When we give endorsement to error or to those who teach and
uphold error, we are just as guilty in the sight of God as are
those who are doing the teaching. This is made clear by the
following passage of scripture: "Whosoever transgresseth, and
abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that
abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the
Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine,
receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:
For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil
deeds" (2 John 9-11). Language could not be more
plain. Paul wrote, "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them
which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which
ye have learned; and avoid them" (Rom. 16:17). Again he
wrote, "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of
darkness, but rather reprove them" (Eph. 5:11). Our Lord
warned, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in
sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves"
(Matt. 7:15). In view of this last passage, what would you think
of shepherds who invite wolves to come in among their flock to feed
the sheep? The job of the shepherd is to protect the flock from
all dangers, especially from wolves who would destroy them. Surely
no shepherd would be so naive as to invite wolves in, but to the
contrary, he will do all within his power to protect his sheep from
the wolves. Rest assured that wolves are destructive to the health
and welfare of sheep.
With the above thoughts in mind, what about shepherds of the
flock of our Lord, elders if you please, who invite false teachers
(wolves in sheep's clothing) to come in among their flock to feed
them? Such is happening all over America, and such has happened in
Murray, Kentucky. A couple of years ago the University
congregation in Murray invited Randy Harris
in to preach for them, and the Glendale Road
congregatoin where John Dale preaches
turned out their services on Sunday night to go and have fellowship
with them in this endeavor. If this is not bidding them God's
speed, what would it take?
Randy Harris is known to be a false
teacher. He and Rubel Shelly wrote a book,
The Second Incarnation, which is filled with error from the
first to the last. I spoke out against this event when it occurred
in Murray. Far too often, warnings fall on deaf ears -- but we
must continue to warn none-the-less. We must continue to "mark
those" who teach false doctrine, and we must mark those who
encourage these false teachers in their endeavors. It gives me no
joy to inform the brethren at Green Plain (where I preach) of such
things, or those who read these words in Seek The Old
Paths, but I feel an obligation to do so. Paul did not
shun "...to declare...all the counsel of God" and he
warned, "for I know this, that after my departing shall
grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock"
(Acts 20:27, 29). Earlier Paul stated, "And how I kept back
nothing that was profitable unto you..." (v.20). I am
convinced that Paul said what was needed
when it was needed, and so must we.
Most of you who read these lines know of the effect that the
Nashville Jubilee has had on the body of Christ
in the past ten years. It was started for the purpose of either
destroying the church of our Lord or else making it what some of
the "Change Agents" want it to be. One of the promoters of Jubilee
has been the Antioch congregation (in Nashville)
where Walt Leaver was the preacher until he
moved to another congregation in the Nashville area. Walt was not
only a promoter of Jubilee, but one of its speakers. In recent
months, Walt Leaver was with the
Glendale Road congregation for a meeting. It is not as
though the brethren there did not know who he was, because they had
the information concerning him ahead of time.
In 1990, Walt Leaver spoke one night in a
revival at the Donelson Presbyterian Church.
Rest assured that he was not there to teach them the truth. He
preached on the crucifixion of Christ and described it in minute
detail -- never one time telling them what one must do to be saved.
I have talked with some who were present and they said that some
women elders were present in the pulpit with him and when the
instrument started playing and the people started singing, Walt
sung right along with them. I am convinced that Glendale
Road had him because of who he is and
what he stands for.
Just to give you an indication of where Walt Leaver
stands, let me give you the following information. In an
interview in 1994 with Tyler Young, he stated he was not clear
enough on what the Bible teaches to say that one who taught that
women could preach in the public assembly with men present would be
a false teacher; that one who divorced for some reason other than
fornication and remarried would not have to get out of that
marriage to become a Christian; that he could not say that people
in denominationalism are lost; that he could not back up with
scripture to say that it would be a sin for someone to worship with
instrumental music, and could not say that they would be lost for
doing so; and when asked if someone had been sprinkled rather than
being immersed for baptism, would they be lost, he said, "I'm not
going to say I know he would be lost." This is just a sampling of
what he believes. Yet, knowing these things, the Glendale
Road eldership had him come and preach in a meeting for
Also, a few months back, the University
congregation in Murray had Joe Beam scheduled
for a meeting with them. As far as I am concerned, there is not a
more confirmed false teacher alive today than Joe Beam
-- especially among those who claim to be members of the
Lord's church. Joe would fit in with any denomination in the
world, and especially among those who believe in the miraculous.
I have three tapes of lessons he preached on the Holy Spirit at
Jubilee 1996. I have never heard more error than he presented at
that time. Not only did he speak of miracles that others had
experienced, but he talked about the fact that he was given the
ability to know when a person was lying when he was in a counseling
session with a husband and wife. He definitely believes the Holy
Spirit leads separate and apart from the word of God.
These are some samplings of the kind of men that the
aforementioned congregations are having in for their meetings. If
this is not an endorsement of error, what would it take? Elders
are going to have to answer one day for such actions, and so will
members who back them in such endeavors.
Brethren, it is time we wake up and speak out against such.
We will be guilty if we don't. Let us pray that our wayward
brethren will return to the truth before it is too late.
4004 Murray Paris Rd.
Hazel, KY 42049
Return to Table of Contents
After Jesus declared that His kingdom is not of this world,
Pilate asked Him, "Art thou a king then?" Jesus' answer
was, "Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born,
and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear
witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my
voice" (John 18:36,37). If the Truth is so important that
Jesus came into the world in order to bear witness to it, then
surely all of us need to diligently strive to understand that Truth
and have a proper attitude toward it.
Let us first note some FALSE CONCEPTS people often have about
Many today claim there is no such thing as Truth.
Their view of Truth is a subjective one, for they say
there is no set, universal standard of right and wrong. A number of
years ago we heard on the radio of a religious group that called
itself "Peace Church." Their basic teaching is that all religions
are good, so as long as you feel a particular teaching is right,
then it is right or truth for you. In contrast to this, the Lord
Jesus said to the Heavenly Father, "Sanctify them through thy
truth; thy word is truth" (John 17:17). Thus, God's
Word is Truth. God's Word is the definite, objective
standard for all men everywhere.
Another idea that multitudes have accepted is that
it is impossible to know the Truth. This also is a false
philosophy of men. Jesus said, "And ye shall know the truth,
and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32). When our Lord
declared to the Jews that they would know the Truth, was He simply
confused? Of course not! Our Lord's words plainly show that it is
not only possible to know the Truth, but it is essential to know
the Truth in order to be made free from sin. When the Holy Spirit
predicted that an apostasy would come in which some would forbid
others to eat certain foods, He declared that such foods have been
created by God "to be received with thanksgiving of them which
believe and know the truth" (1 Tim. 4:3). This shows it is
possible to know the Truth.
Others do not give attention to the Truth for they feel that
Truth is not really that important. Remember,
Jesus said that He came into the world to give witness to the Truth
(John 18:37). It is the Truth that makes one free (John 8:32).
Jesus told the apostles He would send the Holy Spirit to them to
guide them into all Truth (John 16:13). If the mission of the Son
of God and Holy Spirit are directly connected to the Truth, then
how could anyone who believes the Bible is the Word of the living
God conclude that Truth is not important? Our salvation depends on
the Truth! Still, some feel though Truth is good, the teachings of
men are also good. Friends, following the teachings or commandments
of men causes our worship and service to the Lord to be in vain
(Mark 7:7). False teaching never helped or saved anyone. Not one
person! All false teaching is from Satan, who is a liar (John
8:44). Surely we can see that if the Truth saves and false teaching
condemns, then there is a big difference between the Truth and the
teachings of men.
Among those who believe in Jesus as the Son of God, one of
the most dangerous false concepts is that Truth is not
complete. In other words, God continues to give new Truth
or new revelation today. The New Testament of Jesus Christ is
"the faith which was once delivered unto the saints" (Jude
3). The New Testament or Gospel is God's last revelation to
mankind. Do not forget what Jesus promised His apostles:
"Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you
into all truth..." (John 16:13). Jesus promised that the Holy
Spirit would guide the apostles into All Truth. The apostles are
now all dead. Our question is this: Did the Holy Spirit give the
apostles all the Truth before they died as Jesus promised? If He
did not, then Jesus' words did not come to pass, and He is a false
prophet. But on the other hand, if the Holy Spirit did give the
apostles all the Truth in the first century, then there is no more
new Truth to be revealed! "All truth" is 100% of it, there is no
Of course Jesus' promise was fulfilled. Of course the Holy
Spirit guided the apostles into All Truth. So, all of God's Truth
was given to mankind in the first century, and thus He does NOT
continue to give new Truth in our time, despite what some may
What is our responsibility? What should we do with the Truth?
Please consider these points:
1. We must realize that in religious affairs, only
God has the authority to determine what is Truth.
God's Word is Truth (John 17:17). Grace and
Truth came by Christ (John 1:17). The Holy Spirit guided
the apostles into All Truth (John 16:13). From where did
Truth come? From Deity. When we want to know the Truth,
we must go to the right source, the Word of God. Only
God has the wisdom and right to tell us what Truth is.
2. We must desire to know the Truth.
Just having the Bible or Truth is not enough, we must
desire to know it. Truth can make us free only when we
know it (John 8:32). The Lord commands us,
"Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the
will of the Lord is" (Eph. 5:17). Like the Bereans
of the first century, we must receive the Word of Truth
with all readiness of mind and search the Scriptures
daily (Acts 17:11). The Lord Jesus said: "Blessed
are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness,
for they shall be filled" (Matt. 5:6). Let all of
us give more diligence to know the Truth better.
3. We must believe the Truth. God has
given us food that we are to receive as those that
"believe and know the truth" (1 Tim. 4:3).
Believing the Truth or Gospel is a condition of
salvation, for "he that believeth not shall be
damned" (Mark 16:15,16). It is written of some,
"That they all might be damned who believed not the
truth" (2 Thess. 2:12). When we open our Bible to
study God's Truth, we must remove from our mind any
personal opinions, previous concepts, or prejudices that
we might have. We must open our hearts to receive the
Truth, for we are instructed: "...receive with
meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your
souls" (James 1:21).
4. In addition to believing the Truth, we must
love the Truth. Pilate certainly did not love
Truth. After he asked Jesus, "What is truth"
(John 18:38), he left without even listening to the
answer. Pilate's question, "What is truth," was a good
one. But even a good question must be asked with the
proper attitude, that is, with a desire to hear and
receive God's answer. Of those who are under the
influence of Satan we read, "And with all
deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish;
because they received not the love of the truth, that
they might be saved" (2 Thess. 2:10). Love of the
Truth leads to salvation, but without such love, no one
can be saved.
5. We must obey the Truth. This happens
naturally in the life of one who really loves the Truth.
Eternal life is the great reward for those who "by
patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and
honor and immortality," but indignation and wrath
await those "that are contentious, and do not obey
the truth, but obey unrighteousness" (Rom. 2:7,8).
From such verses it is obvious that without obeying the
Truth, one cannot please God. All who are in Christ
became Christians by obeying the Truth, for it is
written, "Seeing ye have purified your souls in
obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love
of the brethren..." (1 Peter 1:22). Without
obeying the Truth, one's soul or heart cannot be
purified. Unfortunately, in every generation there are
those who obey the Truth and began their life in Christ,
but after a while, for some reason, their obedience
stops. There was such a problem among the churches of
Galatia: "Ye did run well; who did hinder you that
ye should not obey the truth" (Gal. 5:7). Brothers
and sisters, let us strive to obey the Truth, obey all
the Truth, and obey it not just from time to time or
when it is convenient to us, but all the time.
6. Obeying the Truth includes teaching it to
others. Jesus taught the Truth (John 8:45,46).
Paul spoke the Truth, even if others did not like him as
a result of his message (Gal. 4:16). Our task is to
preach the Gospel to all men (Mark 16:15). The "word of
truth" is the Gospel of our salvation (Eph. 1:13). Only
the Gospel is the power of God to save men (Rom. 1:16),
so we must preach that message so that men can stop
being the slaves of sin and have true freedom in Christ
Jesus (Rom. 6:16-18).
7. We must defend the Truth. Some men
speak evil of the way of Truth, and many are false
prophets or false teachers, teaching things that are
contrary to God's Truth (2 Peter 2:1,2). You and I must
be ready to give an answer for all that we believe and
practice, and we must be prepared to defend the Truth.
We know that some feel that God's Truth/Word does not
need to be defended. Such an idea is false, for the
apostle Paul declared he was set for the defense of the
Gospel (Phil. 1:7,17). Jude exhorted the early
Christians to "earnestly contend for the faith
which was once delivered unto the saints" (Jude
3). No, we must not be unkind when we point out to
others the errors they are teaching or supporting, but
we must defend the Truth! In our time, some who in the
past so faithfully taught and defended the Truth, are
now compromising it. We must not imitate their mistake!
Let each of us be ready to use the sword of the Spirit,
the Word of God, "to exhort and convince the
gainsayers" (Titus 1:9; Eph. 6:17). If we defend
the Truth, we will not be popular among the people of
the world and even among some brethren, but regardless
of men's reaction, we must buy the Truth and sell it not
(Prov. 23:23).
May God bless each of us as we strive to understand His
Truth, obey it, and maintain a proper attitude toward it.
P.O. Box 828
Kiev 252067, Ukraine
"Hold Fast The Form Of Sound Words" Oct. 23-25, 1998 North Broadway Church of Christ 301 N. Broadway, Marlow, OK 73055 Ph. 918-224-4376 Please write for a schedule of lessons and speakers. |
The blood-bought church of our Lord has been splitting since
the mid to late sixties. It has been between those who desire to
follow the scriptures for all that we do and those who believe they
can do those things which are unbiblical and continue to be God's
children. No single group of people claiming to be a part of the
church has been more successful in pushing the agenda of liberalism
than the so-called "Christian Colleges."
Six years ago (spring 1992), I was leaving Faulkner
University and had two options: either attend Michigan Christian
College (MCC) or the Memphis School of Preaching (MSOP). I wrote
to MCC and asked if they could help me to know if they were
"liberal" or not. I received a letter from then newly appointed
MCC President Kenneth Johnson telling me that he was unaware of
what a liberal was.
I wrote back asking him or the head of the Bible department
to answer some questions to clarify if MCC was "liberal" or not.
He responded by saying that he would not answer those questions in
writing. I thought that I had perhaps been vague in my questions
and so I showed them to then head of the Bible department at
Faulkner University, Wendell Winkler, and asked him if he thought
I was being too vague in my questions. He told me that he would
have set down and answered all of the questions the second he
received them in the mail. He did not feel they were inappropriate
or vague.
Based on the final letter from brother Johnson, I made the
decision to attend MSOP. I heard nothing from MCC for the two years
I attended MSOP.
When I arrived in Harrison, MI to work with Dan Strehle, the
congregation received a letter from brother Kenneth Johnson dated
July 1994. The letter asked the congregation in Harrison, MI to
put an advertisement in the bulletin for MCC.
Because of my past experience with brother Johnson I wrote to
him to clarify things. I began by recounting what had occurred two
years ago and then asked him: "If you expect us to run an
advertisement for MCC in our bulletin we need to know where you
stand ... are you friend or foe to the cause of Christ? In a day
of Modernists, Legalists, Liberalism, and general unbelief you
cannot expect someone merely to take you at your word that you are
sound, especially when you refused to clarify the situation when
given the opportunity. If MCC is a sound school I would be happy
to run advertisements for it and to recommend it. As of yet,
however, neither myself nor my co-laborer, Dan Strehle, know enough
about your school to know if we can recommend it." In order to
clarify the situation I requested for brother Johnson to have the
head of each department in the school answer six questions "that we
might have some common ground on which to continue." Those six
questions were:
1. Are you in favor of fellowship with denominational bodies?
2. Would a person who was accountable for his actions and not
baptized for the remission of sins be saved (based on what the
scriptures say)?
3. Is the use of mechanical instruments of music in the
worship assembly a sin?
4. Do works play a vital role in man's part in being saved or
is man's part faith alone (not does faith cause works but are works
necessary before the initial act of salvation takes place)?
5. What constitutes worship?
6. What role (if any) do women play in leading worship?
That letter was dated 1 August 1994. While waiting for a
response from brother Johnson we received notices from MCC of
upcoming events. One (which took place that summer) was the vocal
band Acapella coming in concert. Acapella is
known for their fellowship with the Christian Church as well as for
their advertisement in the interdenominational magazine Group
in which they promote being available for denominational
activities. They also have had many unbiblical and unChristian
songs on recent albums. Second, at their upcoming lectureship MCC
was going to have Herald of Truth which in recent years
has taken itself out from under the oversight of an eldership; now
being under a board of directors. This is nothing less than
declaring themselves to be a missionary society.
After waiting nearly two months and receiving no reply, I
sent a second letter to brother Johnson dated 23 September 1994.
It stated in part:
Included with the letter was another copy of the six questions.
"Brother Johnson, when you refuse to answer some defining questions and when MCC fellowships known false brethren that have been marked and withdrawn from, what choice do you leave me but to assume that MCC is a part of the digression? I do not want to sound threatening; this is not a threat. But I do not know what else I can do except not recommend MCC to the members here at the Harrison Church of Christ and to inform those I know throughout the state and the nation to be wary of MCC. I do not want to have to tell people that MCC is unsound ... However, with the information I have about what MCC has done and nothing from you so that I might know if MCC feels differently, I have no choice. I will wait until October 16 to hear from you, if I do not, I will have no other choice but to publicly recommend that people I know not attend MCC or be in association with MCC."
"Dear Joe,
If you cannot in good conscience recommend Michigan Christian College to the church at Harrison, please follow your conscience and refrain from recommendation.
I appreciate your deep commitment and desire to serve in your ministry. Best wishes as you seek to teach and preach the Good News to your community. Ken Johnson."
What can we conclude from this response from brother Johnson
except that he does not believe that it is wrong to have false
teachers at MCC or that he does not consider them false teachers?
We cannot fellowship those who have been withdrawn from such as
Acapella and Herald of Truth. We are to mark false brethren and
avoid them (Rom. 16:17) in order to keep the church pure from those
who would divide us and to win back those in error. That
withholding of fellowship includes those at MCC that claim to be
Editor's note:
This article was written some time ago but it's message is
still fresh. I thought our readers would appreciate having this
information about Michigan Christian College, whose name has now
been changed to Rochester College.
Brother O. B. Porterfield of the Seibles Road church of
Christ in Montgomery, Alabama, said... "Why would the president of
MCC, or any Christian for that matter, hesitate to answer the six
simple questions posed by brother Hegyi? If one was holding to the
old paths, it would take only a second to respond and affirm one's
position with the Word. No Christian should be afraid to put what
they believe into writing... unless there is something to hide.
We are sorry to receive this message but commend brother
Hegyi for standing firm."
Return to Table of Contents
There are those among us today who advocate that we should do
whatever it takes to maintain peace. They suggest that we should
not deal with controversial issues, that we should maintain a
positive approach and never be guilty of being negative. These
same people often reject sound, solid, Gospel preachers, because
someone has criticized them or falsely accused them of one thing or
another. Such people as this would certainly not want either
Christ or the apostle Paul to preach from their pulpits because
they were constantly engaged in controversy. The life of Christ,
as pictured by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, is a picture of a man
who goes from one confrontation to another. His life was never
free from controversy nor false accusations.
Certainly all of us wish to be well thought of and well
spoken of; but, at the same time, we must never sacrifice the
soundness and strictness of God's glorious message. Jesus stated
His purpose in Matt. 10:34-36: "Think not that I am come to
bring peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For
I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the
daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her
mother-in-law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own
household." Jesus was well aware that His message would
divide families and friends.
Remember also that Jesus had taught in the great Sermon on
the Mount that happiness comes from being reproached and persecuted
for His sake. "Blessed (happy) are they which are
persecuted for righteousness; sake: for theirs is the kingdom of
heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute
you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my
sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in
heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you"
(Matt. 5:10-12). He also said, "Blessed are ye, when
men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their
company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil,
for the son of man's sake. Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy"
(Luke 6:22-23). He also warns us about being of such a
nature and disposition that all men speak well of us. "Woe
unto you, when all men shall speak well of you, for so did their
fathers to the false prophets" (Luke 6:26).
Brethren, we are living in an age when soundness and
strictness are not popular. We are living in an age when more and
more are deserting the "Old Jerusalem Gospel" for after dinner
speeches aimed at winning friends and influencing people. That
kind of speech will win friends and influence people;
but, it will not save a single soul. Paul said THE
Gospel is God's power to save souls. So, brother, preach on! and
don't worry about winning any popularity contest!
P.O. Box 5000
Cookeville, TN 38505
September 13-17, 1998 ENSLEY CHURCH OF CHRIST Home of Northwest Florida School of Biblical Studies 57 Hannah Circle, Pensacola, FL 32534 Ph. 904-479-4405 Theme: WORKS OF THE FLESH Books of the lesson outlines are available. Please write for a schedule of lessons and speakers. |
Everyone is doing it! An ever-growing number simply scream,
"Hop on the bandwagon," and multitudes do without ever asking where
it is going. The destination does make a difference, and the
judgment will affirm that truth matters. But can truth be known?
The Bible says, "and ye shall know the truth, and the truth
shall make you free" (John 8:32). If truth can be known there
must be some type of standard, a pattern, a divine blueprint.
The number is rapidly rising among those who profess to be
faithful children of God who scoff at the idea of a pattern. But
surely reasonable folks can see that one either follows his own
feelings, emotions, conscience, and personal preferences or divine
authority. Jesus Christ has all authority (Matt.
28:18) and thus the right to command that which He has created.
Paul recognized this truth and stated, "Wherefore be ye not
unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is" (Eph.
"For whatsoever things were written aforetime were
written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of
the scriptures might have hope" (Rom. 15:4). If this verse of
scripture be true, and it is (John 17:17), then why do so many
today despise and detest the God-given pattern of old? Methinks I
know why -- they bask in their scholarly (earthly) wisdom and have
proclaimed themselves to be smarter than God! They know the
building will not be filled (thus no need to build a more elaborate
one) if things are done God's way.
Did not Noah understand the spacious ark would be almost void
of humans if he did not change his message? How
dare Noah to insist on following a pattern that the world deemed it
did not need. Specific instructions were given by God (Gen. 6:14ff)
and Noah did all God commanded him to do (Gen.
6:22). What happened to all those who said, "Noah, if you don't do
things our way you and your little bunch will just dry up and never
amount to anything." And so...the majority of the world went
Nadab and Abihu offered "strange fire" not commanded by
Jehovah (Lev. 10:1). Surely one will not argue that in absence of
a pattern (thus they could not know) God struck them dead for
trying to worship Him?
Jereboam decided he was a very special person in the
religious scheme of things during his day. He has many modern day
counterparts who have graduated from his alma-mater and will also
fail the only test that matters. Jereboam decided to alter God's
divine pattern in four ways (1 Kings 12:25ff). 1) The object
of worship would be changed from God to golden calves; 2) the
place of worship was changed from Jerusalem to Dan and
Bethel; 3) the time of the feast day from the 7th to the
8th month was changed; 4) and the priesthood changed
from the tribe of Levi to the tribe of one's choice.
Someone says, "That is Old Testament stuff -- I just cannot
see the eternal principle involved." Well, he could see, if he had
not already "learned" too much from Professors Will U. Change and
N.O. Respect and rejected Romans 15:4! But neither does New
Testament teaching appeal to those determined to "have it their
way." The writer of Hebrews warns, "who serve that which is a
copy and shadow of the heavenly things, even as Moses is warned of
God when he is about to make the tabernacle: for, See, saith he,
that thou make all things according to the pattern
that was showed thee in the mount" (8:5). The
"pattern" of the tabernacle was a type of the "pattern"
for the church of our Lord. The apostle Paul makes it clear there
is a "rule" all are to live by (Phil. 3:16). Paul also admonishes
young Timothy to "hold the pattern of sound
words which thou hast heard from me, in faith and love which is in
Christ Jesus" (2 Tim. 1:13). If there were no "divine
pattern" the warning contained in Galatians 1:6-9 would indict the
Holy Spirit of utter foolishness!
No religious discussion will be resolved until the authority
is recognized by which the matter can be settled! The question
Jesus asked the Jews is one to ask those who have been educated
beyond their intelligence and are basking in their own glory:
"The baptism of John, whence was it? from heaven or from men? And
they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we shall say, From
heaven; he will say unto us, Why then did ye not believe him"
(Matt. 21:25)?
Why not believe and obey the Bible and submit to the divine
pattern. There will be no more "glug-a-lugs" (Gen. 9:13-15), but
there is a "sizzle" (Rev. 21:8) to avoid!
5810 Liberty Grove Rd.
Rowlett, TX 75088
The lectureship was a great success! Every lesson was right
on target and well delivered. There were no uncertain sounds heard
from anyone. The fellowship was great and the company was superb.
Everyone that came was built up in the most holy faith. This
spiritual feast was devoured with enthusiasm. It was good to greet
old friends and make new ones. The crowds this year were the most
we've ever had as the lectureship continues to grow. The least
attended session was 106 (the next was 126) and the most was 253.
The overall total in attendance was 5,325. Sunday's average was
178, Mon. 169, Tues. 187, Wed. 151 and Thur. 152. The average for
all 32 lessons was 166.4. This is great! People were here from
California to Massachusetts, from Michigan to Florida (even as far
south as Panama) and everywhere in between. Many homes were opened
to accommodate our out of town quests -- not only the homes of
those at East Corinth, but many homes of those who live and worship
elsewhere (30 miles or more away). This shows a great interest in
the Lord's work. Heaven only knows of the eternal good that was
accomplished in the preaching of God's powerful Word. The theme of
the HOME is a most needed subject of study. As the home goes, so
goes society. The church will not be what it ought to be unless the
homes that make it up are what they should be. Each individual must
do their part in making their home as God would have it. The theme
for next year has not yet been decided. We look forward to that
time already. Will you make your plans now? The date is
JULY 25-29, 1999.
"Your paper and your web site are great. Keep the articles coming.
Sound doctrine turned the world around in the first century, that's
what will do it again" ...Virgil Poe, Katy, TX.
"I am a member of the church of Christ and would like regular
copies of your outstanding literature and send me copies of all
literature you publish. I've been a Christian for 32 years and am
still hungry for more knowledge of Jesus Christ" ...Walter
Sammons, Van Lear, KY. "I was given a copy of your
publication by a friend and I would like to receive the
publication" ...E. Doan Jackson, Humboldt, TN.
"I received a copy of the publication Seek The Old Paths
when vacationing in Tennessee at the Church of Christ that we
visited. The reading was spiritually uplifting to my family. I
shared it with my parents who also have asked to be put on your
mailing list. The Christians in Western New York will benefit from
the sound doctrine of God's message being shared through your
publication. We look forward to receiving our next issue"
...Denice Granatiero, Sterling, NY. "Brother Holden of
San Pablo, CA has highly recommended to me your publication,
Seek The Old Paths. He told me you would put me on your
mailing list on request. Would you please? Thank you"
...Don Hinds, Pacifica, CA. "Just a note to thank you for
sending me S.T.O.P. It's a fine paper and I really
appreciate your firm stand for God's truth (too little of it in the
Brotherhood). May God continue to bless your efforts"
...Art Rocco, Toms River, NJ. "Like the paper Seek
The Old Paths. I find the articles very impressive. Keep up
the good work!" ...Bill Lamb, Florence, AL.
"Keep up the good work. So many today compromise so much we have
lost sight of the command to contend for the faith. I still believe
we are commanded to contend for the faith as to be baptized. The
truth is just not being taught as it once was" ...Bob
Wagner, Tallahassee, FL. "With so many churches falling
by the liberal wayside, we thank you for your stand for Truth"
...Dwight & Lois Duncan, Holden, MO. "Seek
The Old Paths is much needed in the brotherhood"
...Frank & Grace Carriger, Skidmore, TX. "Remove our name
from your mailing list" ...John Sledge, Lexington, AL.
"We, my wife and I, really appreciate the work you're
doing, especially since the liberals are trying to take over the
church. We really enjoy "Seek The Old Paths." Keep up
the "Good Work!" ...Malcolm & Margaret Halford, Norfolk,
VA. "I appreciate so much the fact that your publication
is truth according to the scriptures. The church very much needs
this kind of reminder that we must obey God as He commands. Please
add these names to your mailing list. Thank you so much!"
...Anonymous, Nashville, TN. "Take me off your mailing
list! Thank you!" ...Gary Atkins, Shamrock, TX.
"I would like to receive the paper Seek The Old Paths"
...Rex Cisco, Varney, WV. "Please add my name to
your mailing list for your publication, Seek The Old Paths"
...Junius Bailey, Abilene, TX. "Thank you
so much for adding my husband and I to your mailing list. Enclosed
is a small check to help cover the cost for our news letter. Thanks
again. I look forward to many issues to come" ...Lesha
Lott, Richton, MS. "I would like a subscription to
Seek The Old Paths. I got the address off the internet.
Thanks for any help you may offer" ...Danny Fyffe,
Richardson, TX. "Thank you so much for your stand in
Christ and His Kingdom. You are in our prayers each day. Keep on
keeping on. Love in Christ" ...Mack Bennett, Bluff City,
TN. "We appreciate and rejoice that you are putting out
such a fine paper. It will do the good work if people will only
read, ponder and execute" ...Ector Watson, Cleveland, OK.
"I enjoy Seek The Old Paths. I am receiving
this publication currently. Enclosed is a check to help out with
expenses. Keep up the good work!" ...James L. Shaver,
Flint, MI. "I would very much like to receive Seek
The Old Paths" ...V. Glenn McCoy, Yorba Linda, CA.
"I would appreciate your paper, Seek The Old Paths"
...Gene Pegg, McMinnville, TN. "Even here
in northern Ohio the change agents are making their presence known.
It has been brought to my attention that your paper, Seek The
Old Paths has much valuable information about those
pernicious doctrines that are making inroads into the Lord's Body.
I would like to be put on your mailing list. Thank you and God
bless your work" ...James Hiser, Lorain, OH. "I
really appreciate getting your fine paper! Your work is truly
touching many hearts and lives for good. May God bless you as you
teach the Truth in Love!" ...Bob Dodson, Hemet, CA.
"Could you please add my name to your mailing list to
your paper Seek The Old Paths. I appreciate good
material that is sound and true to the Bible. Thank you for your
work to defend the truth" ...Samuel L. Troute, Washington
Court House, OH. "Our name was placed on your mailing
list without our knowledge. We appreciate what has been sent, but
also ask that you please remove us" ...M. Scott Farley,
Marion, OH. "Would you please add our name to your
mailing list. Enjoy Seek The Old Paths so very much.
Keep up the good work printing the Truth. God
Bless your efforts" ...Ralph and Martha Seckel, Bucyrus,
OH. "I enjoy your fine paper Seek The Old Paths.
Your articles are timely and much needed" ...Marlin
Kilpatrick, Lawrenceburg, TN. "I'm enclosing a
contribution for distributing the paper. It's such a wonderful,
scriptural publication it's hard to imagine people not wanting to
receive it. Of course we know there are many who don't choose to
hear and obey the truth" ...Anonymous, Nampa, ID.
"I would like to be put on your mailing list to receive
Seek The Old Paths. A friend gave me some copies and I
really enjoyed reading them. Thank you very much"
...Virginia Sisco, Bolivar, TN. "I enjoy reading
Seek The Old Paths and a good friend of mine wants to be put
on the list. Keep up the good work with your ministry. Please keep
sending the magazine to me" ...Toni Arnold, Union City,
TN. "I have just read one of your papers Seek The
Old Paths. Enjoyed it very much. Please place my name on your
mailing list" ...Doyle Castleberry, Brasstown, NC.
"I have been reading Seek The Old Paths. I
would like to be put on the mailing list" ...Virginia
Wright, Elyria, OH. "I would like to receive your
Seek The Old Paths publication. Thank you" ...David
Carriger, Osage City, KS. "Please put us on your mailing
list for Seek The Old Paths" ...Tom and Rhonda
Taylor, Elizabethtown, KY. "I received your mailout
Seek The Old Paths for some time and I really enjoyed reading
it. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for standing firm
on the word of God. In this day and time we must always be ready to
fight with Satan within some of our own congregations. Continue the
good work" ...Neel Bennett, Decaur, AL. "I
recently was given a copy of your paper. I enjoyed the articles
very much, especially 'Shall We Change The Time Of Our Worship
For Christmas?' I know my daughters would also enjoy
receiving your publication. Thank you for your work and effort to
educate the church of spiritual matters. May God bless your effort"
...Opal Baher, Emory, TX.
Seek The Old Paths $5 (includes postage) Make check payable to Old Paths Publishing 304 Ripley St. Corinth, MS 38834 The 1996 Volume is still available The 1995 Volume has been sold out |
1998 -- The HOME, $6.50 1997 -- The Church At Colosse, $5 1996 -- The Seven Churches of Asia, $5 1995 -- The Church at Corinth, $4 1994 -- Immorality, $3.50 (sold out) 1990 -- New Testament Questions, $3 1989 -- Old Testament Questions, $2 Preparing For The Eldership, $2 The Race That Is Set Before Us, $8 -- 1996 Garfield Heights Lectureship Book FAITH, $8.00 -- The 1997 Garfield Heights Lectureship Book "Messianic Prophecies & Their Fulfillment," 24 sermon outlines, 118 pages, $3.50 2-3 books, $2.25 For each additional book, add 50 cents. All books are sold by Old Paths Publishing, not the church. Send order to: Old Paths Publishing 304 Ripley St. Corinth, MS 38834 |
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