it was in the days of Jeremiah 5:31, so it is in our day. The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof? Isaiah 5:20 reads, Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
The Lords church is not in a political party nor does it have a political position. It has a Bible position governed by the Bible. The churchs role is in the spiritual realm. Its work is in promoting and defending the Truth, the Word of God, the Gospel of salvation (Jude 3; Phil. 1:7,17). Its work is done in spreading the saving Gospel by teaching, encouraging the saints and helping the down-trodden and needy. It stands for truth and uprightness. It stands with God in using the sword of the Spirit to condemn evil wherever it is found. Thats not politics, that righteousness. When men do evil, they can expect righteous men to oppose it and expose it (Eph. 5:11). When a person, a people or organization teaches, promotes, defends and practices evil, denying truth and righteous principles, those faithful in the Lord will speak out against it and teach the truth about it just as Jesus did (Matt. 23). You cant be faithful if you dont.
As the Lords people are color blind, they are also political party blind. So many political leaders do not want to have anything to do with God or righteous principles. So many within the Democratic platform have denounced God and say there is no room for Him in their party. Can you think of anything more blasphemous than that? But, it makes no difference whether such things are among Democrats, Republicans or Independents. Error must be exposed because THIS IS NOT A POLITICAL ISSUE. THIS IS A BIBLICAL, MORAL, ETERNAL ISSUE. These things affect the souls of men! Will you stand with the Lord or will you stand with party?
As Christians, we have the privilege to exercise our right at election time to vote for those candidates who have a moral sense of decency in following Biblical teaching and principles and oppose those candidates who do not. Dont leave your Christianity at home when you vote. It is strange indeed when people vote merely because of political party or a promise for this or that. Its impossible to separate God from our actions. We dont love the Lord, nor are we His friend, when we do the very opposite His word teaches (John 14:15,23; 15:14).
There is a vast difference between politicians and political parties regarding their stand on moral issues. The Democratic platform not only defends, it promotes the right of mothers to kill their babies (while still in the womb). Can a human being sink any lower than that? This is the most depraved, debased, immoral, wicked, evil, corrupt, behavior that can ever be imagined. It appraises and considers that unborn human life has no inherent, intrinsic, or fundamental value. Say what? Unborn children are worthless? They are considered to be like a cancer that is to be cut out at will! If this offends your sensibility, do you take comfort in the fact that, at least for now, killing little children is limited to those in the womb; and even killing them after birth in whats called a botched abortion. Either way, they make sure the baby dies and is thrown out with the trash.
Do you realize that even members of the Lords church (being more concerned with their political affiliation than Gods truth) even lend their support to admitted humanists to lead our nation? When so-called Christian people act like that, what direction do you think the nation is going?
Do you recall what Jesus said when infants and little children were brought to Him? And they brought unto him also infants, that he would touch them: but when his disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God (Luke 18:15-16). He didnt consider them to be little blobs, lumps, tumors or a clump of cells. They were INFANTS. They were little CHILDREN. The Greek word for babes, infants, and little children includes both the born and unborn. Some of the women in the massage crowds that followed Jesus were surely pregnant. He was talking to them too (cf. Matt. 4:25; 8:1; 9:36).
There is nothing more innocent and precious than a newborn baby. But, are they not innocent and precious before theyre born? Who in their right mind would argue that is not so? When Mary visited Elizabeth we read: And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost: And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy (Luke 1:41-44).
Had Mary (mother of Jesus) and Elisabeth (mother of John the baptizer) lived today, would have either Jesus or John been born? Herod was of the political party who sought to kill Jesus as an infant (Matt. 2:13). To make sure the babe did not escape death, Herod ordered that all the children in Bethlehem, from two years old and under, be killed. Had he known Mary was the one to give birth to the savior, he would not have hesitated to kill her to make sure the child would never be born.
Arent you glad Herod did not kill Jesus as an infant or even before He was born? By what depraved thinking do millions consider it acceptable to kill unborn babies now? Out of sight, out of mind. Thats why abortionists desperately do not want mothers to see, to hear, or be educated about what they are doing to their baby. These expectant mothers would be appalled and surely would not go through with their murderous deed. Thousands have bemoaned the day they killed their baby.
Thousands and thousands run their political campaign on the promise of defending the right of mothers-to-be to kill their unborn child. God forbid! Such thinking as this is twisted and warped and void of any moral decency! Those who support and defend the practice of killing infant children is disastrous to the moral climate of our county and ones own soul. Dont be guilty of contributing to moral decay. Learn where the candidates stand on moral issues and vote according to moral uprightness.
Proverbs 14:34 says, Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. God desires we contend for righteousness and moral decency. God will bless this nation when its morals rise to meet His standard. But if we continue our downward plunge into debauchery, immorality, wickedness and corruption, this nation will not be blessed by God nor will He allow it to stand forever. God will bring it low.
Do your research to find out what the candidates that want your vote stand for and defend. Do they defend saving babies (pro-life) or do they stand for killing babies (pro-death, they try to soften it by calling it pro-choice). Dont become a part of their wickedness by helping them kill innocent little babies.
All that wickedness needs to succeed is for good people to do nothing! To do nothing is in effect supporting the evil because you are allowing it to succeed. Are you having a part in Americas moral decline or its rise? Which?
The US Constitution does not grant rights. God is the one who grants rights.
The Constitution protects our rights. The radical left is trying to destroy the Constitution,
the Judicial system and the Electoral College (which gives the less populated states a voice).
Do you want a few of the most populated states to control and rule over the majority of the less populated states?
The framers of the Constitution recognized this problem and put in place the Electoral College to give every state a voice.
Our Constitution is not perfect but it has served the cause of freedom well for 230 years; and, has given the cause of Christ a chance to thrive.
Table of Contents
Victor M. Eskew
The Founders of Socialism Embraced Godless Evolution
Many individuals are very quick to accept systems of thought and living without looking into the backgrounds of those who founded the systems. They embrace the systems for many reasons. (1) They accept the system because of the benefits they believe the system will provide to them personally. (2) They accept the system because of the promises they make. (3) The reputation of those who promote the system. (4) Being weary of the present system that is in place. (5) A willingness to follow the crowd.
At this present time in our nation, there is a huge push to move us from a system of Capitalism to a system of Socialism. Before we jump headlong into socialism, we would be wise to study the foundation upon which it is based.
Socialism is founded upon the godless theory of evolution. Evolution began in the discipline of false science. Charles Darwin is credited as the originator of this theory of origins. Evolution rejects the idea of God as the Creator of the Universe. It rejects the idea of God as the Creator of man. Religion is looked upon as a concept devised by the fears and weaknesses of man because he did not have an accurate understanding of the world. Evolution, having a scientific view of man, proclaims that man is his own savior. Evolution believes that man will eventually evolve and be able to handle all the problems he faces. In essence, he can free himself.
Some of the leaders of socialism from the past are Karl Marx (1818-1883), Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), and Ernest Untermann (1864-1956). All of these men accepted the theory of evolution and rejected God, Christ, the Bible, and the church. Nietzsche was a 19th century philosopher. He wrote a book entitled, Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits, and dedicated it to the memory of Voltaire. In his book, Nietzsche writes:
When on a Sunday morning we hear the old bell ringing, we ask ourselves: Is it possible? All this for a Jew crucified two thousand years ago who said he was Gods Son. The proof of such an assertion is lacking. [...] A god who begets children by a mortal woman, a sage who demands that no more work be done, that no more justice be administered, but that the signs of the approaching end of the world be heeded; a system of justice that accepts an innocent as a vicarious sacrifice instead of the guilty; a person who bids his disciples to drink blood; prayers for miracles; sins against a god expiated upon a god. [...] Is one to believe that such a thing can be believed? (pp. 149-150 as quoted by W. F. Lemmons in The Evils of Socialism).
Ernest Untermann wrote the following:
According to materialist monism, the only true religion is the religion of Natural Truth. And this truth is not to be sought in the unknowable and impossible nothing called supernatural...But this true religion of Natural Truth never came to conscious life until it found its monistic expression in the minds of thinkers of proletarian socialism (Lemmons, p.9).
Why do socialists embrace evolution? It is because they believe their system of socialism is the evolved (higher) being in social evolution. They suppose
that religion and our present system of civil governments are only the outgrowths of heathenism, and that we have reached a point in evolutionary developments when all our present systems of religion, governments, marriage relations, educational institutions, and society generally, must give way to Socialism, which proposes to correct all the present evils of society, and that, too, without offering us one statutory law, through which we are to reach this end: Socialism is to become the religion the politics the everything, with many promises, but with no remedy through which they can be carried out (Lemmons, pp. 11-12).
Listen to the leaders of the Socialist party today. Listen carefully about what they say about religion and God. Most of the time there is a deafening silence about these matters. If they do speak of them, they aggressively advocate the separation of church and state. They do this so they can silence religion and gain power for themselves in the political realm. Once they are the dominate power, they will attack the religious freedoms of our nation. Socialism has no love for religion.
We will close with another quote from Fredrich Nietzsche: In reality, there exists between religion and true science neither relationship nor friendship, not even enmity; they dwell in different spheres (Lemmons, p.12). They see religion dwelling in the sphere of fantasy and fiction. Socialism, they believe, is the acceptance of true science. When it is fully embraced, people no longer need a made-up God.
13695 Covington Creek Dr.
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Table of Contents
at Stake? |
Democratic Platform |
Republican Platform |
Abortion on Demand |
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Sanctity of Human Life |
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Sanctity of the Home |
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God |
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Law & Order |
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Border Security |
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Redefine Marriage |
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Religious Liberty |
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Socialism |
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Constitution |
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Liberal Courts |
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Conservative Courts |
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Humanism |
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Man-made Climate Change |
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        There are so many other differences, but they are largely political, not moral or biblical in nature. However, the prophets of old dealt with biblical principles not only in the realm of morality but social and national issues as well.
Prov. 6:17 God hates hands that shed innocent blood.
Matt. 19:14 Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom on heaven.
Matt. 4:10 Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
Matt. 4:4 It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
Matt. 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Rom. 13:3-4 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he [government] is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
1 Peter 2:13-14 Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lords sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.
Eccl. 8:11 Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.
Matt. 19:4-6 He which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
2 Thess. 3:10 This we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
Matt. 15:4 For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.
Psalm 82:2 How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked?
Prov. 19:15 Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep; and an idle soul shall suffer hunger.
Prov. 20:4 The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing.
1 Thess. 4:11 Study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you.
Gen. 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
Abraham Lincoln said: Nations do not die from invasion; they die from internal rottenness.
We would do better to forget such slogans as Remember the Alamo or Remember Pearl Harbor, and think more seriously on the thought, Remember Sodom and Gomorrah.
Table of Contents
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